abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Walker Boh said:
Where is the denying ignorance, and the freedom of speech here?
Well, you should not expect freedom of speech outside of your own mind. Whenever you come to ANY forum, you are not free. You are bound by the regulations of forum's owner. If you want more freedom - you may like to start your own forum. Then pretty soon you will be attacked by ATS-like
people, they will lie the way they like, and you will need to introduce some measures of protection.

Saying this I am not trying to defend ATS, I am simply bringing to your attention the fact that when fighting with evil, manipulations and lies - we need to stay rational and take into account the reality.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I understand and accept your view.
But i had no intention of causing any trouble as i dont here.
Just the way i and others have been treated whilst researching genuine and worthwhile evidence was a suprise to say the least. Then when the admin joins in with his pack dogs and ruins a legitimate thread i knew something was wrong.
They made a mistake, one which will cost them a lot more in the long run.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

[Moderator: Where is your curiosity coming from? Do you have a personal interest in this issue? If so, please, explain first why.

I have read most (if not all) of the "Psychopathy" pages there (but not recently, maybe I should refresh my memory?)

It is not a "personal interest" - other than that I am a person and I am interested ;)

I've got no stake in the issue one way or the other - it was, like a said, "curiousity". I was aware of some "curious similarities", but Laura's quote above was the first I'd heard someone suggest there actually was a direct connection.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Bridges himself claimed, at one point, to know Peter Moon and to have some "inside connection" with him. But, knowing Bridges as we do now, it could be just another lie.

From: Vincent Bridges <abooks@ac.net>
Date sent: Mon, 07 May 2001 09:32:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Pyramids / Nickles&Moon


Well, quiet for a while, then zowie, Haiwaz?, it's pyramids and Montauk time in
Perseus land. Not to mention orgone generators!

Yippie tie kwan doe... The winged steed cavaliers are flying again...

Anyhoo, with so many interesting things to talk about, and so much mundane
work that I feel like avoiding for a while longer, I thought I'd jump in
here. You see, I'm the unattributed original source for Moon's Crowley
speculation, and related occult themes in this book and the next one in the
series, the Black Sun, I think.
It happened like this;

Some years ago, during my meteoric rise as a magickal person, I was
commissioned to do an analysis of the codes in the Book of the Law. Looked
at objectively, they weren't all that difficult, and I had soon cracked the
significant ones, such as II/76 and the line code in book III. I did a paper on
it for the group I was with at the time, and eventually was asked to join the
"inner" group partly on the strength of that work.

In brief, the codes suggest that the BotL is a triple level prophetic work,
relating to the 93 years from 1904 to 1997, in that it presents three ways of
looking at the unfolding current. One choice is Nuit/sekhmet of book I, the
other is Horus the Elder/Hadit of book II and Set/RaHoorKhut in book III.
Crowley of course only resonant fully with the last one, although much of the
nuit current was also activated. I think I was the first one to solve the key to
the Horus current in book II, way too late to have an effect on the unfoldment
of the prophecy.
Now, remember that Matheny and Moon were both "on top" of the whole "Montauk" thing. That is also one of the areas of claimed "expertise" that Vincent Bridges touts about himself.

Is this all just smoke and mirrors?

Seems that there is actually more to this than that; there was a curious behind the scenes connection: a woman named Mia Xavier AKA Harla Quinn AKA Cynthia Garcia who was, at one time (may still be) a "paramour" of Joe Matheny of Incunabula infamy, apparently "hooked up" with Vincent Bridges. (When Matheny "disappeared," a video tape of him and this woman was found by someone and circulated amongst some researchers. I haven't seen it, and don't want to, but it was described by a trusted person who had seen it as Satanic porn.

Now, most of this situation is confidential because it involves the criminal stalking and harassment of another person who actually had to move and become "invisible" to end the threatening activities (and legal issues are still pending, so it's a gag). What I can tell you is that a "test" was made by myself and this other individual (whose house had actually been broken into and her computer hacked!) where certain false information was passed from me to her, which then ended up on the webpages of Vincent Bridges. It was s deliberate "plant" just to see if the persons in question (Matheny and Garcia) were actually doing the hacking. Because of the "route of transmission," it was determined that it was Garcia who was implicated.

This other person who was being targeted also happened to know Peter Moon - though relations had been terminated due to various related factors that I can't discuss - and, based on her intell, they were all connected via their interest and participation in OTO, Golden Dawn, etc. They were all into "magic," it seems, and that also seems to have been at the root of the whole Montauk story if you look deep enough.

