abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Well, we only have to wait another day to find out! Personally, I think that about anything can happen at this point. And one thing seems sure, the tension in the US (and elsewhere) can't go on for long; something's got to give.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

There is a thread dealing with Laura/Cassiopaea on "Projectavalon", a board initiated by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from "Project Camelot:


[Edit: "deactivated" live link]
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

That thread was started by someone who signed up here and over on the other forum it appears both in the last couple of months. I would recommend people leave it alone. They are who they are and they are where they want to be.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Xman said:
That thread was started by someone who signed up here and over on the other forum it appears both in the last couple of months. I would recommend people leave it alone. They are who they are and they are where they want to be.

This is always what we suggest. We do not make a practice of going to other forums to tell them that they are wrong, or to 'set them straight' - not only does it do no good - it simply 'feeds' the situation.

This forum discourages others from coming here and evidencing a strong agenda - to 'set us straight', as it were - thus we make it very clear that we do NOT approve of such behavior on other forums.

All of us will do what we will do - what is in us to do. The information discussed here is simply not for everyone - and others have every right in the world to believe what they want to believe. After all, determining the needs of another is aligning even more strongly with STS - so for those of you who have made an appearance on that forum thread, please realize that you are not doing 'us' any favors.

Of course, as they say, as long as they spell Laura's name right, well, it just brings more readers to this material.

The truth is the truth is the truth. We are here to serve the truth, not to convince those who are not interested. We will continue sending out the signal and the information as long as we can - it is not ours to go into other people's 'living rooms' to tell them 'what is what' - that's just not how it works.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Yes, I think that the evidence gathered together in this thread is sufficient to show that ats, serpo, avalon, and all connected to it are just psy-ops and at this late stage in the game, people who can't figure that out won't be able to figure out much else before the hammer falls anyway.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

It's also about energy allocation.

The energy spent on other forums trying to convince in-convinceable people won't be spent on the SOTT forum to bring, capitalize, share information.

Why give information to people who don't want it while here, on this forum, there are hundreds of people craving for knowledge ?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Relating to this post here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=11784.msg86611#msg86611

and my response: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=11784.msg86686#msg86686

since Bill Ryan gave his permission to publish his comments, I am putting the exchange between him and "Tomatochip" here:

Hello again Laura;

After perusing the links you directed me to regarding
Project Camelot and Bill Ryan, I decided to write to him
directly to get a balanced perspective.

Below was his response, which he requested to be
forwarded to you. With this, I am content to leave
this topic altogether and move on to other more
edifying things.

