2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Okay, so, Monkey Werx has some interesting things to say.
Sorry to say, but I think all of this is just contributing to unfounded anticipation which is exactly what we don't want to participate in - in fact, it's counterproductive to our aim of a better world/reality.


"Just the facts, ma'am."

Sorry to say, but I think all of this is just contributing to unfounded anticipation which is exactly what we don't want to participate in - in fact, it's counterproductive to our aim of a better world/reality.


"Just the facts, ma'am."

Yes, I had second thoughts about my post. Although there are some interesting items I mentioned. Still, Monkey Werx doesn't have a credible enough record.
Yes, I had second thoughts about my post. Although there are some interesting items I mentioned. Still, Monkey Werx doesn't have a credible enough record.
Interesting to note, I was just watching his next video of today and it was blacked out before I could see the whole thing.

Now it says it was removed by the uploader. That's all I know.
I concur with President Trump.
There may come a day where a violent response against a failed system is the inevitable path we walk to maintain our freedoms, but that day has not arrived yet. We must represent the best of our Nation if we are to save it. Protest at will, but do not sully your message by degrading it with violent or illegal acts. United in peace, and walking forward shoulder to shoulder. We will win.NO VIOLENCE.jpg
Sorry to say, but I think all of this is just contributing to unfounded anticipation which is exactly what we don't want to participate in - in fact, it's counterproductive to our aim of a better world/reality.


"Just the facts, ma'am."

As the saying goes, let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The man is presenting hard data, which can be useful if the data points to some sort of signal. Most of the time it's noise, but the anomalies is where it presents itself as a possible sign that something is out of the ordinary. Whether that is indicative of some grand military op maneuver or an infrequent, but normal flight pattern, one cannot really know at our level.

If there was any signal by the "good guys", I doubt they have craft that are trackable like this. For higher density craft, one may have to look at meteorological or celestial signs for this and even those it's hard to filter what's signal and what's noise.

Monkey Werx is a cut above the rest, whose sources they don't disclose, simply due to the raw data he presents. The anticipation comes in when one believes in what he says without doing more research into the matter and is something most of us are all working on.
Those are the very paramoralisms the 'Pathocrats' are using on the population that they have no intention of using themselves.

So, you totally miss the crux of the matter once again but it gives me the opportunity to ask someone who has a good understanding of this phenomenon, in my opinion anyway, @Approaching Infinity -You've said before in your discussions on this topic that the U.S. was not at the point of a full blown Pathocracy. But I would say that there has been a steady trajectory in that direction based on Lobaczewski's description of the process. Now that the C's have said a Biden presidency will almost immediately cause a slide into totalitarianism, do you think a full blown Pathocracy will manifest in the U.S? Any thoughts on the subject?
Sounds like a topic for MindMatters! I agree, there has been a steady trajectory, and the events of the last four years, especially the last week, have brought things even closer. Back when the book was published I don't think any of us guessed the exact form it would take, but it's become clear over the last several years: Critical Social Justice Theory. That's a schizoid ideology if there ever was one... And it has been operating for decades mostly behind the scenes, to the point where all universities, schools, corporations, etc. are infected with it and a significant portion of the population believes in it and supports it. So the pathocratic/ideological infrastructure is already there. There is no need for a violent revolution from below - diversity, equity, and inclusion boards have been reshaping society from within for years. That said, there would probably be the need for a more intense 'reshuffling' at all levels for a typical pathocracy to develop, e.g. either removing or totally hamstringing more normal state governments (I've got DeSantis and Noem in mind, for instance), blacklisting businesses who don't play ball (this is currently happening, and will be made much easier via Covid restrictions), mass arbitrary arrests on trumped up ideological charges, etc.

If I remember my Lobaczewski correctly, he gives what he considers at least two surefire signs of a fully developed pathocratic social structure: 100% of psychopaths integrated into the new social/political hierarchy, and turning against the original adherents of the ideology. The U.S. is still in the stages before that IMO - in this case, targeting MAGA 'domestic terrorists' - but there's no guessing how long that will last. It could very quickly move to targeting the current batch of leftists. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

It's always possible that the full shebang won't come to fruition, though. That doesn't mean it will be a cakewalk, just that our current digital society makes it much easier to wield totalitarian control without a lot of the middlemen.
Meanwhile, the Capitol is "fortified" with soldiers:






More photos - https: //www.rbc.ru/politics/13/01/2021/5fff033c9a7947e8f7d40b6a? From = from_main_1

PS It seems to me, or did they forget to drive an aircraft-carrying cruiser along the Potomac River (I'm not sure if it is navigable in this place), a couple of Apache helicopters and a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system to the Capitol building?
Is it just me or do soldiers with nappies on their faces look like terrorists Muppet's? No disrespect to the US military - but holy smoke!! General George S. Patton would go BERSERK!

“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”​


In my experience as a designer, the new logo with its white and grey and its typography denotes a clear expression of private enterprise (yes, there is a play on words here, and a certain pun) but it is the literalness that is striking. Those colours achieve the oppressive effect they are looking for, plus the white lines in the background suggest flows of information and data. Also note how the full name is repeated three times completing the circle.
Yes, and a little bit like a spider's threads, or stylised wingbeats of the eagle? Or abstract eagles...? It's very, very unusual to change a logo so strongly. In most cases, elements from the previous one remain in order to stay in people's minds. :huh: Very creepy...
It's always possible that the full shebang won't come to fruition, though. That doesn't mean it will be a cakewalk, just that our current digital society makes it much easier to wield totalitarian control without a lot of the middlemen.

Yeah, I don't think the whole shebang will come to pass. The USA was never, and is not today, the same as one of the Communist countries back in the day.
So it looks like there's a majority in the house for impeachment, but a 2/3 majority in the senate is very unlikely, and in any case, McConnell has said that he will not convene the Senate for a vote on impeachment before the 20th, which means this impeachment is nothing more than a low and dirty propaganda dig.
Several pages back it was said that the Q movement has transcended the US - it has gone global. And so I'm thinking that this may be an example of the PTB seeing only what they want to see - a miscalculation - in that the Q movement has triggered an awakening beyond our borders to give impetus to the many who are seeing more and more that our elected leaders are not only lying and not acting in our best interests, but are in fact, satanic pedophiles preying upon our children. I think of Alex Jones the same way - despite his going off the deep end, he did serve to awaken many who would have stayed sound asleep otherwise. I know he was one of the first persons I heard that had an impact upon me - and I was not a person sound asleep by any means. Consequently, if DS inserted both Jones and Q to serve their purposes by "suckering" the gullible, it's quite possible that a potential for significant backfire could happen. That would not be displeasing at all and hints of poetic justice.

Q has spread information about satanic pedophiles in the upper echelons of power from an 'insider of psyops'. But there is something just as important as the end-point of a fact, and that is the process whereby the facts are found. That means a constant questioning and digging, and above all, avoiding the pitfall of self-importance, or the 'speshul' feeling of having 'secret information'. It's hard to typecast an entire movement, but my experience with Q followers is that they fall into this 'speshul' category. Q galvanizes them without any explicit caution, nothing approaching the true quest for Knowledge. Revelatory sources like Q also mimic the prophetic tradition - the plebs wait until another drop from the priest who has sole access to the mysteries. That's an old, old power dynamic - and not one that seems particularly STO. It seems to be more of a free-lunch scenario to me.
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