2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Another fascinating and inspiring interview with Kennedy:

Among other things he talks about how he won the battle against heroin addiction and that it started shortly after his father was killed (RFK). Carl Jung played an important role there. I have hardly ever seen a more openly honest "politician" who isn't afraid of saying the wrong things in my life. In fact, he is pretty much like the exact opposite of a typical career politician in so many ways. I really like the guy. By now it is a done deal for me: I will vote for him, but unfortunately I can't!

I might have to think about it again and possibly retract it. I know he seems to have a knack for Israel, but the extent of it might be a bit too much for my liking. Everywhere else he seems to be more or less reasonable, but when it comes to Israel quite the opposite. So much so that he basically repeats the usual and partly officially debunked Propaganda points. And that includes Iran:

Could be that he actually believes what he is saying. At least he has agreed to discuss the matter with Blumenthal:

“Ils évoquent la nomination de Trump à la présidence du Sénat, et là, il sera en mesure de destituer Biden et Harris,et ensuite, c'est lui qui pourra prendre le pouvoir.”
-Jan Harper-Haynes
L’avenir nous dira si ce scénario était le bon.
"They're talking about Trump being nominated for the presidency of the Senate, and then he's going to be able to impeach Biden and Harris, and then he's going to be able to take over."
-Jan Harper Haynes
The future will tell if this scenario was the right one.
Le candidat présidentiel américain Robert Kennedy Jr. : Nous provoquons la Russie. Non seulement avons-nous commis la pire erreur géopolitique en poussant les Russes à embrasser la Chine, ce qui est le pire résultat géopolitique que nous puissions imaginer, mais nous avons essentiellement stimulé la création des BRICS. 40 pays menacent désormais d'abandonner le dollar comme monnaie de réserve mondiale. Si cela continue, la Grande Dépression nous semblera comme une promenade de santé. De plus, et surtout, les Russes ont plus d'armes nucléaires que nous. Ils ont au moins 1 000 armes nucléaires de plus que nous. Et beaucoup de gens prétendent que leurs armes sont bien meilleures que les nôtres. Qu'ils ont des armes anti-balistiques qui fonctionnent vraiment, qui empêcheront les missiles de voler vers la Russie et que nos armes sont largement inférieures. Alors pourquoi provoquons-nous la guerre avec une superpuissance nucléaire?
US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.: We are provoking Russia. Not only did we make the worst geopolitical mistake by pushing the Russians to embrace China, which is the worst geopolitical outcome we could imagine, but we essentially spurred the creation of BRICS. 40 countries are now threatening to abandon the dollar as the world's reserve currency. If this continues, the Great Depression will seem like a walk in the park. Moreover, and above all, the Russians have more nuclear weapons than we do. They have at least 1,000 more nuclear weapons than we do. And many people claim that their guns are much better than ours. That they have anti-ballistic weapons that really work, that will prevent missiles from flying into Russia, and that our weapons are vastly inferior. So why are we provoking war with a nuclear superpower?
Pourquoi les Etats-Unis ont des biolabs en Ukraine ?
Pourquoi les médias vous cachent cela ?
Le candidat à la présidentielle US,
nous explique.

Why does the United States have biolabs in Ukraine?
Why is the media hiding this from you?
US presidential candidate,
explain to us.
RFK Jr interviewed by Tucker Carlson:

The first topic is the Ukraine War, for which RFK Jr provides a complete (and correct) historical context, then there's a segue into US biowarfare research, and then there's a new 'truth-bomb' in which he discloses something Mike Pompeo said to him recently, that "the entire upper echelon of the CIA does not believe in the democratic institutions of the USA."

From the 1-hour mark, for about 15 minutes, RFK Jr discusses his visit to the US-Mexico border, which I found jaw-dropping. He didn't use these words, but from his description it sounds to me like it has basically turned into the largest open-air slave market the world has ever known. RFK and his team are publishing an ongoing docu-series about the border, which I haven't watched yet:

The short version is that RFK Jr confesses that, on the border, "Trump was right."
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[L’œil américain] Donald Trump, Hunter Biden : la bataille des inculpations
Par Frédéric Lassez - Trump le proclame haut et fort : il n’abandonnera jamais sa « mission de sauver l'Amérique ».

[The American eye] Donald Trump, Hunter Biden: the battle of indictments
By Frédéric Lassez - Trump proclaims it loud and clear: he will never abandon his "mission to save America".
From the 1-hour mark, for about 15 minutes, RFK Jr discusses his visit to the US-Mexico border, which I found jaw-dropping. He didn't use these words, but from his description it sounds to me like it has basically turned into the largest open-air slave market the world has ever known. RFK and his team are publishing an ongoing docu-series about the border, which I haven't watched yet:

Sadly, even as a Mexican I didn't know just how bad things were at the border. The news usually cover cartel gunfights (either between rivals or with the police), the struggles of the migrants on their way to the US, or that drug cartels recruit teenagers or even kids, but not so much about human trafficking (usually women and minors) and its connection with dangerous criminal bands like cartels, MS13 (who are not even Mexican in origin) or others.

Other thing is that recently the border has been filled increasingly with people from ALL over the world: Africa, Middle East, deep down from South America, the Caribbean, etc. It stopped being a Mexico-Central America migration-only a while a go.

