6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Excellent interview @SoFloJayC @Hunter Williams. I admire both your ability to retain such vast amount of published material from Laura in such short amount of time. The pre-interview video was a great summary of what I hope these series of interviews can achieve: To reach out and summarize YEARS worth of research in books to people who unfortunately do not have the mental capacity to hold their focus and attention span to read all the material. Perhaps it will serve as an incentive to TRY to change.

My wife actually watched the interview with me and loved it. She had to many context questions relating to topics discussed: Annunaki, Greenbaum, HAARP, COINTELPRO (I have explained to her in the past, but NOW it's interesting coming from Laura and not her boring husband hehe ;-)). So I would say it's working. Thank you guys and can't wait to see the upcoming material. :headbanger:
Thank you for this first interview. I really enjoyed it.

It's always surprising to hear how many books Laura has read, to have been able to dissect the information to better grasp, reclassify and understand the links so as to be able to pass them on via her many books. This way, people who are curious and want to know what's behind the scenes can do so.
Thank you for conducting six interviews with Laura.

Looking forward to the 2nd.
Just finished watching it and I'm immediately like, more! The talk had good vibe with so many interesting topics... I'm looking forward to the next episodes and Jay and Hunter congrats for good job and bringing Laura and this material out there. Kudos!
Laura, you looked very good; very fresh and younger!
My thoughts exactly! Especially, at the end of the interview you looked many, many years younger, Laura. It was as if you were lit up in a sort of way, if one can say that. Lots of light coming off you, something like that?

Also, paraphrasing here, the Cs said many years ago that Laura's voice had a certain special quality to it. This was in terms of EE, but perhaps it could also apply to her doing interviews? I don't know, just throwing it out there.

As I just said to one of our newbies, Pascha, these kind of interviews may help others who feel very much alone in this world with the knowledge they have already acquired and I can imagine that listening to these kind of interviews will help people feel less lonely and isolated, knowing that they are not crazy.

I agree with others, the interview was great, so was the pace and so on. Looking forward to the rest of them! Big thank you to all of you who made this possible.:rockon:
This was a terrific interview that really allowed for Laura's broad and deep knowledge base (and sense of humor) to shine through! Jay and Hunter offered up many thoughtful questions, and it was great to see their wheels turning as Laura responded to them. Good on them for seeing how such a long-format interview could be a service to all who may be new to her Work - and even to those who aren't.
Yes, a great refresher for those of us who aren't so new to her Work. It's important to stay involved with the Fellowship and working on oneself. We are afflicted with the predator's mind, so our memories can be easily blurred. And 4D STS is always present to add more fuel to the fire.
Thank you very much for the excellent interview! It was a great review of The Wave as well as other material that has been discussed here over the years. I thought the questions were thoughtful and that the interview flowed like a conversation. I'm amazed you both read so much of Laura's work in so little time! (It took me about a year to finally read The Wave in its entirety. And I knew Laura has read a lot of books, but 20,000?! I need to up my game!) I hope it will interest many people in your audience and I look forward to the next parts in the series!
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