6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I m only part through with this video, and strangely, I had a discussion with a healthcare friend in her store, before I started to view the video, we were discussing christianity. She is what one could call a failed catholic, her background is Italian. If I had presented the first video, I think, I may have lost credibility...Just saying.

But the second part is spot on concerning discussion how our religious beliefs have corrupted and shaped our thought patterns and actions for, at least the the past 2000 years

Regarding evangelical religion and it's so called conversion to truth...Child Abuse?

I am reminded of this documentary...Marjoe, If my memory serves me correctly, it has been previously discussed by Laura in the Wave.

Just thought it was interesting to give context.

So many issues in reality that are sending red flags, during this of only 2 episodes, and I am only 30 min or so into the second episode.
Regarding the above posted video available on Tubi I received a message, that the above posted version, is not available in the EU...and possibly the US. There is this video posted on Vimeo, which has been edited to create a different narrative.

For the love of God, what in the world are you even speaking about?

Starting at minute 18:45. You seem to imply beyond your feeling that there is a misplaced energy that the Spanish were the absolute bad guys in the movie, with the Inquisition, etc. I'm not going to say they were the good guys in everything. Of course there were reprehensible events, but I fear that here like many, including Spanish speakers themselves, we were misled in much of the history of the arrival of the Spanish empire on the continent.

For example, many of those churches or cathedrals fulfilled more than just a religious function. They were universities.

Link. Link.

So I'm confused, you say you've been to these places... what history did you find in it?

There is something known as the Spanish black legend. What is this? Well, many define it as the propagandistic act carried out in the 16th century by English and Dutch writers to politically denigrate the Spanish Empire and reduce its prestige and influence.

But hey, I don't buy the exact opposite, the pink legend, where the Spanish empire was good, holy and pure in its expansion across the continent.

So, talk about generalizations and how that can derail even the best of videos. And I repeat, that's why I say it here, not on youtube.

I apologize if this upset you. But I consider that there are things that must be said in these things because if they are silenced or ignored, they only manage to spread ignorance.

A short and current example of what I say is happening now and specifically in my country. They are installing that here in Argentina we Argentines are rampant racists. Completely false. Yes, there is classism but not racism. In the 500 years since the arrival of the Spaniards to the continent to date, has always promoted the mixture, miscegenation. Culturally, in spite of the differences that appeared after 200 years of independence from Spain, we are still homogeneous in that aspect and there is still a sense of unity. And at this exact moment, here they want to fragment the national unity. I am not exaggerating.

So here they are pushing a series of lies that make us look like SOBs. And therefore also a kind of self-hatred towards what we are.

Sorry for the off-topic but I'm not treating you as a bad guy. But like many a victim of the lies they throw at us on a daily basis. I just can't sit back and say nothing.

And I apologize to the entire forum. But I repeat, I'm not going to sit back and say nothing.
And I apologize to the entire forum. But I repeat, I'm not going to sit back and say nothing.
I think you could've been more cordial, you come across as if you're blaming them for not knowing something that to you seems obvious now that you've done some research.

And also, Jay speaks and reads English as his first language, and everything you've linked is in spanish, which doesn't really help much, it isn't very considerate.

You could've said "hey, there's a bit more on that one topic, here's a link to a thread (in this forum) where there's some information you might find interesting".. or something, and invite him to explore, instead, the way you presented it kind of creates a distaste for the information.

That could be a conversation for a separate thread than this one I believe.
I think you could've been more cordial
Ok, point taken.
And also, Jay speaks and reads English as his first language, and everything you've linked is in spanish, which doesn't really help much, it isn't very considerate.
I did not find any articles in English. Sorry. But also if I would transcribe and translate those texts and put them here, then we would have something bigger than just an off-topic. It occurs to me that this is not considered either.

You could've said "hey, there's a bit more on that one topic, here's a link to a thread (in this forum) where there's some information you might find interesting".. or something, and invite him to explore, instead, the way you presented it kind of creates a distaste for the information.

That could be a conversation for a separate thread than this one I believe.

