2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Hope Hicks makes glamorous return to duty after recovering from COVID: Trump aide refuses a mask as she boards Air Force One for two day southern campaign swing and the President's so happy he's dancing!

It's unclear when Hicks officially returned to work. Thursday marks the end of 14 days from her positive test but the White House has been arguing that 10 days is also sufficient to quarantine if a person is not showing symptoms.

It's Almost Impossible to Get COVID-19 on an Airplane, New Military Study Suggests

A new military-led study unveiled Thursday shows there is a low risk for passengers traveling aboard large commercial aircraft to contract an airborne virus such as COVID-19 -- and it doesn't matter where they sit on the airplane.

Researchers concluded that because of sophisticated air particle filtration and ventilation systems on board the Boeing 767-300 and 777-200 aircraft -- the planes tested for the study -- airborne particles within the cabin have a very short lifespan, according to defense officials with U.S. Transportation Command, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and Air Mobility Command, which spearheaded the study.
The corruption is just piling up into one enormous heap of crap:

Has CNN taken note of the social media backlash and decided to be more amiable?

A woman who attended President Trump’s NBC town hall Thursday evening and gained notoriety on social media for nodding her head and giving a thumbs up behind the president, ran for a Congressional seat in 2018 as an independent, pro-Trump candidate.

According to the Miami Herald, Florida immigration attorney and Trump supporter Mayra Joli was seated behind the president during the town hall. She became associated with the hashtags “#noddingwoman” and “#noddinglady” on Twitter following Thursday’s event.
According to the Herald, Joli is a five-time beauty queen who also serves as a commentator on Spanish-language television. She has consistently vocalized her support for Trump, saying in a 2017 interview with the Herald that he inspired her campaign.

"I am not looking to run [for Congress] because I need a paycheck, like Donald Trump. I'm not looking to run because I need fame, like Donald Trump. I’m running because I need this country to succeed,” Joli said. “Like Donald Trump, I don’t drink.”
Just a speculative thought on political strategy in regards to the virus - so Trump, Melania and Barron get the virus and shake it off and recover fast proving that the virus is a nothing burger. So how do the dems see that hand and raise it one? Catch the virus and die from it to prove that it is a really scary virus? With Harris waiting on the side lines and Joe deteriorating I wonder if that's going to be the set up. Joe kicks the bucket, his death is attributed to the virus and then Harris steps in?
Just a speculative thought on political strategy in regards to the virus - so Trump, Melania and Barron get the virus and shake it off and recover fast proving that the virus is a nothing burger. So how do the dems see that hand and raise it one? Catch the virus and die from it to prove that it is a really scary virus? With Harris waiting on the side lines and Joe deteriorating I wonder if that's going to be the set up. Joe kicks the bucket, his death is attributed to the virus and then Harris steps in?
Could actually be a timeline. Infecting Biden with a decent covid load should be the least of the problems. Voluntarily such a virus does not go to Biden - Covid has its pride too:barf:
Just a speculative thought on political strategy in regards to the virus - so Trump, Melania and Barron get the virus and shake it off and recover fast proving that the virus is a nothing burger. So how do the dems see that hand and raise it one? Catch the virus and die from it to prove that it is a really scary virus? With Harris waiting on the side lines and Joe deteriorating I wonder if that's going to be the set up. Joe kicks the bucket, his death is attributed to the virus and then Harris steps in?
Coronavirus is still pretty young so I'm sure biden wants to put his hands all over it.
😂 [James Woods tweet on Biden's gigantic teleprompter]
From James Woods twitter - Trump town hall moderator Savannah Gutherie:


Tucker Carlson riffing tonight on Joe Biden’s Corn Pop” saga is hilarious. Brilliant. So funny. OMG.
Couldn't remember details of the Corn Pop saga - found this - back when Colbert was funny and not rabid Deep State agent:

OMG 🤣 Tooo Funny!

Tucker Carlson on Corn Pop [5:03] and Joe's Town Hall:

Social media claims another victim:

Freedom of speech is no longer free.' Williamsburg man says he was fired over a TikTok video

31-year-old Zachary Poole of Williamsburg, Ohio says he was fired after a video he posted on TikTok was "taken out of context" and shared across multiple social media platforms.

In the video, Poole seemed to threaten violence if presidential candidate Joe Biden were to win the election in November.

"I don't know if a lot of y'all understand this or not, but come November there's a war coming," Poole says in the video.

But Poole told The Enquirer he didn't mean to threaten violence. His comments in the video, he says, aimed to draw attention to the deep division the country has displayed in the weeks leading up to the presidential election. Whichever party loses, Poole said, will likely protest. If Biden wins, Poole said he and others "will be standing up for our rights."

"And how we would go about doing that is peaceful protesting," Poole said. "We wouldn't be burning streets down, or anything like that. We would stand up for what's right. I'm not looking for no war, I'm not racist, or anything like that. I'm not part of no group or nothing."

Nevertheless, Poole says liberal social media accounts linked him to the Proud Boys, a far-right group with a history of violent confrontations. Concerned individuals called his employer and even the police.

"I didn't even know what that meant until all this started happening," Poole said. "I didn't even know there was a group called Proud Boys until all this."

Poole said he believes those accusations cost him his job at Arch Materials, LLC, where he said he had been working for about seven months.

"Everybody across the U.S. was calling me in, trying to get me fired," Poole said. "And with them reporting it to my company, they said it was against core values and they fired me."
On Thursday, Williamsburg Chief of Police Michael Gregory said the case was closed.

"Our department, along with the Cincinnati field office of the FBI, spoke to Mr. Poole about the posting and at this time there is no charges going to be filed," Gregory said.
Williamsburg Police received at least two complaints about the video, one of which came from a concerned citizen in California, Gregory said. One of the complaints included a link to the video.

"The reason why I say there's a war coming is cuz if Trump wins, Black Lives Matter and all them other Antifa dumbasses are gonna try to start war. We ready, don't worry. We ready, us rednecks and stuff, we ready for y'all. But if Biden wins, we coming, and we coming strong," Poole said in the video.
"The endorsement of political violence in Mr. Poole’s social media post is contrary to the core values of Arch Materials, LLC and Rogers Group, Inc. Arch Materials and Rogers Group condemn in the strongest possible terms Mr. Poole's encouragement of violence and demand that any media post suggesting otherwise, or in any way connecting Rogers Group or Arch Materials to Mr. Poole’s views be removed," the statement reads.

"Basically it's coming down to where freedom of speech is no longer free," Poole said. "Look what happened. I did freedom of speech and it cost me my job and it cost me my livelihood, and everything."

On top of losing his job, Poole and his wife, 32-year-old Kristin Poole, say they have received death threats online.

"Just talking about it gets me upset," she said. "Because that's not who he is. That's not my husband.

"My husband is the most kindest person that you will ever meet. And if you are a friend of his, he will give you the shirt off his back. And that's who he is. (It) doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter what sexuality you have, it does not matter."

No reports of threats towards the Pooles have been filed in Clermont County court.
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