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Project Camelot-State of The World

Yes, I previously suggested to Andrew that he search the forum for information on Camelot and those related with it. Andrew, is there reason you did not do that and chose to post more of their disinformation on this forum?
Project Camelot-State of The World

Well, it's interesting disinformation at least. Looks like they are trying to help precipitate the panic. Yeah, things are rough, and probably going to get rougher, but most often panics are created by such suggestive "inside scoops."

So, now we have a record of what they are saying, let's wait and watch and see how right they are!
Project Camelot-State of The World

And don't forget to check out here as well:


Project Camelot-State of The World

Shane said:
Hey Andrew, have you looked into Bill Ryan, who initiated Project Camelot? This thread: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=523&p=1 has some revealing information in it. There's some other related threads concerning the ATS forum that are also worth looking up.
Hey thanks for that thread. However I have had the indication that Project Camelot is a disinformation source although this wasn't really the reason for posting that article.

anart said:
Yes, I previously suggested to Andrew that he search the forum for information on Camelot and those related with it. Andrew, is there reason you did not do that and chose to post more of their disinformation on this forum?
Yes thank you Anart but something in that article struck me as significant, mostly regarding what they were "claiming" what's to happen in the near future.

And Laura pretty much hit it right on the head:

Laura said:
So, now we have a record of what they are saying, let's wait and watch and see how right they are!
What they claim and present on their site may in fact be disinformation but whats the harm in being aware of the claims they make and correlating them with events that may/do transpire?
Project Camelot-State of The World

Andrew said:
I came across this latest entry from the Camelot team and I thought I'd share it here in case anyone had any input:

• We have received this message (edited slightly), from an insider source who has sent us over 60 e-mails on various subjects since October 2007. ...
Well, well, the all-wise, but unknown source again, the insider who seems to be in the "loop" providing project Camelot with "important" information based around some "end dates". So we'll see how this turns out, however, none of the issues mentioned in that piece are anything new, or did I miss something? You can SEE things happening just by closely observing regular news, as SOTT does......which makes me wonder, does SOTT has the un-known but all wise source that sends emails every so often and is giving us an update as well? :-) And I'm not talking about the C's. I'm just wondering how mostly very questionable sites have access to an "insider" and how would one know that this source is credible to begin with?
It's like up-side down. People (or followers of the Camelot Project) seem to give this credibility because he is an unknown insider.....kinda like the Norwegian politician. It makes the whole thing more mysterious and "dangerous", so it has be true?

Anyway, Andrew, what stuck out to you in this article? Maybe you could elaborate a bit on it, because to me, I see just some basic observations that are currently happening in the world mixed in with some fear mongering. Not to overestimate myself, but I think the "insider" is not really conveying anything new at all. Please correct me if I miss anything here.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Bernhard said:
Anyway, Andrew, what stuck out to you in this article? Maybe you could elaborate a bit on it, because to me, I see just some basic observations that are currently happening in the world mixed in with some fear mongering. Not to overestimate myself, but I think the "insider" is not really conveying anything new at all. Please correct me if I miss anything here.
What stuck out to me was the "sequence of events" that is purported to happen sometime in the Near-Future:

Project Camelot said:
... Note that even though the timing is currently not exactly synchronized, the sequence is to be noted:

1) The provocation by non-compliance in Iran
2) The upcoming attack on Iran
3) Intense repercussions on the USA
4) The IMF 'overtly' intervening in US financial matters via the Federal Reserve
5) The coming collapse of the dollar
6) A Wall Street breakdown to unbelievable lows.