Yes, it is true. I'll see what I can come up with and how to start the topic. But first I'm going to make a technical stop by the swamp.
I have to share this! I just yesterday watched an old Little Rascals episode which had an African tribesman chasing the children because he loved candy. So anyway, his tagline, which he kept repeating throughout the episode was “Yum yum! Eat ‘em up!” So imagine my surprise (and hysterical laughter) when @Laura said exactly that during the latest podcast!😂
Starting at minute 18:45. You seem to imply beyond your feeling that there is a misplaced energy that the Spanish were the absolute bad guys in the movie, with the Inquisition, etc. I'm not going to say they were the good guys in everything. Of course there were reprehensible events, but I fear that here like many, including Spanish speakers themselves, we were misled in much of the history of the arrival of the Spanish empire on the continent.

For example, many of those churches or cathedrals fulfilled more than just a religious function. They were universities.

Link. Link.

So I'm confused, you say you've been to these places... what history did you find in it?

My brother, I don't know you at all and truthfully have no clue why you are going after me for what I said about the Conquistadors.

I don't think the Spanish were any more wrong than the English or the Germans or the French or the Samoans for that matter.

It is my opinion you are 100% misplacing your anger towards me for reasons only you know.

There is something known as the Spanish black legend. What is this? Well, many define it as the propagandistic act carried out in the 16th century by English and Dutch writers to politically denigrate the Spanish Empire and reduce its prestige and influence.

But hey, I don't buy the exact opposite, the pink legend, where the Spanish empire was good, holy and pure in its expansion across the continent.

So, talk about generalizations and how that can derail even the best of videos. And I repeat, that's why I say it here, not on youtube.

I apologize if this upset you. But I consider that there are things that must be said in these things because if they are silenced or ignored, they only manage to spread ignorance.

A short and current example of what I say is happening now and specifically in my country. They are installing that here in Argentina we Argentines are rampant racists. Completely false. Yes, there is classism but not racism. In the 500 years since the arrival of the Spaniards to the continent to date, has always promoted the mixture, miscegenation. Culturally, in spite of the differences that appeared after 200 years of independence from Spain, we are still homogeneous in that aspect and there is still a sense of unity. And at this exact moment, here they want to fragment the national unity. I am not exaggerating.

So here they are pushing a series of lies that make us look like SOBs. And therefore also a kind of self-hatred towards what we are.

Sorry for the off-topic but I'm not treating you as a bad guy. But like many a victim of the lies they throw at us on a daily basis. I just can't sit back and say nothing.

And I apologize to the entire forum. But I repeat, I'm not going to sit back and say nothing.

You are still attempting to misplace your anger about all/any of (what happened) towards me as if I had anything to do with the Conquistadors when they came thru the America's and Mexico. (whether it was fictional or real I highly doubt we'll ever know)

I mean we both know hisSTORY is written by the winners.

For the record, I don't care to argue with you about any of what I said.

It is my recommendation you listen to the episode again with an open mind and tune into the deep conversation we shared over the two hours.

Sending you a hug from Playa Del Carmen my brother!
My brother, I don't know you at all and truthfully have no clue why you are going after me for what I said about the Conquistadors.

I don't think the Spanish were any more wrong than the English or the Germans or the French or the Samoans for that matter.

I think his point is that the Spanish in LaAm were not as bad as generally portrayed.
I mean we both know hisSTORY is written by the winners.

Yes, and sometimes by people behind the scenes, a layer above the "winners". For Gluegazer, it seems a bit more "personal" because of his particular situation, and he could have expressed it better instead of coming across as rude. The point is valid in the sense that most people don't know that the Spanish conquistadors may actually not have been as bad as the Brits, for example. This is not the thread to discuss the differences, and all Bluegazer had to do was link to this other thread on the forum: Hispanic identity and the black legend if he wanted to bring it up.

Overall, the interviews are so great, that you not taking into account this historical nuance that 99% of the population doesn't know about (not even people FROM Latin America whose History that is), is a super minor thing, IMO. It was just a passing comment, not the topic of the interview. The topic is still quite surprising when you read about it, because of how much we've been lied to (if the revised history is closer to the truth, that is). But it's the same with everything else! And I think these interviews will help people understand many of those lies.
Just finished watching part 2. Thanks Jay, Hunter and Laura for another fun, information stacked conversation.

