abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura said:
So, let me get this straight: "Pilots for 9-11 Truth" have welcomed John Lear with open arms?

He is one of several hundred Core members. _http://pilotsfor911truth.org/core.html Why shouldn't he be as welcomed as anyone else with the requisite membership qualifications?

If you've had time to watch any of the interview, I'd be very interested to hear what you think of it.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Not sure if anyone noticed but the SOTT promotion banner with V "Remember, remember the 5th of November" is figured prominently on Project Camelot's home page.

They also seem to have run into conflicts with Jeff Rense because of this anonymous posting on his site and wrote an open letter to him defending themselves.


Project Camelot And The US Army
By Seasoned Observers of the Scene

Project Camelot was a genuine US Army project in 1964. Wikipedia gives a reasonably accurate, short description:

"Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964. The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow."
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Camelot

If you can't hit this one out of the ball park, you had better hang it up.

What if one modus operandi of the MATRIX control structure is to identify sore, social and political pressure points that are concerning growing numbers of people (UFOs, Black Ops, Black Budget, financial corruption, alternative energy, government cover-ups, the secret space program, etc.), and then establish Project Camelot-style operations (the U.S. military's term) in the 'alternative media' to try to relieve that pressure by trotting out an endless succession of fake or tired "whistle blowers" - many of whom (most?) somehow will never manage to concretely, objectively, CONCLUSIVELY prove ANYTHING of much consequence, while simultaneously blowing a lot of hot air, ego, and disinformation smoke all over the place, thereby vicariously occupying the minds and time of large numbers of otherwise potentially politically active people with endless mystification, petty dramas, spectacular and inevitably unverifiable allegations, shadowy personages of uncertain identity, and so on, ad nauseam.

Among the key giveaways of such operations and operators is their 'overnight' sudden appearance and full-blown 'presence'. First, the slick, well-funded website appears followed by the inevitable internet radio 'truth' program...of which there are countless hundreds now. Sometimes 'conferences' and seminars are organized usually staffed with the same old familiar information (and disinformation) merchants.

There are different tactics for quickly establishing a 'name' in such operations. The easiest technique is to spew out a string of relatively solid and sometimes new information to draw interest, establish some 'buzz' and credibility. Another method is to attack some of the established names in the alternative field, accusing them of being 'agents provocateurs', and baiting them into defending themselves, thereby wasting their time and energy. Yet another way is to accumulate a string of 'names' as writers and radio guests to add to the appearance of credibility. And there are other tactics, but ultimately, these operations give themselves away by gradually shifting away from covering provable fact and misdirecting people to nebulous areas of speculation, fantastic wild claims, and unfounded, fictional topics.

For those who still don't get it:

Tea kettles don't explode because they have a whistle on them that blows off steam when the temperature of the water rises. Got it? So the alphabet soup agencies put "social control valves" of various kinds on the societal tea kettle (think of the U.S. Army's 1964 'Project Camelot' study) so that when society begins to get upset at the rampant, malignant corruption in government, the societal tea kettle simply blows off steam through the "whistle" thingy instead of exploding in social unrest and a popular uprising.

So, the "whistle blower" gambit may deflect people's attention from more serious matters by rendering people into passive observers of dramas that others stage for them to observe, as opposed to concretely, personally organizing their own direct social activity in policy areas that concern them. That is what, of course, the alphabet soup agencies absolutely do not want, because then people are no longer their passive, unquestioningly obedient, ignorant, compliant, dumbed-down, 1040 revenue-producing slave units.

Think creatively, and act courageously and nonviolently (because violence just feeds the MATRIX social control monster, see?). Enough fake, pretend "whistle blowing" by transparent, wannabe poseurs. Aren't there any real American adults anymore?

Bill Ryan wrote the open letter and believes there are four main reasons why they are being attacked:


Recently there are four things that have happened which may have caused us to be attacked - after crossing a 'political' line:

1) Dr Pete Peterson told us information that he warned us we could be killed for. (We're still awaiting his OK for the release of the video. More on this in a later update.)

2) We publicly stated our opposition to the prospect of mandatory vaccinations, expressing grave doubts about the integrity and agenda of the authorities who are selling the belief that mass vaccination will be 'necessary'.

3) We publicly challenged the motivation, information and agenda of Dr Steven Greer (who we are sure has bona fide connections in high places, as he claims). No-one else has ever dared to do that as we did. (We encourage others to do so, by the way. Don't be afraid of the fire you may draw. Something is very wrong with that picture. Most researchers stay silent. We called him on his false information.)