All this will happen very soon, most likely by November if not before.
Now I can't say that I'm fully updated on current world terrors on a day-to-day basis, so if any of that is mainstream news I apologize for posting this. But for anyone like me who isn't fully updated on potentialities or likely scenarios then this might be something to ponder over regardless of the disinformative source it comes from, especially if like you say, they seem to be basic observations of worldly-events. I do think watching out for these "key" events that are purported to happen between now and November may not be such a bad Idea especially if they begin coming to light.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Andrew said:
Now I can't say that I'm fully updated on current world terrors on a day-to-day basis, so if any of that is mainstream news I apologize for posting this.
None of it has been in the mainstream news as written above, but all of it has been in the mainstream news - and if you read SotT, which tracks these things and connects the dots, then it is 'common knowledge' - however - definite time-tables are usually (almost always) red-herrings. We'll see. We always do.
Project Camelot-State of The World

anart said:
None of it has been in the mainstream news as written above, but all of it has been in the mainstream news - and if you read SotT, which tracks these things and connects the dots, then it is 'common knowledge' - however - definite time-tables are usually (almost always) red-herrings. We'll see. We always do.
That's what I was trying to say.....connecting the dots. None of these points seem so "secret" that only an "insider" can know about them.
As for when and how.......as anart said, we'll see. Predictions seem always a bit fishy. It all may happen even "sooner" or "later"....who knows?
The work is to be done here and now, keeping an objective eye on world events, regardless of when the "ship" sinks "officially".
As the C's said: "It's not where you are are, but who you are and what you see!" Just focusing on physical survival (and panicking because of a "meltdown") might be missing the point here. I think the C's called that "being stuck in 3D way of thinking". That doesn't mean one should stay in the middle of a battleground, but any decisions based on panic or questionable fear mongering articles with certain "time limits" might not be the best way to proceed. Actually, "creating panic" might be more the intention of this "insider". That's at least how it seems to me.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Bernhard said:
As the C's said: "It's not where you are are, but who you are and what you see!" Just focusing on physical survival (and panicking because of a "meltdown") might be missing the point here. I think the C's called that "being stuck in 3D way of thinking". That doesn't mean one should stay in the middle of a battleground, but any decisions based on panic or questionable fear mongering articles with certain "time limits" might not be the best way to proceed.
It seems to me that the Cassiopaea material calls on us to hone a rather delicate and subtle balancing act. To maintain our equalibrium and clear-sightedness, we must be hyper-aware of our multidimensional environment, sensitive to every shifting wind -- but not allow ourselves to get "swept away" by those winds. To remain calmly aware and prepared for "the big picture", without knowing the specifics that our third-density minds crave, is an ongoing act of discipline. Those who cannot tolerate the "tension" between "knowing" and "not knowing" are drawn to the gurus who claim to provide the who, what, where, when, and how, because they offer temporary relief of anxiety about the future, via a false sense of "control".

And that, Andrew, is "the harm" in getting caught up the material put out by groups such as "Project Camelot". It can only distract us from the real Work at hand, the only area that we have genuine control over: Developing WHO WE ARE, and learning to sharpen WHAT WE SEE. The Cassiopaea material tells us that this is the ONLY really effective way to prepare ourselves for what is to come.
Project Camelot-State of The World

I don't really have much to add, other then my reaction from reading the original post - fear. Reading that bit definitely made me afraid, heck I even considered what the 'insider' had to say. Thankfully I can remain critical of my emotions in this instance. I do think that's the purpose of the insider's bit. Get people afraid, get them panicky, and this also stuck out:

Project Camelot said:
Sounds extreme, but the hungry masses will not care much about spiritual values and brotherly love and respect - sad to say.
Distrust your neighbor. Contrast that with the Christmas Truce of 1914: _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_truce

So what do we see, in an instance where humans were pit against each other in mortal combat what did they do? They stopped killing each other. I think this demonstrates humanity's (well, the non-pathologicals anyway) ability to empathize, to care for one another. Universal unconditional love and acceptance seems to be a human trait, one that has been thoroughly traumatized and programmed out of us, however. I do think they are spreading a lot of this 'survival' nonsense because they hope to keep us divided. Tre' Machiavellian no? -and there is an awful lot of it.

