2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

As @luc mentioned, maybe there's some sort of "supervised" awakening happening. I'd conjecture this awakening isn't being orchestrated consciously but is baked into the system by the laws of the system itself.

Without theorising, it looks like the PTB are now going for the jugular on multiple fronts. They are looking to make that next jump into the realm of ultimate control - at least in the west. As a result, their moves are becoming more brazen which in turn offers those with a certain spiritual potential within them an opportunity to see.

I wouldn't say the awakening is the goal, that's like saying the sun rises so as to get us up in the morning!

I'd more say that the STS element in the system is accelerating in its potential as the wave nears but as a result an opportunity is offered in the opposite direction to those who have the potential and willing. It's baked into the mechanics of the system. From what I understand 3D is the density of choice and so the mechanics must be such that at some point the heat gets to a certain level that a choice is encouraged. That it becomes harder and harder to be neutral, to be ignorant. Ignorance becomes an active choice in of itself.

It's not to say that the fire gets hotter so that you may make a choice, it's to say you make a choice because the fire got hotter.

Anyways, that's my interpretation.
Heres one for the pinnacles of the absurd department- baking in the sweets of patronage

"Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge is making her case for Agriculture secretary, arguing she’s best positioned to take on a cabinet post that has never gone to an African American woman."
‘I’ve been very, very loyal’: Marcia Fudge makes the case for Ag secretary



I'm secretly hoping that the red states start a civil war, even though I know it would play into the hands of the globalists and is something they have planned for, all might not necessarily go as they expect. All of the financiers, CEOs, intel agents, judges, and media personalities who support this pathocracy are less than human and deserve to be indiscriminately executed. If Trump instituted such a thing and had to essentially genocide millions of people I would support it, I have no qualms about it at all.

Wowsers...and here’s me trying to quietly stifle my intrinsic nihilistic tendencies 🤔
What kind of 'win' did the C's understand the question to imply?

Or did we just slip down the wrong (the not "Very likely") reality fork?

I've thought about this a lot over the last few months and with the C's needing specific questions maybe the next question that could have been asked was "Will Trump be able to stay in office as the President?" Never before would we, at least myself, have even thought about asking that specific question because the winner is announced and then they take or resume office duties. But also knowing the C's favorite responses it may have been a "Wait and see."

The thing about the SCOTUS ruling is that it means that the actual details of the claimed election fraud have not, to my knowledge, been impartially looked at and ruled on by any court. That's kind of weird.

It is weird and may be more of that exposure the C's were talking about. The more people understand that the top courts are even compromised the more the illusion is harder to maintain to the average person, even if they are not ready to admit what that means to the country as a whole?
The way I see it is that Trump won, so a Trump win is aligned with the truth. It doesn't matter if half of the world goes crazy and Martial law is declared. It's still aligned with the truth. Kind of like when you see a psychotic person go violent and you have to put him or her on a straight jacket and enforce antipsychotic medication because he or she was killing the neighbor's puppies because God told him so. You know, typically psychotic behavior that is a danger to others. The psychotic person is still out of touch with reality. The scenario is still in alignment with the truth.

I see a Biden win as something completely opposed to the truth. As orderly as that could get and at least in the beginning, it is still diametrically opposed to the truth. Hence, it might precipitate Earth Changes and/or attract Cosmic ones even faster.

Either or, things will get even more interesting!

And I see Laura's new book being published at the right time. It will be timely for those who choose an inner transformation amidst all this current madness.

Gaby's explanation is much more eloquent than mine but it is along my thinking as well.
Well.., I'd say in terms of Objective Reality, Trump certainly won by a wide margin; it is pretty clear that a majority of the American public chose him to be their leader, so I don't think they'd be opposed to a martial law action. It wouldn't be seen as a coup so much as reasonable action against criminals.

If he had lost, (in terms of hearts and minds, as opposed to final 'official' vote counts which were never going to go his way based on all we know now), then chances for martial law would go out the window. Why fight for people who don't want you?

What kind of 'win' did the C's understand the question to imply?

Or did we just slip down the wrong (the not "Very likely") reality fork?

The C's were technically correct. Trump won the election as is now pretty much self-evident.

Think about it this way.

The tree fell in the forest but there was no one to see or hear it fall. The media in fact reported that the tree had not fallen.

What is true and what is not? Did the tree fall or not fall?

Does the media and corrupted institutions determine what is true or is objective reality independent from the proclamations of the media et al?
If the Republicans refuse to certify the votes on 1/6, their behavior will be both illegal and unconstitutional and viewed as treasonous, even if morally justified.

What if the Deep State orders them to do so on 6 jan. Just like they propably ordered/intimidated the Supreme Court to rule a 9-0 against the Texas election suit.

This way they can cast outside the Republican party and usher in a one party state. Trumps ''victory'' will be short lived.

The narrative would be that Trump legally lost but the treasonous Republican fascists want to illegaly hold on to power.
It's also worth noting that no such thing as a civil war will ever happen for one main reason. War is dirty business and very few are made for it, especially those within the ranks of the most pampered civilian population in modern history!

Civil war in this case would start with mass civil disobedience against the Lock-Down Tyranny of Biden. 80+ million American see this guy as an illegitimate president. And the first thing he does when in office is wrecking the economy and destroying the livelihood of tenths of millions of people. Screw this demented pedophile. I think that many in law-enforcement will feel the same.

The 20+ States who supported and joined the Texas lawsuit shouldn't follow any order this president gives. Nothing whatsoever.

See this:

Besides that, I think that there are plenty of people willing to put up a fight.
There's no precedent for a re-vote and I've not heard or seen anything that would suggest such a possibility, not to mention that elections are not secure (thus pointless), so I discount that completely.

General Flynn was among the few who suggested martial law and US militiary oversight of a new presidential election.

And then there is this:

Not sure how that legally would work out, or that it is even possible.


If the Republicans refuse to certify the votes on 1/6, their behavior will be both illegal and unconstitutional and viewed as treasonous, even if morally justified.

What if the Deep State orders them to do so on 6 jan. Just like they propably ordered/intimidated the Supreme Court to rule a 9-0 against the Texas election suit.

This way they can cast outside the Republican party and usher in a one party state. Trumps ''victory'' will be short lived.

The narrative would be that Trump legally lost but the treasonous Republican fascists want to illegaly hold on to power.

This scenario may sound like the powder keg they desire.

See this:

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) has called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to bar 126 GOP representatives from the House, arguing that their support for the failed, baseless Texas lawsuit seeking to hijack the presidential election violated the Constitution.

If the Republicans play along they will propably dig their own graves. But I don't believe many are smart or brave enough to understand the ploy.

But all of this is just speculation.
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