2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Here's another take on the matter by some user called 'BENNETT'S PHYLACTERY' on Substack. What this guy is basicall saying is that the debate was a setup in order to build up enough public pressure to get Biden to resign, because they've tried other covert ways but he doesn't want to go. I'm not sure I agree but the guy makes some interesting points (see below).


1. CNN and MSNBC would never call for the removal of a sitting Democratic president unless they did so on orders.
The “shock” at Biden’s condition was obviously performative: none of us were surprised that he’s senile, and we don’t work with him every day. It was decided, by someone, that now was the time to admit publicly what has been obvious for years. But notice what was carefully left unsaid: nobody implied Biden might actually be unfit or disabled, which would mean that Kamala Harris becomes the President. They framed it, bizarrely, as if Biden had “failed” like an ordinary candidate who didn’t come prepared. Also, not a single commentator even hinted at who might replace him. That kind of speculation would be inevitable if we were not dealing with a tightly disciplined media event — a de facto press release masquerading as “analysis”.

2. From the DNC’s perspective, it made very little sense to agree to this debate in the first place, and no sense at all to swap out the candidate this late in the game.
So, someone is calling shots, but the shots they’re calling don’t make a lot of sense if you assume they are in full control of the party and want to win an election in November. They clearly chose to hold the debate earlier than ever before to give themselves room to maneuver — but if they wanted a better candidate, they could have simply “opened” the primary. If someone were actually in charge of the DNC, they could have gently encouraged Sleepy Joe to step down, anointed Newsom (or whomever), and forced the party to line up behind him in exactly the same way they’ve been lined up behind Biden. Again: Biden’s cognitive performance was maybe slightly below average, but definitely not anomalous. They are with him every day. They know he is dying. None of this is a surprise to them. They could have avoided this — so why didn’t they?

My guess is that they’ve already tried dislodging Biden covertly, and they literally can’t.
If he doesn’t want to go, they can’t really make him without doing serious damage to the procedural system on which their power depends. The method they’ve chosen (parading his illness and hoping to mount enough public pressure to get him to resign) amounts to a game of chicken — which is, again, a wildly suboptimal way to get a “regime flunky” to do what’s best for the party.
My guess is that they’ve already tried dislodging Biden covertly, and they literally can’t.
If he doesn’t want to go, they can’t really make him without doing serious damage to the procedural system on which their power depends. The method they’ve chosen (parading his illness and hoping to mount enough public pressure to get him to resign) amounts to a game of chicken — which is, again, a wildly suboptimal way to get a “regime flunky” to do what’s best for the party.

That sounds about right to me. Maybe we're dealing with a similar situation as in France with Macron, where both men are determined to stay in power regardless of their competency or voters wishes, and both are being motivated to do so by their pathologically-controlling wives.

Also, notice the very large difference between "sleepy Joe" at the debate and "fiery Joe" at the rally the next day in NC. Sure, he was reading from a teleprompter, but still, there's a marked difference in his coherence and energy. So I'd say he was definitely on something at this rally.

But that just opens up the question of why he didn't take some gogo juice on the night of the debate. Maybe it's because when he's on the juice, he really needs a teleprompter, otherwise, he'll just be supercharged incoherent in his speech. Basically, they can temporarily deal with the energy problem, but not the brain function problem in terms of putting proper sentences together, which is why he needs the prompter.

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According to an article in Truth Press, the Biden Campaign says that they will not replace him as a candidate.

Less than 12 hours after delivering a stilted and faltering debate performance, President Joe Biden is being defended by his campaign amid an avalanche of pleas by liberal politicians and pundits for the Democratic Party to find a new nominee.

In a statement to CNN White House correspondent Kayla Tausche, the Biden camp shrugged off accusations that the 81-year-old leader should step down ahead of the party’s national convention in August, which would provide Democrats a critical but narrow window to find an alternative. Plans haven’t changed, according to the reporter who wrote on X that a presidential advisor told her, “Not only does @POTUS not plan to drop out, Biden remains committed to a second debate in September.”

Thursday night’s encounter between Biden and former President Donald Trump was the first of just two debates set this year and was deliberately proposed early by the Biden team on the presumption that a shaky performance would be forgotten by Election Day. The event was notable for the number of easy layups missed by Biden as Trump offered openings on a number of vulnerable fronts, including abortion, tariffs, and his economic record. Instead, Biden delivered a meandering series of responses, often mumbled or delivered in a hoarse voice; conservatives jeered when the Democrat badly botched a response to Trump on social safety programs, claiming he “beat Medicare” after struggling for what seemed like an eternity to find right words.

The second debate will be hosted by ABC on September 10th, and similar qualifications to make the stage mean it’s unlikely that Trump and Biden will be joined by independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By then, it would be far too late for Democrats to find an alternative to Biden, and not even the entreaties from major party leaders would be enough to dissuade him from soldiering on. The Daily Mail previously reported that Democrats have prepared a strategy to force Biden from the race if his first debate performance went as badly as it did.

If negative feedback from the debate reaches a fever pitch within their party, it would be up to some of the Democrats’ top leaders to collectively force the president out of the race. “The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,” one Democratic strategist told DailyMail.com. “It would have to be the four of them collectively.”

