I'VE all ways thought that There is some smarter group of white hates ( good guys ) who helped and got TRUMP into office ..
( after all they needed a trust worthy smart patriot to be willing to run and that list is short despite what some would say imo)
i have not had much interest in knowing who these people are .. names , occupation etc ...
well this guy lays it out here in this video that the group is mostly if not all military people and as of this moment ready to fight and
attack those in the deep state who are in a position to possibly get the white house .. sounds crazy and out there but i am on the fence about this and willing to learn and read more .. as well as keep EYES open ...
I have to say everything this guy said rings true. I don't know anything he says is not what is happening. The "white hat"/Q references have been difficult for me to accept without some faith.
He does say we are responsible because we have not done our due diligence to stop these predators and we are being punished. That does ring true to me.
If "help is on the way" this is as close to it as I could imagine in 3D terms. It is not a plea to expect a savior but a group effort to stop these predators. He references "gut feeling", esoteric determination of truth plus quantum theory. Could be he has read Wave. It is very challenging to me to discredit him.
I may have to rethink the Cs remark about Q:
Session 22 September 2018:
(L) BOY! What an intro! [laughter]
(Approaching Infinity) There's been this phenomenon on the internet: QAnon. It's an anonymous 4chan and 8chan poster who alleges to be an insider in some government structure who gives predictions and vague cryptic statements that are often then looked back on and confirmed by real events - at least in interpretation if not in actual fact. It has become a semi-popular phenomenon, but Google Analytics says it's not so popular. Then the Washington Post did a poll in Florida that found that 58% of Floridians were familiar with Q, and 25% held favorable opinions on the Q phenomenon. So, this gets back a question on forum as to the identity of Q. So, first question: Who is behind Q?
A: An "insider" of psyops.
Q: (Niall) It's a disinfo program.
Actually I don't think the Cs confirmed that it is a "disinfo" program because many other questions and discussion followed.
The fact that the Cs put "insider" in quotes means that it is not exactly a literal definition but requires further contemplation for "the greatest possible meaning".
Session 23 February 1996:
Q: (L) Well, what can she do to maximize the STO presence and minimize the STS use of the conduit?
A: Oh Laura, my dear, seems you need a refresher course in the transcripts. Maybe suggest you read them and relax and privately listen to the ones you have not as of yet transcribed a little more. This would be extremely helpful in your many and increasing communications via the "net" as well. Remember, we help you to unlock answers that have been placed in your superconsciousness files from before the "time" of the birth of your physical body. Also, false information is worse than no information at all. Now, for PZ: Please denote quote marks in your reading back of the answers, in order to preserve the greatest possible meaning! Thank you!
At this "time" maybe we need to rethink why "insider" is in quotes for "the greatest possible meaning". I will invite others to comment since this maybe a useful "time to do it.