2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Here's Trump in his more usual form saying he got Biden to drop out and they will be putting up Kamala as their choice (and what he thinks of her 🤣)

That’s cool and pretty interesting. I think we might see a rare moment there in which Trump is more openly stating his views probably because he didn’t expect or know that a camera is recording and trusted those present to be more frank/real.

Sometimes I think Trump has sort of created/nurtured a public persona that is basically untouchable in the way he talks/reacts publicly.

If you think about it, the way he is portraying himself publicly (if that is, what it is) with just repeating over and over again quite simple (some would call it stupid or naive) points - like that he has done this or that great thing, without caring much about accuracy, towards any questions targeting him - is sort of the perfect way he can block any attempts to smear/stop him in a society like America!? Publicly he pretty much always talks/behaves in a way that leaves people thinking that he is rather naive and/or stupid while bending many things in a way he wants it, no matter if it is true or not. Also, the way his son talks points in that direction to me: Trump is in reality much more real and far less naive than his public persona.
I would vote for him from the current pool of candidates, but to believe he is going to be able to do much against the PTB is wishful thinking in my opinion
There are different factions among the PTB and Trump is backed by the "American Empire" faction, which in some ways is opposed to the more powerful ultraglobalist faction. It looks like the latter wants or at least doesn't mind a disintegration of the US, while Trump's faction wants to keep the US empire going.
That’s cool and pretty interesting. I think we might see a rare moment there in which Trump is more openly stating his views probably because he didn’t expect or know that a camera is recording and trusted those present to be more frank/real.

Sometimes I think Trump has sort of created/nurtured a public persona that is basically untouchable in the way he talks/reacts publicly.

If you think about it, the way he is portraying himself publicly (if that is, what it is) with just repeating over and over again quite simple (some would call it stupid or naive) points - like that he has done this or that great thing, without caring much about accuracy, towards any questions targeting him - is sort of the perfect way he can block any attempts to smear/stop him in a society like America!? Publicly he pretty much always talks/behaves in a way that leaves people thinking that he is rather naive and/or stupid while bending many things in a way he wants it, no matter if it is true or not. Also, the way his son talks points in that direction to me: Trump is in reality much more real and far less naive than his public persona.

Here is the full thing with subtitles and unfiltered:

Just great! Trump also seemed to need to contain himself to not laugh out loud while he said, "I just got him out of the race". I wish I could see/hear that real Trump more often.
Is Draft Kings posting odds yet?

So the talk is that Biden backs out next week or soon thereafter with a lame BS excuse. Kamala will be the figurehead for a few months. A lot of people are saying the Dems can’t go against their own woke message: white guys need not apply for sure. Probably white gals too. The good news: no Gruesome Newsome and no Hillary. People talking about Mitchell Obummer but the talk is that he/she doesn’t want the job. Oprah probably doesn’t either. So who is no one talking about?

Woopsie Goldberg!!

PS, this is obviously a ridiculous idea, but…..there it is.
Just great! Trump also seemed to need to contain himself to not laugh out loud while he said, "I just got him out of the race". I wish I could see/hear that real Trump more often.

LOL, Trump should hold all his press conferences from a golf cart. It's clearly his natural habitat :lol: And it's very fitting given Joe's ridiculous lying about his handicap during the debate. That one seems to really have triggered Trump :rotfl:
In my unpopular opinion, I don't think it matters whether Trump or anyone else wins, the PTB will continue their agendas no matter who wins, but by continuing down this line, they are inadvertently waking so many people up to the manipulations, that they will ultimately fail. I do believe the different groups of controllers behind each political candidate are battling each other behind the scenes. None of them want to give up their 'power'. It is interesting to watch knowing (or at least having an idea of) what is going on.
I've read several articles about Trump being allowed to win so that the banksters can then take down the financial system with him in power and he and his followers will get blamed for it. The fact he had a Rothschild bankruptcy banker as his Commerce Secretary who has bailed Mr. Trump out in the past may make him ideally suited for the job according to some alt-news mouthpieces, "since he's been there himself". So there's that angle to consider as well.

Those pulling the levers can make almost any scenario work for them, which is why people absolutely need to finally recognize the man (person? ze? it? them/their?) behind the curtain and do whatever possible to not get caught in the wake of a sudden financial collapse - because those who are not ready will be putty in their hands, and may have no choice but to follow their dictates in order to survive.
LOL, Trump should hold all his press conferences from a golf cart. It's clearly his natural habitat :lol: And it's very fitting given Joe's ridiculous lying about his handicap during the debate. That one seems to really have triggered Trump :rotfl:
hahaha he should!

