2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., who pastors St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Mo, ended his invocation in the U.S. House of Representatives to open the 117th Congress on Sunday, January 3, 2021, with "Amen and Awomen."
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
BREAKING: U.S. Attorney for North Georgia resigns, effective immediately

U.S. Attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak resigned his position Monday, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia.


US Attorney for Middle District of Georgia to resign Friday

December 9, 2020

MACON, Ga. (AP) — The U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia announced Wednesday that he plans to step down from the post, according to a statement from the top prosecutor.

Charles E. “Charlie” Peeler, 47, is set to leave office Friday, the statement said. Peeler was appointed to the position by President Donald Trump in 2017

If not now, then when? It would be too late when a looming totalitarian state is around the corner and they decide to control all sorts of information on any sort of "ghastly" things. The motivation is there, but how much of it is disinformation or not the whole truth?
When he has the evidence in hand ready to be released. Until then it sounds like ranting and takes away from the real evidence of voter fraud. (even though I believe much of what he's saying)
When he has the evidence in hand ready to be released. Until then it sounds like ranting and takes away from the real evidence of voter fraud. (even though I believe much of what he's saying)
In a way I think it's connected like a mosaic. Voter fraud and political control are just one tentacle of the entire octopus and the pizzagate stuff is yet another one. They all point to the same beast, just different aspects of it. I agree in that it does take away from the voter fraud aspect for some parts of the population that cannot fathom the possibility of the pizzagate reality existing. A better use of their energy would probably be to learn what they can at their own pace (i.e. following the voter fraud) and hopefully they can see a bigger picture.

For people like the folks here on the forum and other astute individuals who can more easily comprehend the mosaic, these are just pieces of a puzzle whose answers are yet to be discovered.
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Some shocking revelations of what President Trump is up against.

Cyber teams working with people close to The White House behind the scenes have just released an explanatory report which describes the current situation our republic finds herself in.

The republic is being stolen and options are dwindling to save her.

You can read the entire report here: (15 pages of 'Reclaiming a Super Power')

When he has the evidence in hand ready to be released.
He explained all these things himself. Releasing the evidence removes his protection. That is how these things work. Says his death will trigger release. Said purpose is to get his followers to look into these things for themselves. If there's a strategy here, he is acting as the leading edge, preparing the ground for the semi-awake and engaged people who are capable of accepting the info now.

I agree he sounds caught up in fervor, perhaps religious, and don't know how he steps back from this to pursue anything else.

by Tyler Durden 2-3 minutes / Tweets
President Trump is speaking from Dalton Regional Airport in Georgia ahead of tomorrow's special runoff election, a race that will decide the fate of who controls the United States Senate. Earlier in the day, Trump teased what he called "the real numbers" from the November general election, after he called the state's official tally "verifiably WRONG."

The speech comes on the heels of fresh controversy, Saturday phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger leaked to the Washington Post. In it, Trump demanded that Georgia 'recalculate' the November 3. election, and 'find' enough ballots to overcome the widespread allegations of fraud, including video evidence.

Earlier in the day, Georgia official Gabriel Sterling attempted to upstage Trump's rally going through election fraud claims point by point and 'debunking' them. Sterling at one point said that the president's continuing claims of election fraud were 'undermining Georgians' faith in the election system."

President Trump on Monday suggested that the election results can't be certified due to "verifiably WRONG" numbers, and teased the release of "the real numbers" during a speech in Dalton, Georgia set for 8:30p.m. eastern time tonight.

Trump's Monday night rally is intended to boost Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, however it's clear that he'll focus on his ongoing challenges to the 2020 election, which has the support of at least 140 House Republicans and nearly a dozen GOP Senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

In a contentious phone call secretly recorded by Georgia Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger and leaked to the Washington Post, Trump warns the Republican official that "The people of Georgia are angry, and these numbers are going to be repeated on Monday night, along with others that we're going to have by that time, which are much more substantial."

Later Monday morning, Trump attacked the "Surrender Caucus" of Republicans who want to accept the results of the election and move on with life under a Biden administration.

5-7 minute Read Tweets Snip:
4 Jan, 2021 23:03
All 10 former US defense secretaries who are still living have warned President Donald Trump not to involve the US military in his dispute over 2020 election results – that despite Trump has not even hinted at taking such a step.

