2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

B) "They" know that Trump fundamentally can't do anything. The plans are well in motion and nobody can stop this train, so who cares who sits in the oval office? They wheeled out biden purely to demoralise the nation and to create more embarrassment for all.
Yes, I do think it's very possible they wheeled him out to further demoralize the nation. The psychological impact and wearing away of the collective will, as well as making most of us believe we've all swallowed crazy pills, is the point. Old Joe has been talking gibberish, making up words/stories, falling, blankly staring, walking in circles for a long time. Even with shots of gogo juice, they couldn't possibly have expected any other kind of performance from him. They may replace him, or not and just rig things again. Point is, at this juncture anyone who inhabits the presidency will be fully controllable through dementia or other means.
Note the subheading on that article "The first lady may hold the decisive vote..." I think Jill has a lot more involvement in the Biden WH than people have recognized.

Which might also explain the mixed signals: Jill was/is rallying her troops, while others in the power structure seek to end the freak show. The FT's subheadline could come from those others in an attempt to force Jill's hand.
Maybe Jill is just the operative and "spokesperson" for the faction that wants Biden to remain, which could include Clinton and Obama, as they have thrown their support behind Biden as well.

And thus there is another faction that wants Biden out, and have worked their influence over the media to make their push.

Either way, even if Newsom or someone else becomes the candidate, I don't think they have a chance of winning fairly. So they must have a plan, a crazy one. Either Trump doesn't make it to November, or an extraordinary situation demands Biden to keep office, or they try to steal the election again. All of these ensure never before seen chaos.
I see there's some healthy dialogue about Trump, both positive and negative, on this thread so I'll share my own views because IMHO they may be very relevant not only to this upcoming election but potentially also to the future of humanity. The results of this election will affect the entire world, after all.

I'm on the fence about Trump personally because of his past associations, and some of the things he did/did not do while in office (e.g. "lock her up", Operation Warp Speed etc.). For example, his association with his former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross bothers me because Ross is a former Rothschild banker who bailed Trump out on his bankruptcies in the 90's. The man has lived within a few miles of Trump ever since. There are suggestions that Ross is Trump's "handler". What is really going on with them? Is Trump bought and paid for by the international bankers?

He also had an association with John Casablancas, a modeling agent and known pedophile who worked with underage girls and was an agent for Ivanka Trump before she turned 18 with Trump's blessing. All of this was tabloid fodder in the 80's and 90's, but I do find it quite interesting that virtually none of this has been mentioned since Trump first ran for office.

His son-in-law Jared Kushner is a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch end-times "death cult", and he once had Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sleep in his bed (not with Jared, but he and Jared's family were close to him). Last I read, Jared was busy looking into developing prime Gaza Strip real estate.

There are a lot of other factors involved that illustrate Trump's close affiliation to Israel and Zion at this time, but I'll not list them here in the sake of brevity.

So, with that background let me flesh out a scenario. What if Biden/Trump are playing out the dynamics of "Good Cop/Bad Cop" and are actually being promoted behind the scenes by the same people? After all, the uniparty has been known to exist at least on some level ever since Larry Abraham wrote "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" in 1971. That also book showed there was collusion behind the scenes between warring sides at the international banking level during both world wars. No wonder Governor George Wallace was shot and paralyzed while campaigning for president in 1972: Larry Abraham was one of his speech writers, and he was going to present the material in that book the day he was shot.

Now, remember that the C's once said that when we transition to 4th density, they want to control us THERE? With that in mind, what would that look like? Could it be that all this current chaos and strife is meant to demoralize humanity to the point that we will be willing to accept their control on the other side of this? It's called the strategy of "tension and release", and looking back through history, this has happened each and every time there has been a transition of the world's reserve currency from one country to another. Each of these changes has always been preceded by times like we are living in today.

So, are Trump/Putin/Xi/Modhi etc. acting in concert as "Good Cops" to "end the evil" we see in the world and bring about "change" with a shiny new world currency, with a corresponding ending of the wars and hunger and police states? That would be quite a nice change, and we'd all want that to happen and live in such a world, I would think. But even if that happened, would the same bankers who took us into these horrible times still be at the helm? Would agreeing to live under this new one world government be an acquiescence to their control, and all that would really happen is we have a nice period where we are allowed out to pasture with the fences extended a bit to give us more "freedom"? Would that keep us mired in a 3D mind-controlled reality when really we are in 4D, and do not realize that in reality we are truly free?

