2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Pence will not hand Trump the election. At best he may come up with some kind of stall tactic to delay the result, but I think Biden will ultimately win the proceedings. When the Cassiopaeans said "do what needs to be done," that implies military action to crack a few skulls and stain the streets with the blood of the elites. That's the only context in which I would use that phrase.

The night before the latest session I had a funny little dream about Trump and Biden. It was almost like watching a play, except that I was also in it; sort of watching myself participate in this play while I was also perceiving the events as a character in the play. Trump and Biden were up on a stage in the middle of a city downtown having a raucous debate with both of them claiming to be President. The debate dragged on and on and didn't really go anywhere and was starting to become violent. Suddenly, Biden pulls out a gun and challenges Trump to an old school gentleman's duel, except that it didn't seem entirely fair because there were some SS guys standing off to the side of the stage behind Biden with assault rifles pointed at Trump. I found myself standing in a crowd of Trump supporters and we were armed, basically waiting on Trump to give us a signal to shoot Biden. Trump aggressively stares down Biden, but seems paralyzed by indecision. Then the scene skips a bit and Trump and Biden are shaking hands and Trump makes a concession speech worthy of any American politician. I thought I heard George Bush's voice coming out of Trump's mouth. I remember feeling deeply betrayed and was reeling with depression and anguish such that I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. After Trump leaves the stage, Biden announces that all private property will be confiscated and redistributed according to some equality formula. With rare exception, everyone was to be assigned a zone in one of the new smart growth cities where they would be given an apartment and be forced to conduct business. Somehow I worked out that I couldn't afford to live in the zone I was assigned to, and decided to leave the city (which in itself was an illegal act). At the end of the dream I was contemplating whether I wanted to fight on my own as part of a resistance against Biden, which seemed to be an exercise in futility, or live my life as a vagabond on the run, or commit suicide and be done with all of this foolishness.

When I woke up I was in a rather dour mood and hoped the dream wasn't some kind of vision. I can see why Trump would wait until the last possible moment before proclaiming himself dictator so that he can say that he exhausted every legal avenue to correct a terminally corrupt system, but he has 2 weeks to make his "4D chess move" or just walk away and resign himself to be just another bloviating jelly-bellied politician. In the first case he will die with honor for standing up for the truth, but in the second he deserves whatever gruesome fate the PTB have planned for him.
Then the scene skips a bit and Trump and Biden are shaking hands and Trump makes a concession speech worthy of any American politician. I thought I heard George Bush's voice coming out of Trump's mouth. I remember feeling deeply betrayed and was reeling with depression and anguish such that I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. After Trump leaves the stage, Biden announces that all private property will be confiscated and redistributed
This is the answer Neil don't see anyway out its over.
I'm watching Trump his speech in DC.

Some quotes I remember:

We have to see if Mike Pence sees it through. But you have to uphold and defend the constitution.

You never take back our country with weakness, you have to be strong, you have to be fierce.

Our country has been under siege for much longer than 4 years.

Today we are going to figure out if we have brave and courages leaders or not. If they do the wrong thing we should never ever forget.

I don’t know, but hearing Trump speak. He doesn’t sound like a man defeated. He sounds like a man ready to go to war.
Neil that is some dream. I hope it doesn't come to that, but things do look pretty grim. I've been brainstorming on what to do in the aftermath of a Biden power grab, since he didn't win legit. Move to the country side? Or try and leave the US? What to do.

Watching Trump live now: He's being much more up front and on the attack: The media is the enemy of the people. 430AM Biden vote dumps is Bullshit. Supreme Court hurt us, the people.
Pence will not hand Trump the election. At best he may come up with some kind of stall tactic to delay the result, but I think Biden will ultimately win the proceedings. When the Cassiopaeans said "do what needs to be done," that implies military action to crack a few skulls and stain the streets with the blood of the elites. That's the only context in which I would use that phrase.
I understood the Cs similarly, but not necessarily implying an open military action, at least not at first. Just a 'dictatorial' move (in the broad sense of the word - not implying that would be wrong given the circumstances) of some sort, perhaps grounded on some obscure law or executive order that would invalidate the elections. Obviously, the media would then call him a 'tyrant' and a 'dictator', his move a 'coup', etc. And he would indeed require the backing of the military to do so, or most of it - but not necessarily use it while taking over. Later, when the lefties started rioting, then perhaps yes, there would be martial law.

