2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I'm a little surprised there were no dissenting opinions, even from the Trump appointees, but it's not too terribly surprising. This was a very high profile case with some big players and if they can ignore this one, I don't see where any of the others matter. The other guys are just small fries compared to state governments. I don't think Trump has any legal cards left to play at this point. There's a slim chance that some faithless shenanigans could happen at the Electoral College to throw the vote to Trump, but an awful lot of votes would have to be flipped and I don't see it happening. If the Republicans refuse to certify the votes on 1/6, their behavior will be both illegal and unconstitutional and viewed as treasonous, even if morally justified. Trump can barricade himself inside the White House and leverage his military loyalists that he has recently installed in the Pentagon to enforce his dictatorship, and hope he can get the truth out to his supporters (which are a majority) before he just looks like some brute. It's a very messy proposition. Trump has been backed into a corner where if he does not concede to Biden, the only option left is some type of wartime scenario, and the only question is the level of intensity.

From the point of view of the "hidden hand" the rejection of the case is another ploy to generate as much discontent amongst the populace as possible in order to make the US explode and bring it to its knees. It is quite effective, because now I'm secretly hoping that the red states start a civil war, even though I know it would play into the hands of the globalists and is something they have planned for, all might not necessarily go as they expect. All of the financiers, CEOs, intel agents, judges, and media personalities who support this pathocracy are less than human and deserve to be indiscriminately executed. If Trump instituted such a thing and had to essentially genocide millions of people I would support it, I have no qualms about it at all. It's hard to say where something like that ends, perhaps total anarchy, but if it wasn't obvious before it is obvious now that there is absolutely nothing here worth saving as far as the USA is concerned. 5D city on a hill indeed. I do hope that "help is on the way" hurries the hell up because I do subscribe to the "better to die on your feet than live on your knees" school of thought and no one is going to change my opinion. On the present trajectory, it is only a matter of time before I become a target and the end of result of that is that I will be going to the 5D city on a hill myself in rather short order. One can only hope that the PTB are so beside themselves behind the scenes that the "big show" we all seem to be part of takes on some comedic elements rather than just being some tragic dystopian war movie.
I'm a little surprised there were no dissenting opinions, even from the Trump appointees, but it's not too terribly surprising.

Justice Alito did dissent, with Justice Clarence joining him.

Excerpts from Epoch Times:

Justice Samuel Alito issued a separate statement to say he would have granted Texas’s request to sue, but not the preliminary injunction, as he believes the Supreme Court is obligated to take up any case that falls within its “original jurisdiction,” meaning the court has the power to hear a case for the first time as opposed to reviewing a lower court’s decision. Justice Clarence Thomas joined Alito in his statement.

“In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. … I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue,” Alito wrote in his statement. He did not address the questions in the case.
Texas was hoping to obtain a declaration from the Supreme Court that the four states conducted their 2020 election in violation of the U.S. Constitution. It had also asked the court to prohibit the count of the Electoral College votes cast by the four states. For the defendant states that have already appointed electors, the suit asked the justices to order state legislatures to appoint new electors according to the U.S. Constitution.

Alito, while voting to accept hearing the case, rejected the request that the defendant states delay the electoral vote, or, for those whose electors had already voted, the request that the state legislatures be allowed to appoint new electors; Thomas concurred with Alito's entire statement.

Giuliani, meanwhile, said he thought the court's decision to reject the case "a terrible mistake."

“The worst part of this is, basically, the court is saying, we want to stay out of this and … they don’t want to give them a hearing, they don’t want the American people to hear the facts,” Giuliani said.

He added that since the court rejected the case based on legal standing, the president and some of the electors could bring another case in the district courts, alleging the same facts.

“These facts will remain in history unless they get resolved. They need to be heard, they need to be aired, and somebody needs to make a decision on whether they’re true or false. And some court’s gonna have to have the courage to make that decision,” he added.
I wrote somewhere on here that the office of president has incredible powers that are never used, and Trump can declare martial law (suspending civil law) for all kinds of reasons. All such options, I agree, are very risky because they've effectively never been used and would probably set off a powder keg.

Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?
A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.