I’ve been working on the emotional centre for several years, and encouraging the noticing of reactive feelings in my immediate family members.
This work on self is difficult without having anyone to hold a mirror up to me. I would so very much love to have someone who knows what they’re talking about to strip me to my bones and reveal myself to me. I’ve wasn’t ready a few years back but now, jeeze, I’d even pay someone.
Like Jay said, it’s very hard at best (boring at worst), to have conversations or any meaningful exchange with people who have no idea and aren’t interested about the interdensity reality we live in.
Great timing for this series of podcasts with Laura.
As well as having an amazing grace in the art and manner of distilling knowledge with both depth and humour, Laura is unfailingly a professional.
In A New Tree Biology and Dictionary (Facts, photos, and philosophies on trees and their problems and proper care), author Alex L. Shigo defines professionalism as follows:
To know, do,and support at a high level a chosen field or activity. Let us look more closely at these requirements for professionalism. To know means to understand at a high level the information that serves to define the field oractivity. Tree professionals must understand a tree. That is the basic building block for the profession. The understanding should be at the highest level of information available. This does not mean that the person must agree with all the informations, but it does mean that the person should at least be aware of the information.
Knowledge is the corner stone for any profession. A person must understand the parts that make the field or activity a profession. More on this later.
The next word is « do », or skill. This is the art. A person must be able to perform_do_ the activities associated with the field or activity or direct their performance (for the slightly older set!)at the highest standards recognized for the activity. How to climb a tree is an example. This is a difficult activity, but it must be done, and it must be done in a safe and effective way to get the job done. This does not mean that every person who is a tree professional must be able to climb a tree. It does mean that those who can not climb must still be aware of the importance of climbing and know something about this activity. A professional is aware of all parts of his or her chosen field.
The third word is« support » or a better word would be dedication to a field or activity. The dedication must bring with it a proud, or good feeling and a willingness to help the field or activity grow in stature. A person who destroys trees only for profit is definitely not a professional. The greatest threat or potential « disease »of any profession is the « pathogens » that are constantly there only to do what pathogens do, drain energy_money_from the system and return nothing back.
Pathogens are part of all systems. They will never be eradicated, but they can be reduced in numbers, and controlled. One way to control them is trough licensing. But, meaninful licensing will not come until we have an education system available which will properly train people in all parts of the profession. Then a qualified group must be available to measure the understanding and skills of those seeking a licence. Licensing without a sound education system and a qualified measuring group, is useless.
Now, back to tree biology. I believe that the lack of understanding of tree biology is the major problem within all fields of activities associated with trees. Advancement in all tree professions will come when a better understanding of tree biology comes. Modern technology has moved usto the near limits of harvesting trees and utilizing wood, and to the new limits of mechanically planting, pruning, (?), spraying, and injecting trees. Yet, it seems that much is still missing. I say that the missing ingredients is basic tree biology. And when we fill that void, all other parts of the tree professions will advance rapidly.
In the case of Laura, her area of expertise is quite broad.