Any use of the military as part of an effort to overturn the November 3 presidential election’s result – that proclaimed the Democratic candidate Joe Biden as the winner – would take the US into “dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory,” the ten ex-Pentagon bosses said in a jointly signed opinion piece published by Washington Post on Sunday. The Associated Press described the warning as “an extraordinary rebuke” of Trump.

This rebuke came from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, James Mattis and Leon Panetta and echoed some of the theories and fears voiced by Trump’s Democratic rivals. However, the president has never publicly spoken of involving the military in his dispute over alleged election fraud, and other than an anonymously sourced report by the New York Times, there has been no suggestion that he’s done so in private, either.

Despite there being no proof of Trump mulling to drag the military into his election fight, the incendiary warning seemingly helped fuel the perception that there was legitimate cause to raise a red flag, in the same way a loaded question (“when did you stop beating your wife?”) can imply wrongdoing.

The defense chiefs’ warning “means someone in the White House has asked at some point about using the military to overthrow the vote,” lawyer and writer Amee Vanderpool said on Twitter. Another observer said, “imagine what it took” for 10 former Pentagon chiefs to write such an article “This should (be) a red alarm to everyone. We are being attacked from within.”

Ironically, it’s Democrats who have repeatedly spoken out about involving the military or federal law enforcement in the transition of power to President-elect Biden. In fact, Biden himself said in June that the military would escort Trump from the White House if he lost the election and refused to leave.

Three days after the election, Biden’s campaign issued a statement saying that the US government “is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”
For those of us who are expecting the climax tomorrow, here is bad news. This is going on like Ertugul episodes.

Trump Lawyer: Pence Could Defer Certifying Election, Seek Clarity From State Legislatures

Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis on Monday suggested that Vice President Mike Pence could delay the certification of the Electoral College votes and ask the legislatures in six states where the results of the election have been contested which slate of electors should be selected.
Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada, are six key battle ground states where President Donald Trump’s campaign and other Republicans have contested the results of the presidential election, alleging that election fraud and irregularities took place on a large scale that swung the results to Biden.
The governors in these states had certified electors who cast their electoral votes for presidential candidate Joe Biden. But on Dec. 14, Republican electors in these six states and New Mexico cast alternate slates of Electoral College votes for Trump, setting up a “dueling electors” scenario not seen in U.S. elections for decades.
Ellis suggested on the Just the News program “The Water Cooler with David Brody” that Pence could ask the respective state legislatures of the six contested states which of the two slates of electors was in accordance with state law.
“[Pence] can ask that question to the states and say, ‘Well, legislators, you know, I have an oath to the Constitution to uphold the Constitution as written in Article II Section 1.2, which says the state legislatures direct the manner in which electoral delegates are selected. So you tell me which of these two slates was selected in the manner that your general assembly has designated,'” Ellis said.
“And that’s a fair question. That’s not exercising discretion. That’s not setting up any sort of bad precedent,” she added. “That’s actually returning the authority to the constitutionally protected entity and just simply directing that question I think would then require a response from these very committed, to put it lightly, state legislators that haven’t been willing to act, and it would in fact then give a very clean outcome to this election.”

Article II, Section 1.2 of the U.S. Constitution says, “The Constitution provides that each state is to decide, for itself, how its electors will be chosen.”
Pence is due to preside over a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 for the formal certification of states’ electoral votes for the president of the United States. On Monday, he said that Trump and Republicans will “have our day in Congress.”
“I know we all got our doubts about the last election. … I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence, but tomorrow is Georgia’s day,” he told a crowd in Georgia while campaigning for Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue ahead of the state’s Senate runoffs on Tuesday.
On Jan. 2, Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, said in a statement that the vice president “welcomes the efforts of members of the House and Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence before the Congress and the American people on January 6th,” and that he “shares the concerns of millions of Americans about voter fraud and irregularities in the last election.”
Objections during the joint session must be made in writing by at least one House member and one senator to sustain a challenge. If the objection for any state meets this requirement, the joint session pauses and each house withdraws to its own chamber to debate the question for a maximum of two hours. The House and the Senate then vote separately to accept or reject the objection, which requires a majority vote from both chambers.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said in a court filing (pdf) on Jan. 1 that he and 140 Republicans in the House plan to object. Meanwhile, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), and a group of 11 Republican senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) have said they would object to the counting of electors that the states’ governors have certified for Biden.