So, there is the "claimed connection," and there is the evidence of a network, though that is a bit more nebulous. Hope this clarifies the issue.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Hi ScioAgapeOmnis:

ScioAgapeOmis >> It was an entirely neutral post which basically said something like "look, someone has found some serious holes in Catherder's article, I think he makes great points, what do you guys think?". Period!! . . . Very soon after I started the thread, the ATS owners/administrators joined in with some "legal" attacks on me and SOTT. Oh yes, SkepticOverLord actually told me, in that very thread, that I owe him money for each and every person who views that thread, because apparently it was all just a big advertisement for Laura's "911 Ultimate Truth" book!
The Catherder thread you are talking about his here: _http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread79655/pg1

My rebuttals to Catherder's NONSENSE appear on these pages >>


My single ATS “Missile Thesis” Opening Post is here:


I was banned by the time our debate reached the 12th page by the team of Official “Flight 77”Cover Story Cronies running that place. There is such a thing as too much 911Truth for some. :0)


My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Terral said:
I was banned by the time our debate reached the 12th page by the team of Official “Flight 77”Cover Story Cronies running that place. There is such a thing as too much 911Truth for some. :0)
Which pretty much backs up my assertion that "abovetopsecret" is just a gov sponsored vacuum cleaner operation and psy-ops.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Hi Laura with Aldo mentioned:

Terral Original >> I was banned by the time our debate reached the 12th page by the team of Official “Flight 77”Cover Story Cronies running that place. There is such a thing as too much 911Truth for some. :0)

Laura >> Which pretty much backs up my assertion that "abovetopsecret" is just a gov sponsored vacuum cleaner operation and psy-ops.
Absolutely and without question. We have more DoD Cover-Up Operation operatives posing as 911Truthers on many of these websites than people realize and are willing to even accept. If you think the DoD Inside Job Bad Guy situation over very carefully, then they have over 2.3 Trillion Dollars to burn in carrying out a well-orchestrated comprehensive counterintelligence disinformation campaign by sending a good number of their Disinformation Wolves out in 911Truther-looking sheep’s clothing. We have evidence of those smoke-screening counterintelligence operatives on display by the way they attempt to micromanage 911Truther member content on ‘supposed’ 911Truth Boards where the 911Truth is hidden and Official Cover Story Disinformation is given ‘front and center’ visibility. The JREF Board ( _http://forums.randi.org/forumindex.php ) and their single “Conspiracy Theories” Room ( _http://forums.randi.org/forumdisplay.php?s=c8b0635859feee633b803be7034734e7&f=64 ) is the classic example of Government-sponsored Cover Story Disinformation given top drawer exposure, while my “Flight 93 Never Crashed Near Shanksville” (_http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=95068 ) Thread was moved to the JREF “Abandon All Hope” ( _http://forums.randi.org/forumdisplay.php?f=58 ) garbage can. This forum only appears on the main JREF Board to ‘members,’ so nonmembers never even see these ‘hidden out of sight’ Topics at all. These JREF Government Insiders have their own JREF CT’er Debunkers that attack our thesis papers with every kind of underhanded trick in the book, but they cannot deal with pictures of an empty hole ( http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c266/Terral03/93crash2.jpg ) and no sign of a crashed Flight 93 anywhere. :0)

Even well known supposed 911Truthers like Killtown and Webfairy are guilty of deleting 911Truth Threads where my “Missile/Plane” thesis paper was removed from their 911Movement Pentagon Forum ( _http://forum.911movement.org/index.php?s=aeedfb97874cc26509ee75a78dc804c1&showforum=13 ), after my posting priviliages were suspended and Killtown tossed me into the proverbial “Sandbox.” :0) Killtown regularly deletes member signatures ( _http://forum.911movement.org/index.php?showtopic=1939 ) and systematically deletes entire threads to paste that content within other threads under different Topic Titles. Here is Killtown’s pathetic excuse for deleting member signatures:

Killtown >> We decided to axe the signatures because we were getting to many complaints about members signature meant to flame others. We only saw this as becoming a bigger problem in the future as this forum continues to grow.
If a registered member violates posted COC guidelines in any post or in their signature, then the admin/mod has every right to delete that specific content, but NOT all signatures from all registered members. Using that ridiculous logic, then all member posts should be deleted because someone might offend somebody somewhere down the road. :0) Painter from the PilotsForTruth.org Board ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?act=idx ) is guilty of the same ‘musical chairs’ moving of key Pentagon Topics from the Pentagon Forum ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showforum=5 ) into his “Alternate Theories - subforum” ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showforum=42 ) garbage can where again only registered members can access that ‘out of sight’ information. There you will find my “Pentagon Struck By A Tomahawk Missile And Plane” ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showtopic=9269 ) Thread conveniently hidden from public view along with my “Pentagon Timeline Debate Thread” ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showtopic=9347 ) with no replies and only about 60 views. :0) This PFT.org Board, BTW, is the home base of the CIT guys now posting their “Lloyd-bashing / Light Pole” PentaCon Disinformation in this Pentagon Strike Forum as we speak. You can see the results of my Aldo Marquis CIT Debate on that canned thread here ( _http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showtopic=9269&st=15 ), but try not to blush from all the bad language aimed at my person. This is the kind of bad language/behavior tolerated by the PFT.org admins, because they endorse all this Lloyd-bashing no matter how high the cost to PFT credibility.

