2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I think there is a good chance that Trump knows that it is pretty unlikely that he or any other Trump (his sons) will ever again be allowed to come even close to the power of the presidency. The PTB will do their utmost to never have any kind of Trump spoil their plans again. So from that perspective, I don't think Trump can really count on another term in 4 years after Biden (or anytime in the future for that matter). I bet he knows that. So it seems to me that the phrase "it is now or never" holds true and Trump knows it.
The dark side of the force has gripped my soul and I will never be the same again.

I think you've been reading too many romance novels! Seriously though, by the above you mean you're depressed, which is totally understandable, because things are pretty bleak right now, and they'll likely get worse. BUT, what a time to be alive! We have a front row seat to watch the unfolding of the STS mindset taken to its logical extremes: those extremes being selfishness, subjectivity, idiocy, arrogance, recklessness and fecklessness (to name but a few). Living through such a clown show is gonna be difficult, but if we keep the right perspective (and remember, you always get to choose which perspective you have) we can see this as a very interesting (if sometimes jaw-dropping) learning experience. What are we learning about? Everything!

Also, we should give the Cs a break. They said Trump would win, and he did. They also said, in response to a follow up question where I asked if there would be riots as a result of Trump winning, that Trump would declare martial law (because of the riots, not to 'win'). Anyway, making definitive predictions weeks in advance, especially at this time in history, is probably pretty difficult, and to be honest, we should always take an "wait and see" approach to predictions.
I don't think Pence will cave in to the 25th Amendment pressure - it's never been used before + the thing called loyalty - therefore most likely Trump will be impeached, this time for good and in the most shameful way - with the Republicans on board.

There's a thing called 'accountability' or retribution that needs to be served.
Who's to blame for the death of Ashli Babbit?
The officer who shot her doing his job under pressure, or the twisted ideology that brought her there, and ultimately the instigator and of all conspiracies, Trump himself?

If Trump has a faint of decency (and sanity) left he would realize the consequences of his procrastination, would come up on public TV and start by asking forgiveness to the families of four people killed in the Capitol riots.
Then he would say to the American people: 'I am sorry, I was upset with the election results, I felt cheated, vowed to fight until the end, but my gambit fired back, and the outcome was what happened yesterday.'
'I didn't want that to happen, I am sorry - I will resign immediately, our election system is not perfect but we can learn and improve it, our great democracy can regenerate from inside no matter what conspiracies you believe in, and we'll find ways to rise above the challenges and build a better society. America has never been about a single man. Thank you and good night."

That's the only way for him (and his family) to save face and have a future in America, otherwise they will be completely ostracized.

But I doubt he would do that, he's gone too far in his own delusion.
The main thing that gets to me about all of this is being powerless. The majority of these heroes, while outgunned, they were powerful, some had superpowers even. I'm just a sack of meat, for the time being at least.

While some people were having dreams of zombies, I was having dreams about people being possessed by aliens. It was quite a vivid dream, and without going into a whole lot of detail about it, I was tasked with recovering some kind of metal box artifact with hieroglyphics on it that the aliens wanted but were kind of afraid of. I recovered the artifact but the aliens were waiting for me and I got shot and collapsed against a wall, bleeding out. An MIB walked in, which was actually a probe for a Mantis being, swiped the artifact, and forced me to stare into its cold, endlessly dark eyes. Then it telepathically told me something to the effect of "The forces of creation bow to our will. You are nothing. Your resistance will amount to nothing. Feel your helplessness. Feel that helplessness envelop you as you gaze upon the presence of your Lord and learn your place in the universe." Now the way these beings speak to you, it's like they bore into your heart and then their thoughts reverberate throughout your entire body. I certainly felt helpless, but managed to squeak out a feeble "F- you." That was not what he wanted to hear and he killed me. While I suspected this was some kind of genuine transdensity psychic interaction, it was still something I could write off as being "just a dream." The situation with Trump makes me feel the same way as I did staring into that creature's eyes, and it's not just a dream..

As far as looking for someone to blame, for a moment I wanted to lash out, but I quickly remembered what Laura had said about critical channeling, and that everything must be analyzed critically, especially one's own thinking toward the subject being analyzed. I realized I had no one to blame except my own naivete and emotional attachment to a positive outcome. Not making that mistake again.