The case asked about here regards a Trump win first, martial law second. I'm not sure how it will be possible the other way around. Maybe it wouldn't be a presidency that is won.
Well.., I'd say in terms of Objective Reality, Trump certainly won by a wide margin; it is pretty clear that a majority of the American public chose him to be their leader, so I don't think they'd be opposed to a martial law action. It wouldn't be seen as a coup so much as reasonable action against criminals.

If he had lost, (in terms of hearts and minds, as opposed to final 'official' vote counts which were never going to go his way based on all we know now), then chances for martial law would go out the window. Why fight for people who don't want you?

What kind of 'win' did the C's understand the question to imply?

Or did we just slip down the wrong (the not "Very likely") reality fork?
The only thing that can save Trump is massive unrest or DCM's X factor for military rule. Executing people may not work that well (infact it will backfire), but protecting ,empowering the honest courageous beaurocracy in the hierarchy to investigate and let it takes its course will help ( The way Putin, Modi did in their respective countries). But, that is somewhat slow process.

Despite Trump flip flopping on vaccine, if he survives, we have some hope, he can change the direction. With democrats in power, there is no hope. It looks this is the first time in human history mRNA vaccine is used. What is shocking is the criteria of the manufacturer's clinical trial. ( This may not be the thread for the following content, I was posting it for the context of implications)
Pfizer vaccine is 95 per cent effective overall and protects 94 per cent of people over 65

Further data about the coronavirus vaccine being developed by US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and German biotechnology company BioNTech shows that it is 95 per cent effective for all age groups, and protects 94 per cent of adults over 65. The new data, from the first set of complete results from the phase III trial, also showed that the vaccine produced no serious side effects. Pfizer and BioNTech said they will submit a request for emergency use authorisation to the US Food and Drug Administration within days, which will allow the vaccine to be used with people outside the trial. About 40,000 people participated in the trial, with half receiving two doses of the vaccine and the other half a placebo. Out of 170 covid-19 cases among trial participants, only eight were in the vaccinated group, the companies said in a statement. They said the vaccine worked similarly well “across age, gender, race and ethnicity demographics”. The results are encouraging because older individuals are at an increased risk of becoming severely ill and dying from covid-19, in part because the immune system weakens with age.
There has to be very serious mental gymnastics to come to 95% effectiveness when they only gave vaccine to 8 people out 170 covid patients from 40,000 volunteers. I may be missing something. If the covid patients are so low, why to even bother to make it. US govt. bought 100 million doses and state of New jersery bought 4.8 million doses and each want to vaccinate with in 6 months. They want to use 8 billion people as guinea pigs. Everybody wants to go for the Gold (Vaccine) without expecting any snake behind it.
Latest from the Epoch Times:

Ellis, a Trump campaign senior legal adviser, told Newsmax that there is still a “line of attack.”

“The mayor said that we’ve contemplated filing this as separate lawsuit in district court because obviously the president himself would have standing. It’s amazing to think that these other states, these voters who are disenfranchised, wouldn’t,” she said.

She signaled that the team still has time up until Jan. 6 when Congress officially counts the Electoral College votes.

“That date in January. That’s the date of ultimate significance. And the Supreme Court has recognized that,” she said. “We still have time, the state legislatures still have time to do the right thing. They can inquire, they can hold hearings, they can reclaim their delegates, and they should and I hope that now all of the evidence we have brought forth in these hearings will give them the inspiration and courage that they need to act.”

jenna ellis
It's also worth noting that no such thing as a civil war will ever happen for one main reason. War is dirty business and very few are made for it, especially those within the ranks of the most pampered civilian population in modern history!

The civil war will be fought on twitter, not on any fields withing the USA. Also, the military complex can quickly move in to maintain order and put civilians firmly back in their place. Also, it's worth noting that the military won't / can't break rank. Like everything else, they are there to uphold the appearance of the system. They serve the PTB, not the people.

Civil war to me is different than civil unrest. Civil war includes more macro-scale political manoeuvres, such as states seceding from the federation.

I don't think Americans are as weak as you are portraying. Saying that civil war - or civil unrest - won't happen because 'it is dirty business', and that Americans are too lazy or pampered to get off their computer screens and into the streets just doesn't hold water.

