2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The chances of falling into a doom and gloom perspective are, IMO, increased by indulging in magical thinking, because when such thinking fails (as it inevitably does) the believer had farther to 'fall'.

Wanted to pull this out to emphasize it for everyone here. It's really important.

Stop trying to guess what the hidden plan is. Stop hoping for a specific outcome to manifest. It won't, and disappointment will lead to despair.

A useful exercise can be to instead consider the worst that can happen. Game that out in your head. What will you do? How will you react? Remember that this life is not the end....

The point of this is two-fold: if the worst happens, you'll be more emotionally prepared; and if it doesn't, you'll be pleasantly surprised (rather than bitterly disappointed when your favored result fails to manifest).

Keep a sense of humor about all of this. Take a step back, and remind yourself that what's happening may be evil, but it's also simply absurd - that these people are simultaneously dangerous and repulsive, and utterly silly and ridiculous. Laughter is simultaneously shield and sword for the soul - it keeps morale high, and cuts the enemy down to size.
Joe said: The chances of falling into a doom and gloom perspective are, IMO, increased by indulging in magical thinking, because when such thinking fails (as it inevitably does) the believer had farther to 'fall'.

Wanted to pull this out to emphasize it for everyone here. It's really important.

Stop trying to guess what the hidden plan is. Stop hoping for a specific outcome to manifest. It won't, and disappointment will lead to despair.

A useful exercise can be to instead consider the worst that can happen. Game that out in your head. What will you do? How will you react? Remember that this life is not the end....

The point of this is two-fold: if the worst happens, you'll be more emotionally prepared; and if it doesn't, you'll be pleasantly surprised (rather than bitterly disappointed when your favored result fails to manifest).

Keep a sense of humor about all of this. Take a step back, and remind yourself that what's happening may be evil, but it's also simply absurd - that these people are simultaneously dangerous and repulsive, and utterly silly and ridiculous. Laughter is simultaneously shield and sword for the soul - it keeps morale high, and cuts the enemy down to size.

Oh, this is SO TRUE! So many people want to "determine the needs of others", including deciding how the universe should do things, what outcomes are acceptable and which ones are not. Believe me, that way lies madness!
I think I said a few pages back that I was disappointed. For me, sorting out truth from lies and knowing, to the greatest extent possible, what is *actually* happening is what gives me hope that we can successfully navigate the turmoil ahead and, as such, gives me hope for the future. Hopefully that explains where I am coming from. I'm not interested in believing, I want to KNOW.

Thanks @Joe,

Really, that's all I hope for too. Actually, the Cs and you strangely said something very similar.

I am honored to hopefully to be in your "time" line. Sometimes I think you may forget what you post or say in the sessions.

Session 5 August 2017:
(L) If there's anybody in the US who doesn't know how corrupt and how evil the media and politics is by now, they must be living in the backwoods with no radio, TV, or contact with the outside world.

(Joe) The most frustrating thing about it is that all these people who are anti-Trump and who are dismissing everything he says or everything he might have exposed like in terms of a power behind the throne, they dismiss all that because they don't like HIM.

(L) It's personal.

(Joe) Yeah, it's personal. So there are so many people who just don't believe anything he says about the media, and about Congress, and all the hints he's making that basically he's being screwed over by some other power... They're just laughing at him because they started out at the beginning just hating him: Not My President! Ya know? I dunno how many people are like that, but there are a lot of people just missing the whole lesson and the whole opportunity to see all that.

(L) That's exactly what they did in the Ukraine. Drove the elected president out, and then the CIA came in and took over.

(Joe) And you see what happened afterwards. If that's what happens in America...

(L) So they're trying to drive him out, so... It's just a real ugly situation right now, and I dunno how smart Trump is. I dunno what kind of advisors he's got. I know he ought to get rid of that son-in-law. Well, he can't do anything! The only thing he COULD do would be to call on the people to start a revolution.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) His only allies are among the people. Among the elite, he's...

(L) They're ALL corrupt.

(Pierre) And they're all against him.

(Joe) Everything that has been done has been designed to discredit him and make him look incompetent in the eyes of as many people as possible. And it's worked.

So, thanks @Joe and @Pierre. :hug:

Also, it helps me to remember the following about "belief".