Best regards,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy <****@projectcamelot.org>
> Date: April 3, 2009 1:26:53 PM GMT-07:00
> To: {Tomatochip}
> Cc: 'Kerry at Camelot' <****@projectcamelot.org>
> Subject: Re: Clarification Request
> Hi, {Tomatochip}:
> > She only directed me all the various links regarding Serpo, ATS
> and what she
> > described was a horrendous legal battle with your lawyer. This all
> > apparently, pre Project Camelot. One of the other moderators did
> likewise.
> Very frustrating, and I’m afraid Laura has it completely wrong.
> Laura was attacking ATS, and ATS were attacking me. She contacted me
> initially, and I turned to her for support. Abruptly, and for
> reasons I have never discovered or been told, she decided that I was
> somehow part of the same COINTELPRO that she accused ATS of being
> tangled up in.
> Ironically, I had always completely agreed with her about ATS and
> COINTELPRO, and had told her. I still hold the firm view, similar to
> Laura’s, that ATS is heavily government influenced. To this day I
> have no idea why she decided I was disinfo - which I was not, and am
> not. I am baffled... and at the time I was hurt and quite bothered,
> as I was under siege from all sides for daring to post the details
> of the Serpo releases with as much intellectual honesty as possible.
> Furthermore, there was no ‘legal battle’, and I never had a lawyer.
> The lawyer she’s referring to was Wayne Jaeschke, the ATS attorney
> at that time. His ATS username was ‘Centrist’. Jaeschke had faked a
> series of e-mails to Victor Martinez, in an attempt to find out more
> about Serpo on a fraudulent basis. He was pretending to be the Serpo
> insider source, mailing from a new e-mail address. Victor nearly
> believed him, but in the end (credit to him, because Jaeschke was
> very clever) smelled a rat.
> What Jaeschke did was very probably illegal (and certainly highly
> unethical) and he resigned from ATS after being exposed. No legal
> action - just huge embarrassment from him. He later lost his job
> with the East Coast law firm he worked for, as well, as a result of
> his fraudulent impersonation – conduct unfit for any lawyer, anywhere.
> I dropped out of Serpo after it became crystal clear that the long-
> awaited images provided to Victor Martinez, by a military source,
> were faked. That was in December 2006, and I stepped d back from it
> all in March 2007. The whole thing was a can of worms. I had a
> number of experiences, though - all documented on the Serpo site
> here...
> _http://www.serpo.org/final_update.php
> (A final Update from Bill Ryan, 5 March 2007)
> ... which convinced me there was fire behind the smoke. Read the
> story of the Serpo Old Man (an encounter with a purported ex-
> astronaut, which was nothing short of fascinating.) There WAS an
> exchange program, I am certain: but most of the details were
> probably different.
> Serpo was and is unconnected with Project Camelot. Camelot stands on
> its own merits. At Camelot, we report what we are told on record by
> our sources and witnesses, and add nothing. I added nothing to
> Serpo, either. I was merely the webmaster, trying to do as good as
> job as possible, but ended up receiving some releases myself and got
> to know some of the cast of characters such as Rick Doty and Kit
> Green, neither of whom I would trust, but who also did not ALWAYS lie.
> For instance, I met at length with Rick and Kit, separately, when
> they were both genuinely baffled about what was going on. I
> certainly attracted the attention of the intel community at the
> time... they could not figure out who I was or why I was doing what
> I was doing. It was very funny, in retrospect.
> Serpo was disinfo - and I had always (after an early stage) stated
> publicly that it was. The key part of that, however, is that some of
> it was true, which is highly significant. DISinformation is part
> truth, part invention. MISinformation is straight falsehood. Serpo
> was DISinfo. But even if only 10% was true, it was still an
> astonishing story.
> One of the problems was that the UFO community had no patience for
> anything that was not 100% solid - and this is understandable. They
> had previously been messed around too much, for too long. Fresh into
> the arena, I had no such history and thought it was all really
> interesting (which it is). I had a lot more patience, and much less
> personal baggage.
> Please do pass this message on to Laura (and the moderator you
> mentioned!) with my regards, and by all means post this anywhere you
> wish. I have no time or desire to join in any forums on this subject
