2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

So I took a shot at Lobaczewski’s book to figure out what "paramoralism" is supposed to mean, and the closest I got is exploiting a tragic event/situation for personal or political gains by exaggerating the severity of that event, particularly exploiting human emotions through effusions of outrage or exaltation.

It creates a divide between ‘normal people’ and those perceived as ‘ponerized’ or ‘psychopaths’.
When this is propagated at group mentality level - it becomes a serious problem: us vs them, der anderen.

And that’s how adversity and division creep in society and from there is just a descent to barbarism.
As opposed to diversity and inclusion (even artificially instilled) which foster cohesion and lead the way to the future.
In your argument, I cannot see how your view of "diversity and inclusion, foster cohesion" reflect the objective reality, when these are exactly the factors chiefly contributing to split the society. Within their very narrow-specific meaning which ARE artificially instilled, and thus used as tools for manipulation and division, you seem to miss fundamental point. Which is, you are yourself ponerized and using para-moralism to explain why Trump lost.

If you don’t at least try to understand that we are moving into a new era, and some preps for these changes that lie ahead of us are necessary, concepts of unity, acceptance and tolerance gaining more prominence and a certain neuroplasticity - you’re going to have a hard time dealing with these feelings of elites, control, programming, psyops, etc.
According to your own thesis, acceptance of pathological system is going to help with pseudo-reality being imposed on you. Nevermind that you will have to accept lies or else! Well it might work for those who blindly or willfully embrace totalitarianism, as well as those who don't have to deal with conscience, but there is always price to pay. Collingwood would say, yours is counsel of despair.
Nothing to fear but fear itself, remember that.
Now I feel enlightened.
Meanwhile, the Capitol is "fortified" with soldiers:






More photos - https: //www.rbc.ru/politics/13/01/2021/5fff033c9a7947e8f7d40b6a? From = from_main_1

PS It seems to me, or did they forget to drive an aircraft-carrying cruiser along the Potomac River (I'm not sure if it is navigable in this place), a couple of Apache helicopters and a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system to the Capitol building?
Yeah, it's basically the old logo but with the red white and blue (and a bit of yellow) coloring changed to black and white. All in all, very fitting for the black and white thinking that defines these times.
Kicking off Biden's Dark Winter.
Traditionally big food chain restaurants (McDonald's, Taco bell, Burger King, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts etc.) used bright colors for their building exterior. Since COVID, they slowly and steadily almost all restaurants changed to blackish gray colors in my neighborhood. At least in exterior and I don't know about interior though. Few days back, I was surprised to see nearby McDonald's also changed the color to blackish gray. This is costly renovation and thought may be some top down decisions are made them to change.
Being a person who has always been involved with color via fashion and home decorating, I noticed that the trend in these past few years has been away from color to primarily grays [an aside - Fifty Shades of Grey just popped into my head - very popular S & M soft porn books/movies*]. I think millennials have absorbed this trend more so than older generations who've embraced country decor for at least two decades if not longer. Of course, just like fashion in that the purpose of certain looks/hemlines constantly changing is to motivate ongoing buying to stay in style and remain "cool and with it", home decor is no different. And the younger set doesn't want their cribs to look like granny's in any way. Much has been written as to the effect of color in the home in that red is usually not recommended for a bedroom, rather peaceful/comforting blue or green shades. And most comprehend stark white - plain/colorless/characterless - as well as black being gloomy/oppressive - "It can be linked with death, mourning, evil magic, and darkness". It can serve as a bold 'color' choice nonetheless - unless it's your teenager's room!

"Black isn't a primary, secondary, or tertiary color. In fact, black isn't on the color wheel because it isn't considered a color. It's all colors."

Digest that for a moment.

* (from 2015 - note the man's name is Christian)
What is a fantasy? From Freud to Ludacris, it's been an elusive idea, suggesting both an escape from reality and an expression of hidden desire. In culture, fantasy works like a mirror: It reflects who we are, but it also shapes what we become.

Love it or despise it, American culture's sexual fantasy of the moment is Fifty Shades of Grey. Since Random House bought the rights to the trilogy in 2012, the series has sold well over 100 million copies worldwide. Trailers for the movie adaptation of the first book have been viewed 250 million times, according to an ad aired in early February; it’s expected to gross at least $60 million at the box office in its opening weekend.

And that means the Fifty Shades fantasy is about to become all the more influential. Yes, the story will likely reach an even larger audience, but more importantly, it will be told in a new, visual form. When the movie comes out, the Fifty Shades version of hot, kinky sex will become explicit and precise, no longer dependent upon the imaginations of readers. Early reports say the movie shows at least 20 full minutes of sex, although it's only rated R.

What’s not so conventional is their sex. Early on in the first book, Ana discovers that Christian has a “dark secret”: He’s obsessed with BDSM—a condensed abbreviation for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. This is the central tension of the books: Ana loves Christian, but she doesn’t want to be his submissive; Christian loves Ana, but he’s turned on by violent sex.

