2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Sometimes I watch MSM because I'm impressed by so dumb things they say. The "new" natural reaction I have is to laugh about all of this
Yeah while it can be infuriating it can also be highly amusing. In the off-chance that I ever catch MSM on a TV I feel like I'm learning something - by noticing what they're not saying and by where they're attempting to direct the masses' attention.

I was thinking last night after reading Joe’s posts that I wonder what will happen to all the Q followers (Trust the Plan – right?)
I think Biden (if he succeeds) in taking the presidency and the failure of the "plan" will deeply shock most of the Q-true believers. There are a lot of people who follow it and they likely should snap out of their state of placation and will be extremely angry/willing to fight to reclaim their country, or at least strongly resist the incoming, illegitimate administration. The Q psy-op was impressively successful in distracting so many people who normally would've pressured and criticized Trump for all of his deep state-friendly moves over the past 4 years. It'll be interesting to see whether some of them turn on Trump as well as Q and also the justifications from the few who will still refuse to let it go.

Re: Assange, I thought one had to be formally charged or convicted of a crime by the USA to receive a pardon? What specific crimes has the US charged him with?
With so many comments about China I don't really know who to quote. I think @Joe and @Niall have pointed out that China is being framed as the new or continuing "enemy". We have always needed an enemy to blame to justify the war machine and our greed.

The Military Industrial Complex is still with us no matter who is president. Some of it resides in the Pentagon at a "deep" level I think.

The Pentagon is an unusual shape to choose for our military complex offices I think.

Session 17 August 1998:
Q: (T) So they're spinning to keep balance? (J) Like a gyro. [Notice that the Cs did NOT say that anything was spinning, only that energy was flowing.] (T) Is there... now, am I correct in the fact that there's a direct relationship here to the real Hebrew Star of David, to these tetrahedrals?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And that everything that has been done to it for the last 500 years or so, has been done to screw things up?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Yes. So that that symbol is not a religious symbol, as such, but a very important... (L)...power symbol?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) It describes a physics that transcends the densities.

A: So is pentagon.

Q: (T) So is the Pentagon? (J) A pentagon. (T) The pentagon shape. These are part of what humans describe as the sacred geometries.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, in that 'Bear' book that I have...

A: You as Atlanteans knew this, and lived by it in many ways. For example, the pyramid recharges by capturing exactly half the energy points, thus allowing a positive imbalance buildup to be captured, then expended.

Session 28 September 2002:
Q: (L) I would like to know if there is going to be any further manipulations of the population in terms of terrorist attacks and such things might further the negative agenda that is presently underway?

A: No doubt! You are looking at men who are so desperate that they have nothing to lose at this point.

Q: (L) Yes, sad but true. Any bunch of people who are so desperate to do something that they would crash two jet airliners into the tallest buildings in the world to and fake a crash on the Pentagon, and murder all those people - because it is nothing else but murder - are pretty desperate. They've got to be crazy. It's like Vincent Bridges. He couldn't even see his craziness. It just escalated until he shot himself in the foot. I guess, from that perspective, it's a good thing.

A: In a sense, since it will fail.

The crash on the Pentagon was a distraction according to the Cs. There are some 4D things going on there.

Session 18 January 2003:
Q: (A) I want to ask about the collapse of the World Trade Center. There is evidence of seismicity and unusual pulses that seem to have simply disintegrated matter.

A: Very good observation, but that does not mean human sabotage either. There were certainly "pulses." They were of a "natural" source that was "sculpted" or "shaped" and directed.

Q: What do you mean by a 'natural source?'

A: Energies of the planet artificially collected and disbursed. An artificial earthquake sort of.

Q: But we are still talking about technology. Where is the operational center for this type of thing?

A: 4th density technology.

Q: This we know. But there are human brains involved. What brains are behind this?

A: Did you ever wonder why the pentagon is a pentagon? Hint!

Q: Is that why they specifically included the Pentagon as one of the buildings to be hit in the 9-11 attack; to allay suspicions?

A: Yup!

Q: Are there 4th density sections to the Pentagon?

A: Absolutely. It is a "deep cover" kind of place.

Q: (A) There is this Pentagon, then there is another superpower - Russia - and still another - China...

A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center.

The Pentagon could become more prominent I think no matter who is in the Oval office.