> but am happy to answer your questions.
> With very best wishes, Bill
> From: {Tomatochip}
> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 12:44:14 -0700
> To: Cassidy Kerry <****@projectcamelot.org>
> Subject: Clarification Request
> Hey Bill---
> {Tomatochip} in AZ here. You may or may not recognize me....
> We've traded a few occasional emails in the past two years
> or so.
> I'm writing today to get your direct take on something
> here so that I can have balanced information:
> Recently, I was on the Signs of the Times website and signed
> onto their forum. I did so after being quite captivated by reading
> Laura Knight Jadczyk's online 'The Wave' ebook, and some
> other pretty esoteric material on the Casseoopian website...
> all of which I find to be quite in-depth, interesting (to say the
> least)
> and mind expanding. It's causing me to see things in a more
> dimensionally expanded way and also connects many dots
> regarding the true nature of good/evil.
> However...
> I was puzzled by the fact that there is a body of data on their
> forum there that seems to categorize you (personally) and
> the Project Camelot as 'shady' and 'disinformation'.
> This didn't sit right with me and I wrote Laura and asked
> specifically what she considered falsehood. She only directed
> me all the various links regarding Serpo, ATS and what
> she described was a horrendous legal battle with your
> lawyer. This all apparently, pre Project Camelot. One of the
> other moderators did likewise.
> Now, I basically don't wish to hear about peoples personal
> issues. It's not my business, and I have better things to put my
> attention on. But all this just doesn't feel right to me, and quite
> frankly, is way more drama than I wish to have in my life. In the
> spirit of just getting a balance perspective, I would like to hear
> your side of it.
> I try to keep a neutral position about all such things, as I don't
> know you personally and can only observe what you've said
> in your 'Big Picture' and 'State of the World' summaries - all of
> which strike me as a balance distillation of all the data obtained
> from the various interviews. And observing your interaction in
> the actual interviews doesn't reveal to me any hidden agenda.
> My impression of both you and Kerry and the work you are doing
> with Project Camelot is without any particular 'agenda' which I can
> discern. The information is very interesting to be certain... and
> actually validates much of what Laura has written in 'The Wave'
> as channeled through the C's. (such as the info that has come
> from Dan Burisch, Robert Dean, Jake Simpson and Henry Deacon).
> Seems to me that you are all on the same page, so what's the
> problem. It all smacks of the silly squabbling between various
> denominations of Christian churches I used to (decades ago!)
> attend, which caused me to get out of that paradigm altogether.
> "We got the right dogma over here, but that church over there
> is 'off'!"
> Anyway, just trying to get a clear, balanced view here. I think
> this kind of squabbling between groups that are basically going
> after the same thing: truth and knowledge, is kind of childish and
> I have a low tolerance for it and no desire to enter debates of who
> is 'good' or who is 'bad'. In my humble opinion, we ALL see
> through a glass darkly and human perception is always clouded
> to some extent by our egos. Also, is it not just part of the divide
> and conquer technique so commonly used to harness human
> beings?
> I prefer NOT to judge anyone in black and white terms, but do
> try to sharpen my discernment. I'd be interested in your thoughts
> on the matter.
> Jack
> PS: My girlfriend ****** and I are going to Montesuenos later this
> month.... inspired by what we saw in your recent seminar and
> are really looking forward to the trip. Any special points of
> interest you wish to share would be appreciated!
"John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Researching antigravity technology - using "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion" as a basis - trying to correlate "David Adair At Area 51" testimony I stumbled across this "John Lear Tells All" series from projectcamelot.org that is jaw dropping in its candid openness about so many clandestine events. Example... 'David Ben Gurion ordered the hit on Kennedy through Mossad contracting James Jesus Angleton to carry it out using Corsican sharp shooters with Dealy Plaza greased by the CIA, because David Ben Gurion didn't want Kennedy inspecting Dimona.' (Too elegantly simple to be true?)