Consider (1) "the programming is complete" and Greenbaum violence triggers (2) the many millions of private firearms in America (3) false flag as a potential motivational factor (4) many years of increasingly intense ideological information warfare (5) the fragile, stressed psychological state due to pandemic programming and lack of social contact (6) the never-ending ability of masses of sleeping humans to end the existence of other masses of sleeping humans - as stated by Gurdjieff (7) and, finally, war may be 'dirty business' but it has always been good business for the PTB.

It's not over yet. We'll see what happens next. I've learned through this that its best not to jump to conclusions. This was a demoralizing blow and the response to that is often to feel defeated. There is usually more to the story if we wait. Maybe it would be good to know more about psychological warfare which I've been thinking about today.
. If Trump instituted such a thing and had to essentially genocide millions of people I would support it, I have no qualms about it at all. It's hard to say where something like that ends, perhaps total anarchy, but if it wasn't obvious before it is obvious now that there is absolutely nothing here worth saving as far as the USA is concerned. 5D city on a hill indeed. I do hope that "help is on the way" hurries the hell up because I do subscribe to the "better to die on your feet than live on your knees" school of thought and no one is going to change my opinion. On the present trajectory, it is only a matter of time before I become a target and the end of result of that is that I will be going to the 5D city on a hill myself in rather short order. One can only hope that the PTB are so beside themselves behind the scenes that the "big show" we all seem to be part of takes on some comedic elements rather than just being some tragic dystopian war movie.
Hi Neil. It is my impression you have said some rather extreme things in the depression of the moment. I too feel that depression. I am preparing to shift gears when inauguration day comes. Until then, I am going to watch and listen. We all have our safety valves and the need to vent sometimes.

Regarding the fate of the USA, I am reminded of the bible story about Abraham and Sodom and Gomorrah. Basically, Abraham asks God, if there is one righteous man in the city, will you destroy him along with the wicked in order to do away with the wicked? It is a philosophical question, really, but my point is that there ARE righteous and honorable men in the USA along with the cheaters and psychopaths who have seized power. Patience IS a virtue. That is like the C's saying wait and see. Perhaps praying for deliverance is a more empowering response than frustrated despair.

As for me, I was barely 13 when JFK was assassinated. I got exposed to the depressing kabuki dance of American politics at a fairly young age. RFK and MLK assassinated when I was 17 (and all the rest from that era). Had to face the draft etc. It pretty much sucked big time.

It could be said that the idea that we have ever lived on our feet is a Gurdjieffian buffer that disguises our true pathetic and powerless state of affairs. (which is now clearly and embarrassingly laid bare*)

*assuming a successful steal

As for comedy, good Old Joe will supply that in spades. Every time he fumbles his way through the teleprompter it is a laugh fest extraordinaire. Granted, it won't be good natured humor. It will be mean-spirited. Snarky sarcasm will be as easy as fishing with grenades. If Biden is inaugurated there will be no lack of bitter irony going forward and it will be a sad day when he is replaced by the female Joker.

As a teen, I became very cynical with a caustic and vehement wit. I admit, it is a great self-defense. I can still conjure up that venom. But that is poison and only serves the enemy. I choose to turn away from anything stronger than a gentle needle.

(like- "Biden picks Mr Monsanto for Ag Sec!!...AWESOME!!!...Soooooo much better than Trump!!", said to my lefty friends )

Ultimately, my intent is to refuse the system. I ain't gonna play their game, either. If I die from starvation? So be it. I am with you, Neil. See you in 5D if that is how it goes. Until that point, I am going to enjoy the show as much as possible.

To take the elevator from the lower self-involvement floor to the upper observation deck.
Word is that Biden is pondering Andrew Cuomo as attorney general - or at least his name is being floated to gauge public response. His cabinet picks are like the PTB's dream team, except it's a nightmare for Americans and probably many people around the world. Doesn't matter if Biden dies either, this train is not stopping for that. We'll see if there's a December surprise up Trump's sleeve after the SCOTUS setback.
More details from Giuliani:

Giuliani said, “The case wasn’t rejected on the merits, the case was rejected on standing. So the answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging some of the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.”
Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, said Friday on Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield” that the president’s legal team will continue filing lawsuits even after the Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit by Texas, which was backed by 17 other states and 126 House Republicans, to overturn the election results in four swing states.
Host Grant Stinchfield said, “Mr. Mayor, I know you talked to the president just after this ruling came down. What’s his reaction, and how’s he doing through all this.”

