abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Project Camelot article

I'm the guilty party! I had about 20 tabs open, got distracted by a meteorite story (hit the ground here in France on FRIDAY!) and forgot what I was doing!

I was also, at the same time, posting this: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8113
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Hi Laura!

I have enlisted my contact at the William Morris Agency to investigate claims made to me by ATS's "Springer"aka; Mark Allin and "Crakeur" aka; Brian Meltzer CFO that ATS is represented by the talent agency and the agency is is packaging a "filmed project" deal of some sort about ATS and its content.

Being that ATS is actively seeking its members to write and submit to the ATS website-original stories, essays and research documentation I immediately saw a huge conflict of interest which increased in size and scope upon thorough examination of ATS's policies regarding materials provided by its members.

Having been a talent agent myself for many years and knowing the strict Union guild guidelines that agencies must adhere to- I smelled BS as I stated on your blog.

Given that talent agents are generally regarded as pond scum in the nicest sense- they have standards, especially the William Morris Agency which are held far higher than that of ATS- which is why ATS is not and nor have they or their representatives ever been represented by or at William Morris in any office in any country which bears the William Morris Agency.

This is very bad news for ATS on several levels which will become all to clear and painfully so to ATS and its owners quite soon!!!!

Many years ago an enterprising and highly imaginative actor had secured a temporary employment assignment at William Morris Agency and stole WMA stationary which he used to to print his theatrical resume on. This actor did so to create the illusion that his talent was good enough to be a client of the agency- this gave him special consideration when he submitted himself for parts to various casting agencies.

Unfortunately, when this would be performer was called in for interviews for available jobs- he was also working part-time as a receptionist at the agency and could field his own calls and schedule his interviews, which he would attend during breaks and lunch hour time.

One day when this actor was auditioning another casting director called into the agency to schedule an interview and the call was routed to client services to be discovered the actor was NOT a signed client!

The WMA contacted everyone in town and took out ads in entertainment industry trade papers announcing this fraud and eventually this actor was run out of town.

This kind of activity is not smiled upon in way at WMA as the agency takes its roster VERY seriously.

I mention this story because WMA will employ even more stern action upon producers, writers, and everyone else who claims a valid deal and representation. There are no free rides on the WMA coattails for anyone and this situation with ATS has been brought to the attention of the top brass at WMA.

It will be interesting to see where this will lead and I will post updates.

My final opinion of ATS is- they are dead in the water as a reliable source for anything and anyone who continues to pursue a relationship with them must be questioned and be held under scrutiny, skepticism and congruity and this would include all of their associations and representatives. Their cyber terrorist activities and disinformation campaigns have already reached urban legend status and any kind of government aid they may have been receiving will likely vanish into thin air because ATS and its owners/staff/administrators have been and will continue to be exposed eventually leading to the unveiling of the wizard behind the curtain.

ATS is also quickly building a re pore and presence on another site called AMKON (.) net. I find this extremely interesting as well.

PS- the internet community of truth seekers should also contact the WMA: http://www.wma.com/default.aspx And make your presence and inquiries known regarding ATS and this conflict of interest. WMA being a corporation needs to understand that the internet based truth seeking community is a large and extremely profitable demographic which many of their legitimate clients are attempting to reach.

Many people on here as well as myself are very angry and feel protective of the good people who have and are continually sucked into the vacuum of bullshit from whence COINTELPRO/DISINFORMATION operates and feeds off.

This is a very proactive and protective act of behalf of those who are currently defenseless.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

DK3000 said:
I mention this story because WMA will employ even more stern action upon producers, writers, and everyone else who claims a valid deal and representation. There are no free rides on the WMA coattails for anyone and this situation with ATS has been brought to the attention of the top brass at WMA.