Although his take on some things may not completely harmonize with other research, the breadth of his disclosure over 4 hours of video sheds light on circumstances in dark corners of Nevada that I find eye opening in whole new ways. 'We were on the moon in '62, on Mars by '66 and - as exposed Mossad agent Ben Rich has noted - "We could take ET home."' With his call outs of shortcomings of Bill Cooper, and abovetopsecret.com, and his corroborating information on so many other events, the information seems well worth the time for considering circumstances far beyond "Our Orwellian World" but Big Brother sure sounds like he has the steering wheel!

Here's the Project Camelot link to their interviews page which has the links to various sites holding the four interview parts:
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Hi DaveOS, if you use the search function on the forum and search for project camelot, you'll discover quite a bit of information that indicates - strongly - that it is disinformation and not to be used as a reliable source of information.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Thank you for getting this properly categorized, and calling out the questionability of the Project Camelot slant on things. And I have "Secret History of the World" to thank for debunking their Planet X/Nibiru warning calls and opening my eyes to greater realities at play which is what prompted the Paul La Violette reading on "Secrets of Anti-Gravity Propulsion" - documenting the known public record of electrogravitics from Tesla through T.T. Brown to the B2 - which quotes John Lear's Dad William P. Lear stating back in 1950 that it will be possible to create artificial "electro-gravitational fields whose polarity can be controlled to cancel out gravity." Hence John is (much to my appreciation) standing strong in his assertions that space exploration is so far along as to be taking earthlings to other planets. In fact John Lear is standing so strong it would seem he's so unpopular as to get unlisted from Wikipedia! (An award not even bestowed on sott.net! :)) AND!!! he totally blows off Project Camelot's Nibiru and their 2012 concerns, which is a fascinating reorientation to watch between the interviewers and interviewee in its own right, and ultimately I think demonstrates the earnestness of the PC crew. But, if John is correct with his assertions, the moon could very well be a spaceship opening avenues for answering a lot of questions.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

I'd like to see these interviews if anybody can put them on CD and mail them to me. It's always interesting to observe body language and so on and try to assess what the person is saying, do they believe it, and so on.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Laura said:
I'd like to see these interviews if anybody can put them on CD and mail them to me. It's always interesting to observe body language and so on and try to assess what the person is saying, do they believe it, and so on.

Got em downloading as I write this. Will burn them to disk as .wmv and include the transcripts. Will send them to the CO. address. If that's all ok.

Apologies. It looks like they're going to wind up being in .mp4 format if they download completely. Anyway, I'll work on it.

Edit: All done. Will be in the mail Monday.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

daveOS said:
Researching antigravity technology - using "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion" as a basis - trying to correlate "David Adair At Area 51" testimony I stumbled across this "John Lear Tells All" series from projectcamelot.org that is jaw dropping in its candid openness about so many clandestine events. Example... 'David Ben Gurion ordered the hit on Kennedy through Mossad contracting James Jesus Angleton to carry it out using Corsican sharp shooters with Dealy Plaza greased by the CIA, because David Ben Gurion didn't want Kennedy inspecting Dimona.' (Too elegantly simple to be true?)

That is a simplified summary of Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgment. Does he give a source?
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

No, Lear doesn't cite a specific source. They discuss the downing of TWA800 with Lear explaining that it was brought down by a Navy submarine on exercises with stinger missiles aimed at a drone that TWA800 came between. They then start talking about Ben Rich with Lear asserting Rich was “the biggest Mossad spy in the United States” in on the most classified information. Before getting into the Ben Rich detail further, Lear digresses into “how we got involved with Israel” recounting how in 1947 James Angleton was chief of CIA in Rome who – “along with some guys from MI6” - got assigned to go down to Tel Aviv and set up Mossad. He then recounts some apparent common knowledge gyrations of James Angleton from 1960 when he was CIA Director of Foreign Intelligence, and then spills into, ‘…so in the summer of 1963 when David Ben Gurion said ‘We have to kill Kenedy, I’m tired of his threatening us with inspecting Dimona, it’s none of his friggin business, I don’t want to hear any more from Kennedy, you kill him, he gave that order to Mossad, and then resigned so that he couldn’t be held responsible for it, Mossad then went to Angleton, the Kennedy assassination was not a CIA job but it was greased by the CIA, only because Angleton was in there with his buddies at Mossad, and he’s the one that greased the skids for everything that happened in Dealy Plaza and the escape and everything, there were Corsican sharp shooters there hired by Mossad, they pulled off the whole thing, and everybody says ah maybe the Mob killed Kennedy or maybe Johnson did, or Castro, it wasn’t it was Israel, and the reason they did is because David Ben Gurion didn’t want anymore inspections of Dimona.”

He then goes back to the Ben Rich quote, “We could take E.T. home” and exploring how Rich’s heading up of Lockheed Martin skunk works played out. And I have to say, given some of Lear’s eyewitness accounts corroborating details reported in Paul La Violette’s “Secrets of Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems”, the places this 4 hours of raw footage goes indicates the deck is stacked in ways “way beyond” the imaginings of earth-surface folklore.
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