I thought this was interesting, in that this ex-military guy thinks that what is going on in NC with the hurricane aftermath might be used to eventually institute martial law and cancel the elections. Now I don't agree with some of his violent takes or his salty language, but he's seasoned enough to be well heard:
Hot take:
"Thesis: The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal is INTENTIONALLY UNWILLING to assist Heritage Americans in a traditional voating block ‘area’ that is normally opposed to the Current Ruling Junta. This is a willful and intentional as well as a probable treasonous act punishable under NORMAL circumstance by death. This is part of a BIGGER plan I think that I’ll get further into.
Antithesis: The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal is UNABLE to assist Heritage Americans in a traditional voating block ‘area’ that is normally opposed to the Current Ruling Junta, due to inefficiency and general lack of ability, hence rather than admit this, they threaten and cajole moar-capable individuals with punitive damages (arrests and the like) in order to maintain their tenuous grip on power. They cannot (due to current regime instability) allow ANY non-DotGov organization to ‘show them up’ It also funnels money to their ‘prefered providers’ who in turn give a portion of the shekels back to
them in the form of Grafted Campaign Donations.
Synthesis: The lower-tier agents of The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal start “vanishing” mysteriously in the night. FEMA vest wearing civilians are the initial ‘missing’. As time progresses (quickly mind you) Local collaborators such as the Lake Lure Fire Chief are found hanging from light poles outside of their houses in the A.M., with their immediate family just fucking -gone- in that they took the fucking hint IMO and GTFO of Dodge. No one in the immediate area will acknowledge nor deny/confirm ANYTHING as they know that they may be next on the list…. (This
might happen, but I’m getting to the point)
“The best place to hide a murder victim/corpse is on a battlefield”
Jes’ Sayin’
“Mostly peaceful extrajudicial killings” is what CNN would call them IF it was THIER f___tards doing such drastic performative measures. However, expect the “REEEEing” of the slaves and leftards will be overwhelming…
As would the severity of the backlash from Leviathan.
The term favored back in the wild days of the 80s and 90s in Central America was “Right Wing Death Squads”. Got a hunch that would
very quickly make a MAJOR comeback as it’s been out of style since the Reagan Years and the Contras and Nicaraguans. It also plays
very well to the Insane Demonically Possessed on the Left…
Part of my ‘conspiracy sensor’ is pinging that this is
exactly what they want people to start doing. The majority Stakeholders who’re the ones who’re
actually at the top of the Food Chain so to speak are relatively untouchable and inured to the fallout that may happen. The ones who’d be, and are probably being evaluated right now for localized action, are ultimately disposable.
Their absolutist attitude that those ‘lower level bureaucrats’ are ultimately -disposable- non-consequential pawns for them to utilize at their Satanic whims. They (the Leadershit) won’t mind, ‘cos they (the Pawns) don’t matter so to speak.
“You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs”
That being said, I’m sure that the Director who just got a “pavement shave” would stand to think otherwise.
In fact this is the core element.
IF FEMA-Fedibois start either disappearing, or being found dead, the current Cabal would I think, GLEEFULLY respond by declaring Martial Law initially, and when the resultant outcry reaches a fever pitch, declare a National Martial Law Emergency
and suspend the f___ing (s)election indefinitely."
I personally think it's prudent to consider ALL things that could potentially happen with this coming election, as the more possibilities we can consider the better we will be prepared for anything.