4) We have supported Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann) in his recent, tentative, very brave, two-steps-forward one-step-back efforts to speak out publicly about a tiny amount of what he knows and has experienced. It seems that some people really did not like that.

Our friend David Wilcock, a highly intelligent, intuitive and well-informed researcher, has been - alongside us - at the heart of supporting Henry/Arthur in speaking out. Without any obvious reason, David too has been smeared, in the most offensive and repugnant way, by some of the same sources who have smeared us. Go figure. (David had the dignity to remain silent. Kudos to him. He may be a more patient man than I am.)

Besides possibly offending some people in high places, we have been criticized by some for the Steven Greer video. I need to say a few things about that. At this point, you will see why I'm writing this response myself.

The Rense piece certainly lacks in any details and just all out discredits all of Project Camelot's work. I do agree a lot of the stuff on Project Camelot seems subjective. I watched the interview with Dr Steven Greer and it was very interesting to see Dr Steven Greer refuse to accept the STO and STS realities.

Anyway, seems like Bill Ryan is trying to put out the flame being thrown at him and Kerry by just defending themselves. There doesn't appear to be a response from Jeff yet.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Nicholas said:
Not sure if anyone noticed but the SOTT promotion banner with V "Remember, remember the 5th of November" is figured prominently on Project Camelot's home page.

They also seem to have run into conflicts with Jeff Rense because of this anonymous posting on his site and wrote an open letter to him defending themselves.


Please correct me if I'm wrong -- is this not directly plagiarized from Laura's post just above (reply #453), which includes a personal email from Richard Sauder to her? Or is Sauder quoting the Rense article, which is listed as being published the same day of Laura's post? Does anyone know where the original write-up actually originated?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

One of the questions that brought me to this forum was the Project Camelot and Laura connection.

It seems that the forum regards PC as a cointelpro op, junk, etc...

But, please tell me if I was seeing things, but I know that I saw a link to Laura's work on PC. It was "V" and said support the work of LKJ...


Not that that is a bad thing, just confusing. Was there not bad blood with Bill Ryan?

Now the link/pic is gong, wish I would have saved it.

Please enlighten me!

After reading this section of the forum it would seem that EVERYTHING is cointeolpro dis info.

Fine, question everything, but whats with the link at PC then?

I have googled this, searched the forum, finally I just had to come out and ask.

Not trying to offend, just seeking clarity.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
But, please tell me if I was seeing things, but I know that I saw a link to Laura's work on PC. It was "V" and said support the work of LKJ...


Not that that is a bad thing, just confusing. Was there not bad blood with Bill Ryan?

Now the link/pic is gong, wish I would have saved it.

I take a look at the PC page semi-regularly and have never seen a link to anything here (although I understand that Kerry made a positive reference to Laura's work at one point, not long ago). Not making the automatic assumption that you are in error, but I'd be really surprised -- so next time, if you catch it definitely let us know!
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

I just went to check out Project Camelot for the first time in many months to see if they had that "V" link that others have mentioned. What I found instead is a link to a magazine called "The Dot Connector". (_http://www.thedotconnector.org/mag/) It's first issue was Jan-Feb 2009. Check out the list of contributors; it's interesting.

The first impression I ever got from Project Camelot was that it was an attempt to mimic and twist the info from the Cassiopaea site - kind of trying to confuse newcomers about which is which, or make them wonder if they are related or even part of the same thing. Now P. Camelot is closely linked to "The Dot Connector" (it acknowledges and thanks Camelot), which in turn is released some ten months after SOTT began publishing the 'Connecting the Dots' series.

Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

It really is amazing when I think back about all the people who have ripped us off with the sometimes not-so-obvious intent of just muddying the waters. It's becoming ever clearer that this IS a concerted and deliberate activity that is directed from above even if the players on the field often don't seem to have obvious connections. And this factor takes us back to something Johnno found and posted here:

Johnno said:
Thought I'd throw this in what is going on. This is from Remote View Joseph McMoneagle's "The Ultimate Time Machine" 1999 edition. I usually take anything RV with a grain of salt, yet this seems to be rather close to the mark, 10 years on.

Note he predicts the death of the Pope John Paul in 1999 to be replaced by an Italian one though. :)

Beginning sometime between 2002 and 2005, there will
be a concerted effort to birth a new view of religion that is
designed to bring religion and science together again, but
without the emphasis on Christianity. Its primary dogma will
be based on universal rules or laws of the spirit. These new
religious principals will attempt to merge current scientific
belief with current spiritual thinking. This new religion will
address the ephemeral science of soul, or how man's interaction
with reality affects life, health, and well-being. It may
even be called something like The Metaphysical Church of
Science. This will be a rough birth initially, as it will be seen
as threatening in the extreme. However, in its design, it will
allow for individual variations of belief, and preach respect
for those individual variances. By the year 2050, it will have
established a firm base in both--alternative healing practices
as well as in comforting the dying or distressed.