Giuliani said, “The president’s reaction is to look at other options. I mean, we always knew that this was an option, that we would have to convert this into — in fact, originally, we thought about this as possibly four or five separate cases. So that is the option we are going to have to go to. There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court in which the president, of course, would have standing, some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated.”

He added, “We’re not finished. Believe me.”

Schifty comments on the Texas lawsuit.

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Republican lawmakers and attorneys general who signed on to the Texas lawsuit to contest the presidential election results of four battleground states were all “a danger to the country” because they only care about “perpetuation of their power.”

By saying that Texas has "no standing" the SCOTUS cut off the case for rigging on the basis of the preamble! It's like me going to a judge after someone stole my car. To file the complaint, I say to the judge, "I saw my neighbor cross the street and approach my house..." but before I can get to the meat of the actual claim and evidence, the judge says "sorry, you don't have the right to dictate to your neighbor whether or not he crosses the street. You have no standing, case dismissed". I'd be like "SERIOUSLY!?!?" :scared::umm:
What a show indeed :) To add another perspective: Among New Age circles as well as in some Q-related groups I see the idea floating around that what we are witnessing is some kind of "supervised awakening", and perhaps there is some merit to this idea. If this is a school, and we are at the end of the cycle, it kind of makes sense for the universe to maximize "accelerated learning". So it makes various offers for people to "start seeing the light" in their own way. The Corona thing certainly was/is a great opportunity. The whole election spectacle is another. However, free will must be respected, so it must at least for now remain possible to exist in the MSM bubble reality; and it must still be an effort to free oneself from it. Also, there must be a variety of alternative views on offer to ease people into a new reality gradually. I heard one interview with a famous German singer who went anti-mainstream and religious (Xavier Naidoo) where he says that he expects God to reveal himself once people are ready, which they are not yet. It's a similar idea I guess to what the Cs said that there will be a level playing field and that they will be visible at some point. But if that happens, that also means that this "school class" is over, because people would be forced to accept higher realities, and they would be deprived of the opportunity to get there by their own efforts. It certainly seems like much about our reality is "up in the air", with many people trying to make new sense of it all in their own ways. But I also don't buy the notion that we are all going to be saved by some group of "white hats" or whatever. It all depends on our choices, of our inner transformation; and the future is open. And of course, it all has to do with higher realities.

The latest SCOTUS thing, as well as other verdicts I have seen from the highest courts in connection with the Corona "crisis", i.e. judges ruling however they like and abuse the law as a tool for justifying their nonsense, could be seen from that perspective of "learning" as well: the concept of "rule of law"/constitution is a useful idea in complex societies, and it's all we have left really to hope for here. But we also know that Love trumps Law, and that rules can never be the highest authority, only God. So maybe this is another opportunity for people to get a more subtle understanding of such things, and realize that at the end of the day, it's about inner transformation towards a communion with God, as Paul puts it. .
If your game is "order out of chaos" then you want the maximum chaos and a Trump win, at this point, would create a lot of chaos and trauma, no doubt.

But it is also worth noting that the ultimate game is complete control (out of the chaos).

So, would a Biden "win" cause even more chaos, psychological trauma and backlash coupled with quicker control?
The way I see it is that Trump won, so a Trump win is aligned with the truth. It doesn't matter if half of the world goes crazy and Martial law is declared. It's still aligned with the truth. Kind of like when you see a psychotic person go violent and you have to put him or her on a straight jacket and enforce antipsychotic medication because he or she was killing the neighbor's puppies because God told him so. You know, typically psychotic behavior that is a danger to others. The psychotic person is still out of touch with reality. The scenario is still in alignment with the truth.

I see a Biden win as something completely opposed to the truth. As orderly as that could get and at least in the beginning, it is still diametrically opposed to the truth. Hence, it might precipitate Earth Changes and/or attract Cosmic ones even faster.

Either or, things will get even more interesting!

But we also know that Love trumps Law, and that rules can never be the highest authority, only God. So maybe this is another opportunity for people to get a more subtle understanding of such things, and realize that at the end of the day, it's about inner transformation towards a communion with God, as Paul puts it. .
And I see Laura's new book being published at the right time. It will be timely for those who choose an inner transformation amidst all this current madness.
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