Session 22 March 2014:
Q: (Chu) Well, now they can shut it out of the news, but they'll have to come up with something. (L) They’ll just ignore it. Just the big honking ignoring tactic that makes all kinds of things just completely disappear from people's minds. (Perceval) Absolutely. Just move on. There's been about 50 planes that have disappeared like that, and never found. (Chu) Yeah but they said the families were going on hunger strikes and stuff. (Perceval) If they don't give them any news coverage, no one will know. (L) Yeah, without any news coverage, what are they going to have? Facebook and Twitter. (Andromeda) Are we gonna start seeing a lot more of this kind of thing?

A: Oh yes!!!

Q: (Mr. Scott) Awesome! (Perceval) Any chance of the Pentagon just going missing?

A: It has a different destiny!

Q: (Chu) A comet?!

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) You mean, we're gonna see? Are we gonna LIKE it?

A: Probably.

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people's minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?

A: He's not perfect but he's the best your planet has in such a position at this time.

Q: (L) So, he's not a psychopath?

A: No.

This is longer than I planned but hopefully some of the surrounding information makes things at least a bit more hopeful.

Session 19 July 2014:
(Perceval) Do the Russians have any data on the truth of the 9/11 attacks?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Would it ever be in the realm of possibility, or within Putin's power to release that kind of information just to mix things up in the information war?

A: Strong possibility if the tide of public perception can be adjusted.

Q: (Pierre) And does that evidence involve the US and/or Israel?

(L) Well, since we have a pretty good idea of who did it, we know the answer to that. Okay, so that leads me to a question that's been on my mind for the last day or so. I noticed that the "Black Hats", the bad guys, the whole pathological community seem to be quite well-organized and unified to some extent in their public activities. For example, Israel is able to get all these students, the Hasbara program; the Pentagon has hired all of these people to engage in cyber warfare; there are trolls that go all over the internet swaying public opinion and writing commentary. Edward Snowden has come out and explained exactly how it's done. I mean, they have a HUGE, elaborate cyber warfare program and train people to get out there and work for the control of people's minds. It's just absolutely staggering. So, one thing about it that really gets me is that first of all, even with this revelation of Snowden that has hit all the major media, people don't stop and think that EVERYTHING that's going on could be part of that disinformation program! The second thing is, why is it that people with peaceful, world-benevolent opinions and approaches - people of conscience - can't get together in the same way that evil does? Evil seems to coalesce, and people of conscience seem to... it's almost like their conscience forces them to fight with each other! I mean, assuming they even have a conscience. What's the deal here? I want to know.

A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: [laughter] (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!

Q: (Perceval) A huge shock like a giant fireball? Giant meteorite or an earthquake?

A: Some cosmic activity might do it provided the seeds of knowledge have been planted as you have been doing for years now. As we once said, from the fire comes light. There are several levels of meaning there.

Q: (L) Cosmic fire, maybe?

A: Yes!

Back to the main point I started with which is the role of China in this whole bigger picture...

Session 30 August 2014:
(Anam Cara) Is there a Chinese Putin who's waiting to make his move on the geopolitical stage?

(Perceval) Ah, Pu Ting! [laughter]

A: Not likely.

Q: (Mr. Scott) You don't need a Chinese Putin when you've got a Putin Putin.

(L) When you've got Putin in Russia, what do you need a Chinese Putin for?

(Perceval) You've got a rootin-tootin' Putin! [laughter]

(Alada) Well, China is so big, but it's so relatively quiet...

A: Still waters run deep and strong. The USA and allies are in for a rude and painful awakening.

Q: (Perceval) All that’s going on are hollow threats and blustering, and it has no effect. Which means the people they're directing it at are not threatened because they know that it's hollow. They know they can pull the rug out from under the US empire's feet whenever they want, really. The US has become so dependent on China.

If the U.S. does make China the #1 enemy then all the leaks and threats bubbling up now will be small potatoes compared to using more military force I think. There may be a little "rude and painful awakening" happening now but if the war-hawks repeat their same past strategy and tactics they will be really be rudly awakened I think.
What makes this situation suspecious is that 7 states filed their electors on suspicion of fraud. That means they can flip it to Trump on 6 Jan. The Deep State Cabal could have prevented this. They didn't. So was this just a 'glitch' in the system or is there something more to it. Because they left the door open for a possible Trump win at the very last moment.
Just in case it wasn't clear enough yet, the only thing that's going to change the outcome of this election is undeniable proof of rigging, ideally hard evidence of false tabulation of votes by the dominion machines in one state that can then be used to bring other states in question. But any hard evidence will do, and just to clear, by 'hard evidence' I mean evidence that you could put in front of Nancy Pelosi and even she would have to accept it.