Don't get me wrong, I'm on the side of Trump if he can deliver us from this nest of snakes controlling us. But throughout history, there has always been a "changing of the guard" during evil times, when evil has seemingly been smited and good men once again rule. But past history shows that such changes are ephemeral, and the true snakes continue to rule from the shadows, always looking to set up for the next period of strife and chaos from which to feed. And they always willingly sacrifice their own to achieve their goals if they can continue the charade.

Personally, I don't see accepting leaders who finally end this evil as the way out of 3D. We may have to accept them in order to survive in these bodies, but IMHO the way out of it all is learning how to navigate our own way and be our own leaders. Or just wait for the comets.
It's been really interesting reading everyone's prognostications.
Option A
1. Replace Biden.
2. Rig the election (with the help of illegal aliens).
3. Handle chaos, if any (without the help of illegal aliens).

Option B
1. Replace Biden.
2. Don't rig the election.
3. Compromise Trump and use him to lead people astray.

Option C
1. Don't replace Biden.
2. Take out Trump.
3. Earth Changes. :lol:

But that just opens up the question of why he didn't take some gogo juice on the night of the debate. Maybe it's because when he's on the juice, he really needs a teleprompter, otherwise, he'll just be supercharged incoherent in his speech. Basically, they can temporarily deal with the energy problem, but not the brain function problem in terms of putting proper sentences together, which is why he needs the prompter.

I agree with Joe that Biden's dementia probably prevents him from coherent sentences without a teleprompter therefore can better handle anything that does not require to form responses, thoughts and opinions. Yeah and I think it's a great point that Jill probably has a lot of weight around the White House. The PTB have so much crap on the Bidens (I would think including evidence of pedophilia) that there is no way in heck that they have a viable bargaining chip to retain power. When he is told to go, he goes.

One of my favorite seers is Penny Kelly (although no one can compare to the Cs). One thing that she has said repeatedly is that Joe Biden is just taken off the scene. I take this to mean that he is not killed but resigns and disappears into the shadows. Penny also does not see an election.
Session 17 July 2022
(irjo) What are the chances that Trump will be re-elected as president of the USA in the coming elections?

A: Remote.

Q: (L) Does that mean that other weird things might happen?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Does that mean there won't be a presidential election in 2024?

A: Not exactly. Wait and see!

Maybe the "election" is just a chaotic mess is more ways than one. Mossad attacks, accusations of voter fraud, postponement, etc. Penny Kelly has also seen the US sort of breaking into sections like the the northeastern states, South, Midwest, etc. Perhaps this is what is meant by "US heading for destruction" as well. Penny has also mentioned food shortages because truckers refuse to go certain areas such as the Northeast.

James Praagh, another psychic, has said something about Newsom being the next president.

Option D:
Remove Biden before election
Trump has a timely stroke
Cause Chaos
The results of this election will affect the entire world, after all.
Ihmo not at all. These two idiots are interchangeable at the leading of the golden billion as well as any other substitute that should come out of the magic hat, on this putin is totally correct. What I have seen in this case from the outside is once again chilling and funny together. Ultimately just surreally funny :-) .
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Based on this video I would say this whole debate, the outcome and the reaction has been pre-planned.
This is right after the debate ended and 45 seconds into the video they immediately start with the anti-Biden sentiment.

They've been gaslighting the public for years now about Biden's mental state so they could have just continued doing the same. I don't think this debate was anything out of the ordinary for Biden so far, so an order must have come from somewhere higher up to these talking heads that they should start stating the obvious.

Looking at Trump, on the other hand, all I see is another establishment politician.

My favorite theory right now is that they need someone to put a hold on the Ukraine war and allow the US and the West some breathing room to regroup and build up their military power for a showdown with Russia and China. The people pulling the strings are certainly aware that in case of full out war between the West and the Rest, the West would lose big time at the moment. They've thrown everything into Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and all it accomplished was the complete depletion of Western military potential. They've also realized that the Russians are no pushovers and that their military doctrine is far more advanced and applicable to peer level conflicts as opposed to Nato's asymmetric warfare doctrine against sandal wearing bedouin with AK-47s.

