abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Project Camelot-State of The World

anart said:
Interesting how on this forum, whenever someone uses the term 'my friend' this way, they mean the opposite.
What way? I say "my friend" and you jump to assumptions. Hmmm.....

Preferably we should probably save this conversation for "another time".
Project Camelot-State of The World

Andrew said:
What way? I say "my friend" and you jump to assumptions. Hmmm.....
Not at all, just making a statement based on experience.

Andrew said:
Preferably we should probably save this conversation for "another time".
Perhaps, after you look up the terms I suggested in my previous post, so you have a more in-depth understanding of why certain things you've written stand out a bit. You did say you were here to learn, and learning is fun!
Project Camelot-State of The World

anart said:
Not at all, just making a statement based on experience.
Cool man I totally understand, but I can assure it wasn't intended in that way toward you.

Anart said:
Perhaps, after you look up the terms I suggested in my previous post, so you have a more in-depth understanding of why certain things you've written stand out a bit. You did say you were here to learn, and learning is fun!
I will admit that I do have a tendency to justify my understandings, however I wasn't convinced by our discussion that how I see the issue is somehow not as good as any other. But if you wouldn't mind pointing out exactly what you are referring to when you say I twisted what I was saying perhaps I can elaborate a bit better.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Anart, you said the 'Cass Glossary' are you referring to cassiopedia? If so I didn't find either term in there. I'll just google those terms and go from there. But please point me in the right direction next time your on, thanks
Project Camelot-State of The World

here you go

self importance

(some related to) right man syndrome
Project Camelot-State of The World

Well, interestingly enough, self-love and fraud are the next "temples" on the path in the allegory by Von Eckertshausen. I apologize for not including the whole passage the first time because taking it out of context obscured the meaning. Here is the rest of the allegory:
VonEckertshausen said:
There are few human beings on which ignorance attempts her deceptions in vain. They climb up the first part of the thorny, steep path, and when they are about half way up the mountain, they reach a plateau on which they find the Temple of Self-Love. Next to this Temple stands Self-Conceit, Pride and Know it-All and they offer the traveler a cup, out of which he drinks his own Self in great gulps and thereby becomes intoxicated with himself, with his own "I."
These travelers then become so intoxicated with themselves that they imagine that their Temple, the Temple of Self-Love is the Temple of Secrets and there is nothing, above them. (Right Man?) The inscription on this temple reads as follows: The Sanctuary of the Wisdom of the World.
Desires, passions, and wantonness are the servants of these priests. However, those whose heart searches for the truth will not find any satisfaction with this and they will keep on searching.
A few thousand steps from this Temple you will find a very secluded little hut, inhabited by a hermit, with the following inscription above the door: The Residence of Humility.
The man who lives here guides the strangers to the residence of humility, which in turn leads them to Self-Recognition. This Divine Beauty becomes the traveler's companion, and with her, he conquers the inaccessible mountain. Whosoever tries to reach the Temple of Secrets without this Divine Beauty can very easily be misled by his Self-Love, and as a result, will follow the wrong path. His greed for knowledge will lead him to the Temple of Curiosity. The inhabitants of this Temple are: fraud, seduction, and deception, the founders of most of the secret societies, and those human beings who , in search for the Truth and for the Temple of Secrets will, if they join these secret societies, be robbed of the ability to see with their soul (the stain). They are then lead to the top of the mountain, where they fall into the abyss or into the labyrinth or maze, in which they will walk in circles for eternity without Finding the Truth. Humility alone is the best guide. This alone will lead the seeker to the Master of Teachers of all secrets. This Master Teacher is the Pure Will.
This pure will becomes the friend of the highest knowledge and they enter into a bond of eternal union.
The knowledge of the effects of the Eternal Light of godliness in all created beings is True Magic in Theory.
The conception of this Light, or the transition form the intellect to the will, is True Magic in Practice.
Project Camelot-State of The World

Andrew said:
The point was, was being open to all information regardless.
No one has disagreed that one should be "open to all information", but that doesn't mean "accept all information uncritically". And, again, it is a big leap from that to praising a proven disinformation site as providing a valuable "service to the people".

Andrew said:
Are these not apart of the trials and tribulations one must go through in order to reach the initiated stage of sincerity to ones quest?
In a word, no. The fact that many people DO spend a great deal of time lost in misinformation does not mean that they MUST. Nor does it follow that because some eventually learn about objective truth and turn their backs on that misinformation, that it was the misinformation that led them to do so. Again, you are assuming a causal relationship where none exists.

The rest of your post rests upon this inaccurate assumption, and argues in circles from that point.
Project Camelot-State of The World

PepperFritz said:
No one has disagreed that one should be "open to all information", but that doesn't mean "accept all information uncritically". And, again, it is a big leap from that to praising a proven disinformation site as providing a valuable "service to the people".
I never said to accept all information uncritically. That's why I stated it's necessary to question everything. Nor did I ever "praise" their information on any level where did you get that? I think you have a misconception on what I've been trying to explain.