Bobby's documentary is a short one but highly recommended. (He even speaks Spanish!).
The first topic is the Ukraine War, for which RFK Jr provides a complete (and correct) historical context, then there's a segue into US biowarfare research, and then there's a new 'truth-bomb' in which he discloses something Mike Pompeo said to him recently, that "the entire upper echelon of the CIA does not believe in the democratic institutions of the USA."

Thanks for highlighting - the Pompeo comment was very interesting and coming from him, not sure what to make of it, however good for Bobby overall.

On the Boarder issue, if it ever got to the point where there is a true shift for some on the left who start to acknowledge (as Bobby has) rather than deny this mass business of Human Trafficking, good God. If they begin to understand beyond the partial walls that it is tied, not only to the cartels (international and alphabetical at that), but to the purse strings and agreements made, it won't be pretty. If they realize what they have helped support against what was hidden in plain sight; exploiting, trafficking, rape and smuggle, wherein even their political thinking and lack of going below the surface has helped to encourage (how they would not be conscious of it I don't know), there may well be an unbearable shock if realized.

The elephant in the room is also the question of cue bono, and many it seems want to keep their heads in the sand rather then observe the situation for what it is. What it is started long ago in Afghanistan (well, before that though), in the Middle East, Africa and in South America to help displace populations. Who caused it were the usual suspects, and other than Bush II who kicked off Shock and Awe and cave hunting in Afghanistan, the news is grim for the left themselves (who no longer act as the historical left). What they caused was the destruction of the Balkans, Iraq ++, Libya, Syria, Yemen - other parts of Africa, along with the usual socio-economic meddling in the South (throw in a false pandemic that locked down the world). To cap it off, now it is in the heart of the EU via the madness in Ukraine, and they clap. This has come about largely by people who made a choice to align with politically, and people keep them in power, will defend them no matter what.

Unfortunately, and sadly, the press will work hard so that people don't get shocked, other than agreed upon targeted shocks, thus a. people don't want to truly look or, b. people no longer have the ability to look (media/censorship/social media crowds, or even bots) or, c. the alternative would simply drive them mad, especially having to choose what they don't like or what they don't know.
Another fascinating and inspiring interview with Kennedy:

Among other things he talks about how he won the battle against heroin addiction and that it started shortly after his father was killed (RFK). Carl Jung played an important role there. I have hardly ever seen a more openly honest "politician" who isn't afraid of saying the wrong things in my life. In fact, he is pretty much like the exact opposite of a typical career politician in so many ways. I really like the guy. By now it is a done deal for me: I will vote for him, but unfortunately I can't!
Another setting where Bobby Jr recounts the story of his drug addiction, recovery, and spiritual awakening:

It's pretty much the same story, so nothing new. I do love hearing him tell the story though!
Another setting where Bobby Jr recounts the story of his drug addiction, recovery, and spiritual awakening:

It's pretty much the same story, so nothing new. I do love hearing him tell the story though!

Boy this was good. Never heard the story before. What wisdom and realness.

Also loved his attitude towards this group of blacks: he basically came at it as a confident representative of his (Irish) group and culture, even talking about "his race" in connection with being prone to addiction, so he didn't pretend to be "one of them" or that there is not a clash, as the libtards tend to do. He even made fun of them, like with his 2Pac comment, to everybody's amusement. And yet he was very respectful, precisely because he didn't treat them as imbeciles who cannot tolerate some teasing or who need to be protected. That's how you build healthy relations between different groups and ethnicities.

A few weeks ago I listened to the interview with Ron DeSantis on Russell Brand. The contrast to RFK couldn't be starker: DeSantis was all calculated talking points and shallow platitudes. No substance, no human depth, no real thought or wisdom of his own. Watch him go full RINO the minute he gets anywhere on the federal level.
A few weeks ago I listened to the interview with Ron DeSantis on Russell Brand. The contrast to RFK couldn't be starker: DeSantis was all calculated talking points and shallow platitudes. No substance, no human depth, no real thought or wisdom of his own. Watch him go full RINO the minute he gets anywhere on the federal level.
RDS has pretty much already gone full RINO. He's funded by a bunch of neocons. Doesn't really matter, his campaign has been terrible and his polling as well. He overreached and bit the hand that fed him (Trump). The only viable candidates now are RFK Jr., Trump, and Vivek. None of them will likely be allowed to actually contend for the presidency.
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Another setting where Bobby Jr recounts the story of his drug addiction, recovery, and spiritual awakening:

It's pretty much the same story, so nothing new. I do love hearing him tell the story though!

I think Bobby J.r was brilliant in discussing his struggle with drug addiction and curing that by attending a 12-step program. He's a appealing to a very large base of voters. There are about 50 12-step programs dealing with whatever 'addiction' and we recognize his language. I love this guy - he's got the Kennedy smarts.
Another setting where Bobby Jr recounts the story of his drug addiction, recovery, and spiritual awakening:

It's pretty much the same story, so nothing new. I do love hearing him tell the story though!
This was wonderful!

He goes on to answer questions about trust, and even if he's considering Kanye for Vice President lol.

Well, there's something really authentic about him, even when he's not correct.. but even that comes across as authentic, people can connect to that.. imagine Biden sitting down and being able to hold down a conversation as Kennedy does in a barber shop with anyone.

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