Biden Melts Down After Reporter Asks About His Son's Dirty Dealings
Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden didn't react positively to a devastating Senate report that was released on Wednesday detailing his son Hunter's dirty dealings while good old Joe was Obama's vice president.In a response to a reporter's question on revelations that Biden the younger received money from the wife of a former mayor of Moscow and that he sent money to people connected to human sex trafficking, lunchbucket Joe melted down.
It's understandable that Biden is a bit sensitive about the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the Committee on Finance report.
The report also stated that the investigation found that the Obama administration “knew that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine.”

The exploits of Hunter Biden are already legendary with the heir to the family dynasty being booted out of the Navy after testing positive for cocaine, having his personal information revealed in the hack of adultery clearinghouse Ashley Madison – he blamed Russia – and an ugly divorce which revealed sordid tales of drugs and hookers.
He also wasted no time in rushing to hop into the sack with his dead brother’s widow after Beau Biden tragically died of brain cancer.
He also recently settled a paternity suit that could have been problematic to Biden’s campaign.
The kicker? The woman who was suing him alleges that he was boinking her while he was engaged in his torrid and tawdry affair with his sister-in-law; talk about a triple-dipper!