If both Trump and Biden receive less than 270 electoral votes on Jan. 6, then a contingent election is triggered in which each state’s delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives casts one en bloc vote to determine the president, while the vice president is decided by a vote in the U.S. Senate.
There have been calls for Pence to reject electoral votes from the contested states. A judge on Jan. 1 rejected a lawsuit filed by Rep. Gohmert and other Republicans against Pence requesting that the court grant the vice president “the exclusive authority and sole discretion in determining which electoral votes to count for a given State” on Jan. 6.
The power of the vice president to count or reject electoral votes is disputed.
Very much related to the above is the following video recently put out by Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt. As you'll see below, it's no accident that Cheney and Rumsfeld in particular are behind this move, as they were the ones who invoked "Continuity of Government" just after 9/11, a top secret program (secret, at least until very recently) with some startling ramifications.

This recent video by Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, brings into the present conversation concerning Trump, January 6th, and what might occur, the clandestine role of "Continuity of Government" (COG), a top secret program put in place in the 50's as a response to the possibility of nuclear war.

According to Liszt's research on this, COG was actually invoked by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld just after 9/11, and it is still in effect today. Professor Peter Dale Scott -- according to Wikipedia, "best known for his critiques of deep politics and American foreign policy since the era of the Vietnam War" -- has been interviewed by Liszt several times, and has claimed COG is a complete usurpation of the U.S. Constitution.

In this video, Liszt is discussing a recent article in Newsweek by one William Arkin (CIA operative/journalist) which has an anonymous source stating that in response to Trump's possibly declaring Martial Law (according to Arkin and his source, not according to Trump, Liszt points out), but in response to such eventuality, it seems there is a group of generals from Northcom's COG with a contingency plan to do what amounts to a coup against the president, the U.S. commander in chief. Remember: this is in Newsweek. So, Newsweek/PTB is meaning for us to know this, regardless of the accuracy of the source's claim. Also, as pointed out by Liszt, Continuity of Government has always been a hush hush affair. For Arkin to start writing a series of articles in Newsweek talking about COG as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do -- and doing so just after the pandemic got going -- is entirely unprecedented.

FYI: Original Newsweek Article Citing "Anonymous Generals" https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-do...

Interestingly, Liszt, given his own sources and information, was able to "out" the secret source Arkin used in his article as retired general, Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy -- this, much to the ire of Newsweek, which nonetheless never denied the veracity of Liszt's claim, choosing instead to mount a personal attack on Liszt.

But back on COG: Liszt states, according to Professor Scott, every "deep" event that's happened in American history, whether it was the JFK assassination, Watergate, Iran Contra, 9/11 -- all these events had some COG players embedded. In Watergate it was John Dean, in the Kennedy assassination it was people involved in planning the Dallas trip, secret service agents such as Winston Lawson had used this so called "doomsday network"; in Iran Contra, Oliver North, who invoked COG on the senate floor as he was being grilled, at which point he was immediately shut down due to the secrecy involved. According to Liszt, COG is a widespread infrastructure that involves a communication network that you cannot track. It's out of the reach of agencies like the NSA (et. al.) due to its "ultra" secrecy.

As Liszt states re: upcoming Trump rally in Washington, these planners could very well provoke violence under a false flag, blaming it on a Trump faction.

Today, it's been announced that the National Guard will be assisting the D.C. police in Washington the next few days:


Liszt also mentions Patrick Byrne (listen to Janda's introduction on this I.T. person) who was in a meeting in the White House just before Christmas. It's this White House meeting Byrne is discussing in this interview below (again, with Dave Janda). This brief interview clarifies just how it happened that Sidney Powell, whom Trump appointed as special counsel to investigate voter fraud, was blocked from the White House afterwards without the president's knowledge:

Liszt also mentions the Biden/Burisma story that has recently been reported on by a number of reputable news sources (it may even have been reported on by V.P. Pence's wife, although Liszt has still to confirm her as a source). In this story, "Ukrainian officials announced during a huge press conference that is being hidden by world media that Burisma officials have testified under oath that Biden received kickbacks from the one billion dollars in taxpayer money from Ukraine after firing the prosecutor investigating them," quotes Liszt.