That said, there may be some level of fireworks on and after Jan. 6th when objections to the 5 or 6 swing state electoral college results could be made by at least one member of congress and the senate, that's assuming Mitch McConnell's attempt yesterday to silence his Senate colleagues doesn't work. Any objections made will be debated for 2 hours (each) by Congress, so it will likely run for a few days at least. Voting on whether to accept or dismiss the objections happens through a vote in Congress and the Senate, although it's not entirely clear whether BOTH Congress and the Senate have to approve/reject. In addition, it's not clear if this vote should happen via a vote in congress and the senate or by the state delegations (where each state gets one vote) but the establishment would definitely want to prevent that from happening since it would gift Trump the presidency.

It's also open to debate as to whether or not Pence, as Senate President and the guy who oversees the reading of the electoral college votes, can simply choose to accept the GOP electors that were sent from the swing states, but I think that's unlikely. Despite what many might think, Pence is not really in Trump's camp, very few are, and almost no one that has been part of the 'system' for a long time.

The electoral count act that governs this process - the central provisions of which have not been seriously tested in a disputed election - has been described by legal scholars as "a monstrosity" "opaque" "amounting to an impenetrable maze" "contorted" and "impossible to understand".

So yeah.
Think it's important to try to walk between the raindrops - to cultivate a modicum of equanimity. Which perhaps is where intellectual knowledge reaches its limits and intuitive sensing becomes important.

It's despite this hugely helpful to view the situation from the perspective of a reasonably evolved 'view' or broad sense of how the Cosmos seems to work.

To recognise that even if the worst happens that it will be for the best, and that we're not in control. To release our attachment to specific outcomes, while at the same time each actively playing our part - as in doing all that is within our power to in a wise and caring manner drive for positive change within our orbit.

Including where we can getting behind, guiding and supporting those leading the charge for exposure of what has been going on - while at the same time taking care not to get suckered into asking directly or indirectly for what we might regret later.

Energy work has a part to play in all of this too...

It's not enough to sit back and wait for 'them' to sort it out. Nor is it sensible to oscillate between euphoria and despair as the various twists and turns of the situation play out...
What makes this situation suspecious is that 7 states filed their electors on suspicion of fraud. That means they can flip it to Trump on 6 Jan. The Deep State Cabal could have prevented this. They didn't. So was this just a 'glitch' in the system or is there something more to it. Because they left the door open for a possible Trump win at the very last moment.

My understanding is that concerning those seven states there will be those electors certified by the governor and those electors certified by the republican legislative of the state. So Nevada will send 12 electoral votes to Congress instead of just six.

The committee lead by the Vice President will have to sort out the 'double votes' by the seven states, which will send the number of Biden electors below the 270 threshold.
My understanding is that concerning those seven states there will be those electors certified by the governor and those electors certified by the republican legislative of the state. So Nevada will send 12 electoral votes to Congress instead of just six.

The committee lead by the Vice President will have to sort out the 'double votes' by the seven states, which will send the number of Biden electors below the 270 threshold.

That's new for me. But like Joe said. If the Cabal truly wishes to stop Trump it might not even come to that. Pence will propably also backstab him. But like always. Let's wait and see.
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My understanding is that concerning those seven states there will be those electors certified by the governor and those electors certified by the republican legislative of the state. So Nevada will send 12 electoral votes to Congress instead of just six.

The committee lead by the Vice President will have to sort out the 'double votes' by the seven states, which will send the number of Biden electors below the 270 threshold.

Those GOP electors that were sent do not have the same validity as those sent by the governor. So don't count on that.
Those GOP electors that were sent do not have the same validity as those sent by the governor. So don't count on that.

My understanding is that the US constitution demands that the electors be chosen by the state's legislative and not the governor's office (executive). Normally state parliaments and governors do seem to concur though.

Legally the legislatives' choices should 'trump' those of the governors.
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