2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Perhaps it's worth to see what is being suggested to the decision-executers?

Good for the Jews? Here are the candidates who could replace Biden on the ticket

Vice President Kamala Harris
Harris’s most obvious Jewish asset is her Jewish husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff. His kids, from his first marriage, adopted a Yiddishism to affectionately dub the vice president “Momala.” ...

But more recently, she has stoked worries among pro-Israel voters for appearing to be more vocal than Biden in calling out what the administration sees as the oversteps of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In March, she was the first official to call for an “immediate” ceasefire, and used tough language to describe demands on Israel to allow in humanitarian aid.

“No excuses,” Harris said. “They must open new border crossings. They must not impose any unnecessary restrictions on the delivery of aid. They must ensure humanitarian personnel, sites, and convoys are not targeted.”

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Whitmer is a popular governor in a must-win purple state.

She is also one of the governors who contended this spring with pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests roiling campuses and other venues. Michigan has a sizable and involved Jewish community, and what is believed to be the country’s largest Arab-American population, which spearheaded a campaign to withhold primary votes from Biden. ...

Michigan contends with extremism from both sides of the spectrum. She was the target of a right-wing kidnap plot that led to long sentences for its planners. Anti-government extremism on the right often takes on an antisemitic tinge in the state.

California Governor Gavin Newsom
Newsom survived a recall election in the largest state in the United States and has thrived since then. He ventured last year into hostile Fox News territory to take on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a debate — which fueled speculation that Newsom had longshot 2024 ambitions.

California’s legislature is one of a handful with an official Jewish caucus, and it was formally on Newsom’s side during his 2021 recall ordeal. He has paid back the favor by being attentive to the caucus’s concerns about a mandatory ethnic studies school curriculum: He put the kibosh on a version that omitted mention of anti-Jewish bias and had veered into anti-Israel and anti-Zionist tropes.

Newsom has opposed campus protesters’ demands that universities divest from Israel. His office also criticized the allegedly slow police response to violence when pro-Israel and anti-Israel protesters clashed in April on the UCLA campus. “The right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism, or lawlessness on campus,” he said on X.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro brought his sensibilities as a Jewish day school graduate and parent to his successful gubernatorial run in 2022. He aims to project a clean-cut image and was sworn in on a stack of three Hebrew Bibles.

As state attorney general, he led multiple lawsuits against the Trump administration and ensured the counting of votes in the 2020 election. ...

During his run for governor, one campaign commercial focused on his Shabbat observance, and how the break helped him cope with the rigors of campaigning...

He has been outspoken about the perceived threat to Jewish students on his state’s campuses,... And he showed up to nosh at a Philadelphia kosher eatery, Goldie’s, after calls to boycott the business by anti-Israel protesters.

“What they did was blatant antisemitism,” he said then. “They protested in restaurants, simply because it’s owned by a Jewish person. That is the kind of antisemitic tropes that we saw in 1930s Germany.”

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker
Illinois’s J.B. Pritzker is the scion of a famous Jewish hotel family long involved in Democratic politics. His sister Penny, a major donor to Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, was Obama’s commerce secretary and is now Biden’s special envoy to help Ukraine’s war-torn economy recover.

Pritzker came from wealth and has made billions as an investor. In 2019, just after his first election in the blue state, he cited his antecedents’ impoverished Jewish immigrant roots to explain how his politics are shaped. He also has had harsh words for Trump. ...

“Donald Trump is a racist, a homophobe, a grifter and a threat to this country,” Pritzker said just minutes after the jury returned its verdict. “He can now add one more title to his list — a felon.”

Colorado Governor Jared Polis
Colorado’s Jared Polis made history in 2018 when he became the first LGBTQ person and the first Jew elected governor of the state, and he made history again in 2021 when he celebrated both facets of his identity, having a very Jewish marriage to his partner.

In 2023, at his second inauguration, Polis could not find the Hebrew Bible for his swearing-in. He lucked out: There was a conference of Jewish educators taking place in Denver, and of course, such a bible was available.

Polis, like Newsom, last year chose to tussle with Florida’s DeSantis on social media as a means of hinting that he is interested in a future presidential run.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Buttigieg, who began his first run for president in 2019 at the age of 37, has risen from being mayor of South Bend, Indiana to running the Department of Transportation.