So, could such a story in some way be in play in the days that follow? Liszt believes it could.

Liszt thinks that some other "shoe will drop" before January 6th. So, we'll have to see if that is, in fact, the case.

He thinks Pence on his own is really not the point, as much as Pence's following suit once there is a mandate in place. Liszt is indicating that there could be a scenario in which the electors from at least four of the seven embattled states could be thrown out. I haven't seen that particular scenario stated by sources like the Epoch Times, unless I missed it, and they've been pretty thorough on all these scenarios. But, in any event, it's out there for some as a possibility given the two slates of electors from these states, and the substantial evidence of voter fraud, which will be presented on the 6th.

What he's not mentioning (and it could be due to the date of his video, which is December 29th -- which is eons ago in these matters) is the demand by the republican senators who are rejecting the certification in these embattled states for congress to allow ten days for an audit of the election fraud.

WINDING THINGS UP in this video, Liszt brings up the West Virginia fireball/UFO. He also mentions that COG moved its command base to Cheyenne Mountain (where the underground operations center for NORAD is located) -- ah, I just accidentally posted this, so I'll have to continue the wind up on another post.
I'm not sure what's going on with Lin Wood. Although I believe some of the things he says regarding the ghastly things "they" do, and many politicians are kept in line through perks, threats or a combo of both;
Its on Sott:
The Super Bowl's biggest losers: The boys and girls being sold for sex 20 times a day

Furthermore: Bill Gates was witnessed to have sodomized children by one of the - then ~8 year old victim on the luxury yacht. That was just one event. Allegedly Thomas Paine got in contact with the now young adult man, they video-recorded his confession, - though the fact that its still on YT questions the whole thing - prepared papers to the FBI, but was never heard back, nobody called them back. There are only ignorance from the authorities (dropping any prosecutions as hot coal) or suiciding journalists. As we all witnessed the recent silencing of Supreme Court Judges.
Very much related to the above is the following video recently put out by Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt. As you'll see below, it's no accident that Cheney and Rumsfeld in particular are behind this move, as they were the ones who invoked "Continuity of Government" just after 9/11, a top secret program (secret, at least until very recently) with some startling ramifications.

This recent video by Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, brings into the present conversation concerning Trump, January 6th, and what might occur, the clandestine role of "Continuity of Government" (COG), a top secret program put in place in the 50's as a response to the possibility of nuclear war.

According to Liszt's research on this, COG was actually invoked by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld just after 9/11, and it is still in effect today. Professor Peter Dale Scott -- according to Wikipedia, "best known for his critiques of deep politics and American foreign policy since the era of the Vietnam War" -- has been interviewed by Liszt several times, and has claimed COG is a complete usurpation of the U.S. Constitution.

In this video, Liszt is discussing a recent article in Newsweek by one William Arkin (CIA operative/journalist) which has an anonymous source stating that in response to Trump's possibly declaring Martial Law (according to Arkin and his source, not according to Trump, Liszt points out), but in response to such eventuality, it seems there is a group of generals from Northcom's COG with a contingency plan to do what amounts to a coup against the president, the U.S. commander in chief. Remember: this is in Newsweek. So, Newsweek/PTB is meaning for us to know this, regardless of the accuracy of the source's claim. Also, as pointed out by Liszt, Continuity of Government has always been a hush hush affair. For Arkin to start writing a series of articles in Newsweek talking about COG as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do -- and doing so just after the pandemic got going -- is entirely unprecedented.

FYI: Original Newsweek Article Citing "Anonymous Generals" https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-do...

Interestingly, Liszt, given his own sources and information, was able to "out" the secret source Arkin used in his article as retired general, Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy -- this, much to the ire of Newsweek, which nonetheless never denied the veracity of Liszt's claim, choosing instead to mount a personal attack on Liszt.

