2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Well I agree that the result of this debate was highly predictable and it therefore seems that it was also intentional. Biden has already insisted he's staying in, but he would do that and such a statement is worth very little anyway. Since there just isn't anyone credible as a replacement it's hard not to think along the lines of "there won't be an election" or " there won't be a Trump" Unless....

Having seen how entrenched partisan views have become, to the point where an audience will literally cheer any garbled nonsense that comes out of Biden's mouth (rather than risk the 'other team' gaining points) it's possible they can get them to support anyone. At least enough to get you in range of results rigging territory.
Oh God! Seeing this witch creeps me out. Mr. Michele Obama sounds like saintly. :headbash:
It's not so simple, at least not in a few states. From this article:
Of those posts that one comes across, and within all those forms will, there be loopholes in the laws to give other interpretations? so that they can achieve it or are they different issues?


Oh God! Seeing this witch creeps me out. Mr. Michele Obama sounds like saintly. :headbash:
I don't know, any of the two, or three, including Kamala is nightmarish.
I wonder why they didn't drug him more... maybe that doesn't even have an effect anymore or they didn't give him anything this time to prepare the way for a certain change, that Biden's own Twitter account writes these regrettable words in an attempt to save the situation makes you think.

By the way, I had not paid attention to the video of the comment that I shared, it is like night and day compared to Biden's mood during the debate... they gave him a good dose this time, which makes the matter even more strange.
I think far too many people are putting faith in trump. It was covered in the sessions that he is essentially fully compromised now. This was years ago.

(L) Does that mean anyone as naive as Trump is at this point, or at this point he deserves trolling?

A: Either. Trump gave in to Deep State.

(PoB) Could it still be that the Democrats and all the crazy lefties can steal it in the way that he would be impeached?

A: Why impeach a perfectly good puppet?

Maybe at some point his heart was in the right place, maybe it still is.. but I think he didn't realize the gravity of how deeply rooted the corruption is, maybe they have dirt on him.. maybe they threatened him, who knows.

What concerns me is that you have "trumps army" that will essentially follow him to a T, he is essentially just a demagogue now.

The situation in the west has become so unbelievably bad that I am practically praying for a cataclysm at this point.

There is rising dissent happening, which is great, but most people's answer to that is to vote out the left winged governments and swing to the right.. I am wondering if this will have any effect or if these parties are just as compromised at the ones we have currently.

I think things will get violent faster than people expect.. These tyrants deserve it, anyways.
The context for the session excerpt is

Session 16 September 2017​

and refers to Trumps difficulties in doing anything he promised, or felt needed doing, so he surrendered or gave in at that point.
Does it apply to the present moment? Perhaps the PTB are 'arranging' things like exposing Bidens during the CNN debate, Trumps court cases to make him more popular. I think that thinking is pretty iffy. If Trump is elected (if there's an election) and the media does a 180 (or softens) in coverage of Trump, maybe.
I've been thinking that there's the possibility that the reason for this disaster with Biden is just simply hubris and wishful thinking. The current US administration has so far not shown any signs of being even remotely intelligent, aware or wise. Or playing '5D chess'.:-D Maybe they've just gotten so used to 'creating their own reality' (e.g., Russia will be in tatters), their illusion of omnipotence and unaccountability that they've brainwashed themselves into thinking that they can still 'pull it off' with Biden one more time.

And now that Biden's full dementia has been publicly exposed (which they so far 'succeeded' to shuffle under the rug by 'creating their own reality' and with the help of the MSM) the rats are fleeing the sinking ship. As with COVID, now that the swindle has been exposed, the supporters and planners of the scheme (MSM/CNN, Democrats, 'Swamp') are now quickly distancing themselves from Biden because they don't want to give the impression that they had something to do with it. It's like the bad loser who switches sides when he sees that his own team is losing, and then says "Oh, I didn't know my previous team was cheating, but now (as the team was clearly going to lose) it is obvious to me that they were cheating, but I had nothing to do with it!"

One of the few ones left still supporting Biden and clinging to their illusory reality appear to be 'Dr Jill' and Kamala. They are like the dumb rats who aren't intelligent enough to leave the ship although its sinking.
RFK Jr.'s responses to all the major issues raised during the debate:

No wonder they wouldn't debate him.

RFK‘s absolutely weird and extreme loyalty to Isreal (which is probably partly based on blackmail) is the one thing that would certainly prevent me for voting for him if I were an American. Having said that, as much as I respect and like Trump, just watching that latest debate was embarrassingly idiotic. If you even dare to slightly compare anything both said to any normal grown up person with everage thinking capabilities, it is like the comparison between normal world and idiocracy. And then if you compare anything they said with Putin it is like you are watching a different universe. It is hard to even fathom how stupid it was. Kennedy is certainly on a completely other level compared to those two in terms of discourse which resembles a well thinking sane/rational normal grown up (except the Israel issue).
Somehow, lost in the shuffle of Hunter and daddy Joe it seems, while Joe is paraded around while sometimes being jacked-up or helped along to miserably fail (which rather looks like elder abuse), is the one person who would, should and could but their foot down. Of all this, what's with that one person who should truly care about her husband, who seems to simply not care and allows it to happen.