As several experienced BDSM practitioners emphasized to me, there are healthy, ethical ways to consensually combine sex and pain. All of them require self-knowledge, communication skills, and emotional maturity in order to make the sex safe and mutually gratifying. The problem is that Fifty Shades casually associates hot sex with violence, but without any of this context. Sometimes, Ana says yes to sex she’s uncomfortable with because she’s too shy to speak her mind, or because she’s afraid of losing Christian; she gives consent when he wants to inflict pain, yet that doesn’t prevent her from being harmed.
Just another aspect of turning our culture dark - gray to black - just as what happened to our music as well. How black is rap - in every sense? A long time ago there was an article regarding a person in music who was part of a secret PTB meeting that laid out that our feel good music of the past was over. Wonderful artists who'd been on our airwaves forever were "cancelled".

All this that I describe, is the neural wiring that we inherit from our ancestors. Color itself is a language and gives us the way to read REALITY and our interaction with NATURE.

Now if you put everything in white and gray, you are not only DENATURALIZING the environment. You are changing a VERY IMPORTANT part of the visual language, and the neurological effects in the short and long term. A massive use of black and white in everything you see around, will not only make you depressed. It will blur the REALITY.
Who hasn't figured out that the goal is to kill nature (5G anyone - i.e. 5D) in its entirety. The Brotherhood of the Serpent is the anti-Christ after all.

New subject - regarding this:


Adam Johnson, the Trumpist pictured stealing the lectern of speaker Nancy Pelosi

I think this is really quite symbolic in that the DS/Democrats as represented by Pelosi stole the election, and Johnson as representative of the People is symbolically stealing it back!
The calls were serious in nature, Mestel said, but even the agents had to laugh at how absurd it was that Johnson stopped and posed for a photo in the middle of a riot that may result in the second impeachment of a president.

“It’s a black comedy,’’ Mestel said.
Oh, the irony!

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant

Earlier today, REDPILED Media released an exclusive report identifying Ashli Babbitt’s killer as US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey — the same man who let US Rep. Steve Scalise get shot nearly to death in 2017.

Now, REDPILLED Media has uncovered evidence confirming our previous reporting through self-incriminating Facebook posts, and revealing Agent Bailey as a Brazilian immigrant who has pledged his allegiance to the deadly Black Lives Matter movement — even going so far as vowing to murder Trump supporters.

This is a big article, and visually noisy, so I haven't gotten through it all yet. It seems that they ID'd the guy visually.

James Corbett made an interesting argument that they're trying to replace everything natural with an artificial substitute that they can control and own. So, maybe there is something to making the outside world bland in order to encourage participation in augmented and virtual reality.

Just a thought
Okay, so, Monkey Werx has some interesting things to say. First, he does believe the Joint Chiefs letter to be legit. Apparently there were those who were questioning its authenticity. However, how he reads the timing of that disloyal exit is that something is about to take place. He thinks today or tomorrow. He's not specifying exactly what he thinks that "something" might be, but obviously he's talking military.

Also, there were a lot of C130's and C17's (both military transport aircraft) over the country when he did this last update yesterday, so that would be in keeping with the idea that something could be about to take place.

He also brings up the special ops command that now reports directly to the Acting Defense Secretary. Concerning this, something Trump put out just a few days ago, December 10, was an "Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense." So, here we have again Trump acting in a way that doesn't seem to suggest he's enabling a "smooth" transition.

"So," says Monkey Werx, "if you can't trust your Joint Chiefs, this [order of succession] tells you exactly who you can trust." He points out that what you don't see on this order of succession are the Joint Chiefs -- and this was put out before their own letter came out. (You can see this document starting at 8:18 on this video.)

Anyway, hard to say how legit this is, but Monkey Werx believes something is about to "pop."

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Posting this quote here, since the issue of observing reality as it is vs. wishful thinking has been touched upon several times in this thread:

...we must always hold truth, as best we can determine it, to be more important, more vital to our self-interest, than our comfort. Conversely, we must always consider our personal discomfort relatively unimportant and, indeed, even welcome it in the service of the search for truth. Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs.

It's by M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled.
Monkey Werx seems to be a decent guy but he's been saying "it looks like things are about to go hot" for weeks now.
Yes, although he has owned up to his past mistakes. He even said he knows he has to hold back more, especially since the military sources he uses, which he claims used to be very reliable, are telling him that there is just so much misinformation out there right now that they too are getting tripped up.
Okay, so, Monkey Werx has some interesting things to say. First, he does believe the Joint Chiefs letter to be legit. Apparently there were those who were questioning its authenticity. However, how he reads the timing of that disloyal exit is that something is about to take place. He thinks today or tomorrow. He's not specifying exactly what he thinks that "something" might be, but obviously he's talking military.

Also, there were a lot of C130's and C17's (both military transport aircraft) over the country when he did this last update yesterday, so that would be in keeping with the idea that something could be about to take place.

He also brings up the special ops command that now reports directly to the Acting Defense Secretary. Concerning this, something Trump put out just a few days ago, December 10, was an "Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense." So, here we have again Trump acting in a way that doesn't seem to suggest he's enabling a "smooth" transition.

"So," says Monkey Werx, "if you can't trust your Joint Chiefs, this [order of succession] tells you exactly who you can trust." He points out that what you don't see on this order of succession are the Joint Chiefs -- and this was put out before their own letter came out. (You can see this document starting at 8:18 on this video.)

Anyway, hard to say how legit this is, but Monkey Werx believes something is about to "pop."

Correction: I said "a few days ago" for December 10th. I was thinking January 10th. So, that's far less dramatic.
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