This is the reason people like him, the immediate thought is "that's exactly what I was saying!" no filter.

But there's another thing that is apparent from Trump in this tiny interaction, he still sees the power in the office of the president, and he respects his opponents, notice he insulted Biden and Harris but did not insult Xi, he called him fierce. But also, he sees the job of the president to stand up and deal with other world leaders as the authority given to him by the people, Biden and Harris probably understand that they're not the ones dealing with anyone, they simply go there to save face and the dealing is done by intel agencies and other parts of the deep state.

Trump, understands the US government in the classic ideal form that most people have in their minds, that's why people connect with him.
Trump pretty much runs everything like he runs his business affairs, as an efficient CEO delivering value to the shareholders. And since, he is not a career politician i.e. people who learn the art of maximum showcasing and lying without any real action, much of what he says originates for that business-oriented mindset. CEO's have to put in the hard work too and its never an easy ride for anyone. Trump is about real outcomes and cutting win-win deals with other business partners i.e. other major nations at the international stage. And that's the extent of his prowess, which in the right circumstances can do a lot of good for the USA and its people (i.e the shareholders). In other circumstances, he wouldn't stand much of a chance against real leaders and perhaps he won't bother either. Its the times we are in, you have to to take what you are given and he is the only decent chance USA has.
A nice little update on the mainstream media’s coverage of Biden’s decline:

There are two telling revelations from recent events: the first is how the regime is using the current political crisis merely to preserve its own power, and find ways to save face and shield itself, rather than even remotely acknowledging the utter damage being done to the country and its people by what they’ve wrought.


The second mother of all revelations is the now openly verbalized reality that an oligarchic ‘donor class’ and deepstate actually run the country. Last time we saw Axios make the blatant acknowledgment that Biden’s rule is at the behest of an oligarch class. Now, everywhere you turn are headlines describing the ‘donor class’ as scrambling into secret conclaves to discuss some coordinated strategy on shooing off their formaldehyde-preserved commander-in-chief.

The only thing on the regime’s mind is self-preservation of its power, nothing else matters.

In fact, the best theory proposed thus far for why they pulled the rug from under Biden just now is the establishment was hoping to prolong the charade of Biden’s ‘competence’ to buy themselves time to derail Trump’s campaign via the criminal convictions ploy. They had hoped that piling felonies on him would tarnish Trump’s ratings such that Biden would have nothing to worry about, and the act could continue on unchallenged. But since plan A didn’t work, and they realized Trump may be here to stay, the only thing left was plan B: throw Biden under the bus and swap him for someone that can go blow-for-blow against Trump without soiling his or her pants.

With each wantonly corrupt step, the Democrats are undermining the nation’s already-fragile trust in ‘Democracy’. People are becoming awakened like never before to the naked sham of the country’s political process. It has been exposed as nothing more than a moneyed pageant for a detached class of elites, unbeholden to citizens’ interests or any principles—moral or otherwise.
A nice little update on the mainstream media’s coverage of Biden’s decline:

Yeah, I noticed that talk about how "big donors doing this and that". It's almost like, ya know, who pays the bills... Weren't we supposed to believe donors do it just from the bottom of their heart with no strings attached? Funny that.

The other thing is that the regime media keeps questioning whether Biden is "fit as a candidate". Well what about the fact that he's the friggin' actual sitting president!? But apparently you don't have to be fit for that, you only have to be fit to fool the masses into voting for you!

It's really all in the open at this point.
Is Draft Kings posting odds yet?

So the talk is that Biden backs out next week or soon thereafter with a lame BS excuse. Kamala will be the figurehead for a few months. A lot of people are saying the Dems can’t go against their own woke message: white guys need not apply for sure. Probably white gals too. The good news: no Gruesome Newsome and no Hillary. People talking about Mitchell Obummer but the talk is that he/she doesn’t want the job. Oprah probably doesn’t either. So who is no one talking about?

Woopsie Goldberg!!

PS, this is obviously a ridiculous idea, but…..there it is.
You forgot Gretchen Whitmer
One of the favourites to replace Biden – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, 52 – secretly sent an advance team to Washington DC ‘weeks ago’ to prepare for her possible presidential run.
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