Wow. A big thank you to Laura and the chateau team for this video. It really was fascinating, if anything more fascinating than the previous instalment.
The material presented by Laura in this video talk clarifies and gives me a new way of thinking about the function and purpose of discipline, in the way of 'doing what "it" doesn't like', where 'it' is actually a spirit attachment. One would then need to identify which programs and behaviours could be spirit attachments. Thinking in this way makes it easier to actually be disciplined regarding certain things.
For example, I suspect that rather than physical issues, some of my attitudes towards life are the product of attachments. Therefore I ask myself the question: 'Do I really want this 'thing' to be a part of me? Well, the answer is no, of course, and so this becomes the impetus for greater discipline. The process reminds me of Castaneda's description of stalking the predator.