2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

To me no audience hurt Biden more than Trump. They could have packed the room with lefties who applauded Biden and gave him time to compose thoughts/words. As it was, the silence when he trailed off or just outright stopped speaking before his time was up could not be ignored. Meanwhile Trump used all his allotted time and then some.
Yeah apparently Biden explicitly demanded there be no audience, and the the mic’s were muted between turns. Trump didn’t contest it or make any demands, he just accepted with whatever terms Biden wanted. He knew that if he contested anything they would use it as an excuse to cancel the debate. I’m also starting to wonder like others have if they gave Biden placebos instead of meth this time, to put a nail in his coffin so they can swap him out.

Despite Biden’s track record of incoherency, somehow it’s this actual debate that got the media to turn on him in unison. Which sure sounds like it was planned. They have been collectively lying about his “sharpness” (despite the rest of us having eyes and ears this entire time) for years, so why did they need this debate to see the obvious? Well they didn’t, but they needed a “trigger point”, given that they ignored all his other public gaffs and it would be odd for them to change their minds out of the blue. They needed something new/current as a pretext, and this was it. Otherwise Biden supporters wouldn’t understand the sudden about-face from the media.

Also as has been mentioned - this debate is like 3 months earlier than normal (curious), and the DNC hasn’t even held their convention to officially decide the nominee which they have scheduled for 40 ish days from now - Aug 19 to 22. This gives them until then to make their moves. If this debate was held in September, it wouldn’t be enough time. All these facts add up to suggest this was planned.

Planned or not - I’m getting the popcorn because this shitshow is only starting. It’s going to be a fun year.
Also as has been mentioned - this debate is like 3 months earlier than normal (curious), and the DNC hasn’t even held their convention to officially decide the nominee which they have scheduled for 40 ish days from now - Aug 19 to 22. This gives them until then to make their moves.
It's not so simple, at least not in a few states. From this article:
The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.

In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.'

If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election Georgia his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.

In Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
Yeah apparently Biden explicitly demanded there be no audience, and the the mic’s were muted between turns. Trump didn’t contest it or make any demands, he just accepted with whatever terms Biden wanted.

I guess at this point, with the dementia in the current state, even if Biden had demanded Trump not to be there at all, he would've lost. That the Dems were in panic during the debate makes the impression they "didn't know" or "were shocked" by how bad Biden's health was. I highly doubt it.
That is why the moderators were pretty fair and even handed...they want Joe to crash so he can be replaced easier. Newsom is in the bullpen ...will Harris be on the ticket is the question. I dont think so, no one likes her.

If they cant stop DT from winning, they may go to plan B which is let it all come crashing down (forcing it down in every way possible) and blame him for it. Of course all the same people will believe he is to blame, since they want to jail him for misdemeanors that no one would ever be charged with....falsifying business records??? I think you could put everyone in jail for that one....name another politician or high profile name ever charged with that before? You cant.

Its a giant sht sandwich that we are all going to have to eat no matter what happens in November.

4D cant get here soon enough.
FWIW, the astrologer I follow, Laura Walker (who calls Newsom "Count Chocula" LOL), says that Newsom's birth chart is perfect for being a leader of the USA and taking it into the abyss. Several of his major planets are exactly opposite the USA's "birth chart" planets, and his other planets make him an even more obvious candidate to create a "5D City on a Hill", if indeed the PTB use astrology for their plans (and I believe it is one of the factors they use, IMHO, though far from the only one).

Her most recent 7-minute audio, "Count Chocula and the Goddess of the Battlefield", is here:

She does not archive her audios so it will disappear in a week or so, but they can be downloaded and saved in MP3 format.

All that said, I think Gavin Newsom is the perfect candidate to lead the USA over the cliff. He's got the resume with his "work" in CA, and he's been able to withstand a lot of criticism and a recall election with hardly a dent to his hairdo. He's got the pedigree (Pelosi's nephew), the personal drive, smoothness, and financial backing to make a real run for president, unfortunately.

If he pairs up with Big Mike, he'd be literally unstoppable from the liberal perspective. And to make him even more enticing for those behind the scenes manipulating these marionettes, all those attributes plus his "successful" "work" in CA make him an even more bitter pill to swallow than almost any other candidate for conservatives. With Big Mike in tow there would be serious racial, sexual, AND political undertones that would have the potential to finally ignite all the various conflicts that have been slowly burning since Trump's first election.

