2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

More footage and much clearer, showing someone both filling in ballots and stamping "received" on them with security overseeing the operation. It appears to be from the same location as above, in PA.

Footage of an election staff member in PA allegedly filling in blank voting ballots.
I've downloaded and attached the video in case it gets deleted. Please do this in the event that twitter or FB catch up and erase things!

Seems like the explanation going around twitter for this is that they're curing ballots, i.e. re-filling them in a format that the voting machine can process, which would explain why the man reads something aloud while the woman is filling it in with pauses. Not sure why they need to stamp it though.
Let´s see what "the counting" will bring :-)

10:50 PM CET
- NV 6 - 50 B vs 49,9 T
- WI 10 - 49,4 B vs 49,1 T
- MI 16 - 46,7 B vs 51,7 T
- PA 20 - 43,1 B vs 55,8 T
- NC 15 - 48,7 B vs 50,1 T
- GA 16 - 48,3 B vs 50,5 T
- AK 3 - 33,1 B vs 63 T

B 238 + 6 + 10 = 254
T 213 + 16 + 20 + 15 + 16 + 3 = 283
.... then they started counting incoming ballots.

Now is 07:20 CET

- NV 6 - 50 B vs 49,9 T --> 49,3 B vs 48,7 T
- WI 10 - 49,4 B vs 49,1 T --> 49,6 B vs 48,9 T --> CLOSED so from this, no vote went to Trump in 24h!
- MI 16 - 46,7 B vs 51,7 T --> 50,5 B vs 48,0 T --> CLOSED so from this, also no vote went to Trump in 24h!
- PA 20 - 43,1 B vs 55,8 T --> 48,1 B vs 50,7 T
- NC 15 - 48,7 B vs 50,1 T --> 48,7 B vs 50,1 T
- GA 16 - 48,3 B vs 50,5 T --> 49,1 B vs 49,6 T
- AK 3 - 33,1 B vs 63 T --> 33,5 B vs 62,1 T

B 264 + 6 = 270
T 214 + 20 + 15 + 16 + 3 = 268

Now is 06:30 CET, the difference from yesterday morning is:

- NV 6 - 49,3 B vs 48,7 T --> 49,4 B vs 48,5 T --> 84% counted
- PA 20 - 48,1 B vs 50,7 T --> 43,3 B vs 49,6 T --> they are at 95%
- NC 15 - 48,7 B vs 50,1 T --> 48,7 B vs 50,1 T --> 94%
- GA 16 - 49,1 B vs 49,6 T --> 49,4 B vs 49,4 T --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they are at 99% according to Fox
- AK 3 - 33,5 B vs 62,1 T --> 33,5 B vs 62,1 T

...jeez.... :rolleyes: 🍿
The question was asked as to why the fraud was so obvious to everybody to see. On the one hand, data are irrelevent as the covid scam has shown, but the US establishment has the means to fix the elections subtly and without anyone noticing if they wanted to. They don't and it is as if the goal is to be noticed.
If they need a colour revolution, they will need a Trump victory after contesting the results + chaos.
If they need a shift towards technocracy, they need to reduce or destroy faith in the electoral process + chaos + poverty (thanks Covid lockdowns) to create dependency + a contested presidency that vanishes into irrelevency.
It's almost conforting that things are not more bizarre, at least on the surface.
If that's the case then it's very likely a part of the agenda, such as getting people all riled up and to get them to start protesting, thus increasing divisions and tensions in society. It's similar to color revolutions and psy-ops that they have executed in other countries. I think that it's important not to get swept up in the craziness that is going on, since that would be playing into the hands of the PTB.
Fox Elections 2020 | Fox NewsNewsmax Vote for America 2020
- NV 6 - 49,4 B vs 48,5 T --> 84%

- PA 20 - 49,3 B vs 49,6 T --> 95%

- NC 15 - 48,7 B vs 50,1 T --> 94%

- GA 16 - 49,4 B vs 49,4 T --> 99%

- AK 3 - 33,5 B vs 62,1 T
Donald J. Trump (R)48.50%
Joe Biden (D)49.43%
>95% reporting

Donald J. Trump (R)49.62%
Joe Biden (D)49.23%
>99% reporting

N. Carolina
Donald J. Trump (R)50.09%
Joe Biden (D)48.69%
>95% reporting

Donald J. Trump (R)49.40%
Joe Biden (D)49.36%
>99% reporting

Donald J. Trump (R)48.54%
Joe Biden (D)50.06%
>95% reporting

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The question was asked as to why the fraud was so obvious to everybody to see. On the one hand, data are irrelevent as the covid scam has shown, but the US establishment has the means to fix the elections subtly and without anyone noticing if they wanted to. They don't and it is as if the goal is to be noticed.
If they need a colour revolution, they will need a Trump victory after contesting the results + chaos.
If they need a shift towards technocracy, they need to reduce or destroy faith in the electoral process + chaos + poverty (thanks Covid lockdowns) to create dependency + a contested presidency that vanishes into irrelevency.
It's almost conforting that things are not more bizarre, at least on the surface.

I think you are onto something and damaging the very idea of democracy is certainly in the interest of the Big Tech Satanic Technocracy.

Then again, a lot of more mundane things could play into this as well:

- Brazen wishful thinking by the democrats
- Half of the population simply ignoring MSM
- Lots of very good alternative voices that came to prominence during Trump
- Many die-hard Trump supporters willing to act as observers, smartphone tech on a new level
- Sheer incompetence and arrogance by the fraudsters

Basically, in the past it was so, so easy for them to do their thing, with the media in cahoots and the population having no choice but being ignorant. But now...

However, from a higher STS perspective this could very well be the plan: blow the whole thing up, including trust in elections and the institution of the president, and roll out their EvilTech Tyranny without resistance...
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