But back on COG: Liszt states, according to Professor Scott, every "deep" event that's happened in American history, whether it was the JFK assassination, Watergate, Iran Contra, 9/11 -- all these events had some COG players embedded. In Watergate it was John Dean, in the Kennedy assassination it was people involved in planning the Dallas trip, secret service agents such as Winston Lawson had used this so called "doomsday network"; in Iran Contra, Oliver North, who invoked COG on the senate floor as he was being grilled, at which point he was immediately shut down due to the secrecy involved. According to Liszt, COG is a widespread infrastructure that involves a communication network that you cannot track. It's out of the reach of agencies like the NSA (et. al.) due to its "ultra" secrecy.

As Liszt states re: upcoming Trump rally in Washington, these planners could very well provoke violence under a false flag, blaming it on a Trump faction.

Today, it's been announced that the National Guard will be assisting the D.C. police in Washington the next few days:


Liszt also mentions Patrick Byrne (listen to Janda's introduction on this I.T. person) who was in a meeting in the White House just before Christmas. It's this White House meeting Byrne is discussing in this interview below (again, with Dave Janda). This brief interview clarifies just how it happened that Sidney Powell, whom Trump appointed as special counsel to investigate voter fraud, was blocked from the White House afterwards without the president's knowledge:

Liszt also mentions the Biden/Burisma story that has recently been reported on by a number of reputable news sources (it may even have been reported on by V.P. Pence's wife, although Liszt has still to confirm her as a source). In this story, "Ukrainian officials announced during a huge press conference that is being hidden by world media that Burisma officials have testified under oath that Biden received kickbacks from the one billion dollars in taxpayer money from Ukraine after firing the prosecutor investigating them," quotes Liszt.

So, could such a story in some way be in play in the days that follow? Liszt believes it could.

Liszt thinks that some other "shoe will drop" before January 6th. So, we'll have to see if that is, in fact, the case.

He thinks Pence on his own is really not the point, as much as Pence's following suit once there is a mandate in place. Liszt is indicating that there could be a scenario in which the electors from at least four of the seven embattled states could be thrown out. I haven't seen that particular scenario stated by sources like the Epoch Times, unless I missed it, and they've been pretty thorough on all these scenarios. But, in any event, it's out there for some as a possibility given the two slates of electors from these states, and the substantial evidence of voter fraud, which will be presented on the 6th.

What he's not mentioning (and it could be due to the date of his video, which is December 29th -- which is eons ago in these matters) is the demand by the republican senators who are rejecting the certification in these embattled states for congress to allow ten days for an audit of the election fraud.

WINDING THINGS UP in this video, Liszt brings up the West Virginia fireball/UFO. He also mentions that COG moved its command base to Cheyenne Mountain (where the underground operations center for NORAD is located) -- ah, I just accidentally posted this, so I'll have to continue the wind up on another post.

I'm placing this "wind up" here since it's in some way tied to COG, and since we may be seeing some "interesting phenomena" in the mix in the days to come -- depending on how the election fraud situation transpires.

As per my last post, COG's moving its command base to Cheyenne Mountain (from where, Liszt doesn't say) happened just as Covid got going, around March 30th. Liszt notes there were UFO sightings around that base, leading him to believe they might have been testing something, or that "something else" was going on.

FYI: later on in the video Liszt cites the headline: "NORAD, Northcom Move Personnel to Cheyenne Mountain Bunker Amid Pandemic"

Liszt states he's been tracking things like fireball activity since 2018, but that what's going on now is like nothing he's ever seen. He wonders out loud what that's about given it's not all meteorites, which can be tracked.

Liszt recommends watching this video (no doubt posted already at his forum):

Burning UFO Falls Over West Virginia Dec 27, 2020, UFO Sighting News

Liszt mentions all the strange UFO cases that have come up during December -- he mentions the "Batman Balloon" unidentified flying object (just looked it up: seems in early December it was allegedly encountered and photographed by an F-18 fighter pilot, the photo being erroneously described by (troll?) UFO spotters as a Batman Balloon, which is absurd given its elevation & other factors).

Liszt notes there was a website put up just for the purpose of presenting the above mentioned "Batman Balloon" UFO photo, which was leaked from the UAP Task Force -- just looked that task force up: "In June 2020, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence unveiled the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) at the Office of Naval Intelligence—a successor to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)." [quote from Besa Center.org].

