FWIW, and I could be off and wrong in some interpretations of notions, I think of the the "mold of man" as explained by don Juan as a duality--the STS mold and STO mold of man. These two "molds" are two different coagulations of All the names/faces/archetypes of "God", but the pull of these two mold's unstable gravity waves, or say "Eagles Emanations" as don Juan calls it, are balanced in their instability towards two different ways/paths through creation. The STO mold of man is expanding to be of the Prime Creator, 'to become one, creator of worlds', hence a co-creator with the Prime Creator that is manifested within due to choosing to be of active/creative/expansive side of existence in the quest through all density levels towards the 7th, meaning in simplistic terms, that it includes the one point in the center of the ever expanding circle of consciousness that is also relatively and naturally progressing to "rise"/"fit"/"include more and more higher "slides" of awareness of the All, or say towards a way that does not limit any "points" in existence in the what the C's called the "expanded present." At some point in the process, the key to unlock the doors of our "vehicles" to our soul's quest seems to be through first learning to see the unseen and then choosing to fill up the soul's 3D vehicle's "tank" with the higher ontological Love of "God", but it doesn't stop here, because then utilizing this fuel to again knowledge and awareness of the All as objectively as probable so as to not miss any of those essential "points" along the journey is why all there is is lessons, and some mystics get lost in this ontological love of "God" and stop there, and some even fall further and end up in love with only themselves; that is, these are "points" of One that is All and vice versa, and not just only seen as the One, which is the perceptual path that most Mystics in our 3D STS Realm fall into by default, the STS mold of man.So, my thoughts - it's difficult for me to comprehend exactly what the 'mold of man' is in easily-explainable terms.
Utilizing Kenlee's most excellent example from eight years ago of the flashlight being held to the ground at one point and then moving it up upwards, I will add that it might be true that due to one having at some point in their lessons profile learned through long research, observational experiences, and experiments a more balanced timing and way of the applying a forced oscillated "push/pause" both within and without due to aligning their 3D Beings thoughts, emotions, and will to the chosen STO Thought Center mode of existence/Being, they are then able to weaken their own "predator mind's" pull on their soul's 3D STS vehicle through the practice of self remembering their chosen alignment in the "expanded present." If this choice and self remembrance is continually repeated through the 3D STS vehicle, then it could gradually, step by step, and sometimes it is two steps forward, 3 steps back, and then 2 steps forward again, and so on and so on no matter how long it takes depending on the current lesson(s) and its context, remove the vehicles perceptual limiters to the receivership/"seating" of the soul. And greater receivership capability or greater "seating" of soul results in expanded awareness in present only if it is due to process of the forced oscillation of one's vehicle's FRV towards their soul's own natural frequency, and in this example the NF is of STO inclination. I am thinking that most failed mystics, or whathaveyou, don't even know about this process or the importance of it when choosing a way as it was explained much more clearly in the Wave Series by Laura,
Getting back to the mold of man notion by don Juan and my current perspective of it, in contrast, the STS mold of man is constricting ever closer and closer to the one "point" in the center--moving the flashlight closer and closer to the ground until it touches the solid ground and then "lights" go out to "eternal" sleep, or say non-existence due to no light; but that is of course "until" the the "next" Cycle of Maya or AKA the next Grand Cycle. I am going to change the one headed flashlight to a two headed flashlight in this modified analogy and think of it sort of like a "transient passenger" passing through the "ground/border"; So when the flashlight completes one Grand Cycle, so to speak, and passes through the "border", it is shinning light through its "heads" both towards the next 'gravitational realm border/wave' (the 'beginnings' of next eternal STS cycle or "fall"), while at the same time its other "head" is 'rising' and gradually shinning light away from the "border" that it just transited through (next eternal STO cycle or "rise"), and so on and on ad infinitum. So in this seemingly still very lacking and linear analogy, we have both simultaneous STS and STO movements of the light the two headed flashlight, and it doesn't matter which way the two headed flashlight moves because the "realm borders" are seven simultaneously expanding and shrinking and alternating circles within circles that change position and shape every time the two-headed flashlight passes a realm border in order to keep the shape of the sphere made out of theses seven borders..... Yeah you can ignore this last part; I definitely lost my visualization and too tired at this point.
Oh boy. Anyways, I hope it made some sense and not too abstract. Back to reading my current romance novel, well not now but later in the morning, for more practical 3D lessons. Thanks for bumping up this old thread though It caught my eye and it is very interesting.