Huge congratulations and thanks to Jay and Hunter for digging into the topics and connecting the dots and sharing this knowledge with a wider audience, and allowing us members of this Forum to appreciate Laura's person even more.
From the same biology book:
Message. Attention. Transfer. Acceptance. Action. Communication is the basis thread that holds the survival of a system together. Without communication a system will fail, whether it is a natural system or a system of which humans are a part. Trees have ways of communicating within themselves and among themselves. The living network called the symplast is the message sender and receiver in trees. But, before the specifics of the tree are discussed, it is best to discuss the basics of communications. First must come the message. What is it that must be transferred ?The message must come from a collection and connection of bits and pieces that are essential for survival. Because survival is the name of the game. If a thing, a tree, or you do not survive, then all other bits and pieces are of little value. Or, at least, you will not know about them. Survival is the pressure point.
A message about the way to survive must be developed. It may mean abrupt adaptations. It may mean radical changes. It may mean a combination of bits, pieces,and many other things ; but it must add up to something that could enhance survival. If it does not do so, then its value is questionable. The message must be recognized. Somebody or something must « know » that a message has been developed. Some other thing or system must be at attention to receive the message.Then transfer happens. The information, the message, the survival piece is sent ; it is moved from place to place or from mind tomind ; but it is moved.
The message is then received and understood or decoded. The message must be accepted. If it is not accepted, then the system tilts, or stops, or sends back for more clarification. The process may repeat until acceptance is assured. Then some action happens. Something moves. Something changes. Something does something that will give the advantage to continued survival. This all sounds affected or contrived, but the points given are not so different whether you are in front of a group trying to make a point, or a tree is « doing things » to survive.
Communications is a word, maybe second only to stress, that is used but seldom explained or understood. Everybody is « in »to communications just as they are trying to be « out »of stress.
It is not easy to communicate . The old meaning of communicate was sexual intercourse. Because communication begins with a message and the attention of a person to receive it. Usually during sexual intercourse, a person does have the undivided attention of another person (for people who doubt this definition, please check any big dictionary). There are many ways to get the attention of another person or a group of people. But, When you do get their attention you must have something to tell them that will be of benefit to them. After the message is received and accepted, some new action must take place. The action should benefit future survival. Information is the greatest fuel for control or power or survival.
Trees communicate within themselves as they received the message of the environment and pressure of pathogens. Those trees that do not communicate effectively, die.
Communication gives an individual or a group a chance to « know what is coming »and prepare for it. Communication is not a simple matter. Information must be collected and the essential parts for survival must be connected to develop the message. The message must be direct and to the point. Having a great amount of information or having many bits and pieces does not assure that a concise message will be developed.
Next, the intended receiver must be activated to a higher level of attention. The intended receiver must be ready to receive it. This is a difficult point to get some people to understand. In the end, some action is taken that does benefit survival of a tree, a business or a natural system.
Communications must not be taken lightly. If we know the secret of life and the universe but can not communicate it along the way, the information is of no value.
Science is knowing, Art is doing, and Common Sense is knowing and doing on the basis of experience. Science deals with observation, identification,description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural processes, systems or phenomenas. Science is systematically gained knowledge, knowledge gained from experiments with controls. Without controls there is no experiment, and without experiments there is no science. The scientific method works best for mathematics and physics where the variables can be controlled. In biology, there are so many variables, that no experiment can be designed with a control of all the variables. Science has its limitations when the forest is considered. Science cannot give all the answers because there is no way to control the many variables. For this reason, it is essential to bring art and common sense into the picture. Art requires skill. Skill requires training and practise. Common sense demands your time and attention to change in nature, and especially changes associated with actions resulting from some treatement, an art factor. This is how early man began to learn. He or she observed a response to a stimuluss. They began to understand the response and the stimulus. Then, they watched the response repeat everytime the stimulus was applied. Knowledge gained from experience is called empiricism. But, when empiricism repeats at a high level, then we begin to approach the same results that may come from science with an experiment. Just as important as knowing, is the ability to regulate with high efficiency. That is the measure of knowing. And, if the system or the process cannot be regulated, then the next step is to predict its outcome with high accuracy. Recognition still must come first. You must recognize an event, feature, characteristic, ect.
This comes from observation and the stimulus-response factors. What this all means to a tree person is that tree biology depends not only on science but also on art and common sense. And the greatest of these is common sense.
These 2 interviews so far have been excellent! I come away from them thinking, "how good is it to have a strong memory?", and how useful it is in developing one's understandings in life. Cannot wait for the next 4 episodes, much thanks to all involved in making these vids possible.
Another fantastic interview. Thank you Jay, Hunter and Laura for taking the time to do all of this.

Just finished watching part 2. Thanks Jay, Hunter and Laura for another fun, information stacked conversation.

I’ve been working on the emotional centre for several years, and encouraging the noticing of reactive feelings in my immediate family members.
This work on self is difficult without having anyone to hold a mirror up to me. I would so very much love to have someone who knows what they’re talking about to strip me to my bones and reveal myself to me. I’ve wasn’t ready a few years back but now, jeeze, I’d even pay someone.
Like Jay said, it’s very hard at best (boring at worst), to have conversations or any meaningful exchange with people who have no idea and aren’t interested about the interdensity reality we live in.

This also applies to me in part. The discussion towards the end, where Laura mentioned preventing our emotions getting the better of us and needing to bring our reactions under control before they get above our "neckline", really hit home for me. (I mentioned something about this in my recent re-introduction thread.) Over the past several years however a couple of people in my life (including my wife) have been able to hold up a mirror for me which has been very instructive.
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