The sign for this church will be the Infinity Symbol, superim-
posed on a circle:

Rather than be threatened by this, other denominations
should take warning from this prediction and begin now to
expand on the issues surrounding unconditional love, as well as
the need to integrate the morality of science into their dogma.

I responded in this post, tossing out some ideas:

and part of my response included:

Laura's post from referenced thread said:
But what is of most interest is the series of remarks about the human experiential cycle intersecting with, and mirroring, the cycle of cosmic catastrophes. One naturally wonders if the human part of this equation were modified, if the catastrophic part would be similarly modified?

In other words, it seems that the PTB simply don't grok the fact that the one and only way to ameliorate what is coming - and I think that they have an idea of what may be in our future - would be to ameliorate conditions for humanity as a whole. They have been "promised rewards" for helping the 4 D STS forces to bring suffering and destruction on the planet and, of course, 4 D STS is not harmed by that destruction, but rather they want to accelerate it, increase it, use it as part of their demonic plans; and the really stupid puppets on Earth are helping them.

Ya'll read this thread about George Green and the "Handbook for a New Paradigm"


The guy who came on the forum here promoting this work disappeared after I wrote the following in response to Shijing's explanation about why George Green was promoting South America as the "retreat from catastrophe" (where the elite are buying land for their survival hide-outs):

The main reason why George gives for moving to Ecuador is that if there is a nuclear exchange in the northern hemisphere, the fallout is supposed to be confined to the northern hemisphere and not blow into the southern hemisphere. I have no idea how accurate that is.

Read Prouty's books "JFK" and "The Secret Team". There isn't going to be a nuclear exchange. There is already a one-world government and it's the elite PTB, holding hands around the globe, against the 83% rest of humanity. What's more, I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up to be in the place that is most likely to take serious hits: the Southern hemisphere.

That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.

Think about it... just THINK! Use pure processing brain power on this one.

The picture is becoming so much clearer. We are all dupes of the 4 D STS gang, right up to the top of the heap - the global elite that think they have the inside track in this race, or the inside scoop for their survival, and don't care a hoot that they are helping to destroy the planet. They actually think that 4 D STS types will keep their word and hand over control on the other side of the disaster!

So, yeah, the timeline has been changed and our focus has been changed somewhat as a consequence.

Imperfect though they may be, I thank Cosmic Mind for the Cs!!!

I found a couple more pieces of the puzzle yesterday and posted them here:

Keep in mind that Vinnie Bridges and Jay Weidner are very chummy with Rense and were, in fact, responsible for the smear job Rense did on me. Rense claimed publicly that he didn't know Weidner, who wrote the hatchet piece, but I have emails from him where he said he knew him so well and so long that when Weidner sent the smear, he published it without reading it - his hands were clean! Weidner later claimed that he didn't write it, that Bridges did and coerced him into publishing it under his name (yeah, right!)

Bridges claimed for a long time that he was no longer associated with Dan Winter, but you can see from one of the links above that Ole Dan and Vinnie have apparently kissed and made up and are now hanging out with the likes of Haramein and Rauscher. Coming up in the world! From being small-time grifters, they are now full-fledged COINTELPRO actors on a larger stage!

How do they all connect to Bill Ryan and PC? It might be interesting to look into. Because one thing that keeps coming up is that there is a really filthy Black Magick thread running through and behind and connecting them all, and very often this Black Magick stuff goes around disguised as Christianity and/or Judaism.

Right now, I'm reading Graham Hancock's "The Supernatural." He and his pals seem to be in the same club. They are convinced that the ability to gain access to other worlds and entities should also give them power over said entities so that they can use them to influence events in this reality. That's their whole schtick. They want "power over the forces of life". They don't even realize that this idea has been dangled before them as bait to lead them into networks of STS. And, of course, all of them think that they can access these realities via drugs.

I'll just repeat what I wrote above: I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up...

That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

I will most definitely save a pic if it every pops back up. I know it was there for months in 09, archive.org only has old 08 pages.

It was right there where "Dot Connector" is now.

IIRC it was "V Says Support the work of LKJ"

Well, I emailed Kerry C asking for confirmation or a pick of the link bar. What the heck, worth a try.

Laura, I am excited to see you are reading Supernatural, which I am currently reading myself. I did a search in the books section, found one thread on it, only 2 posts, long ago. I am going to bump thread and I would so dearly appreciate your insight and opinion on the book there on that thread as not to divert this one. Thanks!

Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

I am not seeing things after all!
Here you go, copy paste of my email to PC.
I do like the PC interviews, I would love to see Laura on there soon!


Re: Did you once link to SOTT?
Monday, November 30, 2009 1:23 PM
"Bill at Project Camelot" <bill@projectcamelot.org>
"ZPNinja" <zeropointninja@---------------------->
"KERRY at Project Camelot" <kerry@projectcamelot.org>
Hi, ZPNinja-

Yes, we had a link there a short while ago.

The image can be seen on this archived page:


We’re aware that Laura (and others on SOTT) consider us to be COINTELPRO. We are not. We work only for ourselves.

We support Laura’s work publicly, and always have done. It is and always has been a mystery to us why she considers us to be disinfo. We have no quarrel with her and never have had.

It may go back to when I was the Serpo webmaster. but even then I totally agreed fully with everything Laura said about ATS [Above Top Secret] being COINTELPRO. In our view it almost certainly is. I am still banned from ATS myself. So there’s no disagreement there either.

You’re welcome to link the above archived page on the forum if you consider it helpful - and also copy this message there.

With my regards to all.

With very best wishes, Bill
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
I am not seeing things after all!
Here you go, copy paste of my email to PC.
I do like the PC interviews, I would love to see Laura on there soon!

Well, the temprorary 'V' link is interesting -- in a couple of different ways. ZeropointNinja, have you read the entirety of this thread yet? If not, I suggest doing so to understand more of the backstory of Bill Ryan and Project Camelot. If Bill Ryan is Cointelpro, then the email he sent you (similar to the one he sent Tomatochip a few pages back in this thread) would probably be what one would expect.

Remember that Cointelpro can come in two varieties -- witting and unwitting. Bill could really be either, but for the sake of argument let's say that he is the unwitting variety. In that case, he is still sitting on a huge pile of disinfo personalities, the information from which Project Camelot has sucked together and tried, rather awkwardly, to synthesize into a coherent story. It would be stunning if Bill didn't realize this, but (again for the sake of argument) assuming he is truly ignorant of this, Project Camelot is still not something one would want to be associated with, as it is an amalgamation of such mixed sources, which have not been separated through any process of serious discernment on the part of Bill and Kerry. I think this is a good reason for Laura (or anyone else from this forum) to actually not be interviewed by Camelot -- in so doing, it would create the impression that she was 'part of the team' there and in line with the path they are taking, which is an impression that we definitely want to avoid IMO.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Yes, I have read the whole thread recently and I am aware of what your are referring to.

I also get what you are saying, guilt by association, but there is also the flip side.

Much more exposure/publicity for Laura's work, and the truth will always come out on top anyway so whats the harm in that sense?

Reaching more people would be a good thing. It seems that PC would like to interview Laura, and I would honestly like to see it happen.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Well, actually, I have given this some thought.

ALL of the dynamics of the situation at the time pointed to Bill being definitely involved with the ATS crowd, but I also know how dynamics can be set up. I've certainly seen it before and the Cs made a concerted effort to help me see that one person can be made to appear very guilty when, in fact, the "set up" is coming from somewhere else. At the same time, the one who is being made to appear "guilty" can be triggered by - hmmm... shall we say hyperdimensional forces and never be aware of it.

Problem is, people can be intelligent, insightful and have a broad knowledge base, but if they don't really grok hyperdimensional realities, psychopathology (which is the 3D representation of 4D STS), then they are just babes in the wood, Little Red Riding Hood with bad eyesight and no glasses.

Project Camelot was founded RIGHT after Bill had contacted me with all the folderol about Serpo while, at the same time, we had a whole raft of interactions with the abovetopsecret.com forum people (we even sent a researcher out to check on the address they listed on their incorporation papers: a front) who were, apparently, behind running the Serpo scam. So, the appearance was certainly that they were all in cahoots together and Bill came off looking VERY bad.

Of course, I keep it open that Bill was set up too. But in that case, he's just a male Little Red Riding Hood as described above, and he was asking me to believe that he could see. Hanging out with that kind of person can get you in a lot of trouble, in my experience. It's like being on a battlefield with a deaf person who doesn't believe that there's a war going on because he can't hear the bombs exploding and the bullets whistling past his head, and he wants you to come out with him and pick flowers and hug trees in the line of fire. Yeah, right.

So that's all problematical in my mind. I've survived this long simply because I attended grad school in the study of evil via my work in hypnotherapy. I can smell it.

I'll reserve final judgment and keep my eyes/ears open. At the beginning, at least as far as Bill is concerned, there is serious taint - maybe through no ill-will on his part, but certainly through naivete.

