2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

There is a theme here that I think is worth mentioning, which is that of pessimism and acceptance of defeat.

Not so much defeat in the sense 'is my horse going to win the race, naw probably not' but as mentioned about the vis-a-vis of the Soviet-era in the 90's, of a collective gulag of our spirits. That in itself is remarkable to me as that time was exactly an example of a reality shift for the folks that lived there when things changed with/after Reagan's speech.

Much like the cirriculum change that followed here in the US with the removal of nuclear bomb drills (which was replaced by D.A.R.E, this is your brain on drugs under Bush Sr - a whole other topic in of itself) we could be seeing the cirriculum change where; America is not evil, merit over entropic inclusion and a message to get off your duft's and learn a skill. Time will tell of course but it is a potential possibility.

As I read the following excerpts I think you will see where I am coming from and some thoughts that percolate to my fingertips...
When it comes to talk about revolution or civil war in the US I think it's important to remember that this has all been preempted through decades of programming.
..and that programming is stale in my observation and there are injects into the 'programming' that weren't considered. I think the whole world knows that the multitudes of think tanks that game theorized this current time we are in, as stated decades ago, didn't consider that us in the future, would not be so static. One example of the injects into the timeline that is being called the 'great awakening' I do not believe was fully accounted for at the scale that it is playing out.

That’s just election laws, no big deal…you will see how valid they as they are ignored and the dems do whatever they want.
This is accurate and also a shame that such great minds of our youth starting in debate clubs around the country in High School have been co-opted in coming up with exception after exception to the laws. That being said, the creativity of the youth to again, game theorize a watertight strategy to always be the winner, probably didn't have the current outspoken AG's knocking down the layers of law after law, by re-introducing the foundational set of laws which is that of the Constitution. Those layers are peeling back, I see it when I engage with my local precinct folks and local DA's and in their own pessimism also, become reanimated when you wipe the abstract layers of iterative resolutions, ordinances, etc from the board/conversation and start back from the foundational basis in the Constitution. (Look what happened last Friday with the 'Chevron Deference' ruling as an example, that was HUGE)
It doesn’t matter who is president. The decisions are made by the handlers which are always behind the stage.
In the past, I would have tended to agree, had the change in programming not occurred I might be in the same stuck spot I was in. But then again being stuck would only be resigning myself to someone else's wishes. The power structure of those 'behind the stage' is not many nor large, but indeed a highly compressed echo-chamber that has velocity of force that can mimic a greater size. That is what we see, this illusion of a fortress when quite possibly, it is a fortress of sheets in the living room propped up by anything that has vertical clearance enough to crawl beneath and whisper and giggle excitedly.

I don’t think Trump in going to make America great again, but the resistance and the battle to do so is a worthy one.
The position that any one guy is going to anything on his own with such unilateral authority is odd to me, the layers/lanes of the courts are not well spoken of these days and one big layer/lane that was established from the very beginning is not talked about as much at the/our surface layers. Which is the Military courts. There are some crazy things happening at that layer which if you have eyes to see, you can pick up on the 'vibe' there is something afoot.

Will the lanes blur and include the private citizen into the actual battle, I hope not. I have seen how my neighbors shoot at the range and 'Geez Loise' I am not sure we wouldn't all end up as collateral damage at the hands of the guy that didn't return your rake last fall.