In any case, the remark of the Cs does imply that no Supreme Court nor legislators nor anyone else are going to turn the election in favor of Trump. It has to come from him using some sort of bold 'executive power' while he can. It's sad to think that in this situation even the best possible future (Trump remaining in power) means a great deal of chaos and suffering for the US!

As for Pence, I too doubt he will do anything. I noticed that Trump had a few tweets about the VP being able to reject electoral college votes. At first I thought that perhaps that meant that Pence had already agreed to do his part. But then the tweets were like 'Come on Mike! Be brave and do the right thing!', which sound more like he knows Pence is not convinced, or he has already decided not to act, and Trump is highlighting his failure before it happens.

We won't have to wait much to see what happens. Today should be interesting!
The surprising rise of Stacy Abrams incase you haven't heard.

Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR, Bilderberg Group​

Stacey Abrams has really arrived. The former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives and the Democrat Party candidate in the 2018, hotly-contested Georgia gubernatorial election, Abrams scored a double anointing by major globalist groups during the month of May. First, on May 10, she was chosen to deliver the keynote address at the Council on Foreign Relations’ Seventh Annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs. She received the royal rock star treatment during that conference, as the great and the good packed into “A Conversation With Stacey Abrams,” a Q&A session emceed by New York Times reporter and editorial board member Eduardo Porter.

Then, on May 28 the Bilderberg Group issued a press release announcing its annual conference, which this year is taking place May 30-June 2 in Montreux, Switzerland. Accompanying the release is a list of the participants, an A-list of some of the planet’s wealthiest and most influential movers and shakers in the worlds of banking, business, media, academia, and politics, as Bob Adelmann noted in a May 29 report for The New American. And lo and behold, heading the list is none other than Stacey Abrams. Quite a coup for an unemployed former minor politician.
The Grooming of Stacey Abrams

Some time back, obviously, the globalists’ talent agents spotted Abrams as an articulate, marketable commodity who could effectively play the race card. A noteworthy milestone in her vita includes being selected in 2013 by Aspen Global Leaders Network (AGLN) to be a member of the Aspen Institute’s Rodel Fellowship Class of 2013.

She was also chosen as a keynote speaker at the 2014 PowerPac+ conference entitled “Race Will Win the Race: The Progressive Path to Victory.” As one might gather from the conference title, the power-mad folks at PowerPAC+ don’t mind being explicitly and shamelessly racist, as long as exploiting race results in “progressive” victories. PowerPAC+ is the very serious hobby horse of radical activist Steven Phillips and his billionaire heiress wife, Susan Sandler. According to Ballotpedia, Sandler’s PowerPac+ pumped $10 million into supporting Abram’s campaign, while George Soros (CFR) dropped $1 million into the Georgia Democratic Party to aid her.

Trump will do nothing, I'm afraid. If he meant to do something he wouldnt speak that long. IMO. I'm with Neil, only armed military action would do something.
5m ago 18:01

Congress convenes to finalize Biden's victory​

Mike Pence, the vice-president, and Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic House speaker, have now taken their places to oversee the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory.
The electoral college votes have made their way to the House floor to be formally counted.
Scott Wong(@scottwongDC)
VIDEO: Procession of the Electoral College votes make their way across the Capitol to the House floor, followed by Senators pic.twitter.com/qtzKx1TjaK
January 6, 2021

Pence says he will not try to block certification of Biden's victory​

Mike Pence has released a letter announcing that he will not attempt to block the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory today.
Citing his constitutional obligations, Pence writes that the vice-president does not have the “unilateral authority to decide which electoral votes should be counted”.
“Our Founders were deeply skeptical of concentrations of power and created a Republic based on separation of powers and checks and balances,” Pence said.
“Vesting the VP with unilateral authority to decide presidential contests would be entirely antithetical to that design.”
Donald Trump has repeatedly pressured Pence to try to block Congress from finalizing Biden’s victory, even though there is no precedent for doing so.
The president said moments ago at the “March to Save America” rally in Washington, “Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution.”
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