It will be interesting to see where this will lead and I will post updates.
Very interesting DK3K - thanks for posting! It seems that these pathological types that run outfits like ATS are incapable of understanding that wishful thinking will come back around to bite them every time. Please do keep us updated.
John Lear and ATS

Session October 28th 1994
Q: (L) What about John Lear?
A: Good but overcareful.
Fourteen years later Lear does not look too careful concerning the people he associates with.
He was a frequent contributor on ATS Board, can now be found on OM Forum (the Serpo people…) and gives interviews to the people from Project Camelot (Dan Burisch Tales).

In his latest interview John Lear reveals some interesting pieces of information about ATS and what happened there (John Lear is banned at ATS now), how they work and why they look like a front end managed by the CIA (starting at 04:20 mins):

Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

DK3000 said:
Many people on here as well as myself are very angry and feel protective of the good people who have and are continually sucked into the vacuum of bullshit ...
There are no reason to be angry. It does no good. The main and perhaps the only issue is to learn how to discern the truth from lies and, when you learned something, to teach other people and to share your knowledge. But to teach only those want to learn. This is a free will universe:

... on this density level there simply is no interference with free will no matter how detrimental to you!!!

Q: (L) So, it is a judgment and a disservice to try to
convert someone to your path, even if you perceive the end
result of the path they are on, that it leads to
dissolution? It is still their path?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, if you send 'buckets of love and light' to such a
one, and that is their path, you are violating their free
A: You might as well send "buckets" of vomit as that is how
they will react.
Q: (MM) Why send anything? Just be neutral?
A: Judgment is STS.
And it seems to be a very precise formulation, as far as I can tell judging from everything I have read and studied. Thus observe, share your observations and working hypotheses with others, but do not get angry, as being angry is a sign of a judgment.

Or so I think.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

ark said:
And it seems to be a very precise formulation, as far as I can tell judging from everything I have read and studied. Thus observe, share your observations and working hypotheses with others, but do not get angry, as being angry is a sign of a judgment.

Or so I think.
Thank you Ark for that.

Hum...lot of work on myself to go there "do not get angry".
John Lear and ATS

I watched all 4
Very interesting,
THANKS,,,, Transdimensional
They asked him ( JOHN LEAR ) about Mossad & 911
he replied does Santa have anything to do with XMAS...
The last part is about the moon ....
Also of note John Lear is not in WIKIPEDIA
but is in CASSIOPEDEA ( but needs to be updated?)
John Lear and ATS

Watched Part I and a few things caught my attention:

Though only a small piece of the larger picture, I was somewhat intrigued by Lear's mention of Gus Grissom and the Apolo accident(no idea why, actually). Lots of symbolism involved and a quick search on Gus and his son Scott revealed some interesting(imo) information. Maybe I'll start a thread on this topic.

I also found his talk of holographic inserts on 911 interesting.

Overall I was a bit suspicious/skeptical, partly due to the liberal use of "I believe" but will continue with Part II.

Thanks, Transdimentional.
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known

What you are about to read is my own observations and actual events from my well mannered windows 2000 pro ntsc pc. I am a computer technician and know PC's as well networks and web servers since I have websites on-line.

I joined ATS last year in 07. My initial presence was as an observer to get acquainted with the forum. Than I began to post in threads and finally present several of my own life stories. Up until say, 7 months ago I was unaware of odd behavior of the ATS network when logged in. Five months ago I came across Laura's blog and this forum where I read some very interesting information on ATS.

I began to notice, while logged into ATS and posting thoughts, that the text box one uses to type in there message was acting extremely quirky. Since I am rather slow in typing my thoughts, I have to type and than stand back to read what I just typed in order to be sure my sentence structure and spelling are acceptable. This would cause me to escape whole sentences and start over. I noticed when I would be at the end of a paragraph and wanted to change a sentence, I would click the mouse to the end of the sentence I wanted to change and than begin to hit my backspace key. As I tapped the backspace key, my browser would start opening menu options at the top of the browser. Sometimes the browser would go back in history and I would go off the ATS post page. When this would happen, all text typed in the post text box is cleared since the session is not stored upon return to the post page.

