2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Breaking News!

The state legislators of Pennsylvania have sent a letter to the Senate asking for a delay on the electoral count tomorrow! They want more time to review the misconduct by the Secretary of State who disregarded the Pa. Constitution in how he handled the election. They need to have the electoral votes decertified! :dance: :dance: :dance::cheer:

They have been in a weird recess for a month and just came back to office and are studying the case now! Turley says this could trigger the 12th Amendment where each state gets one vote, with the Republicans in the majority.

A crazy and hopeful turn of events, Pa. steps up! The audio is a bit messed up in places :ninja: ?


Video: What the Constitution Says About the Jan 6 Electoral Votes—Interview With Rick Green​

Questions are swirling over what will happen when a joint session of Congress comes together on Jan. 6 to count the Electoral Votes from each state, given the various anomalies, lawsuits, and dueling electors. To learn more about this we’ve invited to speak with us Rick Green, founder of Patriot Academy and an expert on the US Constitution.
This video includes information on Pence's predicament and potential options.
Yep, the Georgia election was stolen once again.

Donald J. Trump Tweets

Just happened to have found another 4000 ballots from Fulton County. Here we go!

Looks like they are setting up a big “voter dump” against the Republican candidates. Waiting to see how many votes they need?

Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman


If Vice President
comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!

The People begin to gather at the White House.

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May be it will give courage to Pence to standup. If he doesn't, may be it will give courage to Trump to impose emergency or military rule and probably it will give shivers to the military guys, get some courage to support POTUS. If this mob goes berserk, how many heads will roll? If they go berserk, it will give some pretext to impose military rule. so many possibilities with the large group of people in one place.

Irony of it all is, one has to impose military rule to restore democracy. What a world we live in. Let's wait and see.

If things get really squirrelly, a common war tactic is to 'cut the comms'. So our ability to 'see' - which is already under attack by the MSM barrage - may be somewhat compromised.

But still, eyeballs at the ready! And popcorn, too.
Lin Wood making some huge claims about blackmail, rape and murder of children on twitter.

"I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information."

"This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy."

is this a red herring? or legit?
Robert Barnes thinks that Lin Wood may have 'lost his mind' as well as being drawn into a Q-anon psyop. If so, then it's both a set up and a distraction. People find these things VERY easy to fall for, especially if it's something they WANT to hear or may have some element of truth in it.

But can it be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt? Probably not! That's what makes Robert Barnes's perspective so interesting. Also of note is that he recently had his Twitter account hacked. Obviously, "they" don't want people to know what he's saying. Especially now for some reason. Perhaps because it makes sense?

Obama and Italy

Italy and Obama are guilty of rigging the election. SidneyPowell
evidence dropping about Italy’s part in stealing the election for JoeBiden
I’ve listened to an audio tape whereby the entire process was laid out.
POTUS is aware."

About handling zombi

And Traitor

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