abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Interesting that they start talking about ATS. John Lear asks what's up with ATS (Above Top Secret), as he has been banned. The interviewer, Kerry Cassidy, says they (she and Bill Ryan, I presume) think ATS is a CIA front. John Lear agrees, saying there are paid agents on there to influence public thought. Cassidy doesn't strike me as totally sincere. Not sure what to think of Lear at this point...
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Approaching Infinity said:
Not sure what to think of Lear at this point...

Watching more, he's a no-planer! And Cassidy, after hearing this, says, "This is really dynamite stuff." :lol:
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Oh brother! How the mighty have fallen. Surest thing I've ever seen: when you choose the lie, your brain goes down the tubes and you don't even realize how stupid you look.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

Right, the holgraphic plane theory he posits were a stumbling block for me, but I have to admit this was the first time I had to give it serious consideration coming from one of the founding members of _http://pilotsfor911truth.org/core.html. John asserts the ground effect would've prevented the speed, a problematic fact I'm aware of from friends who are airline captains, and when John starts yarning on about how "never on his best day of flying could he have hit the target the way those planes hit the towers" (speaking from 40 years and over 19,000 hours) and nobody else could do it because the ground effect created by the speed at that altitude would'nt allow it.

So then that left me with, 'how could there be wingmarks on the towers when not on the Pentagon?" and maybe that's the difference between what a sky-rocket explosive pattern can do to glass as opposed to concrete, and then that scalar flash that happens before plane impact on the towers begins to make more sense. Plus, then the situation leaves all the United and American airline passengers intact to be kidnapped off world with the privilege of becoming part of the new space race of humanity aided by the space pilot core operating out of Colorado Springs!?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

i went though some of Project Camelot and it is sad imo. So many of those people appeared so determined, sincere, and honest 10-15 years ago. Hoagland, Icke, and Lear come across like brainwashed sellouts now, not to mention they have wilcock there and I can't ponder how he can even rate with those other individuals as far what he could possibly know about anything. If Carla Ruckert would open her eyes she would say something about Wilcock before he leaves the entire Ra series in shambles and disbelief with his corny representation of it.

I wonder now if William Cooper was not one of the lucky ones, they HAD to kill him, I don't think he knew how to give up or give in to pressure.

good job staying out of that mess.
Re: "John Lear Tells All" projectcamelot.org series pulls curtains

daveOS said:
<snip>I had to give it serious consideration coming from one of the founding members of _http://pilotsfor911truth.org/core.html.

I have to clarify that one point. John Lear, though a Core member of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, was not one of the founding members. There has been some controversy brewing (being brewed so far as I'm concerned) regarding Lear's membership in P4T. Our position is that John is qualified to be a Core member and supports the research of P4T. That doesn't translate into the opposite -- that the Pilots for Truth organization endorses Lear's opinions (any more than it endorses the opinions of any other Core member, whatever they might be).

If Laura has had the opportunity to view the 4 hour interview with Lear by Camelot, I would be very interested to hear her impression. I feel I should also metion that this thread's existence has been brought to Lear's attention through a link posted in the P4T forum (which is also how I found out about it). Its interesting that I've found my way back here through this rather circuitous route after so many months.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Nice to see you again, painter. I often wondered why you stopped posting here.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

painter said:
If Laura has had the opportunity to view the 4 hour interview with Lear by Camelot, I would be very interested to hear her impression. I feel I should also metion that this thread's existence has been brought to Lear's attention through a link posted in the P4T forum (which is also how I found out about it). Its interesting that I've found my way back here through this rather circuitous route after so many months.

I've got it here on a disc and I'm gonna make time for it.

Meantime, I received this from Richard Sauder today:

Try this on for size. Project Camelot was a *real* U.S. Army project in 1964. I know Wikipedia has its faults but it is a starting place and it gives a reasonably accurate, short description.

"Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964. The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow."

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Camelot

If you can't hit this one out of the ball park, you had better hang it up.

I guess the modus operandi is to identify a bulging social pressure point (UFOs, Black Ops, Black Budget, alternative energy, government cover-ups, etc.), then establish a Project Camelot-style operation to try to relieve that pressure, by trotting out an endless succession of "whistle blowers" who somehow never manage to blow the whistle on anything of much consequence, while simultaneously blowing a lot of disinformation smoke all over the place.

Sound about right?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura said:
Meantime, I received this from Richard Sauder today:

Try this on for size. Project Camelot was a *real* U.S. Army project in 1964. I know Wikipedia has its faults but it is a starting place and it gives a reasonably accurate, short description.

"Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964. The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow."

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Camelot

If you can't hit this one out of the ball park, you had better hang it up.

I guess the modus operandi is to identify a bulging social pressure point (UFOs, Black Ops, Black Budget, alternative energy, government cover-ups, etc.), then establish a Project Camelot-style operation to try to relieve that pressure, by trotting out an endless succession of "whistle blowers" who somehow never manage to blow the whistle on anything of much consequence, while simultaneously blowing a lot of disinformation smoke all over the place.

Sound about right?