I don't really know or care to know much about her, however who in their right mind would allow their spouse, time and again, to be subject to all this. How could his supporters every let her get away with it, forget Joe himself.

In sickness and health they say, yeah right.

Having said that, as much as I respect and like Trump, just watching that latest debate was embarrassingly idiotic. If you even dare to slightly compare anything both said to any normal grown up person with everage thinking capabilities, it is like the comparison between normal world and idiocracy.

I could SWEAR that I lost about 45% of my IQ points after watching the debate yesterday. Jesus, what a world where something like this even exists.
I think far too many people are putting faith in trump. It was covered in the sessions that he is essentially fully compromised now. This was years ago.


I was curious about the way you presented the excerpt and the way the you stated that basically Trump being compromised is a done deal, from 'years ago' even.

What you didn't paste in was the lines above what you did paste in, and the way that I took the context of the session was it started with a question about the former President of Mexico's interview and how at the time, he was trying to keep himself relevant during a time that Trump was exposing the Mexican gov't for not just ignoring the issue of allowing UN coordinated migrants to traverse Mexico, but supporting it in a way via Catholic Charities and other NGO's. And we fast forward to today, we see there was merit in what Trump was calling the Mexican Gov't out for. We now have 22 million more illegals in the United States.

So in the session that you pasted in, you omitted the previous context-relevant lines which gave the questions referencing what I point out above, but started with Laura's reframing a question based on the C's response to the question about Fox's motives. Which went like:
(L) Yeah. So, this Vicente Fox video was really hilarious. But you know, he's really helping the Deep State because surely he has to know the pressures that Trump is under. But on the other hand, Trump is acting kind of like a moron in terms of his foreign policy statements to say the very least. So, is Vicente Fox just trolling him in a big way, or is he actually acting as an agent of the Deep State?

[Noko enters and starts speaking during answer]

A: Former. He figures that anyone as naive as Trump at this point deserves trolling.
Taking into consideration of the context and your statement, the C's nor Laura stated in that session that Trump is naive, but that Vicente Fox "figures" that Trump is naive. Which Sun Tsu kinda covered in the 'act weak' concept a while back...

But what concerned me was after you stated your beliefs that you ended the post with an opinion that violence, for even possibly members of this forum, is deserved.
I think things will get violent faster than people expect.. These tyrants deserve it, anyways.
The precedent being that during the last staged violence in this country and yours, was that no tyrants were subjected to the violence but for the most part law enforcement, community leaders, business owners/workers and children bore the brunt of the violence.

So when statements like...
What concerns me is that you have "trumps army" that will essentially follow him to a T, he is essentially just a demagogue now.
You dismiss the notion that "trumps army" might just be American's that would like to see the Constitution adhered to and release power from a centralized and corrupt DC back to the individual states. The main changes that have gone into effect that has freaked out the cognitive dissonance crowd is exactly that procedure, decentralizing the institutions that cause so much misery for so many people both in the US and abroad.

To most the way you phrased..
but I think he didn't realize the gravity of how deeply rooted the corruption is, maybe they have dirt on him.. maybe they threatened him, who knows.
could be accurate regarding the gravity, the C's even mentioned the size of the bite, but one thing that is for sure is that he has been threatened. So perhaps not "maybe" but instead "absolutely" he is threatened, publicly all the time by just about everyone, all the time. Witness his motorcades which for an 'ex' President is pretty 'unprecedented' in the level of physical security due to threats.

Things are going to get hotter for sure and I just think pausing in a moment of high excitement to consider which parts of your body is agitated and the forces acting upon your being, might create less compression when accelerating a thought out onto the eyes of others to read.

Taking into consideration how that accelerated thought might not seem to have much 'gravity' but it may very well be something that requires more objectionability which overall increases it's effect.
It's not so simple, at least not in a few states. From this article:

Interesting regarding of those few states:

Here is what Seymore Hersch said on the 20th:

Democratic Party leaders are reportedly contemplating plans for President Joe Biden to step aside from the Democratic presidential nomination if his performance in the upcoming June 27 debate is deemed inadequate, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said Friday, citing a longtime friend of Biden's.

Hersh's report underscores significant concern within the Democratic leadership and among major party donors regarding Biden's ability to secure a victory against former President Donald Trump in the upcoming November election.

"One extreme possibility in the case of a very bad showing Thursday night," Hersh explained, "is to obtain agreement from Biden and his family advisers for the president to come to the Democratic convention in Chicago in August and accept the accolades of a first-round delegate victory; then he would decline the nomination and throw the nominating process open to all."

This potential scenario could open the door for other prominent Democratic figures, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, who Hersh mentioned as potential replacements.

As has been stated, people on all sides hate Newsom (pathological minded aside), and all this is just one example. As they say, though, nothing ever happens in politics et cetera. Some say they have no plan B, yet they will always have something up their sleeve.
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