But: IF they do go ahead and push him forward as a presidential candidate, with Obama/Clinton/Harris as veep, it could also spark a greater awakening among the populace than Biden/Harris ever did. The future is "open" and I hope whatever happens enough people remain sane and cool-headed to head off the worst that the PTB have planned for us.
Unless it was already mentioned and I missed it, did anyone notice that Trump at one point called Biden "Brandon"? I can't remember what Trump was talking about but in the middle of his statement he said "You should take a look at that Brandon." I recorded the show on PVR and I'm going to watch it again to be sure I heard right. 😮
Just in case anyone is wondering if he really had a cold as apparently his "aide" claimed, here's Biden talking to a crowd of supporters today about how he did last night.

Cleared right up! Maybe he should've tried yelling out slogans during the debate.

Also from wikipedia/sky news:
Gavin Newsom stated that moments where Biden stumbled upon his words were "significantly insignificant" due to American voters not supporting Trump policies on issues such as abortion, saying Biden won the debate "on substance". He said that the American people need to have his back instead of turning on him "at this critical time" because of one performance.

Sure until the official announcement from Biden to drop out, then Newsom will "step up to the plate in these difficult times" or whatever. Let's see how quickly he changes his tune. Also, his opinion of the debate makes no sense, what is "this critical time" - the election? Critical for whom and in what way? Isn't that exactly the time to switch out incompetent people for those who can do the job? Nah, double down on the zombie, that makes sense!

But to Beau's point - I have no idea how they will get around these swing state ballot restrictions. This just got even more exciting. Will they double down on Biden after all? Or is Trump truly their guy now? It's just nice to see the dems implode on themselves, whatever is going on behind the scenes.

Another slime thrown around for a potential replacement, besides Kamala, is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, just in case anyone forgot:
Whitmer threatens Michigan: Get vaccinated or stay locked down and masked forever

You put Hillary, Michelle, Kamala, Newsom, and Whitmer in a room together, and you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. So much STS in one place might actually cause a black hole, so hope they don't try it.
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Well I agree that the result of this debate was highly predictable and it therefore seems that it was also intentional. Biden has already insisted he's staying in, but he would do that and such a statement is worth very little anyway. Since there just isn't anyone credible as a replacement it's hard not to think along the lines of "there won't be an election" or " there won't be a Trump" Unless....

Having seen how entrenched partisan views have become, to the point where an audience will literally cheer any garbled nonsense that comes out of Biden's mouth (rather than risk the 'other team' gaining points) it's possible they can get them to support anyone. At least enough to get you in range of results rigging territory.
Unless it was already mentioned and I missed it, did anyone notice that Trump at one point called Biden "Brandon"? I can't remember what Trump was talking about but in the middle of his statement he said "You should take a look at that Brandon." I recorded the show on PVR and I'm going to watch it again to be sure I heard right. 😮
If I am not mistaken, this was during the CBP endorsement back and forth and I took it as Trump was saying go ask Brandon but was cut off before he could finish with Judd, the head of the CBP Union.
It is not possible that they thought their debate performance would be better than it was.

It looks like they have a plan B after this (?)
I wonder why they didn't drug him more... maybe that doesn't even have an effect anymore or they didn't give him anything this time to prepare the way for a certain change, that Biden's own Twitter account writes these regrettable words in an attempt to save the situation makes you think.
Folks, I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.

I might not debate as well as I used to.

But what I do know is how to tell the truth.
I wonder why they didn't drug him more... maybe that doesn't even have an effect anymore or they didn't give him anything this time to prepare the way for a certain change, that Biden's own Twitter account writes these regrettable words in an attempt to save the situation makes you think.

People just ignore his lies, it’s pretty amazing. Almost everything he said last night was a lie…only when he said he beat Medicaid, did he tell the truth, but that was a Freudian slip, unintentional.

I know I’m biased…though DT was my 3rd or 4th choice in 2016…but it seems like every accusation against DT is taken as Gospel with the left, and every accusation (provable) against Biden is ridiculed as fantasy…some vast right wing conspiracy…I even have family members, intelligent ones, who are brainwashed this way.
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