Session 10 February 2018:
(Joe) Any fixed, hard core beliefs. Think about all the books we’ve read. It's not that we're gathering information, but instead that we're discovering that all the things we thought we knew are wrong. Just the information in those books that you read that supplants the more limited beliefs, that gives you a broader perspective on things. But that's still not the whole truth. No matter how many books you read, you can never say, "I know this for sure!" So, the process of learning is about getting rid of stuff related to limiting beliefs.

(Pierre) What I understand from this discussion is that the healthy beliefs are the unlimiting beliefs, but...

(L) Why believe anything?

(Pierre) Yes; beliefs by definition ARE limiting.
If you don't believe this, then you believe that. So, I guess unlimited beliefs is sort of a transcending of the very notion of belief. It's going beyond beliefs.

A: Become like little children...

Q: (Artemis) Inquisitive, but without bias or beliefs.

(L) And adventurous, open to experience, and not formed up with any beliefs. And one hopes that it's a little child that has not been developmentally traumatized! [laughter]

(Chu) I think it comes down to what the books say, really, which is that if you're in the present, you stop having the wrong beliefs. Instead of living in the past, you're in a state where you're curious again. So, it is a positive emotion in the end, but it's not the positive emotions as we normally understand them with all the wishful thinking that goes along with them.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Chu) It's like let's live life as an experiment, and...

(L) Like, "This is interesting to see what happens next..."

(Andromeda) But you still have the ability to feel negative emotions as a response to something that happens. Which would be proper.

(Pierre) A lot of PK events or paranormal events involve children. And children, compared to adults, have less of those limiting beliefs. Therefore, they can connect and experience a wider range of events.

(Artemis) So basically, neurofeedback plus reading will help people increase their receivership capability...

(L) If they apply what they read...

(Artemis) ...will help them become conduits for positive forces in the universe.

A: Yes

Anyway, I thank all of you for being there.
An incoming online show from David Knight, at 9am Eastern time, meaning in less than 1h.
Was posted on GAB, here's the link to the post :

And here's what he'll discuss :
- The Technocracy BEGINS with #purge2021 of info
- #BigTech cartel acts like government, government FAILS TO ACT
- Has Trump signed #InsurrectionActNow or is the establishment acting like it's an #insurrection?
- Day 305 of #Lockdown & #GreatReset
- Biden releases the Kraken? — no, he will release ALL vaccine doses at once

Here's the link to the live : thedavidknightshow · DLive

Is it a good source ? Saw his name only mentionned once in this thread. His family name remembers me of someone but can't catch it :lol:
I agree that adding humour & good spirit discussing all of this "tragedy" allow us to detach more easily from all this mess ... or better word at this right moment is "fog", because we are clearly in the fog in regard to news. There's something going on, PTB did big strikes during the w-e with all the censorship, and now it's almost "silence".
our programs are being manipulated and distorted and how the STS trap of wishful thinking, despair and then return to wishful thinking at the next false lead of hope, offers us such an opportunity to learn how we are being managed by the herd keepers.

Final thought on what's been happening. Does the scale of the OTT reaction of the system to what happened on Capital Hill actually suggest they were genuinely shaken (and deeply affronted) at how close real humans got to potentially wringing their necks live on TV?
I was thinking the along the same lines.
Oh, one final thought: to those of you who watched his speech that day, did you notice that, for the very first time, Trump was behind bullet proof glass? I'm not sure anyone here has mentioned it. Not much mention of it anywhere.

Yeah heard this too. Apparently he was behind bulletproof glass, during his 4th of July speech 2019.

"The July 4th celebration on the National Mall saw Trump address an adoring crowd behind rain-soaked bulletproof glass"

I tend to avoid personal arguments, but your nickname actually reminded me of David Lynch and the Woodsmen characters - grobian enablers of the evil spirit Bob who was in roaming as 'Cooper'/'bad Cooper' impersonator in the last season of the series. I am convinced you aren't anything like that.:-)

The yokel who slapped his feet and blood over Pelosi's desk, however was very close...I don't know how acquainted you are in dealing with an enraged mob being trapped in a building, but I can assure you from own experience that is not pretty. Those were real moments of terror for politicians, staffers and policemen inside. Mob attacks have been part of terror playbooks in history from lynching to political pressure and fomenting insurrections... and comparing the Capitol attach with Kristallnacht wasn't far fetched - if that upsets you.