During his presidential campaign, he promised to spend $1 billion to fight antisemitism and violent extremism. He also said at the time that he would leverage US aid to Israel to advance American priorities. He visited Israel on a trip with the American Jewish Committee.

As transportation secretary, he fielded complaints from conservatives angry about a large painting of Jesus being covered up at the Merchant Marine Academy. The painting ended up being moved to the chapel.

Which one reads as the most favourable?
Agree, and from my cheap seat, they are splintering, infighting amongst the rank and file, while putting their fingers in the proverbial dike while hoping they don't eat each other up. Even on the streets under that banner, they sense something rotten, as most will eventually do when it comes to their bellies and pocket books, and that leads to unpredictable and dangerous times (as can be seen).
I get the feeling some 'non-linear dynamics' will soon be in play, or even more in play—so many intricate plans like games of Jenga. Murphy is bound to get into the mix because "if something can go wrong, it will go wrong". Lots of things are likely to go wrong all at once, it will be 'systemic'. So some of the PTB's plans will succeed, at least partially, but there will be much blowback, many failures and partial failures, and much chaos. The Democrat/Republican political dynamic seems like a distraction, intentional or non-intentional, from more prescient realities. The C's mentioned that trying to enlist immigrants in the military, (or registering them to vote), may have some unforeseen consequences. I think whatever else is planned for them will not work out exactly as planned. The Continuous rise of Bricks and the nearing collapse of our economic system in the US and her hangers-on are being studiously ignored by at least the media and the general population. Just a little catalyst could set something like this current concoction into 'a new phase', but we may get something like a celestial bowling ball. :-/
You forgot Gretchen Whitmer
She would certainly be a revolting choice but I was thinking along the lines of “who is not being talked about that checks all the left boxes: non white, appearance of being a womxn (yeah, I know), strong left wing hard-line ideologue.” My mind spit out Goldberg even though it’s an absurd idea. I’m pretty sure it’s wrong and couldn’t happen. She is probably not pliant enough and they want another puppet who is more believable than Biden.

None of those others are at all inspiring or believable that they could beat Trump, but that may not matter given the ability to fake the vote. I’m just taking the wait-and-see/popcorn approach. It should be quite a show. That’s at least partly why we’re all here, I think. Trips to a foreign land are always better if you have people along to share it with. You know, like “WTF?! R U Kidding Me. Did you see THAT!? Is what I’m seeing even real?”
You forgot Gretchen Whitmer
She would certainly be a revolting choice but I was thinking along the lines of “who is not being talked about that checks all the left boxes: non white, appearance of being a womxn (yeah, I know), strong left wing hard-line ideologue.” My mind spit out Goldberg even though it’s an absurd idea. I’m pretty sure it’s wrong and couldn’t happen. She is probably not pliant enough and they want another puppet who is more believable than Biden.

None of those others are at all inspiring or believable that they could beat Trump, but that may not matter given the ability to fake the vote. I’m just taking the wait-and-see/popcorn approach. It should be quite a show. That’s at least partly why we’re all here, I think. Trips to a foreign land are always better if you have people along to share it with. You know, like “WTF?! R U Kidding Me. Did you see THAT!? Is what I’m seeing even real?”
Well... it's not without precedent. Judas the Galilean was responsible for a similar political infestation back then. Even Josephus has some very unkind words for Judas.

Comment: This "fourth branch of Jewish philosophy" is often (and incorrectly) called Zealotism. The correct name would be Sicarians. The other three sects were the Sadducees, Essenes and Pharisees. Flavius Josephus hated the Sicarians/Zealots, because he held them responsible for the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE; consequently, their leader Judas [The Galiliean] is not treated kindly. He continues his story as follows:

All sorts of misfortunes sprang from these men, and the nation was infected with this doctrine to an incredible degree. One violent war came upon us after another, and we lost our friends, which used to alleviate our pains. There were also very great robberies and murder of our principal men. This was done in pretense indeed for the public welfare, but in reality for the hopes of gain to themselves; whence arose seditions, and from them murders of men, which sometimes fell on those of their own people (by the madness of these men towards one another, while their desire was that none of the adverse party might be left), and sometimes on their enemies. Famine also came upon us, and reduced us to the last degree of despair, as did also the taking and demolishing of cities; nay, the sedition at last increased so high, that the very temple of God was burnt down by their enemies' fire. Such were the consequences of this, that the customs of our fathers were altered, and such a change was made, as added a mighty weight toward bringing all to destruction.note
Much more about Judas the Galilean of import in FPTM.
" The emperor has no clothes. Except a diaper." , a facial diaper I´d add , D. Camacho Trump looks like, only another psycho that has been in the big house ( a narcissist type at that ). Maybe its type has some appeal to some part of the murican peeps , but , seems very foolish to consider , that anything but a furtherance of un-pire will happen , if such critter gets in the big house yet again , or any other ....... . (IMO)
Which one reads as the most favourable?

Just a little catalyst could set something like this current concoction into 'a new phase', but we may get something like a celestial bowling ball. :-/

One never knows if something will come through the big veil, which of course would change everything, and a "triple bad day" might surly result.

Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... Like when you throw a rock in the pond, if there are islands in the pond, the frequency or information doesn't spread as harmoniously as compared to when the pond is with no islands. I have another question. It's a Watson moment, before they say that... Years ago, you referred to a triple bad day for the Rockefellers. In light of the recent revelation about pandemics and the real plague, that for those like the Rockefellers it will be a triple bad day: health-wise (real plague), finance-wise (real crisis), and social-wise (because they'll be hunted by the people when they finally figure out what is being done to them). Is it the meaning of Triple Bad Day?

A: Close. But, not only. Frequency mismatch will lead to many "smashing" events.

Q: (L) In other words, the frequency, the cosmic ray environment, or the frequency of the planet and our area of space-time is changing and they'll have like soul smashing events because they no longer fit?

Perhaps it's worth to see what is being suggested to the decision-executers?
Almost any of them, probably Kamala at this stage. But I have heard speculations about the Israeli influence in what the media is doing in presenting Biden as a goner.

Biden has always been awful, and there's a lot of evidence for it, but they've always kind of covered for him or gaslighted people about what they were witnessing, this time... they've gone full betrayal.
Which one reads as the most favourable?
Probably Kamela. Didn't realise her husband is Jewish, plus she's the path of least resistance. That probably makes it a slam dunk for them.

Biden has always been awful, and there's a lot of evidence for it, but they've always kind of covered for him or gaslighted people about what they were witnessing, this time... they've gone full betrayal.
And he deserves it.
Catherine Austin-Fitts thinks it will not be Kamala.

It is also interesting how many other major Western countries are changing leadership right now. UK, possibly France, the German government is shaky. I would also include Klaus Schwab being gone from the WEF after over 50 years.

Maybe much of it is simply done to present the illusion of change, but why so much now?
I think Newsom but I don't know who the running mate will be. I don't think Kamala.

This may be an unpopular opinion on this forum, but I do think one of Trump's weakness is his grandiose narcissism. That is of course part of his attraction, he is simply magnetic as many grandiose narcissists are. I do see that he does have compassion for the "common man," but I can't believe that he believes that he can actually win this "election" after what he and others on his team have been through in the last "election." Can he not sense that he could be in great, great danger? Maybe this lack of insight is due to the narcissism.

Dr. Ramani is a psychologist who explains all about narcissistic traits in a very straightforward way:

Maybe much of it is simply done to present the illusion of change, but why so much now?
Another reason could be that even though the new bosses will be the same as the old, the faces will be new. People have a tendency to take a wait-and-see approach to a new leader and give them the benefit of the doubt and so they buy time. The old faces like Biden have run their course and, in spite of what the fake polls say, are generally despised by the vast majority. So in comes a replacement with a built in honeymoon period as the new program is wheeled into place.

I am guessing an “event” of some kind that knocks people off balance (on the order of 911 but not exactly the same thing) which is followed by a response which will be along the lines of the COVID crackdown. (that doesn’t mean it has to be another medical jab fest - but it will involve restrictions or new system components being put in place.) And I hope I’m wrong.

There was previous speculation there might not actually be an election, but, some figurehead still needs to be in-place whatever happens.
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