Re-read it, I haveta say, this guy is gooooood:

Insiderman said:
I want to tell you in a most sincere fashion, that, those whom the reporters refer to as "Zionist" are nothing more than the Rothschilds' henchmen. These people, an army in effect all over the world, many concentrated in the USA right now, many whom are absolutely programmed from birth, are cold-blooded, ruthless killers. They are trained in every aspect of militarization and control. Some are trained to be subtle and can draw into their confidence people from various walks of life, and then do a 180 on them without notice... very frightening folks, I can tell you.
Basically truth, but he leaves out the pathological aspect. Focuses on programming, yada yada yada, but completely fails to mention psychopathy - when in fact, this is the key, osit.

We also get this crap:
Insiderman said:
Self-reliance is the key to our future.
If there's anything we've learned here is that self-reliance is overrated. It may work for some, or for a time, but for lasting progress and evolution you need a network, a group. So he's basically lying his buns off.

As for his timetable? Puh-lease. The PTB has so many tricks up their sleeves and options available I highly doubt some 'insider' (even if he is such) will know which method(s) the real rulers of humanity will pull out of their hat. Speaking of, God's of Eden by William Bramley has been an exciting historical tome, and even though I don't like some of his sources the jive of his overall thesis and MANY of the facts he puts forth have been enlightening to say the least (that's where I got the Christmas Truce info from).
Project Camelot-State of The World

If the game is 'basically finished' then why hasn't the Internet been taken down; why hasn't the attack on Iran been implemented; why hasn't this happened...why hasn't that already happened and so on and so on.

Maybe I'm mistaken here, but the pieces can't all be in place, otherwise we would be in a worse case than we are, and that's bad enough. But more and more people are clicking onto sites like SOTT; thetruthseeker; Smoking Mirrors etc; more and more people are 'waking up' to what's been going on in their name. And as this happens, more and more people are spreading the word.

Seems to me that this wouldn't be allowed to happen if the PTB are as strong as they think. Or am I just being naive?
Project Camelot-State of The World

Camelot said:
This report from Alex Wallenwein is most important in understanding what is happening.
Alex Wallenwein is a gold salesman, talking his "book" as traders say. He publishes a newsletter called Euro vs Dollar Monitor and some of his public writings are archived on the website Safehaven. His audience are potential gold buyers. Traditionally gold is an asset of last resort in fearful times and the more fear the more business for Mr. Wallenwein. I have followed the contrarian investing strategy of these "conspiracy theorists" for decades, with some success. However, as others have pointed out, it is easier to predict the future, than when the future
will arrive. We know a comet will hit the earth sometime, but when is a different question.
Camelot said:
Self-reliance is the key to our future.
Since I am familiar with this style of advertising writing in the alternative investment community, I was not struck with fear as new readers might be. I did notice the emphasis on self-reliance. I have examined the political and economic collapse of the Soviet Union and Argentina. It appears from conversations with and writings of people who have experienced these events, that the quality of self-reliance that is most valuable is pschological stability. Beyond that, community or networks of people in cities adapted to and obtained the necessities of physical life more rapidly and efficiently after the collapse of political and economic systems.
Pepperfritz said:
And that, Andrew, is "the harm" in getting caught up the material put out by groups such as "Project Camelot". It can only distract us from the real Work at hand, the only area that we have genuine control over: Developing WHO WE ARE, and learning to sharpen WHAT WE SEE. The Cassiopaea material tells us that this is the ONLY really effective way to prepare ourselves for what is to come.
I was "distracted" by physical preparation for social and economic collapse for decades, before I began the real work of "observing" the reaction of fear, anger, and greed motivating my "self-reliance". The first thing I could see was my anger at being disturbed. Didn't I deserve a utopia of peace and plenty? I couldn't see the reality of the world, until I could begin to see self's mechanical reaction to the unknown. Now I know there is WORK to do.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Bernhard said:
The work is to be done here and now, keeping an objective eye on world events, regardless of when the "ship" sinks "officially".
As the C's said: "It's not where you are are, but who you are and what you see!" Just focusing on physical survival (and panicking because of a "meltdown") might be missing the point here. I think the C's called that "being stuck in 3D way of thinking".
Yes I agree with you 100% on that point. I think in the process of keeping an objective-eye on World-Events and doing the necessary work on the Self might somehow entail the proper knowledge on how to best carry out ones ACTions when "The Ship" sinks.

