2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Greetings Ketone Cop!

I have watched this thread this afternoon and your post stuck me as significant by sharing your current position which is appreciated and insightful.

What stuck out was upon viewing your informative post was the beginning statement and your ending statements. The beginning statement of....

Which I think a lot of people in the US would hold that same position currently. You have seen more than most of us as you have been alive longer, and your focus on the past associations seems to be something that you have invested a lot of time researching.

That being the case (correct me if I am wrong here) the position of the fence is seemingly tied to the associations that may or may not be conjecture, coincidence or possibly even just BS that keeps getting regurgitated as you state, by tabloids looking for the quick win/purchase when checking out in the grocery line. The reason I state this the way I do is when you take a look at the wording you use such as...

...it seems like this would be mostly very subjective sources that are influencing you as the reasons you list, although not as detailed as you could per our sake as you mention..

..which is interesting as this seems to be a really big deal to you and the position of being on the fence, would make someone wonder what side of the fence you might land. As only being on the fence, not aligning to a position can seem to be of lacking of faith in your conviction, with all due respect.

The end of your post which is really interesting to me and if I may, touch on an observation based on the following...

..is while I initially got the impression of your hoping for change in the country you reside, and for the world at large, the language and the way it is presented paints a picture that there is no real possibly for change.

Which if that is indeed the case, I can understand the wish to focus on moving on what you understand 3D to be and graduate/advance to 4D...

.. which I am not sure we have enough direct experience of 4D to know what we are talking about. If any at all other than the wisps of something being off and for some seekers of the truth, we scramble to find a reason for what we 'sense' but not understand.

So with that, are you on the fence, are you seeking a change to what you seem to be stating as an unmovable historical pattern that
can only come via a 'transition' to a fully different dimension? Or is there more than we can do to prepare for...

.. which seems that objective focused watching of the 'signs of the times', the prudence of knowing history of the vanquished is written by the victors and thankfully for most of us, the ability to sense our machines beyond just the chattering of the classes to determine what the hell is really going on around us.

I think this is really important to think on as many sources are all say left is right, up is down, wars and rumors of wars bombarding our senses but our of all the places on the Internet, this group would seem better positioned to address so that we find conviction within ourselves and hopefully help others in our lives as they bobble around like a rubber duck in a hurricane.

Thank you sir!
I waited to respond to your comments because as you mentioned, I did not post any of the information that I had concerning my reservations re:Trump and the three gentlemen he has associations with which caused me to be “on the fence” about him. I did not do so because this thread is not dedicated solely to Mr. Trump; but since I see others sharing more information about him I will outline more of my thoughts and share a few links to outline why I have such reservations about the man.

After doing so, I have to admit that I am now very solidly “off the fence”. Now I am wholeheartedly not a Trump fan, and you'll see why as I outline Mr. Trump's associations with Jared Kushner, Wilbur Ross, and John Casablancas.

First of all, my research confirmed my assertion that Mr. Trump and Jared Kushner are involved with the Chabad-Lubavitch group, which has solidly affirmed connections with Zionist entities and policies, including the settler movement and Benjamin Netanyahu himself.


There are many other things Mr. Trump has done and said that seem to align him with the current genocidal Zionist government in Israel. I see all of this as detrimental to working towards peace there.

Secondly, my recollections of Wilbur Ross, Rothschild banker, also were on the mark. The man has quite an interesting past, and a wealth of quite shocking associations of his own. Turns out Mr. Ross has been in banking circles with not only some Rothschilds, but also with some old-school mafia members, Carl Icahn, and other notables in the Rothschild orbit including George Soros, Rupert Murdoch, and Steven Schwarzman, former CEO of Blackstone and economic advisor to Mr. Trump.


I also wasn't hallucinating when I said Mr. Ross has lived close to Mr. Trump for a long time. Too close ,maybe?

Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross

And this one is really interesting. Seems Mr. Ross has some ties to Mr. Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Lots of shady dealings going on there, including Mr. Ross overseeing a deal with Russia's largest bank (Sberbank, which was under US and EU sanctions at the time) while he was vice chairman of the Bank of Cypress. All of this was known before congress approved him as Mr. Trump's commerce secretary; and in fact, there were a couple senators and congressmen who did notice and raised an alarm, sort of...I guess they got diverted by Russian hookers paid to pee on Trump?