This happened several times before I made a post on the odd behavior in some one Else's thread who had problems with ATS. Of course ATS denied they had issues even though the thread was joined by many members complaining. My problems were getting worse and it was irritating. I noticed than, my browser started to load ATS very slow and I set my security settings in the browser to not allow some of ATS's ads. This helped somewhat but not the post text box thing.

Than, I bought a brand new core 2 quad PC and thought my problems were over. I logged into ATS and it wasn't long before that post text box issue came up and did exactly what it had done with my w2k pro machine. Now I knew something was up. I now suspected ATS was viewing the text input function in real time. Meaning, when you type they read, or some one signed into the forum server was reading messages in real time. What seemed to be happening is when I typed a message that may have been damaging or questionable to there T&C, the operator viewing my message would send a command back to my PC that when I would use the backspace key, the browser would malfunction and open menu options and go back in browser history.

I believe this is possible when the server is using functions as a servlet or server side scripting. Don't believe it, read on. One night while on ATS with the new PC I get a security alert something wanted to download and install something from ATS. I immediately clicked no. I thought, oh shoot, I should have read the alert closer since I realized something was going on. Anyway, I felt safe since the alert caught it and I clicked no to whatever it was and went about surfing. It was about this time I was getting computer crashes from flash ads on ATS. Even though others reported issues with flash from other sites, I did not.
I alerted the ATS gang there was malicious flash code being used in a couple of there flash ad campaign. They of course denied it. Took about a month before they straightened that one out.

So, since there network was acting creepy, I continued to read, post and investigate. That is till one day in a john Lear thread were the usual bashing of Lear was going down. Something very extraordinary occurred to confirm my already known suspicions. I posted this

I like John Lear and will listen to what he has to say till the end. As for being a follower of those who put him down, not me. I read somewhere this Simon Gray guy is cloaked in suspicion beginning with his ATS founding days back in the 90s.

Hear Ye!, I draw my sword and demand John Lear be reinstated without sanction or further restriction.

Ya know, it seems famous people always have someone standing by to tear them down.
I had typed the above into the ATS text box for posting and had it there for about an hour since I was taken away from the PC to tend to other matters. Upon my return I finished my typing and hit send. The browser stalls for about 45 seconds as it reports being sent, than the page telling me it was returning me to the page came up and it now shows me in the guest view when I should be logged in. I go, OK, I'll log in again. I log in and a yellow alert comes up, login not found. I try again and same ol same ol. Now I know they have my number. As soon as I sent that message, they had me ready to be deleted from there forum database. I sent bill a message, no response, sent an email for support, no response, sent a change of login request, no response. So they do monitor the post text box and play with the members just as I have found in my observations. I tried again to resend my login information to the email I signed up with. reports not in there database. How convenient.

I thought I was banned but another member screen printed my user account and it shows as member and not banned. But since they locked me out of the account, I guess I am banned under that stage name. I certainly know I am on the ignore list. So as any one else, I logged in with a new account and found something else.

I have a security program running. it tells me ATS has a web bug on there site. The bug follows you every where on the site for tracking. Its called bug.cgi. Heres a little something else. They have a feature called anonymous post now. I been seeing it in several threads and it reads with writing style similar in other threads like maybe it's one writer posting. I tried to post anonymous in a thread and as soon as I hit the anonymous button, the page says error: your IP is on record and I should login to post.

Back to the web bug. It is located below the points accumulation of the member. You won't see it though cause its a pixel by pixel graphic tracked by a cgi script.

On a closing note, ATS members continue to bring up strange behaviors of the ATS, network with denial by the 3. I must comment that as a website with membership throwing down stories of conspiracy and strange encounters, the site admins sure use some powerful technologies for a nickle and dime outfit supposedly not funded by big money from hidden interest.


You will notice the url goes to your loopback adapter address in your machine to port 1025.
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known

Most interesting.