I'm not going anywhere, and this defeat has me itching for a fight; as Gurdjieff said, "today is a good day to die." Even though I'm not seeing much of a legitimate possibility for a positive outcome at the moment, I want to go out giving the Mantises/PTB/stormtroopers/whatever the hell a big "F- you." A lot of my choices in the future seem to revolve around choosing exactly how I want to die, but they won't become more clear until Biden is sworn in.
I think that the what the C's meant is that if humanity isn't able to look through of what is obviously a fake pandamic nothing ever will wake them up.

In a real pandamic people would be dying left and right, ambulances would be heard all day and society would seriously struggle. That's how a real pandamic looks like. It's almost hilarious that people are falling for it. And incredible sad.
One of Trump's fruitful endeavors was that he gave people a chance to see the PTB with their own eyes and choose truth over lies. Granted, many were already predisposed to that, but considering that many have posted their experiences of leaving the democrat party, it shows some hope.
In terms of the wishing for the comet or asteroid to come wipe things out, etc, I have felt like that and thought that at times. Even this morning I was pretty frustrated and down about everything that took place yesterday and did fall into some ‘dark side’ type thoughts, such as Neil’s.

Thinking about the current situation today in terms of Neil’s post and what everyone else has posted after it, it has come to mind that wishing for a comet or asteroid strike or hoping for one is likely hubris. It seems to be placing yourself in the position of Universe, Cosmic Mind, God or whatever you want to call the creator and that you know better yourself what should happen for people and humanity and in reality. And that this is from a very limited personal perspective that is being driven by negative emotions and, when I think about it as applied to myself, that it is related to my own self-importance and internal considering.

Maybe some people need to suffer. Maybe some people need to learn some hard lessons. Maybe we need to learn how to step back from what looks to be less than desirable situations, such as where things look to be heading, and look at them, as some have commented, as personal opportunities to grow, try to look at them from a larger perspective, to see them as an opportunity for others to possibly grow, and also for us to possibly help those who ask for help, which could lead to their growth and our own. Seems to me that this time could be seen as an excellent time to learn some important lessons across the board.

I always find that reading some C’s sessions seem to really settle me when I get into such states of doom and gloom or anger, etc. I often times forget the comments from the C’s, which really seemed to help at the time when reading the session. Here are some, mostly from the end of sessions, from the last two years to maybe give some perspective:
A: Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world. Goodbye.

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!


(L) So that is basically being addressed to anybody who reads this session.

(Andromeda) It's not just surviving or enduring that's the point.

(L) It's to survive and serve others!

A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

A: Be calm! Things will change! Love and Goodbye.

A: None of what they thought has transpired due to wishful thinking. Just keep eyes and ears open! Lot of surprising twists and turns. Better than a roller coaster.

Q: (Joe) What if you don't like roller coasters? What if you vomit on roller coasters? (Artemis) Any more questions from anybody?

A: Worry not! Goodbye.

A: Keep eyes and ears open so that you can enjoy the show. But also pay close and careful attention to those around you in love and harmony. Balance is key. Goodbye.

(Artemis) They want to speak...

A: It will turn out well. Worry not. All major transitions are fraught and chaotic.

Q: (L) Well, as long as you don't mean transitions off the planet...

A: No!

Q: (L) So, that I'm assuming is referring to Ark and his condition?

A: Yes and so much more yet to come yet on your plane.

Q: (L) Close enough. Alright, any other questions? We covered the list. Alright, we'll just thank you for being with us. Is there anything you need to warn us about or something we haven't asked?

A: Just stay calm and patient. Goodbye.
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Wittiness the foaming of at the mouth (with the steal), and the popular grandstanding. 🧐
Is there some blackmail in the background here folks..?

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Session, December 31, 2020

A: [...] There is much more turmoil to come.

Session, October 16, 1994

A: Changes will follow turmoil, be patient.

So, the storm before the calm . . .
Funny that I posted that on Tuesday and we're all aware of the "storm" that happened the very next day - not exactly what I was expecting when I posted and probably well below a Cat 5 - but who knows what may ultimately develop.

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