2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Many people, including me, have been anticipating some kind of military action coming out of this. At the very least martial law to round up the BLM/antifa groups. It seems Trump would wait until he has the presidency locked in (?) before doing anything so maybe a little time before the SHTF. It's been easy to see how this would play out since before the election as it was widely known the dems would try to steal the election with mail in ballots. We've been going through the process in the courts and the lawsuit with 18 states is a nice surprise and seems powerful. That the results would likely fall on SCOTUS was also expected. But after all that, the military action is an unknown. A lot of information has come out about the coup perpetrators but nothing about their possible, combat or false flag plans if things become extreme. Have they been gathering a mercenary army in the US over the years foreign and domestic? Wasn't Obama bringing people in from the middle east? This would be the possible gorilla forces mentioned in the coup information thats come out. If they don't have a large force they may do something sneaky like take down the grid in certain areas or blow something up. This has been mentioned at the beginning of all this if you recall. If a person was knowledgeable about how China usually decides military operations then we might know if a military strike could occur. Maybe some x-military dude or CCP defector will come out and tell us about it. :lol:

We're really entering unknown territory now. Maybe the whole thing will fall apart and be a colossal dud, it seems a bit remote but add it to the list. 🤓
Many people, including me, have been anticipating some kind of military action coming out of this. At the very least martial law to round up the BLM/antifa groups. It seems Trump would wait until he has the presidency locked in (?) before doing anything so maybe a little time before the SHTF. It's been easy to see how this would play out since before the election as it was widely known the dems would try to steal the election with mail in ballots. We've been going through the process in the courts and the lawsuit with 18 states is a nice surprise and seems powerful. That the results would likely fall on SCOTUS was also expected. But after all that, the military action is an unknown. A lot of information has come out about the coup perpetrators but nothing about their possible, combat or false flag plans if things become extreme. Have they been gathering a mercenary army in the US over the years foreign and domestic? Wasn't Obama bringing people in from the middle east? This would be the possible gorilla forces mentioned in the coup information thats come out. If they don't have a large force they may do something sneaky like take down the grid in certain areas or blow something up. This has been mentioned at the beginning of all this if you recall. If a person was knowledgeable about how China usually decides military operations then we might know if a military strike could occur. Maybe some x-military dude or CCP defector will come out and tell us about it. :lol:

We're really entering unknown territory now. Maybe the whole thing will fall apart and be a colossal dud, it seems a bit remote but add it to the list. 🤓
Are you serious?
Red Dawn style. Apologies showing my age.
Maybe you need to unplug for a while Summerlite. Try to detach yourself from from any outcone. Especially the one your heart desires.
I think you are seeing "reds under the bed"

Why do you think it is suspicious that China is connecting to the internet and is also funding more connections? The US, Australia, New Zealand, Europe all are involved in putting in new fibre connections across the globe. International connections are what make the internet. No international connections, no international internet. The more connections, the bigger those connections, the faster the internet runs.

I know the pull to BELIEVE is really strong for Americans who support Trump, but China has nothing to do with rigging the US election. The only 'foreign' influence in the election cycle of the most powerful country on Earth is the kind of workaround we saw in the 2016 election: the US 'intel community' working with the Clinton campaign and 'offshore' British spooks to get 'Russian dirt' on Trump (the Steele dossier). That was entirely an 'in-house production'. Its 'foreignness' was a ruse to make it look like 'someone from over there, not us, said Trump is an agent of a foreign power'.

If you fall for the corollary this time around - that Joe Biden is an agent of Communist China doing its bidding - then you are being fooled all over again.

China's rise is a separate, background issue. All things being equal, it is going to become 'no.1'. And not by foul means. It's simply a matter of economics of scale. By the time that country is fully developed, it is going to have four times as many people who are as wealthy as Americans as a whole were at their peak. China is already exerting influence all over the place, but that does not extend to attempting to rig US elections. China has no history of doing so anywhere. It has no motive either. It is acting based on strategy that is way beyond the hyper-political, short-term US election cycle.

We can debate whether they'd be 'happier' to see Trump or Biden as president, but I doubt Beijing really cares. Like all interested foreign parties, they 'spread bets' and prepare for whichever outcome. I'm confident that Trump sees the world similarly, despite his bombastic rhetoric. I think he understands that China looks out for its national interests, just as he does for the USA.