So Trump and Wilbur Ross go 'way back' eh?

Now, all of that above could simply be explained by “he was a businessman, in order to do deals he had to work with the devil. That doesn't mean HE was evil.” And that may be so. Mr. Trump certainly swam in circles with a lot of nefarious sharks. And one thing I have to commend him on is that he really did a great job exposing the “Deep State” actors for all the world to see...or, was he merely acclimating us all to their presence? Because last time I looked, most of them are still walking around free wreaking havoc or enjoying comfortable retirements (though a few have died, granted).

I can overlook a lot of that stuff and say, OK, maybe he's playing a part in the greatest sting operation of all time. I guess we shall “wait and see”.

What I will always have a hard time forgiving him for, however, is the following.

Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

That article details a lot of the behind-the-scenes goings-on that happened during Mr. Trump's time at the helm of the teen model “Look of the Year” contests in the early 90's. Now there are no outright allegations that Mr. Trump himself was involved in most of the shenanigans with underage girls that happened around him as detailed in that article with Mr. John Casablancas and other men working for the pageant.

It is quite clear however that he was involved in, profited from, and aided and abetted an atmosphere of sexual deviancy involving girls as young as 14, and he allowed his 9-year-old daughter Ivanka to be immersed in that atmosphere. Even if he was not aware of any of what was going on around him, which he claims, that pageant served to ruin the lives and hopes of a lot of very young women who were sexualized and traumatized in a predatory atmosphere that he helped create and made money from. For that reason alone, I have a hard time forgiving him.

And then there's this:

The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

That's a list of many women who came out and accused the Donald of sexual misconduct. That was published in 2016 and included a lot of liberal women who saw dollar signs and a way to bring Mr. Trump down. After all, the clinically insane E. Jean Carroll, who won a lawsuit against him recently for the claims she made then, is on this list.

But I ask, are there women on that list who had real grievances against Mr. Trump, yet they were not heard, and instead are now classified as “wackos” after the Carroll and Stormy Davis crap shows? I ask because one of the women on that list above was Mr. Trumps own ex-wife Ivana, who claimed that he once raped her while they were married. IF that happened, was that actually just a one-off?

So there's my “deep dive” into a few of Mr. Trump's former associates. I didn't even touch on his Epstein connections, though they come up often in those articles. What I've read definitely has predisposed myself against the man.

All of that said, if I am presented the Hobson's choice of Mr. Trump vs. ANY Democratic candidate at this time, I'd vote for him. Actually, my vote wouldn't be for him, but for all those who currently follow him. Because I think the real power behind Trump isn't him, but his ability to bring together many people who value life, love, liberty, and the America that SHOULD be. And we can lead ourselves there, thank you very much. As long as we are in “3D”, that's what I will do. Though, I would be kind of fearful of his backing of cryptocurrencies, and also this:

I don't think he'd stop at tagging immigrants...
I have a suggestion:

After Trump hopefully wins, let's suggest that Donald Trump Jr. tries to run for president next. He strikes me as a pretty straight forward guy. I can't disagree with anything he says in the following Tucker video. He is astoundingly outspoken and seems to grasp what is going on quite well (although he might be a bit too talkative for my taste):

I think he could stand quite a good chance, actually. From what I heard, he has also attracted many people in a big rally tour throughout America. Quite similar to his father. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump thinking is pretty similarly to his son. Quite interesting.
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I think he could stand quite a good chance, actually. From what I heard, he has also attracted many people in a big rally tour throughout America. Quite similar to his father. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump thinking is pretty similarly to his son. Quite interesting.
He'd need to spend quite a bit of time making himself known to the larger population, he could gain some traction by inertia from his father, but that's not enough methinks, Trump has a magnetic personality and he plays well with the cameras and the crowds, junior would need some PR management and I think he could make it and gain momentum, I'd see him as a potential candidate.

But, then there's another angle which is, I have a feeling Trump has a "passion" for the US that drives him forward, not sure if I get the same sense from Jr, like Donald Jr seems more reactive than proactive, which his father is, and that proactiveness is one of the reasons he's so popular amongst so many.
I'd wager there are some major factions in the Democaratic Party who are battling against eachother. Since the media doesn't appear to be on board with Biden, I think he might step down (or fall down) sooner or later.
Fall down, I think. Make it to fall down, more precisely. I do not think this lasts long.

