My Experience with
Hi Laura with Aldo mentioned:
Terral Original >> I was banned by the time our debate reached the 12th page by the team of Official “Flight 77”Cover Story Cronies running that place. There is such a thing as too much 911Truth for some. :0)
Laura >> Which pretty much backs up my assertion that "abovetopsecret" is just a gov sponsored vacuum cleaner operation and psy-ops.
Absolutely and without question. We have more DoD Cover-Up Operation operatives posing as 911Truthers on many of these websites than people realize and are willing to even accept. If you think the DoD Inside Job Bad Guy situation over very carefully, then they have over 2.3 Trillion Dollars to burn in carrying out a well-orchestrated comprehensive counterintelligence disinformation campaign by sending a good number of their Disinformation Wolves out in 911Truther-looking sheep’s clothing. We have evidence of those smoke-screening counterintelligence operatives on display by the way they attempt to micromanage 911Truther member content on ‘supposed’ 911Truth Boards where the 911Truth is hidden and Official Cover Story Disinformation is given ‘front and center’ visibility. The JREF Board ( _ ) and their single “Conspiracy Theories” Room ( _ ) is the classic example of Government-sponsored Cover Story Disinformation given top drawer exposure, while my
“Flight 93 Never Crashed Near Shanksville” (_ ) Thread was moved to the JREF
“Abandon All Hope” ( _ ) garbage can. This forum only appears on the main JREF Board to ‘members,’ so nonmembers never even see these ‘hidden out of sight’ Topics at all. These JREF Government Insiders have their own JREF CT’er Debunkers that attack our thesis papers with every kind of underhanded trick in the book, but they cannot deal with pictures of an empty hole ( ) and no sign of a crashed Flight 93 anywhere. :0)
Even well known supposed 911Truthers like Killtown and Webfairy are guilty of deleting 911Truth Threads where my “Missile/Plane” thesis paper was removed from their 911Movement Pentagon Forum ( _ ), after my posting priviliages were suspended and Killtown tossed me into the proverbial “Sandbox.” :0) Killtown regularly deletes member signatures ( _ ) and systematically deletes entire threads to paste that content within other threads under different Topic Titles. Here is Killtown’s pathetic excuse for deleting member signatures:
Killtown >> We decided to axe the signatures because we were getting to many complaints about members signature meant to flame others. We only saw this as becoming a bigger problem in the future as this forum continues to grow.
If a registered member violates posted COC guidelines in any post or in their signature, then the admin/mod has every right to delete that specific content, but NOT all signatures from all registered members. Using that ridiculous logic, then all member posts should be deleted because someone might offend somebody somewhere down the road. :0) Painter from the Board ( _ ) is guilty of the same ‘musical chairs’ moving of key Pentagon Topics from the Pentagon Forum ( _ ) into his “Alternate Theories - subforum” ( _ ) garbage can where again only registered members can access that ‘out of sight’ information. There you will find my
“Pentagon Struck By A Tomahawk Missile And Plane” ( _ ) Thread conveniently hidden from public view along with my
“Pentagon Timeline Debate Thread” ( _ ) with no replies and only about 60 views. :0) This Board, BTW, is the home base of the CIT guys now posting their
“Lloyd-bashing / Light Pole” PentaCon Disinformation in this Pentagon Strike Forum as we speak. You can see the results of my Aldo Marquis CIT Debate on that canned thread here ( _ ), but try not to blush from all the bad language aimed at my person. This is the kind of bad language/behavior tolerated by the admins, because they endorse all this Lloyd-bashing no matter how high the cost to PFT credibility.
The short of a long story is that we have many professing 911Truthers performing all kinds of gymnastics to ensure the ‘missile’ and missile/plane’ Pentagon explanations are hidden out of sight and out of mind exactly like you see with the ATS trio. I could post the Catherder-style
“Flight 77 Crashed Into The Pentagon” Topic with no evidence at all and all these people would allow that nonsense to stand front and center in all their Pentagon Forums amid constant Admin/Mod/Member applause without batting one eye, but standing for the 911Truth finds you and your work on the outside looking in very fast indeed. :0) The difference is that some Boards simply ban the real 911Truther, after starting a single thread (ATS), while others would rather use harassment tactics giving you every reason to just go away.