Now, the enemy is not the people - be them left or right, blue collar or rich, liberals or conservatives - it's always the toxic ideology that poisons people's minds. When the mistrust and divide are seeded and irresponsibly exploited, the mob instincts kick in inevitably and become the most destructive force - which can lead to death, as it happened on January 6th. The most ridiculous part: it's easier than ever to do it today, the 'influencer' and clicks monetization culture has created these monsters: Q-anon, ex-secret intelligence youtube analysts spewing disinformation and conspiracies for pennies, closeted "insiders" and anti-establishment warriors, they all bid for fame. It's not the message, it's the noise and sulfur they generate that counts.

And then when a man who rightfully rised to power on a wave of popular support wants to hijack this power for another term, what does he do? He doesn't need to coerce generals, change constitution, liquidate his political opponents, no. He's just using his popular capital to appeal to lowest common denominator and instincts pretending that he's doing the good fight, God's work no less. The message is sent directly via social media, carried by traditional media and gets repeated ad-hypnosis and amplified freely by 'influencers' - look, he's really telling it as it is, he's really sticking it to "them" - and by the time you hit refresh every yokel with a phone and internet brings another 10 yokels and storms the Capitol screaming 'stop the steal'.

Who's the fascist now? Using the mob as tool for political leverage and terror is the lowest you can go.

Now, I'm not advocating restraining anyone's freedom and right to expression, but who's responsibility is to filter and discern information? The Ministry of Truth? No. Every individual? I betcha. The enablers (i'e. social media co's)? Who else?

Next: where does the buck stop? who's responsibility is for the terror, insecurity and damage done to other people and to the democratic institutions in a civilized society? Those who did it? It is their individual responsibility, of course. But we assume the best in people, they are driven by sincere beliefs and hopes, you and me although of different opinions and colors, have the same best intentions after all. Then who's responsible when it comes to commit crime for a belief? The only viable answer remains the instigator of this divide and actions.

On Arnold's video, regardless of his celebrity status, I am sure the man spoke from his heart, as an immigrant in this country, and he used to be friends with Trump and know him intimately as many others who left him shaking their head... I have voted for Trump myself in 2016 and recently, but what he did post-election, and especially the DC rally and what followed disqualifies him in any respect - he needs to disappear from the political scene and into oblivion.
What did he do?
The wave of internet sovereignty

Boris Johnson considers new laws to target the Twitter censors... so ‘bunch of woke Californians can’t interfere in the UK’​

Hungarians Launch Anti-Censorship Social Media Network​

+ Poland
".. I have voted for Trump myself in 2016 and recently, but what he did post-election, and especially the DC rally and what followed disqualifies him in any respect - he needs to disappear from the political scene and into oblivion."

I was asking what he thinks Trump has done post election.
Oh, this is SO TRUE! So many people want to "determine the needs of others", including deciding how the universe should do things, what outcomes are acceptable and which ones are not. Believe me, that way lies madness!

This is one of the many mistakes I've made, admitedly. Having fantasy infused expectations outcomes did leave a dent in me. I think this is a good moment to call to introspection. Most of the events unfolding right now are the results of a colossal struggle of forces, and we're caught in the middle for one reason or another. It's truly hard to make the effort and stay calm, but I'm leaning towards taking the decision of sitting back and just enjoy the show. Psychegram was spot on with his comment. Only God knows what's going on behind the curtain.


I'd also like to thank Joe for all the intellectual effort he's putting into this. Trying to navigate through mud isn't an easy task, but his comments feel like a slap of logical thinking that is very much needed at times.
".. I have voted for Trump myself in 2016 and recently, but what he did post-election, and especially the DC rally and what followed disqualifies him in any respect - he needs to disappear from the political scene and into oblivion."

I was asking what he thinks Trump has done post election.
Ah I see. I think mbww answered that already with the section you quote:

what he did post-election, and especially the DC rally and what followed disqualifies him in any respect - he needs to disappear from the political scene and into oblivion.

this seems to include daring to bring to public awareness evidence of multiple incidents of illegality concerning the vote. How could he!? Shame on you Trump, bringing democracy into such disrepute!
Babylon Bee, cutting a little too close to the quick once again.

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