But to join the battle at the level of inserting oneself into an existing conversation, armed with the knowledge we here possess (thanks to Laura!) in our own localities can indeed increase the resistance that indeed is worthy!
According this poll from CBS, the public's opinion of Biden hasn't really changed all that much as a consequence of this debate. I would wager that there would have been no change of CNN et al. didn't do an about face as soon as the debate was over. They could have easily kept up with the gaslighting and saying that Biden is doing great. There was nothing stopping them from sayjng that Biden actually won the debate. So it must have been planned ahead to start getting rid of Biden.
It is clear that the media narrative is being organized to replace Biden. The idea to hold the debate under certain conditions and before the convention was the Democrats', suggesting that they want Biden gone. This, I think, has a lot to do with the behavior of the Democratic "diaspora" in the swamp, who would prefer one of their own - Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama to replace him. People would buy it. We also know that Israelis would prefer Trump.
Also remember that presidential elections do not depend on how many votes a candidate gets, and given the situation ( immigration, lgtbxx, Israel,ukr, etc..) and how all the elections have been a fake, I would venture to say that Michael Obama would beat Trump, she is the perfect guy for the end of the fall of an empire show.
There was opposition within the Democrats for Biden being the candidate for a while, but it didn't seem to lead anywhere. And yet, they want to do it now? That is probably the most self-destructive way of doing it possible.
Maybe their lizard overlords have a plan and they really need Biden to be kept as the candidate? :huh: (like him dying suddenly right before the election, or something...)
Just had a thought that it's possible that Big Mike is the Dems preferred candidate, but they're reluctant to openly declare that too soon because of the push back woke has attracted. So they've been beating a dead horse to run Biden for as long as possible.
Just had a thought that it's possible that Big Mike is the Dems preferred candidate, but they're reluctant to openly declare that too soon because of the push back woke has attracted. So they've been beating a dead horse to run Biden for as long as possible.

I have an american friend who think its going to be Big Mike. He was telling me some months ago and it kinda struck me out of the blue as I never would have though of it. But like you he thinks they are going to wait for the last minute before they announce it. I guess time will tell. Sort of gives more creedence to her book tours and PR over the last couple of years.
It looks like the Biden family has told Joe to stay in the race.

Biden huddled with his wife, children and grandchildren at Camp David on Sunday as he attempted to plot a course of action after a catastrophic debate performance on Thursday evening. “While his relatives are acutely aware of how poorly he did against former President Donald J. Trump, they argued that he could still show the country that he is capable of serving for another four years,” the New York Times reported.
Of course they did. Especially Jill who really likes all of that power.

As for Hunter:
One of the strongest voices urging President Biden to stay in the race was his son Hunter Biden, a source familiar with the meeting said. “Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night,” the New York Times reported.
Of course he is, he really wants that pardon, along with all of the benefits that come with being the President's son.

I don't think they are thinking of Joe at all except as a meal ticket to whatever they can get out of his staying in the race

This, also, make me wonder if they are so sure he will win because of how rigged they have the elections this time that they can't lose.
As someone looking at the U.S. from outside , presedential elections always seemed like a theater production, more so now, PedoJoe doesn't appear to be there at all , less coherent than the crypt keeper, so the question is for the PTB , how to keep as much as possible a façade of the formal structure of power having "the mandate of haven" ( even if in a negative way ).
From inside the US, it is blatantly obvious that they will replace Biden. All mainstream media, including far left, are discussing it. I believe Michelle Obama will be the replacement. She/he will have a better chance against Trump since there are a LOT of Trump haters here and Democratic supporters in general. Barrack was very well liked by the left in the US during his presidency and, currently, the 'African American' population are moving away from supporting Biden. The inner cities are in chaos from all the illegal immigrants essentially displacing those 'of color' who are true Americans. By placing M Obama in the running, they can gain back the votes of those 'of color' to their side, making rigging the election less obvious. That is my take on it from inside the capital of STS.
Interesting tweet from Tucker today:

From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively.
There is another "Big Mike" in the house... Mike Pence!
Despite Trump's urging to overturn the election results and the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Pence oversaw the certification of Biden–Harris as the winner of the election.

Pence has since distanced himself from Trump, endorsing candidates in primary elections in opposition to those supported by Trump and criticizing the latter's conduct on the day of the attack.
In June 2023, he launched a bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, but withdrew by the end of October. He chose not to endorse Trump for the general election.
In 2021, he was "bluer than blue." Why not "cement" the transition, Mr. Pence? It's now or never...
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