But geeze-louise, do I wish he would not pander to the American exceptionalist flex to portray anything that could even remotely throw shade on the USA as a 'World Communist UN Plot To Not Let America Be Number One Baby'.
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If you fall for the corollary this time around - that Joe Biden is an agent of Communist China doing its bidding - then you are being fooled all over again.
Yup. Caitlin Johnstone has written a few pieces talking about this, including bringing up how many China hawks Biden plans to put in his cabinet. The Right is not immune to being controlled via disinfo.


Gee, sorry. No idea who Hal Turner is or his radio show. I do know who John b wells is and l do listen to his radio show Caravan to midnight now and then. He mentioned Hal Turner on his latest broadcast. There you have it.
If they don't have a large force they may do something sneaky like take down the grid in certain areas or blow something up

The only thing you can be sure of is that if Trump gets another term, there will be a collective freak out among his detractors that has not been seen in the USA in a long time. I wish people would refrain from viewing reality as if it's a Hollywood action movie script. Reality is far less dramatic and far more predictable, but far more interesting.
The only thing you can be sure of is that if Trump gets another term, there will be a collective freak out among his detractors that has not been seen in the USA in a long time. I wish people would refrain from viewing reality as if it's a Hollywood action movie script. Reality is far less dramatic and far more predictable, but far more interesting.

Yea I know emotions are high and we can get excited or enthralled by these tall tales but maybe just sit back and second guess it, use a little system 2? Something like: "Does this sound ridiculous and fanciful? (Yes). Am I enjoying the drama of it all? (Yes). Is it likely that my thirst for drama is interfering with my ability to see? (Probably)".

Reality is getting crazier and maybe its harder to discern now, I get it, but there's still a lot of straight up junk getting posted.
LOL !!! :lol: Some high level production values there! It is such a show!
Trump was in show business for 15 years and he uses this knowledge to his advantage. He knows what works. Hollywood scripts! :lol: All of his videos have been well made and they do carry an emotional charge.

but China has nothing to do with rigging the US election.
Yes, I agree and said so in my post. Whats coming up now is how China has bought off officials in the government and universities as well as scientific research which seems factual. No?

All things being equal, it is going to become 'no.1'. And not by foul means. It's simply a matter of economics of scale. By the time that country is fully developed, it is going to have four times as many people who are as wealthy as Americans as a whole were at their peak. China is already exerting influence all over the place, but that does not extend to attempting to rig US elections. China has no history of doing so anywhere. It has no motive either. It is acting based on strategy that is way beyond the hyper-political, short-term US election cycle.
If a person was knowledgeable about how China usually decides military operations then we might know if a military strike could occur
You've answered my question, thanks. The long view of things and the bigger picture.

The only thing you can be sure of is that if Trump gets another term, there will be a collective freak out among his detractors that has not been seen in the USA in a long time. I wish people would refrain from viewing reality as if it's a Hollywood action movie script. Reality is far less dramatic and far more predictable, but far more interesting.
Ha! I thought I was being rather pragmatic. A Hollywood script... ? Hmmm. I'll think about it. I do have a bit of a dramatic flare in me. In that post I was pulling things together I've heard over the last few months and making some guesses based on that. I considered the sources to be acceptable. But we are very much in the unknown at this point and it's good to remember that. Reality is Much more interesting then a script we want to follow, yes, absolutely. Have Faith. It's always the unknown pretty much.
Red Dawn style. Apologies showing my age.
Maybe you need to unplug for a while Summerlite. Try to detach yourself from from any outcone. Especially the one your heart desires.
Yes, thats a good reminder.
Yes, I agree and said so in my post. Whats coming up now is how China has bought off officials in the government and universities as well as scientific research which seems factual. No?

Did they? Maybe they try to expand their influence through soft power. But consider this.

If China is so Imperialistic, then why don’t they expand and use their influence building military bases around the globe.

Russia, China other nations are investing trillions in long-term, multi-lateral economic projects, while establishing parallel financial governance structures such as the AIIB and BRICS New Development Bank. So far, some invested $1 trillion has been earmarked for investment in both Asia and Africa.

In exchange they only seek a win-win mutual cooperation between nations.

China in return could make deals to build military bases in Asia and Africa. They don’t. Simply because their foreign policy is based on self-defence. In clear contrast with the US who want to dominate.