There are too many heavy interests involved for it to be reduced to a purely family issue.
I'd wager there are some major factions in the Democaratic Party who are battling against eachother. Since the media doesn't appear to be on board with Biden, I think he might step down (or fall down) sooner or later.
This looks like a very reasonable assessment. We could say in the highest probability that the Democratic Party, especially the highest level, is now completely ponerized and there will be no unity between essential psychopaths and characteropaths. Therefore, the conflicting messages we are seeing are signs of these factions battling against each other.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump thinking is pretty similarly to his son.

Think you are likely correct, it may just come down to Trump needing to play his card in a different political way. The way son talks; covid, Ukraine et cetera, he may have initially picked some things up from his dad, or at least they bandy these things around the kitchen table and are on a similar page.

So, son can say these things and dad, not so much, or at least not in that exact implicit way, and certainly not in an explicit direction unless he thinks he can get away with it.

I'd wager there are some major factions in the Democaratic Party who are battling against eachother.

Agree, and from my cheap seat, they are splintering, infighting amongst the rank and file, while putting their fingers in the proverbial dike while hoping they don't eat each other up. Even on the streets under that banner, they sense something rotten, as most will eventually do when it comes to their bellies and pocket books, and that leads to unpredictable and dangerous times (as can be seen).
He'd need to spend quite a bit of time making himself known to the larger population, he could gain some traction by inertia from his father, but that's not enough methinks, Trump has a magnetic personality and he plays well with the cameras and the crowds, junior would need some PR management and I think he could make it and gain momentum, I'd see him as a potential candidate.
Yup, agree. From what I've seen, Jr. seems like a reasonably nice guy but he completely lacks the 'mojo' of his father. I could be off, but I often get the sense that during interviews he's emulating his father because many are expecting him to do that because he's the 'heir', but in reality he doesn't really have the passion and drive.

Having said that, even though the young Barron hasn't said anything in public, from just looking at his 'fierce' face I get the impression that he's actually the one who's inherited Trump's 'warrior genes', for better or worse.

A small addition: while I'm on the fence with Trump, I wouldn't mind him as the US president if he can keep us out of WW3, and perhaps even dismantle NATO.
:rotfl: From what one encounters. This Mexican media, which is supposedely right-wing, comes out with this:
The poll indicates that in a showdown between Michelle Obama and Donald Trump, she would win by a margin of 50 to 39.

It does not surprise me much, here the left and the right have a confused, profuse and diffuse division, what they do have is a pro-Ukraine, pro-vaccine, pro-climate change, etc. pattern. So one knows where they are aiming at.
I have a suggestion:

After Trump hopefully wins, let's suggest that Donald Trump Jr. tries to run for president next. He strikes me as a pretty straight forward guy. I can't disagree with anything he says in the following Tucker video. He is astoundingly outspoken and seems to grasp what is going on quite well (although he might be a bit too talkative for my taste):

I think he could stand quite a good chance, actually. From what I heard, he has also attracted many people in a big rally tour throughout America. Quite similar to his father. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump thinking is pretty similarly to his son. Quite interesting.

One interesting point made by Trump Jr. in that interview is that Trump didn't really have the goods on all of the players in the in the game, but he does now and that makes him even more dangerous to them. Back in the day when I was learning the enneagram, there was some division over what type peeps thought Trump was. One of the main types that it was thought very likely that he was has a habit of creating a bunch of drama, turning tables and stirring things up to see how people react to that. Once this type has that read on people, then he knows exactly how to handle them. It's obvious that Trump went into the game with big challenges to the status quo that created lots of conflict.
Having said that, even though the young Barron hasn't said anything in public, from just looking at his 'fierce' face I get the impression that he's actually the one who's inherited Trump's 'warrior genes', for better or worse.