So, the website came online on a Thursday, and posted the Batman Balloon photo [leaked by UAPTF] the next day, a Friday, which CNN then picked up. That's how this stuff works.

Liszt brings up To The Stars Academy (TTSA), and the CIA roll-out of full UFO disclosure -- that is, their own version of it meant to portray an imminent threat.

Here's a revealing article on TTSA, and Lue Elizondo's exit from said academy. Note the conflation of "real" science and entertainment (as per the History Channel). So, the History Channel, not surprisingly, is indirectly cited here as disinfo--err, uh, "entertainment."


MYSTERY WIRE — George Knapp began his interview Sunday night on Coast to Coast AM radio with a simple statement, “Let’s make some waves.” It’s fair to say ‘mission accomplished.’

Knapp’s guest was Lue Elizondo, the former intelligence officer for the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense who has been at the center of many UFO disclosure developments over the last three years.

Knapp has interviewed Elizondo several times, you can watch his interviews with Elizondo and many other notable people on the Mystery Wire interview page.

There were several headlines to come out of the late night interview:
  • Elizondo indicated that he, Chris Mellon, and Steve Justice will be departing “To the Stars Academy” (TTSA).
  • Elizondo proposed the creation of a larger, permanent, well-funded UFO research program.
  • Elizondo indicated the current UAP Task Force has obtained images of multiple unknown aerial objects, including a clear image of a mysterious triangle emerging from the ocean, recorded by military pilots.
  • Elizondo hinted that he plans to expand UAP investigations and disclosure efforts on a global level.

You can read a transcript of the entire interview using the link above.

Liszt thinks the reason Elizondo and Mellon may have left the TTSA is that they think they may be joining a Biden administration -- so they might be a bit premature with that.

Liszt suggests there has been a real "blow out" surrounding these things, which is to say, the CIA, in trying to create the whole UFO threat, is having some problems. You see, Liszt explains, the TTSA has, at times, created a "bozo atmosphere." (I looked up their website, and couldn't believe it was tied to serious government stuff!) So, it seems the UFO disclosure people are moving their players around seemingly to re-establish their credibility. Also, as Liszt points out, independent journalists such as himself (also John Greenewald, and others) have been blowing the CIA's cover in this, which is further complicating things for them credibility wise. However, Liszt notes that there are still a lot of people in the UFO community who have completely bought into the ruse, unless they just wanted to be a part of "the t.v. series." Okay, what t.v. series? (I'm not at all up on this stuff, so it's good I'm digging in a bit now, at this late date.) Anyway, this recent t.v. series on UFO's failed miserably, and got cancelled. So, things are just not gelling with this whole UFO disclosure operation.

Enter that headline I mentioned earlier: "NORAD, Northcom Move Personnel to Cheyenne Mountain Bunker Amid Pandemic"

Liszt speculates that one of the reasons General Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy (the "unnamed" source for the Newsweek story) "retired the way that he did, and that Esper replaced him with Van Herck, was because one of the things that O'Shaughnessy said was 'we've had so many high level visitors here, you wouldn't believe it, we didn't have room for them'."

"They didn't have room for them [Liszt continues] at the Cheyenne Mountain COG mega-center bunker -- I mean, think about that... And who were all these high level people, and why were they visiting the bunker? And why were you [O'Shaughnessy] there in the bunker? There are too many questions on that one."

As per Wikipedia: Terrence John O'Shaughnessy (born c. 1964) is a retired United States Air Force four-star general who previously served as the commander of United States Northern Command and as the commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command.

In sum: last March, Continuity of Government moved its headquarters to this NORAD, Northcom bunker in Colorado, which since then has been "over crowded" with high level visitors. None of this should give us peace of mind given the role COG has played in our nation's history of "deep" events, including 9/11. Add to that the UFO full disclosure operation, which could be in the mix depending on what happens with the election fraud situation, although it sounds like they are in the midst of re-organizing. Add to that these articles that are appearing in which Trump, who hasn't endorsed using the military, nor is there any convincing evidence that he's even discussed the idea privately, but nonetheless, Trump is being threatened by COG connected NeoCons like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and others with, as per the Newsweek article, a military coup. Then there's Biden's mention of using a military escort should Trump refuse to leave the White House.

... to be continued, I'm sure...
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