I've some knowledge of computers(I was a real geek when younger), and have been concerned about the safety issues of the internet. I've long since switched to Linux, because i found Windows to bee too vulnerable. It seems to me, that since the internet is one, if not the only channel of alternative views, "they" would find ways to mess things up and monitor people. Maybe you, in your expertize could think of some "counter-measures" the ordinary web browser could take, to make life harder for "them"(turning off scripts etc.)? Maybe we should form a computer advisory group on this forum...?
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known

I further investigated the bug thing on ATS. I found it is attached to only some user accounts. Looking up web bug information I found the following March 2001 write up on cnet news.

Through its research, the company has identified about five different types of Web bugs, Wang said. The simplest, most discussed bug is a small, clear GIF that works with cookies to send information to third parties about a visitor's online travels.

Other more malicious forms of Web bugs are "executable bugs," which can install a file onto people's hard drives to collect information whenever they are online. For example, one such bug can scan a person's machine to send information on every document that contains the word "financial."

Perhaps the most nefarious bugs are "script-based executable bugs that can go out and take any document from your computer" without notice, said Wang, who warned of programs that can track live, private recordings through Webcams or voice recorders hooked up to computers.

Other script-based bugs also execute files, but they're not installed on a person's PC. They can simply try to control the person's computer from its server, as well as track the consumer's travels on the Web from behind the scenes. An example of this can be found on a popular entertainment site, PassThisOn.com, which launches multiple browser windows when a person tries to exit the site.
The full article
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known

There is a good add on for Firefox to 'control' scripts: NoScript. Also there is AdBlock Plus, which removes advertisement etc. It might be of use to people with limited bandwidth, as traffic is not taken for loading advertisement. Both are quite customizable.
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known


and if you want to stay (more) anonymous, and you don't mind things slowing down, you can use a router program called Tor (_http://www.torproject.org)

Tor helps to reduce the risks of both simple and sophisticated traffic analysis by distributing your transactions over several places on the Internet, so no single point can link you to your destination. The idea is similar to using a twisty, hard-to-follow route in order to throw off somebody who is tailing you — and then periodically erasing your footprints. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several relays that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it's going.
Groups such as Indymedia recommend Tor for safeguarding their members' online privacy and security. Activist groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recommend Tor as a mechanism for maintaining civil liberties online. Corporations use Tor as a safe way to conduct competitive analysis, and to protect sensitive procurement patterns from eavesdroppers. They also use it to replace traditional VPNs, which reveal the exact amount and timing of communication. Which locations have employees working late? Which locations have employees consulting job-hunting websites? Which research divisions are communicating with the company's patent lawyers?

A branch of the U.S. Navy uses Tor for open source intelligence gathering, and one of its teams used Tor while deployed in the Middle East recently. Law enforcement uses Tor for visiting or surveilling web sites without leaving government IP addresses in their web logs, and for security during sting operations.

It's a bit tricky to install, but if you need help, let me know.
ATS rather odd behaviors and the truth be known

Thanks Aragorn, I'll look it over.

Now for a new quirk from ATS. Today I was responding to a post on a thread about gas prices. But first, I had been on ATS for about 45 minutes with no problems before what I am about to report.

I had previously replied to a thread where gas prices were being discussed. I was going to reply to the original poster in a post about OPEC, bush and speculators driving up prices. I was typing in my message, on that quirky ATS message box I reported here as being real time monitored. It was all OK till I typed in about bush buying reserves to continue the fight onto Iran and speculating the Saudis/OPEC were attempting to punish the US for war efforts when all of a sudden my browser clicked over to the Microsoft update page. Never has that ever happened on any computer while I was browsing. The ATS post page should have held focus on that function page as I typed text into the ATS reply box. Something is amiss with the ATS message server.

I have a reliable (ATS) source tell me recently Bill Irvine aka skepticoverlord has a secret clearance within an (unknown) agency. This ATS website has to many high tech server functions operating for being just a conspiracy site. I found one of there conspiracy masters, Scott Creighton has a bug tracker on him. The others don't, I wonder why.

Anyways, I thought this sudden browser behavior was extremely out of the ordinary and wanted to share it with sott.
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