PepperFritz said:
Those who cannot tolerate the "tension" between "knowing" and "not knowing" are drawn to the gurus who claim to provide the who, what, where, when, and how, because they offer temporary relief of anxiety about the future, via a false sense of "control".
This seems to be a pretty close paradigm to the one Camelot's material is providing to people. Throughout their material they talk about how people are writing to them with questions, on what to do, how to do it, what they should be doing etc. There is apparent fear within those who write to them and it's only obvious that it comes from the material they provide. :/
PepperFritz said:
And that, Andrew, is "the harm" in getting caught up the material put out by groups such as "Project Camelot". It can only distract us from the real Work at hand, the only area that we have genuine control over: Developing WHO WE ARE, and learning to sharpen WHAT WE SEE. The Cassiopaea material tells us that this is the ONLY really effective way to prepare ourselves for what is to come.
Can't really say that I've gotten caught up in their material, I simply gather material from multiple sources and compare and contrast the information provided; I've had my suspicions of Camelot for quite some time now so Intuition proves itself once again.

Camelot does a service to the people in the sense of telling them things unorthodox and giving them alternative perspectives to the world in which we live. However, what they fail to bring to people is the understanding that discovering WHO we are, as you said, is a fundamental in the ongoing process of discovering Truth. You can understand what you see all you want, but if you don't understand how you feel regarding what you see then whats the point?

Cyre2067 said:
As for his timetable? Puh-lease. The PTB has so many tricks up their sleeves and options available I highly doubt some 'insider' (even if he is such) will know which method(s) the real rulers of humanity will pull out of their hat.
Very true. If anything he's essentially a pawn of the Higher Echelon whether he knows it or not. The powers that be are clever enough to have provided him with just the right information to carry out their own agendas through him. And if what he says has the potential to strike fear in those who read it their objective has been complete.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Andrew said:
Camelot does a service to the people in the sense of telling them things unorthodox and giving them alternative perspectives to the world in which we live.
But if those "alternative perspectives" and "things unorthodox" do not reflect objective reality -- where is the "service"? There is nothing to be gained by replacing one illusion with another, simply because it is "different". A lie that contains a little bit of truth is still a lie -- one of the most effective lies there is, as all good COINTELPRO agents know....
Project Camelot-State of The World

This process can't be allowed to be too obvious or people would be waking up in greater numbers and finally starting to see some ugly truths. That would put any and all 'plans' into disaray, or at the very least cause some hasty re-scheduling...

I don't think STS really understands that nothing they do is foolproof. They also don't seem to understand that what they want to have happen, isn't what those above them have in mind. Because they are part of a jealously guarded hierachical system, they are often kept in the dark about why they do things or what other things are going on at the same time.

There will always be glitches to any form of manipulation. Sometimes they are glaringly obvious. But, most people understand that if they do anything too quickly or in an obvious manner, they risk discovery.

bedower said:
If the game is 'basically finished' then why hasn't the Internet been taken down; why hasn't the attack on Iran been implemented; why hasn't this happened...why hasn't that already happened and so on and so on.

Maybe I'm mistaken here, but the pieces can't all be in place, otherwise we would be in a worse case than we are, and that's bad enough. But more and more people are clicking onto sites like SOTT; thetruthseeker; Smoking Mirrors etc; more and more people are 'waking up' to what's been going on in their name. And as this happens, more and more people are spreading the word.

Seems to me that this wouldn't be allowed to happen if the PTB are as strong as they think. Or am I just being naive?
They are as strong as they think they are, they just can't 'see' properly (I think), or they are unaware of alternative 'realities'. Wishful thinking and not being able to 'see' play a big part in their eventual self destruction. Unfortunately it doesn't make them any less dangerous as they have the capability of 'conning' many other people into following their ways.
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