2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

So if Trump wins, he'll be more popular than ever - and the backlash will be stronger than ever. He'll be able to declare martial law on a whim and he'll be supported. I was also thinking the other day how funny it would be if he created a 'dictatorship'. Wouldn't it be interesting if "dictatorship is coming to the USA" actually means something totally different than what we always imagined back in the Bush era?
Yeah, I said something similar recently regarding this scenario. "I can't believe I would actually be in favor of martial law!" We saw the one world government and martial law as one and the same, but the latter could actually be better for the people in the fight against the elites. Funny how things work sometimes.


In a surprising move, the Pentagon has told the Central Intelligence Agency that it plans to end the majority of the military support it provides to the agency's counterterrorism missions by Jan. 5, according to a former senior administration intelligence official.


Defense One was first to report that the Pentagon was reviewing its support to the CIA.

The online defense news outlet cited multiple officials as saying the intent behind the move is to see if Defense Department personnel "detailed" to the CIA should be diverted from counterterrorism missions and toward missions related to competition with Russia and China. Multiple former and current administration and military officials confirmed this to ABC News.

That diversion from counterterrorism missions would be in line with the National Defense Strategy that pushes the military's focus away from the regional wars in the Middle East towards near-peer competitors like Russia and China.

[end excerpt]

As detailed in the ABC News article, the CIA is not happy about this, and anticipates its being reversed -- or having its budget increased to compensate for such diversion of special operations troops -- with the incoming administration (meaning Biden's).

As touched on earlier on this thread, such changes were initiated in 2018 and approved by both parties.

excerpt, Defense One article linked to above:

In 2018, then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis rolled out a national defense strategy announcing that the United States would prioritize so-called near-peer competitors over the counterterrorism missions of the last 20 years. The strategy was embraced by Republicans and Democrats alike, but the precise role of special operators in this new paradigm has remained a point of debate and academic study.

[end excerpt]
Yeah, I said something similar recently regarding this scenario. "I can't believe I would actually be in favor of martial law!" We saw the one world government and martial law as one and the same, but the latter could actually be better for the people in the fight against the elites. Funny how things work sometimes.
I've been thinking the very same thing. Who would have thought?
It's that kind of rhetoric that makes me suspicious. I mean, why use such extreme language if it really is a frivolous lawsuit? In that case,, what harm is there in it except to further tarnish Trump's already very tarnished image in the minds of anti-Trumpers? Surely if it is so 'insane' it will be quickly dismissed by the SCOTUS, and all the anti-Trumpers can gloat and have another good laugh at him? Surely such a lawsuit could only be good for democracy in the US where the SCOTUS finally rules and dismisses ALL of Trump's allegations so far? Why are these people protesting so much? Is there something more important at stake?

It's to do with the audience I think.

Their audience are those who have bought the lies.
So if Trump wins, he'll be more popular than ever - and the backlash will be stronger than ever. He'll be able to declare martial law on a whim and he'll be supported. I was also thinking the other day how funny it would be if he created a 'dictatorship'. Wouldn't it be interesting if "dictatorship is coming to the USA" actually means something totally different than what we always imagined back in the Bush era?
Yeah, I said something similar recently regarding this scenario. "I can't believe I would actually be in favor of martial law!" We saw the one world government and martial law as one and the same, but the latter could actually be better for the people in the fight against the elites. Funny how things work sometimes.

Very interesting observations. Wasn’t Julius Caesar given the title of dictator for life? Didn’t the C’s mention that’s why democracy is heavily pushed? It’s a way to keep the status quo I think.

A decent leader with real power could do a lot of good if given enough time. Look at Russia under Putin.

I think Laura once mentioned it too. A good king can be way better than a dozen mediocre presidents that interchangeably push the self-enrichment routine. Even if one short term leader can end up doing some good, the next one can undo everything again.
In rejecting the suit, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said Republicans waited too long to sue

But the Supreme Court has processes and laws in place regarding bringing a a suit to them that takes time for one to prepare in order to bring the suit... Its like saying you took too long in following our time consuming rules and regulation we can't talk to you...

Theres been one financial stimulus in the US since the Pandemic Started...Congress breaks for the year on Friday...What are the expectations???

Personally I fight and speak my mind for everything unjust in my life down to a parking meter ticket. The problem is people accept this treatment and then the ones that accept the treatment look down on you when you stand up for yourself almost like they are thinking "Why are you standing up for yourself thats not allowed"

There are too many Organic Portals and thats the problem...The civilian chess board has too many pawn and the powers at be have all queens and rooks..The majority of the people can't even move in the same way mentally, physically, spiritually to do anything about this.

They create seperation so we battle against ourselves when Republican and democrate are two sides of the same coin so we don't focus on them as a whole. Its like consistently throwing a piece of meet in the cage and have the animals fight over it so they don't work together to have a chance to think of a way to get out...This is just how its going to go until we pass on. The C's are right about one thing sit back and watch but its hard to do when you start to sit back in your chair and bills drop down into your lap.
Very interesting observations. Wasn’t Julius Caesar given the title of dictator for life? Didn’t the C’s mention that’s why democracy is heavily pushed? It’s a way to keep the status quo I think.

A decent leader with real power could do a lot of good if given enough time. Look at Russia under Putin.

I think Laura once mentioned it too. A good king can be way better than a dozen mediocre presidents that interchangeably push the self-enrichment routine. Even if one short term leader can end up doing some good, the next one can undo everything again.
The Philosopher King Philosopher king | philosophy "
"Philosopher king, idea according to which the best form of government is that in which philosophers rule. The ideal of a philosopher king was born in Plato's dialogue Republic as part of the vision of a just city." ... America is... kind of... a republic 🧐😉


Word in Intelligence circles says that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the lawless extension of voting for weeks, in violation of 3 USC 1 & 2, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a "Dictator."

I dunno. The production smells, looks, and feels exactly like it was done by the same dudes that do X22.

Lin Wood styles himself like a political bible-thumper preacher. Same techniques. Could easily be selling the Prosperity Gospel. But right wing patriots are the target for his circus. I am getting PSYOP out of this. That doesn't mean it (or something) isn't really happening but it feels...orchestrated.

They telegraph everything these days. The whole COVID scam was telegraphed. (predictively programmed)

To sum up, something seems to be going down but it feels stage-managed to me.
Word in Intelligence circles says that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the lawless extension of voting for weeks, in violation of 3 USC 1 & 2, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a "Dictator."

Yeah, the UN, and who would answer positively to this ? European countries ? too timid to ... and OTAN, ah yes, OTAN, how is it going to react ? It's mainly controlled by the US, the army, maybe soon some news coming from them, like some "Nice people having done a really good job but blablabla ... must depart" (?)

Chinese ? Would they dare to do something to defend US's (false) democraty, Biden ? Did they really played a role in the US elections ? From what we found so far, this looks to be true ... but is it ? Whatever, I don't figure out China would dare to do something. I think nobody gonna move, on the armies side.

Last player, and not the least, big mama earth. Did "she" ordered a "cleaning tablet" to our Solar Sytem (Cleaning Services Ltd ^^) ? (I mean a meteor)

Never followed such a captivating series, on so many platforms ;-D ... and interactive ! :thup:
Word in Intelligence circles says that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the lawless extension of voting for weeks, in violation of 3 USC 1 & 2, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a "Dictator."

Complete nonsense.
Word in Intelligence circles says that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the lawless extension of voting for weeks, in violation of 3 USC 1 & 2, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a "Dictator."
Please tell me you don't believe this horse-hockey.
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