6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I knew the video until today and I just watched it. I must say it is a great interview very relaxed and with a wide range of information, listening to Laura is the best because she puts into words all her enormous criteria and knowledge with a credibility backed by years of work and this forum; The interviewers are very generous and flexible in how the topics come up, very entertaining.
I would like to know if there is any transcript of the video and make a suggestion: if possible to put the subtitles on the next video; In this video the CC is turned off 1:49:24, just when he starts talking about zombies :whistle:

I look gladly forward to next Monday, thank you so much Jay, Hunter and Laura for sharing and for your good energy! :thup:
I watched this two days ago and had to let it settle. Excellent interview that felt like an extended introduction. I like these 'synopsis' because they clarify concepts that I have only read about. Reading them is one thing, but having a real person explaining them in a concise way is another. Some concepts that I have been having difficulty with were clarified for me already in this first segment.

Thank you Jay and Hunter for this (these) interview(s)! And thank you Laura for agreeing to do them! I'm really looking forward to the other (twenty) five! (wishful thinking)

3,934 views since the 13th!

Sorry for the double post.. did anyone else catch the banner that YT posted under the video? Apparently Wikipedia has an explanation for everything.

Which come to think of it, it's really sad... what I mean is, I remember when I was first getting acquainted with the entire topic, part of what kept me hooked was the excitement of discovery, but these little banners tend to have the effect of giving the impression to some people that "oh, it's just that hypothesis, I'll read about it on wikipedia" which kills curiosity because it's already figured out.

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Not as 'in your face' as the Covid warnings, but this 'context' flag still felt like a form of censorship because it doesn't belong there. A poor analogy that popped into my head was the Christian idea that 'god is all knowing, all seeing', and that it is impossible to know the 'mind of god', so there is no point in even looking for or trying to understand 'god'. This 'context', for some reason, felt something like that. It's like an attempt to remind people that you can't know the 'mind of god'. Idk. I didn't pay any attention to it but I didn't like it there.
For some time now, I have disliked Monday mornings, I wonder at the beginning of the week, what the next fictional drama the public will be subjected to.

Now I have 5 weeks of watching the realities behind the the fictional dramas

Thanks you! Laura, Jay and Hunter for this series, I am like a child at Christmas time, waiting in anticipation for the next episode.
It’s so delightful to watch Laura interact and share with Jay and Hunter.
For some time now, I have disliked Monday mornings, I wonder at the beginning of the week, what the next fictional drama the public will be subjected to.

Now I have 5 weeks of watching the realities behind the the fictional dramas

Thanks you! Laura, Jay and Hunter for this series, I am like a child at Christmas time, waiting in anticipation for the next episode.
Oh @Joan, you’ve described exactly how I’m feeling as well! I’m looking forward to a ”Monday” for the first time in decades.
Even though I’m home full time now, the “Monday” energy often feels heavy, dragging and slooooow.
Finished part 1 and it was fantastic. Loved seeing Laura in such good spirits.

I keep seeing these mini videos on X with clips from the show also. Hopefully that helps get it out to those who are receptive.

It would be great to see Laura on more podcasts in the future in she feels like it and if this one works out well!
By the way, of all the talk, what seemed most important to me was what related to sex and the correct exchange of energies.

Few minutes but very, very important in my opinion.
Gotta agree with you. I suppose most of us have been there when we’ve engaged in acts or thoughts that just leave us drained and feeling nothing short of disgusting. Even as a woman, which wasn’t mentioned, I’ve had my life force sucked right out of me over and over, at one point it was so bad that I couldn’t stand to even look at my partner and the idea of sexual intimacy made me so repulsed I would literally want to vomit. I thought he might have been seeing some prostitutes (I was getting promoted by my higher self to investigate but didn’t really want to abridge his freewill but then it got so intense and I was under constant attack that I had to find out so I could protect myself)
Long story short, I went through his phone, his ‘in cognitio’ failed for just a second and pornhub flashed up then disappeared. I was truly so grossed out thinking about him in the next room watching this filth, smashed his phone to pieces and when I calmed down a little explained the energy thing in great detail…. I believe him when he says he’s stopped doing it, but there is still something a miss, he understands nothing about it really except for how much I’m offended by it so our sex life isn’t very active, the energy has to be spot on or I won’t even consider it.. and it’s certainly not as ‘spot on’ as he’d like.. too bad for him he’s not willing to learn anything!!
Already watched it on Monday and had to let it sink in. What an excellent interview and conversation!!! 😍 Laura being asked such relevant and deep questions, with so much respect for all her work and being. I was so happy that this context presents her to the public in a way that is adequate to Laura´s tremendous knowledge and being, and amazing storytelling. As Hunter said: "its an honor and privilege" to listen and learn. Really looking forward to all next interviews to come and refer others to them. Thank you Laura, Jay and Hunter! :flowers:
Though its been many years since I've read her, my conclusion is that Dolores Cannon is quite simply New Age or Cosmic Cointelpro in the vein of Nancy Leider of Zeta Talk, Anna Hayes, etc. Still recall her "seeing" or "being shown" visions of the "Antichrist" shortly after 9/11. Her descriptions of an Osama bin Laden type really fed into (and was fed by) the West's conspiracy theory of who was behind the terrorism and quite probably put her readers on the wrong track for how to think about 9/11, the war on terror, etc. - among a lot of other subjects and areas we discuss here. It's too bad so many people are still paying attention to her.
There is a dedicated thread about her in the Cosmic CoIntelPro section :
I watched the first part on Monday. I thought this was so well done and that it will be a great introduction to the subject matter for those who have yet to encounter it. I also found it to be a very good refresher course as I realized there are a number of concepts that i did not understand as well as i thought . There is something about listening to Laura explicate concepts and answering questions from Jay and Hunter that engages the mind and further enhances understanding. Have subscribed to the channel and looking forward to the coming weeks!

(Regarding Laura’s work, I remember attending the Barcelona conference in 2011, and how one guy who I met there put it quite aptly, mentioning how he had looked into several people who operate in the New age/esoteric circles, and found that their information could be compelling at first, but at a certain point, details that didn’t seem true and were ”awkward” always came forth. When he then discovered Laura’s articles and books, he kept expecting those same ”stumbling blocks” to arrive, but they never did; the ideas rang true throughout.)
That has been the case with me as well - I began reading about the paranormal at an early age and fell into the new age genre as many others at the time. At some point, most of the writers became suspect, too many things didn't add up or were just silly. Once I discovered Laura's work, it all became clear because she engages in actual RESEARCH and takes nothing for granted! Am so grateful for having discovered this work!
I watched this first interview as soon as I was able and then, like someone said, had to let it settle!

It was, in my opinion, a great example of how to introduce certain topics to a larger audience, with humor and grace and a lot of respect for the serious and complicated issues discussed.

The exchange between Laura and her hosts was very good, it's great to see intelligent and pertinent questions that really show how much time and effort Jay and Hunter put into reading and understanding the research done through the years.

The shorter videos also are great. They draw attention to some really relevant points, great to share and to make people curious.

Mondays will never be the same again. Thank you!
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