US patriots should point their guns at the Deep State. Not outside threats. Which are mostly total fabrications.
As I said earlier, the efforts of the Giuliani team has given me the appearance of a somewhat amateurish effort. I could be wrong, but that's how it has appeared to me as I've watched the hearings.
Yes, I got the same impression. It looks like the hearings are held in school basements and have an amateurish look to them. But I guess that is to be expected. Since most of the system is against them, the only way that they can get heard is by going in the 'back door', so to speak.

And none of what was presented was reported on the MSM. A pretty common tactic by the system.

But evidence was presented, and is out there, and maybe like you say, it was enough to sway others in positions of power to take action.
It is interesting how the situation developed into a sort of mythological battle with all the factions has to choose the sides ( republican states takes sides infront of supreme court). This is "black and white" simplistic view of looking, but when the choice is between only 2 candidates, every body forced to choose.

Voters already did what they can by voting. These democratic swing states don't seem to be backing down. The Supreme court seems to be not interested in standing up to its duty by asking silly questions "Asking too much or too ridiculous" and so on. At a person level, the authorities that need to be standing up are folding up for the threats on family members. It is highly unlikely 8 member Supreme court judges magically get the superhuman power to go against deep state when they themselves rose to the power with the help of establishment.

The battle is between Trump vs Deep state, it is not even "democrat vs republican" or "laws of land" or foreign intervention etc. if 5 members of the Supreme court side with Media result, anybody who supports Trump, becomes the person who is challenging the Supreme court and law of land.

The only way Trump can stand up is to impose military rule and expose these deep-state, media and remove the monopoly of liberal behemoths. Trump can impose military rule, if the military hierarchy has no intention of following, they knock off trump and close the entire fight. Military is closely embedded into the Deep state, alphabet agencies closely linked private technology firms for the intelligence agencies and so on. All these "Chinese did it" is only for public consumption to the americans and military generals to take sides.

I have to wonder all this military build up around the world is to distract the deep-state supporting military generals with a phantom outside threat so that he will have his men in the country and people are fore warned with election malpractice as a justification. I fear it may be too much to ask or wish for from one man. Let's wait and see.
So the latest seems to be that around 20 blue states have jumped into the lawsuit supporting PA et al. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163379/20201210144443769_Texas v. Pennsylvania - Motion and Br. of Amici DC et al.pdf
...and here's the latest map.
The states in bright red have formally joined the lawsuit while the light red are just amicus states. Brown is undecided and yellow has declared neutrality. This is starting to become more and more reminiscent of those maps from American History class from oh...about 1860-65. The implication from the lawsuit is that the red states do not recognize Biden as a legitimate president and that the blue states have made up their own rules which are unconstitutional, therefore there is no longer any constitutional authority which binds the nation together. Therefore, the red states would have a rationale to secede from the blue ones or vice versa, with Trump presumably becoming President of the New Confederacy. At this point, I don't see any of the states taking secession seriously, as it would instantly end all of the free handouts coming from the Fed, and Confederate dollars as well as Union Remnant dollars would be worth little outside of North America, but it would probably be worse for the Confederacy. Furthermore, many of the financial smoke and mirrors that keeps many middle class paper pushers employed and their pensions funded would evaporate, and I don't know if the middle decile and above has suffered enough to risk walking away from the game of musical chairs in order to "save the Republic." Plus the country currently lacks the industrial organization to even be able to clothe itself. So this lawsuit seems to have created a standoff, with the states bluffing each other with the prospect of civil war in an effort to get some kind of favorable ruling out of the Supreme Court. The problem is, the Justices are pretty much screwed no matter what they do; there is no middle ground left apart from totally absurd compromises like Trump gets to stay president but Biden becomes vice president.

I wonder how much red on this map consists of true Trump loyalists, I think SOME of them are, but the majority of it could be just the Faction A vs Faction B stuff. I would not rely on the Republican Party to be any bastion of constitutionality; for example the bill that Trump has been complaining about which gives big tech near immunity rights when it comes to censorship passed the House with huge Republican support. Trump only has support because he has managed to hijack some of the Republican party through his popularity and down ballot endorsements, but how many of them are truly in his quarter? Faction C would certainly love a "Ukranian scenario" where the red states have a bit of a scuffle with the blue ones and wear each other down so they can swoop in, set up shop on the ashes, and pick up the pieces and rearrange them to fit into their globalist agenda.
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