2023 Crop Circles

2 reports today, one just now ...

THis one with the eye made me think in this direciton - so the matrix of the 2D chessboard ( in general any checkerboard ) gets pulled up with multiple-dimensional visionaries imagination ... so all of us who are capable to "knit" the new patterns need to keep up "seeing" through the simplified grid of 2D net to know when and where to knit and pull tiny new threads that will reconnect humanity again with a 6D grid of KNOWLEDGE that is indeed part of a cosmic micro and macro INTER & INTRA - NET ...


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If the Kitts Lane circle is meant to be a telescope, the 5-7-5 arrangement of the checkers could be an area code
Most of New Mexico is 575 and it has the Very Large Array facility there.


Call the Gift Shop at: 575-835-7410 or email us at visitVLA@nrao.edu.

I think the punchline of the joke is- Ask for Jodie when you call
In the link below the outline of a flying bird is clear in the trees nearby but it is looking backward as in whatever it sees is in the past.

The Very Large Array has 27 active antenna dishes. Each of these 230 ton antennas can be moved to different locations with the help of a transporter. This lets astronomers place them in several patterns known as configurations. The antennas can be clustered together within an area no more than 0.6 miles wide, or spread across a diameter of 22 miles. Each configuration provides unique benefits to astronomers as well as a different visual experience to visitors. Below, the current VLA configuration is listed with a visual representation of that particular configuration.
The current VLA config is reminiscent of one of the circles made earlier this summer.
A new drawing on the field was discovered on July 25, 2023 in the English county of Hampshire.

View attachment 78994

Looks authentic. Could it symbolize a hyperdimensional network?🧐

There is a video in the link.

My previous post, somehow I didn’t pay attention about one round circle In the middle.
So, it should be “1999”. So, now I found another interpretation.

Number 1999 is a combination of the energies of number 1 and the attributes of number 9 appearing three times, powerfully amplifying its influences. Number 1 relates to creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving towards achieving success, attainment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 9 resonates with lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, high ideals and non-conformity, altruism and benevolence, an expansive viewpoint, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to serving your soul mission and the concepts of karma and dharma.

Angel Number 1999 may be indicating that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. These endings are clearing the way for you to begin a wonderful new and/or different life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in the most positive ways. Angel Number 1999 is an indication that one door is closing and another is opening.
If you have been hearing the calling to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession and/or heart-based service, Angel Number 1999 may suggest that now is a most auspicious time to pursue your passion and begin. Step up to your soul purpose and maintain positive thoughts, beliefs and ideas about your next steps. Listen to the guidance of your angels as they intuitively prompt you along your path and destiny and trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies.

Angel Number 1999 is a prompt to ignite your soul and motivate you towards and along your true life path and soul mission. It is a sign for lightworkers to get to work and shine their lights to illuminate the way for others.

Number 1999 relates to number 1 (1+9+9+9=28, 2+8=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.
I don’t know anything about Numerology, but I noticed that the outer bigger circle is 9, and so is in the middle, and another small ones. So, 9 circles 3 times.
And so, I found some of interesting explanations just for fun. Haha 😆

“The Number 9 in Tarot & Astrology”​

”The ninth Tarot card in a Tarot deck is The Hermit. Reflecting the same qualities as the 9 in Numerology, this card carries sage-like wisdom and a connection to the divine. But in Astrology, Sagittarius and Aries are the zodiac signs associated with the number 9. Sagittarius is the ninth sign in Astrology and reflects this number's expansive, philosophical, and open-minded nature. Aries, like the 9, is a fighter, willing to endure any challenge to reap rich rewards.

Angel number 3 is associated with positive energy, optimism, and success. It is a symbol of wisdom, harmony, creativity, communication, and self-expression.

1 It is also associated with pure joy, abundance, and opportunity, inviting you to step into new experiences and embrace fresh beginnings.

2 According to numerology, the number 3 represents inspiration, communication, and creativity.

3 It is meant for only you, and it directly responds to your prayers and energies sent to the Universe. When you see this angelic sign, think about your deepest heart's desires and manifest them. However, it calls on you to have faith in your abilities and believe in yourself.

Number 3 is the number of good fortune.
This explanation gave me quite a chuckle! I'm an Aries by birth with the Ascendant of Sagittarius. My hubby is a Libra with an Aries ascendant.
Just recently, we bought a house in a new location with the # 999 on it's door!!!! :rotfl:
And the name of the street? 3rd avenue!:jawdrop:

I'm liking these coincidences.... How many of us have those in our lives?

I'm not sure that the house we move into in about 10 days will make a huge impact, but then again, we never know!

If this is considered making noise, please moderators, you can certainly remove this post!
Apparently one more that was not on cropcircle.com but is included by another group
(Copy rights might apply to these photographs)

Wexcombe Wiltshire July 28, addition made (the two circles added) August 2

View attachment 79218
So it's, for now, a two stages CC, from your link there this earlier picture:

And I also get 55 marks counted...
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