I'm betting they want to bring in Trump to lead the charge on fixing the situation. He's the perfect face for it as they can act like they don't actually want him to do it and berate his policies in the media, all the while encouraging him to do it. Plus, the economic base is going down the crapper, the immigration is out of control, and they need some right wing polices to fix the situation.
My favorite theory right now is that they need someone to put a hold on the Ukraine war and allow the US and the West some breathing room to regroup and build up their military power for a showdown with Russia and China. The people pulling the strings are certainly aware that in case of full out war between the West and the Rest, the West would lose big time at the moment. They've thrown everything into Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and all it accomplished was the complete depletion of Western military potential. They've also realized that the Russians are no pushovers and that their military doctrine is far more advanced and applicable to peer level conflicts as opposed to Nato's asymmetric warfare doctrine against sandal wearing bedouin with AK-47s.

I'm betting they want to bring in Trump to lead the charge on fixing the situation. He's the perfect face for it as they can act like they don't actually want him to do it and berate his policies in the media, all the while encouraging him to do it. Plus, the economic base is going down the crapper, the immigration is out of control, and they need some right wing polices to fix the situation.
Exactly. He'll work on fixing the issues they caused, while they cause even more in the background, and they can ultimately blame Trump entirely for the collapse. A bunch of other countries have already been allowed their conservative backlash now, so why not America?

It looks like the simplest option for the ptb now.

You could almost hear an audible "click" the other night as they changed the program and Biden looked suddenly finished. Reminds me of the day they stopped downplaying COVID and started going full retard and masks/lockdowns etc.
" all I see is another establishment politician " , agreed ,
Based on this video I would say this whole debate, the outcome and the reaction has been pre-planned.
This is right after the debate ended and 45 seconds into the video they immediately start with the anti-Biden sentiment.

They've been gaslighting the public for years now about Biden's mental state so they could have just continued doing the same. I don't think this debate was anything out of the ordinary for Biden so far, so an order must have come from somewhere higher up to these talking heads that they should start stating the obvious.

Looking at Trump, on the other hand, all I see is another establishment politician.

My favorite theory right now is that they need someone to put a hold on the Ukraine war and allow the US and the West some breathing room to regroup and build up their military power for a showdown with Russia and China. The people pulling the strings are certainly aware that in case of full out war between the West and the Rest, the West would lose big time at the moment. They've thrown everything into Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and all it accomplished was the complete depletion of Western military potential. They've also realized that the Russians are no pushovers and that their military doctrine is far more advanced and applicable to peer level conflicts as opposed to Nato's asymmetric warfare doctrine against sandal wearing bedouin with AK-47s.

I'm betting they want to bring in Trump to lead the charge on fixing the situation. He's the perfect face for it as they can act like they don't actually want him to do it and berate his policies in the media, all the while encouraging him to do it. Plus, the economic base is going down the crapper, the immigration is out of control, and they need some right wing polices to fix the situation.
" all I see is another establishment politician " , agreed , however " the immigration is out of control " , seems not so , from the ptb optics ( redacted with Mr. Clayton and Natalie has done some work to show this ie. ) , else i'll agree that seems to some extent likely they'll use D. Camacho Trump to "maintain" status quo.
I think the other thing to watch out for is Trump's conviction on 11 July. Even though Trump won't physically go to jail, I think any such sentencing really will put the whole situation into some unprecedented scenario.

Perhaps they plan on conceding the elections but making sure Trump doesn't get a moments peace as soon as he steps into the WH. 🤷

In any case, whilst all these is captivating stuff, I agree with @Ketone Cop , Trump even with good intentions will likely not end up doing what people expect him to do when / if he gets in. I don't think one man can do that in the West and certainly not without the right people in other key positions. I think there is a recognition that the rot runs so much deeper beyond the ability of any president to make any tangible change.
I'm betting they want to bring in Trump to lead the charge on fixing the situation. He's the perfect face for it as they can act like they don't actually want him to do it and berate his policies in the media, all the while encouraging him to do it. Plus, the economic base is going down the crapper, the immigration is out of control, and they need some right wing polices to fix the situation.

Here is a conjecture by George Eaton which may be far-fetched, but it seems to fit the bill.

The billionaires all decided to back Trump after he pledged 100% unapologetic support for Israel. The media they own put the old man [Biden] on stage, let him fall, but this time didn’t cover for him like they did for the past few years.

This strange event especially its aftermath comes across as a coup against Biden mutating him from 'hero' to 'zero'.
Who says the deep state is necessarily left-wing or Democrat? Being desperate Trump may have sold out to return.

He would be chained to the demands of Israel, but maybe not for long if the Zionist entity should cease to exist... (as it is now).
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