2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Other than not wanting to invite more "bad juju" for themselves by stealing the election again and going against the free will decision of so many people, there seems to be only one other potential reason why "they" could allow Trump to win:

If he is assassinated after the election and this is blamed on Iran, the Zionists could finally get their US-war against Iran. Trump's own anti-Iran rhethoric lately could backfire on him in such a scenario and many of his followers would probably believe the "assassination by Iran" story. One thing that makes this scenario much less likely is that JD Vance would then be president, which is probably not what the PTB want either.

The popular theory that Trump would be allowed to win in order to blame a financial collapse on him seems very unlikely. There are more than enough other options on whom or what can be blamed in that case: big war or wars, large-scale cyberattacks "by Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc." or even the release of an actually deadly virus.
Just wanted to share a podcast with Jack Kruse that came out recently, and is probably soon to be banned. It touches many different subjects, as Kruse is known from his alternative medicine research, but this time he's taking a big trip in history, touching also who was behind killing JFK, Jewish mobs, military-industrial complex' ties with big pharmaceutical companies, SV40 present in the C19 jabs as a known biological agent, and why one should vote Trump. It's 4 hours long, but I was unable to pause, that's how good he talks. Sorry if I put it in the wrong thread, but after listening, I felt that political agitation was a main theme, even if health-related topics were also valuable.
Wow - the translation into German is relatively difficult but the content of the conversation is a bomb.
I haven't watched it all yet, but many of the connections suddenly became plausible.
Including the SV40 cancer marker in the vaccine so that my generation, the baby boomers, die quietly so that the system can cover up the theft from the pension fund - brilliant idea. This would not primarily be about depopulation but about a cover-up. As a result, inheritance tax is massively increased, which in turn ensures a constant flow of money. This is also openly recognizable here in Germany. The connection with the 4th Amendment, which is what makes Trump so dangerous for this complex, is still not entirely clear to me. Jack Kruse is a genius who connects all the dots in a way that answers many unanswered questions and fills in gaps. The medical explanation for methylene blue is also highly interesting. Perhaps someone has the opportunity to write a few short sentences on each topic addressed.
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