The short of a long story is that we have many professing 911Truthers performing all kinds of gymnastics to ensure the ‘missile’ and missile/plane’ Pentagon explanations are hidden out of sight and out of mind exactly like you see with the ATS trio. I could post the Catherder-style “Flight 77 Crashed Into The Pentagon” Topic with no evidence at all and all these people would allow that nonsense to stand front and center in all their Pentagon Forums amid constant Admin/Mod/Member applause without batting one eye, but standing for the 911Truth finds you and your work on the outside looking in very fast indeed. :0) The difference is that some Boards simply ban the real 911Truther, after starting a single thread (ATS), while others would rather use harassment tactics giving you every reason to just go away.


My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Hi Terral.

We don't like to give google support to disinfo sites so please edit your post and put a "_"directly in front of the questionable urls. That way, people can copy and paste them if they want to view the page, but it does not give google ranking support to the site.

My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

For the record:

Although ATS contacted me to have a private forum (and even temporarily banned me WHILE that forum existed) we have no real special connection to them and originally went their specifically to take the catherder thread head on with Joe's frozen fish piece as a tool.

Even today my partner Aldo is permanently banned there while I simply use it as yet another vehicle to present the evidence.

I also have a membership at jref.

I have no problem entering the belly of the beast if need be.

I suppose that's why we are willing to go to Arlington and stick cameras in the spooks' faces!
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

ATS is just a money making scheme for its ownership. They do not care one bit about their users as long as operations run smoothly.

They also, it turns out, have their sacred cows. I have been banned THREE TIMES for debunking the herbal remedies and sugar substitutes garbage that some members have been plugging through their site. Not only was I threatened by lesser mods and failed to ever receive any response from the owners when reporting their misbehaviour, but I was also constantly attacked by members as a stooge and a "disinfo agent."

I’ve finally reasoned with myself that the membership there is just too ignorant and stupid to be helped.

“Deny Ignorance”… what a wonderfully ironic slogan… almost in an Orwellian way. They think that they are denying others from being ignorant, but the truth is, they are just denying the notion that they themselves are incredibly ignorant.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

What "herbal remedies" and "sugar substitute garbage" were you "debunking?
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Oh, they were whining about some medicinal tea company that had their inventory seized because they made bogus claims on the labels, and I pointed out that they have to abide by the same laws as everybody else. That’s the herbal remedy part.

The artificial sweetener part was, obviously, aspartame.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Above top secret is actually the site, or forum, rather, that I was calling my home before a more experienced person in a different forum directed me to sott.

I would have to agree with the assertion that most of the people there are too dumb to be helped. There are, however, a lot of people who end up there on their search for the truth, and they get exactly what the owners want: entertaining reading, but hardly objective investigation.

I must also add that, while I do not think that freemasons are bad people, moderators were always very quick to speak up and inform everybody that all masons were straight edge do-gooders whenever a member who happened to be a mason was attacked.

Just seemed to be very pro mason. just an observation.
Project Camelot article

I refer to http://tinyurl.com/2mumkj, titled "Norwegian Politician Discloses Global Network of Deep Underground 2012 Survival Bases - Project Camelot Founders Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy"

SOTT said:
Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For the last 27 years he has been a management consultant, specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients have included BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program claimed to have taken place over 40 years ago ...
Weren't Bill Ryan and Project SERPO found to be a hoax/disinfo connected to AboveTopSecret in previous threads on this forum ?

The other person doing Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy, is linked to the Wingmakers site, yet another site identified as disinfo (edit: as far as I remember).

I also noted that the Camelot website and/or pages it references base some of their claims on "Dan Burisch", apparently a police officer who suddenly became a star-rated scientist, and Zecharia Sitchin, both of whom have been found on this forum in the past to not be 100% kosher.

The "Project Camelot" site contents read plausible on first look (and the story is captivating), but, what am I, and others, to think about this being published on SOTT knowing what references/credentials the people behind the story have ?

Confused ...
Project Camelot article

Nope - you're right to be confused - it got put up sans comment, when the whole point was to comment on how much attention this is getting and the spin being put on it - so it'll be fixed soon!
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