2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I watched a documentary about the events of 1968 with a couple of my kids last night to help explain the events that shaped me. The modern generations are so video related that spoken words are not enough to convey. The video of the napalm, the bloody faces sMashed by truncheons, the assassinations of MLK And Bobby Kennedy, the student uprisings and subsequent State repression opened their eyes at least to their dad’s cynicism. For me, watching it opened many old wounds. The anger, And the grief under that. The sickening turmoil

Today I feel the same sense of loss and defeat. Like Bruegel’s vision of hell, the world being taken over by ugliness; Christ being handed over to “the system”. It seems the only other way, at this point, is reckless violence.
Perhaps a good move by Trump would be to hit the emergency kill switch on all media. And to broadcast his message and some sort of plan going forward.

Otherwise what are the options? Try to hide between the cracks and wait for salvation? Run Luke run? Pretend to fit in and go along, hoping for cosmic intervention?

I just wanted to share the feelings of an old geezer who was “there then”

Anyway, back to watching the show! More popcorn!!
Not funny though... I remember the 89 Romanian Revolution’. Not at all funny.
I watched a documentary about the events of 1968 with a couple of my kids last night to help explain the events that shaped me. The modern generations are so video related that spoken words are not enough to convey. The video of the napalm, the bloody faces sMashed by truncheons, the assassinations of MLK And Bobby Kennedy, the student uprisings and subsequent State repression opened their eyes at least to their dad’s cynicism. For me, watching it opened many old wounds. The anger, And the grief under that. The sickening turmoil

Today I feel the same sense of loss and defeat. Like Bruegel’s vision of hell, the world being taken over by ugliness; Christ being handed over to “the system”. It seems the only other way, at this point, is reckless violence.
Perhaps a good move by Trump would be to hit the emergency kill switch on all media. And to broadcast his message and some sort of plan going forward.

Otherwise what are the options? Try to hide between the cracks and wait for salvation? Run Luke run? Pretend to fit in and go along, hoping for cosmic intervention?

I just wanted to share the feelings of an old geezer who was “there then”

Anyway, back to watching the show! More popcorn!!

Thanks for sharing - sounds like you're a good Dad.

The way I see it, in that good ol' famous story of Jesus, there was the crucifixion. We seem to be at that point.

Any kind of purification usually hurts - whether it's disinfectant on a wound, or a gangrenous limb cut off, or an infected animal culled to safeguard the herd... or a comet. We seem to be at that point, too.

At the very least, we have been given the knowledge that if we keep the faith alive in our hearts, pay close attention, and to remain open to what will come, there will be a whole new realm to explore. As for how that translates into practical terms, sussing out this or that option, only you can determine that. But we have the good blessing of being schooled in making sound decisions based on reason. Now is the crucial time to make use of that precious faculty.

So, there was the crucifixion - but there was also the resurrection.

Someone was recently on and gave a testimony saying he and others stormed the building, when a woman went through the door she was shot in the neck saying "I'm okay I'm okay" as she fell backward toward the man with blood coming out of her mouth. He left the building to recount the story and doesn't know if she's dead or not. He looks super shell-shocked and that people in that building are willing to kill people to protect the people who were "elected" to represent them.

Not sure if this is the first-blood, but it's a start of something terribly symbolic.
Tear gas reported in the Senate building... Ill stop posting now...Basically its bad shots fired in Gov building...Only way Trump doesn't get arrested for this is if he is currently in Tahiti and stays there.
I think at this point, it's time to SURRENDER....to the Divine Cosmic Mind, that is 😉 Of course a peaceful resolution would be preferred above all else, but as I explained to my Aunt over Christmas,

"when one side refuses at every turn to reproach, the last option on the table involves the threat to physical security and continuance. Physical safety, above all else, is WHY we built communities and society in the first place. Nobody wants to die, and it seems to be the one thing that the majority of people are afraid of (not me, get me OFF this forsaken STS rock), so in that vein if people decide a physical assault is the only option left, after many repeated attempts to avoid such a path, who am I to argue? I for one, save some very specific circumstances, cannot imagine myself pulling the trigger on another person, but I CAN imagine myself no longer stopping those who wish to pull said trigger. When everything we built society around no longer works or is in actual effect working for us, do we even have a society any longer? There is, in fact, a very real and very existent evil in this universe, one that which will continue to creep upon you until you are pushed so far from who you think you are. You, me, and everyone else in this world, must decide, NOW, where we draw a line in the sand. A line that cannot and will not be crossed under any circumstances. The time of this world as we know and understand it is up, and the best thing one can do is not be afraid to lose it, because through my eyes, there is nothing left to this physical world worth saving. The plants, the animals; all of the natural world, will remain as it always has. But as stewards of that world, we have miserably failed to uphold that role. In my eyes, the only thing that will be left of the human race will be the internal purity of those who tried above all else to SEE and ACT in as selfless a manner as possible. Almost everything that makes it from internal to external is or becomes corrupted. You must ask yourself why that is, and be not afraid of what you may find as the answer."

If or when Joe Biden gets sworn in, life will become immediately harder and unbearable for many across the world. If Trump gets sworn in, life in my immediate vicinity may be just as hard, depending on a number of X factors. Despite all attempts to get them to SEE, my parents, who are my closest vicinity, are blinded by emotion, continue to only listen to CNN, and yet they who cannot do even the most basic of computer tasks, are convinced without any doubt that there is no possible way there could be election fraud, no possible way there could be hacked security in the infrastructure, and generally cannot form even a mid-level cognitive question regarding the irregularities. If it wasn't so terribly depressing, it would be laughable.

All I can do at this point is hope and pray for everyone in the coming days, or weeks or years or however long left we have, that all is as it should be, not the way I would like it to be, and that everyone will be able to witness exactly what it is they need for the growth of their soul.

This is perhaps the hardest thing I could have imagined, and I will admit most days, it feels impossible to keep going. It feels selfish to hope that for those who can SEE, that the coming days will be shortened, but alas, here I am, feeling and hoping for just that. I will however, not quit and not give up, until the Divine Cosmic Mind tells me it is time. To do otherwise would in fact be the selfish thing.
Tear gas reported in the Senate building... Ill stop posting now...Basically its bad shots fired in Gov building...Only way Trump doesn't get arrested for this is if he is currently in Tahiti and stays there.

Yeah, Trump isn't walking away if he doesn't remain president. All or nothing for him now too.
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