Wondering what the strategy is for this delay other than try to deny a state win for Trump.North Carolina won't update its total vote count until Nov. 12.
At 4:14:39 this guy Dan Crenshaw gives an insightful analysis on how Dems and Republicans think what "being in control" means, that is related somewhat to The Righteous Mind by Haidth. Though he's is generalizing and oversimplifying the comment is pretty interesting.The Stephen Crowder election livestreams are informative (and funny!)
Here's one that's from today:
Crowder's team broke - among other things - the story about irregularities at the large Detroit counting center. Also the sharpies issue: thick markers being handed out to voters at polling stations in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania (the use of which renders the ballot null and void, as polling station people know full well).
The Stephen Crowder election livestreams are informative (and funny!)
Here's one that's from today:
Crowder's team broke - among other things - the story about irregularities at the large Detroit counting center. Also the sharpies issue: thick markers being handed out to voters at polling stations in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania (the use of which renders the ballot null and void, as polling station people know full well).
Interesting - but how do we know that several thousand extra ballots were not printed with the full knowledge of DHS?On twitter, there is a thread here that reminds us all that- DHS printed the official ballots. They have radioactive isotopes and watermarks and other identifiers. This isn't advertised broadly, but the info was out there. And Project Veritas has explosive info about the fraud in Michigan later tonite.
Okay, so I just went over the numbers for Wisconsin, which in the video she shows the number of registered voters as being 3,129,000. I posted it on Twitter and some guy responded saying it's false and that there are 3.6 million registered voters in the State. Claims by USA Today and Snopes () claim that number of 3.1 million is from the 2018 midterms registrations and that 3.6 million is the true number. Is it? I visited the same website mentioned in the video and it claims 3.6 million registered voters. So I did a few calculations.
This is a view into some inconsistencies; it may only scratch the surface.
This was a good interview from Tom Fitton, the founder of Judicial Review, about an hour ago on Newsmax.
C's were right, this is better than a rollercoaster!
I'm pretty sure the quote, attributed to Staline is : It's not the votes that counts, but who counts the votes.Been tracking this all day for the first time as never followed US elections before. Its been sickening to watch really. Reminds me of the quote which read sonething similar to ... its not voters who decide the result, but the guy who counts them!!
On some mainstream French media channel they explains that the Supreme Court is very unlikely to be corrupt, main reason being that they are elected for life.I think that the media will declare the Supreme Court as corrupt and unlawfull regardless. The deep state operatives will drive the leftists to a breaking point, Trump will be forced to declare martial law. Thus they will finally have their dictator that must be toppled.
Buckle up, because this might very wel end in civil war. The American people should not accept this!
I've been reading comments on Fox and, It's been curious. I'm a bit lost, which authority should say what the results are?
Thanks Mrs. Peel.Supposedly this channel is more unbiased than the MSM.
NewsmaxTV -- Live
Yes, I was watching it live when he broke the story. Crowder is hilarious. I love watching his show.
Talk about drama, the use of those ridiculous red karts and coolers! Also the lawyer lady with her hunch. My oh my, you couldn’t write this stuff up if you tried!
Don’t want to be one of those guys, but I believe his name is Steven not Stephen. Not that it’s a big deal.