PepperFritz said:
In a word, no. The fact that many people DO spend a great deal of time lost in misinformation does not mean that they MUST. Nor does it follow that because some eventually learn about objective truth and turn their backs on that misinformation, that it was the misinformation that led them to do so. Again, you are assuming a causal relationship where none exists.
Perhaps. But this is my own personal experience - I've gone through disinformation, eventually learning it's disinfo. and in that learning discovered greater Truth's.

I see your point that it isn't a MUST but it DOES happen.

PepperFritz said:
The rest of your post rests upon this inaccurate assumption, and argues in circles from that point.
I thought we were just having a discussion, but anyways ok, and thanks for your input Pepper.
Censorship on ATS


Last week, semperfortis awarded my contributions in the thread "Political History - First Third Party" for their rationallity and maturity. I was delighted to find out that ATS respect this sort of debate.

Yesterday, however, it was made clear to me by the site owner SkepticOverlord that this website does NOT tolerate ANY sort of debate on certain topics, in spite of his claims the site promotes free speech. In the threads "Freedom Of Speech, ATS, and Ending The Eternal September" and "AboveTopSecret.com is a Government COINTELPRO Disinformation Operation" I mentioned the tendency of ATS to censor certain topics, such as Holocaust revisionism and the decriminalisation of marihuana.

When I mentioned Holocaust revisionism, SkepticOverlord dismissed my argument stating it was hate-fueled. When I mentioned the decriminalisation of marihuana, however, he actually censored my calls for censorship. The content of three of my posts in "Freedom Of Speech, ATS, and Ending The Eternal September" was removed.

The first post removed was a post where I argued that the sale of marihuana is legal in Holland and therefore it is quite silly to use the illegallity of marihuana in the US as an argument, especially since the US has a constitution that protects free speech. This post was replaced by a label "off topic".

In the second post, I explained why the first post was not off-topic and why the argument is relevant. That post was replaced by a label "extreme T&S violation" and I received an official warning.

In the second post, I merely pointed out that I had been censored twice in a row for arguing against censorship. The response was again a removal of my post, followed by a posting ban.

I did not break any rule in the T&S. All I did to receive this posting ban, was arguing against the censorshop on ATS.... which supposebly does not exist. Yet, this posting ban actually proves that ATS is far more restrictive than I thought.

If you honestly think that ATS is dedicated to "denying ignorance", think again. When people are allowed to post the most fringe posts on topics like UFOs, creationism or beings from another dimension it is at least questionable that people cannot discuss more serious topics like Holocaust revisionism and the decriminalisation of marihuana. It is even more questionable when people actually get posting bans for no other reason but arguing against this sort of censorship. It seems like the most interesting and most rational debates are precisely the ones being banned.

After spreading the above message among a few members, I'm restricted even from viewing the forum.
Re: Censorship on ATS

I hate to sound like an ATS defender here but you DID break one of their terms & conditions by discussing drugs (something that you are free to discuss in their RATS section). As for the holocaust revisionism stuff, I can't really comment on their views on that not being allowed to be discussed (unless past experience has shown that it turns into a racist brawl so they decided to avoid the subject, or they just don't believe in 'that' conspiracy and therefore will not allow it to be held up for scrutiny by it's members.. who knows).
Re: Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Write posts on important issues and you'll either be defamed or banned. Write posts on implausible fringe topics, and you'll become a topic poster. That alone already makes ATS a very fishy enterprise.
Re: Censorship on ATS

Pantalaimon said:
I hate to sound like an ATS defender here but you DID break one of their terms & conditions by discussing drugs (something that you are free to discuss in their RATS section).

I didn't discuss drugs. I discussed their censorship of topics arguing the decriminalisation of drugs IN THREADS DEDICATED TO THEIR CENSORSHIP and accusations of ATS being COINTELPRO. That's a totally different issue.

Pantalaimon said:
As for the holocaust revisionism stuff, I can't really comment on their views on that not being allowed to be discussed (unless past experience has shown that it turns into a racist brawl so they decided to avoid the subject

Bill Irvine (SkepticOverlord) stated in one of the linked threads that he equals Holocaust Revisionism with hate speech and he uses that as an argument to ban Holocaust Revisionism.

Anyway, I'm not being banned for posting on drugs or for posting on Holocaust Revisionism. I'm being banned for complaining about their censorship of anything related to those topics IN THREADS DEDICATED TO THEIR CENSORSHIP and accusations of ATS being COINTELPRO. That's neither off topic nor a violation of their rules.
Re: Censorship on ATS

Please don't leave active links to known disinformation sites in your posts. Thanks.
Re: Censorship on ATS

anart said:
Please don't leave active links to known disinformation sites in your posts. Thanks.

I apologize. I'm new to this forum and wasn't aware of such policy. The links are now removed entirely.

Why do you object to much to posting links? It's not like not posting any links is going to put them significantly lower in Google search ranks.....
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