2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

:rotfl: From what one encounters. This Mexican media, which is supposedely right-wing, comes out with this:

It does not surprise me much, here the left and the right have a confused, profuse and diffuse division, what they do have is a pro-Ukraine, pro-vaccine, pro-climate change, etc. pattern. So one knows where they are aiming at.

It's actually from a Reuters/Ipsos poll. It appears they are trying to prep the popular mind. Here are the full 'results':


What a line-up of duds! Biden and Micheal are both of the 'Obama legacy', and it's almost remarkable that they think they can maintain some kind of legitimacy based off the Obama spellbinding effect for this long. The illusion can only be maintained at a distance. Perhaps there has even been a degree conscious willingness of Americans to play along in the Biden sham and his dementia as long as it wasn't overly exposed. The case could be made that his mental decline has been apparent during various media appearances and the State of the Union, but I think people could still maintain some kind of dissonance. Biden really lost his cover from the debate. Interestingly, I think they tended to keep Mike at a distance from the media during the Obama presidency. If they get up close and personal, I wonder if the whole facade isn't as strong as they think it is.
Interestingly, I think they tended to keep Mike at a distance from the media during the Obama presidency. If they get up close and personal, I wonder if the whole facade isn't as strong as they think it is.
No one will ever be allowed to get too "close and personal" to Big Mike on stage because the entire façade would come crashing down if someone finally got the balls to rush him and pull his pants down on camera.
:rotfl: From what one encounters. This Mexican media, which is supposedely right-wing, comes out with this:
Man oh man! ...ha!

But yes, there seems to be a big break at the Democratic Party, and there are voices in the world that even mention the AIPAC influence in choosing Trump over Biden. the NYT has reported several donors have started to seek a different candidate, so it'll be an interesting next few months, specially after Biden went "oh, I had a cold and I traveled a lot.. that's why I was sleepy during the debate"
It's actually from a Reuters/Ipsos poll. It appears they are trying to prep the popular mind. Here are the full 'results':
Trying that is.

It reminded me of the pandemia, media are used to maneuver with this kind of... statistics.

The study was made with a..
"representative" sample of 1,070 U.S. residents.

I can't figure out it a serious sample for a population of nearly 148 million people who supposedly voted in 2020.
It's actually from a Reuters/Ipsos poll. It appears they are trying to prep the popular mind. Here are the full 'results':

View attachment 97807

What a line-up of duds!
What an absolute pile of garbage. "C'mon man." Trump leading Kamala by only 1%? And Gov. Gruesome by 3%? Dead even with Biden? SRSLY? Ah and Mitchell Obama absolutely crushes Trump. Reuters loses all their credibility points for life. Perhaps if you add 10 points to Trump's numbers and subtract 10 points from the Damnocrats in Blue, that might be closer to reality.
Reuters loses all their credibility points for life.
That's Thomson Reuters, the Canadian (family) merged with American interests as the big news conglomerate hourglass clearinghouse, who's credibility flew out the window long ago (imo). A very useful conglomerate for the few.

Need one say more?


Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney (L) is interviewed by Chrystia Freeland, Thomson Reuters Managing Director and Editor, Consumer News, at the National Press Club in Washington April 18, 2013. (Gary Cameron/Reuters)

Now the deputy PM of Canada.

Thomson Reuters will, no doubt again, be influential in the presidential race.
Now we hear in all seriousness on german mainstream radio that the democrats favor/consider putting up Kamala as Joe’s replacement for president! One of the most hated people in America even for ordinary lefty people.

So we have to ask again:

Are they doing that on purpose or are they really that stupid and out of touch with reality?
Are they doing that on purpose or are they really that stupid and out of touch with reality?
As the C's would say: "Either or." 😉

I just thought of something. In 2024, after years of woke drama, two white guys are battling for presidency—that's unacceptable from a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) standpoint! There needs to be a "program change." Kamala vs 'Big Mike' to appease the woke 'gods'?
I was just thinking that part of what we see could maybe be explained by chaos breaking out in the propaganda mainstream? Sort of the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Where they were once able to present a coherent propaganda picture by just following one line and propagating it more or less uniformly across the mainstream, now different factions hastily say and propagate things that formally shouldn’t have been said publicly? Maybe that explains the news about Kamala for example?
Kamala will never be able to beat Trump, or come close enough for them to rig the numbers. She is extremely disliked by all groups in the US. My guess is that this Reuters poll is trying to gaslight people into believing that Biden is still the well-supported frontrunner in the upcoming election, but their narrative is falling apart. I see it everywhere that people are really starting to see the lies. They will be replacing Biden with another candidate. Either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. In my unpopular opinion, I don't think it matters whether Trump or anyone else wins, the PTB will continue their agendas no matter who wins, but by continuing down this line, they are inadvertently waking so many people up to the manipulations, that they will ultimately fail. I do believe the different groups of controllers behind each political candidate are battling each other behind the scenes. None of them want to give up their 'power'. It is interesting to watch knowing (or at least having an idea of) what is going on.
I don't think it matters whether Trump or anyone else wins, the PTB will continue their agendas no matter who wins
I think it does matter to some degree, especially regarding the Ukraine war and uncontrolled illegal immigration. Trump also claims that he will not allow a CBDC (programmable "digital dollar"), which is a major part of the plan for total control. On other topics, such as Israel, they are all more or less in agreement.
Opinions eh ? , as far as that goes , whatever, a pro eminent poli-tics involved with , person , says , can be written in toilet paper (and ) , as to the former , doesn't look like uncontrolled immigration ( in the U.S. or elsewhere ) , the CBDC's and war , is any puppet in the big house even willing to go against such ?
I think it does matter to some degree, especially regarding the Ukraine war and uncontrolled illegal immigration. Trump also claims that he will not allow a CBDC (programmable "digital dollar"), which is a major part of the plan for total control. On other topics, such as Israel, they are all more or less in agreement.
I do not think they will roll out a 'CBDC', but instead, will have the big banks like JP Morgan roll out their own 'token currencies'...a play on words which psychopaths are so proficient in doing. He has not spoken out on these monetary instruments. Likewise, all the states vetoing CBDCs have not either. A private large bank token would digitalize the monetary system, giving them control, which is even more difficult to regulate since it lies in the hands of corporations, a trend I see happening in all industries. In addition, Trump has had strong Israel ties throughout his political career and personally as his daughter is married to Kushner. I don't know that he is choosing to play by the PTB rule book or if he is just controlled, but lets not forget that he is a member of the elite and has family ties attaching him to them. I would agree that he doesn't seem to be as easily controlled as other presidential candidates, so if I had to choose, I would vote for him from the current pool of candidates, but to believe he is going to be able to do much against the PTB is wishful thinking in my opinion. He does seem to have a strong stance against the immigration of the borders which I agree with though. He seems to be a mixed bag. I also find it concerning that there is such a hate towards him in the media, it's as if they are using him as a catch net to trap the American people...basically fooling the population into voting for him. Perhaps they want him to win???? I can see it being either way.. they secretly want him to win and are fooling the people to choose the PTB actual choice, or they don't want him to win because he is less controllable.
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