I've been thinking about Barron too. When Trump first came on the political scene, some drew reference to biblical verses regarding the last trumpet and from that perspective, Barron is the last Trump, but he has only just turned 18 this year and that will probably prevent him from entering politics because of minimum age requirements.
I'd wager there are some major factions in the Democaratic Party who are battling against eachother. Since the media doesn't appear to be on board with Biden, I think he might step down (or fall down) sooner or later.
The outcome of the battle between factions inside the Democratic Party would lead to destruction of it, which would lead to destruction of US (civil war).
Aussie Cossack posted a snippet of a prank call to Hillary Clinton made by Vovan and Lexus. The most interesting part is right at the end, where she says, "if the worst happens, if Trump were to win then we'll all have to figure out what to do" in a worried sort of voice, even though she then dismisses the possibility. Well, we all know about Hillary's record with wishful thinking.

Aussie Cossack posted a snippet of a prank call to Hillary Clinton made by Vovan and Lexus. The most interesting part is right at the end, where she says, "if the worst happens, if Trump were to win then we'll all have to figure out what to do" in a worried sort of voice, even though she then dismisses the possibility. Well, we all know about Hillary's record with wishful thinking.
I also noticed that, and thought it's a perfect example of their extreme STS mindset. They want Trump to lose so bad, that it's almost like they cognitively can't vision and prepare in advance for what happens if he wins, because it would go against their their psychopathic wishful thinking. Just like with Ukraine losing, or sanctions against Russia backfiring etc, they try to conjure up what they wish to see, and apparently just wing it when eventually their plans backfire. Quite astonishing.
I thought this was a pretty good analysis of the Trump-Biden debate. He doesn't pull any punches against either man.

The heart of the article is this:
"THE CONSPIRACY THEORY: It’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which the oligarchs were shocked by the outcome of the debate. Joe Biden has been in clear and obvious cognitive decline for years. It was a topic of constant discussion in the alternative media sphere and mainstream articles alleging that he was sharp behind closed doors paradoxically exposed his supporters acknowledgement that the discussion was legitimate. These people worked around Biden on a daily basis and they clearly knew, long ago, that he was “losing his fastball,” to be charitable. That being the case, the blatant rigging of the primaries makes perfect sense. If the elites knew that they were going to replace the President over the summer they could not allow a contender that may not suit the machinations of the neoliberal war machine. RFK Jr. was easy to scrub from the scene. After the October 8th incident, RFK Jr took the position of the ruling elite which was both politically suicidal in that it infuriated his base and setup the conditions for them to insert a CIA operative as his campaign chair. After Dennis Kucinich resigned, RFK Jr brought in former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox Kennedy to run his campaign. Her book “Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA” implies the obvious. At any rate, “someone” then convinced Kennedy to exit the democratic primaries and run as an independent which opened the door for total oligarchic control of the primaries. A number of states then announced that, even though Marianne Williamson and Dean Smith were running in the primaries, they would not allow their names to be placed on the primary ballot and the primaries were effectively rigged. The elites had a clear path to scrap Joe Biden at a time of their choosing and there would be no one in second place to argue that they must be considered as a replacement. In that context, the debate was a setup. They put Joe Biden in a position that they knew would expose his obvious shortcomings and they could then have an open debate about who THEY would replace him with ZERO input from the voters. A perfect storm of elitism and the end of the illusion of democracy. A plan that is so brilliant that the dupes would thank and support their rulers for ending any hope of democratic participation. The greatest con is one in which the mark thanks the con man for taking their money. Their plan was brilliantly diabolical and seems to have worked on a political cult that was so gaslit and brainwashed with Russia gate that they would believe that Martians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump if Rachel Maddow gave them the green light."

I wasn't aware of RFK Jr.'s affiliation with Amaryllis Fox Kennedy or that she was a CIA officer but it makes sense. My "take" on this whole election mess is that it is being run from the top down by Zionists (and all three main candidates are friendly to them). I believe that they THINK they control all sides, and no matter who wins, they win. And the ultimate goal is the total collapse of America.

They may have made a fatal mistake, however. By intentionally showcasing Biden's incompetence on the big stage, they allowed a glimpse behind the curtain. Now people are openly questioning who is actually running the show. And there is a reactionary stampede towards Mr. Trump that may be more an affirmation of American values than a validation of the man himself. Love him or hate him, rallying around him may be the best course of action at this time - as long as those supporting him put him to task if he does once again become president, and do not settle for anything less than truly MAGA.
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