Greetings Ketone Cop!
I have watched this thread this afternoon and your post stuck me as significant by sharing your current position which is appreciated and insightful.
What stuck out was upon viewing your informative post was the beginning statement and your ending statements. The beginning statement of....
I'm on the fence about Trump personally because of his past associations,
Which I think a lot of people in the US would hold that same position currently. You have seen more than most of us as you have been alive longer, and your focus on the past associations seems to be something that you have invested a lot of time researching.
That being the case (correct me if I am wrong here) the position of the fence is seemingly tied to the associations that may or may not be conjecture, coincidence or possibly even just BS that keeps getting regurgitated as you state, by tabloids looking for the quick win/purchase when checking out in the grocery line. The reason I state this the way I do is when you take a look at the wording you use such as...
The man has lived within a few miles of Trump
He also had an association with seems like this would be mostly very subjective sources that are influencing you as the reasons you list, although not as detailed as you could per our sake as you mention..
but I'll not list them here in the sake of brevity.
..which is interesting as this seems to be a really big deal to you and the position of being on the fence, would make someone wonder what side of the fence you might land. As only being on the fence, not aligning to a position can seem to be of lacking of faith in your conviction, with all due respect.
The end of your post which is really interesting to me and if I may, touch on an observation based on the following...
Don't get me wrong, I'm on the side of Trump if he can deliver us
But throughout history, there has always been
But past history shows that such changes are ephemeral, and the true snakes continue to rule from the shadows,
always looking to set up for the next period while I initially got the impression of your hoping for change in the country you reside, and for the world at large, the language and the way it is presented paints a picture that there is no real possibly for change.
Which if that is indeed the case, I can understand the wish to focus on moving on what you understand 3D to be and graduate/advance to 4D...
Personally, I don't see accepting leaders who finally end this evil as the way out of 3D
.. which I am not sure we have enough direct experience of 4D to know what we are talking about. If any at all other than the wisps of something being off and for some seekers of the truth, we scramble to find a reason for what we 'sense' but not understand.
So with that, are you on the fence, are you seeking a change to what you seem to be stating as an unmovable historical pattern that
can only come via a 'transition' to a fully different dimension? Or is there more than we can do to prepare for...
Q: (L) What program change?
A: Your reality is about to undergo one such.
.. which seems that objective focused watching of the 'signs of the times', the prudence of knowing history of the vanquished is written by the victors and thankfully for most of us, the ability to sense our machines beyond just the chattering of the classes to determine what the hell is really going on around us.
I think this is really important to think on as many sources are all say left is right, up is down, wars and rumors of wars bombarding our senses but our of all the places on the Internet, this group would seem better positioned to address so that we find conviction within ourselves and hopefully help others in our lives as they bobble around like a rubber duck in a hurricane.
Thank you sir!