2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

So, getting into the minds of the PTB, they might be more desperate than ever to put an end to any of that? But, how? Plandemic worked very well, right? Maybe they think, the Americans and/or the world, must now get seriously derailed from that direction by something “big“, maybe another plandemic, or something of a similar “magnitude“, like a serious war, or something?
If the PTB start a global war too soon, the illegal aliens won't have a chance to vote. So my guess is that it's going to be relatively calm (with a few explosions!) until November.

After that, all bets are off!
  • U.S. Civil war
  • Plandemic 2
  • Dirty bomb
  • Global cyberattack
  • Financial reset
  • Earth changes (earthquakes, volcanos, rain/snow/ice, etc)
Logue posted a video to Washington County GOP's Facebook page which shows Vance walking back inside the restaurant. He briefly addressed supporters when he exited the restaurant and returned to an SUV.
That's the video I was trying to link above. I think there's also something on YouTube now with clips of it. The explanations from Primanti were purely CYA. :rolleyes:
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