From my side, I would LIKE very much to find out there it was just naivete and lessons have been learned and we can now move forward. IF Bill and Kerry are sincere and they want to work with us, then they are gonna have to take a really intense course in understanding psychopathology at several levels. There is simply no way to navigate what this planet is experiencing without that understanding. And even if you have it, you can't navigate alone. Psychopaths - and 4 D STS energies - are dark and cunning and we have no chance without a network of observation and understanding.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura said:
Well, actually, I have given this some thought.

Me too. Having spoken to many people in the alternative scene over the last year or so, it is clear that this is a BIG problem.

The misdirection, and naivete is rife. So many people are out there looking, and are simply out of their depth, and then all these initiatives by (possibly) well-meaning individuals get hangers on, and off they go at a tangent. And then there are other people who have become major players (and if any of them are sincere then why aren't they asking WHY they're 'allowed' to be so successful) who simply vacuum up so many seekers, into fixed mindsets a la Icke, and hysteria a la Alex Jones. Icke's line that "if I speak the truth I become untouchable" (I can't recall the exact wording, but that seems to be the sentiment) is just absolute bull, and a very dangerous idea, because it just shuts down critical thinking at a stroke.

I really think that the info on hyperdimensional realities, cosmic cointelpro, and also all the work on 'know thyself', and the true value of networking, is all absolutely essential in this quest - you can't just take one little bit, the whole 'package' is needed, and it is just overwhelming to many. People really don't know that "it's a jungle out there", and as for getting over 'sacred cows' about religion, or Israel, or whatever - we've seen how difficult it is even with the benefit of this network, so clearly it is just about impossible without.

As well as the clearly deceptive and / or pathological, I tend to think there are many folks out there who are sincere (maybe it's my eternal hope in human nature...), but just become sidetracked one way or another and end up working 'against' themselves, and by extension, working 'against' humanity as a whole.

As you say, Laura, there is a project, a website, an organisation, out there for every single person, to vector your thinking.

It's not like we haven't tried to tackle this. As well as continually stating that everything here is a 'working hypothesis' with continuous efforts to refine and expand the data, we also have: SOTT carrying articles on the working's of COINTELPRO; explanations of the results of actions by Alex Jones et al; cosmic cointelpro timeline info; Political Ponerology which talks about how mindsets are corrupted; info on the Protocols which lays out very clearly the theories on controlling the debate; editorials on mainstream reports highlighting the twists and turns etc, etc ad nauseam; plus the EE program and other info to help people detox themselves to attain clearer thinking. I wonder what else we can do to highlight these problems? It's like there needs to be a crash course in 'disinformation management', a "COINTELPRO for dummies" - the hows and whys and what to do to see through it.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

I had emailed Kerry as well, she got back to me, then I asked if I could copy and past, so wither her permission her it is.


From: KERRY at Project Camelot <kerry@projectcamelot.org>
Subject: Re: Did you once link to SOTT?
To: "ZPNinja" <zeropointninja@----------------com>
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 5:59 PM

Hi ZPNinja,

Yes I did put up a link a few weeks ago for a time with the poster of the November 5th -- V -- the link went here: http://www.sott.net/signs/promote_sott.php

I don't think I have a screen shot but I took it down about a week ago to make room for something else...

I want to interview Laura and am in the process of trying to get in touch with her to set something up through a mutual friend. I have no idea why people would call us Cointelpro... We are extremely dedicated in the search for the truth.

Best wishes,


Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan
Project Camelot/Project Avalon
''we are the resistance"
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
Reaching more people would be a good thing. It seems that PC would like to interview Laura, and I would honestly like to see it happen.

Laura said:
IF Bill and Kerry are sincere and they want to work with us, then they are gonna have to take a really intense course in understanding psychopathology at several levels. There is simply no way to navigate what this planet is experiencing without that understanding. And even if you have it, you can't navigate alone.

So there you go -- it appears that such an interview could be possible some day, but in order for it to happen Bill and Kerry would have to meet Laura halfway by first cleaning house and making an attempt to get up to speed on psychopathology. Such a thing seems unlikely at this point, but that doesn't mean its impossible. If Bill and Kerry are who they say they are, I'd like to think it could happen someday; they would have to first come to a number of painful realizations about who they have been working with most closely, and deal with cutting ties with them though I would think.

ZeropointNinja, your new post just came up as I was writing this, and I can't help but wonder who that mutual friend is that Kerry mentions. In any case, you know specifically what Laura thinks now in the event of any further correspondence you have with Bill and Kerry, although I recommend that you don't try to put yourself in the middle to any extent and let them work it out between themselves.
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