Other Democratic consultants, including Mark Penn and former Obama advisor David Axelrod, said it’s up to Biden’s team to follow through on their commitment to an early debate with a standout performance by their man. “They have deliberately thrown down the gauntlet for an early debate,” Penn said, “and I think that’s gonna be the point at which Americans judge: is he ready for another term or not.” Axelrod, who earlier this year publicly urged Biden to consider not seeking reelection for the good of the country, was sharply rebuked by the president in private.

Democratic Party insiders fretted on the phones late into the night, with some telling Politico they had “taken no less than half a dozen key donors texting ‘disaster’ and [the] party needs to do something,” characterizing Biden’s performance as “the worst in history” and said Biden was so “bad that no one will pay attention to Trump’s lies.”
“Biden needs to drop out. No question about it,” the high-dollar donor told the outlet
both are being motivated to do so by their pathologically-controlling wives.
This is an excellent point Joe, and something that keeps popping up all over the planet and something I hardly hear/see any of the pundits on both the left and the right speak about. Same goes for the daughters of the politicians, Cheney is a good example but so is Fienstien's, Pelosi's, HRC's, Bush's etc. They all seem to be part of a 'coven' if you will, that collaborates and feeds their family with ideological poison.

why he didn't take some gogo juice on the night of the debate
My personal opinion on the lack of medical grade meth was the tactic of calling him out about it, the pollsters asking people about it, the news cycles mentioning it, there was too much risk or at least fear of risk that he might get a 'pop quiz' and have to pee in a cup. Thus the sans-meth performance.
According to an article in Truth Press, the Biden Campaign says that they will not replace him as a candidate
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.

Infighting between different factions? Late-empire stuff...
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.
But maybe before the elections he will die of a brain (the little he has) stroke? It happens to very old drastic mentally seniles.🤷‍♀️
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.
Well, we know what that endorsement is worth, they could have said it to save appearances since in the blink of an eye these guys usually change their minds... but at the moment I can't say if they are aware or know about it. any possible plan to change Biden.
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.
They are just buying time...they need biden to hang around a little longer before pulling the rug out and inserting Newsom. They want to keep him in the shadows as long as possible. The longer he is under scrutiny, the more opposition he will face. Convention is mid August, that is when the switch will be made. Kamala Harris is a bigger problem, how do they get rid of her?
Infighting between different factions? Late-empire stuff...

But maybe before the elections he will die of a brain (the little he has) stroke? It happens to very old drastic mentally seniles.🤷‍♀️

Yeah, or maybe they all know that another rigged election is in the offing. It would be outrageous if, despite the state of Biden, they claim enough people voted for him to give him another term. He is, after all, a perfect POTUS for the deep state, totally controllable.
Yeah, or maybe they all know that another rigged election is in the offing. It would be outrageous if, despite the state of Biden, they claim enough people voted for him to give him another term. He is, after all, a perfect POTUS for the deep state, totally controllable.
Thats not a happy scenario. Removing him now only gives them power for a few months with Harris...but that would make it harder to not have her be the nominee....they are in a jam. But if they can rig this election and get another 4 years, they have more time to maneuver who they really want in that spot. If that happens, we will forever have democrats in charge.
Not only that, but Obama and Bill Clinton have come out since the debate in support of Biden staying on as well as some very influential Dem donors like Reid Hoffman the co-founder of LinkedIn. So I dunno, if they want to replace him but Biden is being obstinate, it's a little strange that the big guns are still backing him.
The mixed messaging does suggest that not everyone is in line, which would make sense in a disintegrating empire. The media never strays from the script, and he and his wife/team probably have dirt on the "big dogs".

Its clear to anyone paying attention that they have all lost their minds. This is not going to be pretty.
Yeah, or maybe they all know that another rigged election is in the offing. It would be outrageous if, despite the state of Biden, they claim enough people voted for him to give him another term. He is, after all, a perfect POTUS for the deep state, totally controllable.
Rigging did seem like the obvious course until yesterday, but that debate was such a massacre that it's obvious to nearly everyone now that the emperor has no clothes.

Rigging it now, even more blatantly than last time, would be a Big Lie so big that a black hole might just swallow us all up instantly.

The other option of martyring him now, even through subtle means, might well lead to a full blown civil war.

So it leaves me considering 2 more possible options:

A) There's been a backroom deal whereby "They", in exchange for allowing the flattening of Gaza and other things, will allow Trump to stop the migrant flood, take credit for ending Ukraine (which looks soon to end anyway), slow America's destruction for 4 more years, and act as a temporary release valve.

B) "They" know that Trump fundamentally can't do anything. The plans are well in motion and nobody can stop this train, so who cares who sits in the oval office? They wheeled out biden purely to demoralise the nation and to create more embarrassment for all.

I suppose that A and B go hand in hand really.
The other option of martyring him now, even through subtle means, might well lead to a full blown civil war.

When it comes to talk about revolution or civil war in the US I think it's important to remember that this has all been preempted through decades of programming.

I don't think it's possible. The people are distracted, demoralized, and racked with debt and bad health. The country is on the verge of mental collapse vis a vis the Soviet Union in the 90s, but worse due to a lack of common values.

Obviously just my opinion as an American.
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