Wow, could it really be so simple, and out in plain sight? I wonder how recently the Wiki article was posted -- I see it was recently modified. I had never considered searching Wikipedia for Project Camelot, so this is really interesting. What I have noticed for awhile is that Project Camelot has a core of 'star witnesses' which make up their regular rotation, consisting of David Wilcock, Dan Burisch, 'Henry Deacon' (recently out of the closet -- and strange that it is suddenly safe to reveal his true identity), George Green, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Deagle more recently, and Michael St Clair (until several months ago when they had a falling out). These names are almost all recognizable from this forum as very dubious for one reason or another; then there are peripheral (to Project Camelot) personalities that get invited for one-off interviews who might actually be legitimate (Richard Dolan being the most recent example), but they are thrown into the mix and incorporated into the larger mythos devloped by the regulars. Its a great case study in controlling the research and framing the discourse for all of the topics listed by Richard Sauder above. Their namesake, described in the Wikipedia article, is the most gratifying evidence I have seen that this was a set-up from the start, and not merely the case of a couple of well-intentioned people who have been misled by TPTB.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

FWIW, here is a quote about Camelot from Prouty's 'JFK'
The very word "Camelot" as a definition of the Kennedy "thousand days" needs review. During the 1962-1963 period, the U.S. Army had a typical contract study named "Camelot" under way in a "think tank" group that was associated with the American University in Washington. Because of some of the Kennedy-period treatment of the army, or what the army perceived that treatment to be during the JFK-McNamara days, there were many army officals who were quite vocal about their dislike of both men and of their policies. Not surprisingly, then, this study by the members of the army-contract think tank was unfriendly to Kennedy. It used the word "Camelot" in a derogatory sense, and its title was purposely inteneded to be a bit of a sarcastic rebuke of the President. It certainly was not intended to praise his name and record. Interestingly, this derogatory term has now lost that meaning for most and has become a public symbol of Kennedy and the presumed style and grace of his presidency.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Mountain Crown said:
Nice to see you again, painter. I often wondered why you stopped posting here.
Thank you. Other than trying to bring some balance to my internet addiction, lets just say I've had a lot of my plate on lots of levels. Besides, I received a satisfactory understanding from my exchange with Laura. Beyond that, what I have of value to contribute to this forum may be very limited. In any case, thank you.

If anyone is interested in threads at Pilots for Truth regarding Lear, some can be found here (note, some are in the "Alternative Theories" forum which can not be viewed by 'guests', only registered members):

John Lear, In His Own Words: An Opportunity To Ask Mr. Lear questions about some of his more extraordinary views. [started by painter, Aug 22 2009]
/pilotsfor911truth.org/forum//index.php?showtopic=17858 (Alt Theories forum -- this is the thread that has the link-back to this thread)

9/11: John Lear - Disinformation? Cia Operative? [started by rob balsamo, Aug 19 2009]

Statement Regarding John Lear As Member Of Pilots For 9/11 Truth [started by rob balsamo, Aug 9 2009]

John Lear Swears And Affirms... No Planes In New York, Raising serious questions regarding 9/11 [started by lawson911, Jul 15 2009]
pilotsfor911truth.org/forum//index.php?showtopic=17660 (Alt Theories forum)

John Lear A No Planer? [started by Quest, May 4 2008]
pilotsfor911truth.org/forum//index.php?showtopic=12285 (Alt Theories forum)

Pilots For Truth Welcomes John Lear! [started by rob balsamo, Mar 8 2007]

edit--forgot what I'm supposed to do so the links don't automatically become hot but have removed the http:// part
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

painter said:
edit--forgot what I'm supposed to do so the links don't automatically become hot but have removed the http:// part

Hi painter - just put an underscore in front of the http - like this: _http://...
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

So, let me get this straight: "Pilots for 9-11 Truth" have welcomed John Lear with open arms?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

shijing said:
Laura said:
Meantime, I received this from Richard Sauder today:

Try this on for size. Project Camelot was a *real* U.S. Army project in 1964. I know Wikipedia has its faults but it is a starting place and it gives a reasonably accurate, short description.

"Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964. The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow."

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Camelot

If you can't hit this one out of the ball park, you had better hang it up.

I guess the modus operandi is to identify a bulging social pressure point (UFOs, Black Ops, Black Budget, alternative energy, government cover-ups, etc.), then establish a Project Camelot-style operation to try to relieve that pressure, by trotting out an endless succession of "whistle blowers" who somehow never manage to blow the whistle on anything of much consequence, while simultaneously blowing a lot of disinformation smoke all over the place.

Sound about right?

Wow, could it really be so simple, and out in plain sight? I wonder how recently the Wiki article was posted -- I see it was recently modified.

Yeah, right after somone wrote about it (the CIA OP) on Rense.com a few days ago both project camelots were merged into one, with the CIA Op one now below the Billy Ryan one.


Vewy intewesting.

Of course, someone with wiki priviledges could go over there and point that out, that they are two completely separate items and should have their own pages
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura said:
So, let me get this straight: "Pilots for 9-11 Truth" have welcomed John Lear with open arms?

In the list of core members, given in the order they joined, Lear is listed fourth. There are dozens of others, but Lear must have been an early member. They welcomed him a long time ago.


Here is a statement about Lear dated August 9, 2009 from one of the admins at Pilots of 9-11 Truth about:


[quote author=Rob Basalmo]
I've noticed over the years when we're working on a new presentation our organization comes under heavy attack. One issue in specific our detractors like to dredge up is John Lear's participation as a core member. I get littered with emails and then have to respond basically saying the same thing over and over. So, in the interest of saving time, I am posting this statement here which can be linked to in the future.

Disinfo types love to cherry pick John Lear, ignoring the rest of our roster, in poor attempts to discredit Pilots For 9/11 Truth as a whole. The fact is we have many differing opinions within our organization. Where we are united, however, is under our mission statement found atop our home page. John Lear is a member of our organization in good standing because he supports our work, not the other way around. He is more than qualified to discuss our research, has more FAA certificates than any other airman in the world and is highly respected in the aviation community.

John has expressed to me personally that if he should become a liability to our organization, I am to remove him from our roster. John explores many different types of theory and research under his own name. John is fully aware that if he were to discuss his alternative theories and research under our banner, he would be removed as a core member. With that said, the "Lear" name is much bigger than Pilots For 9/11 Truth. "Lear" is a household name and is found on thousands of Pilot Certificates throughout the world. He has no reason to use our banner to lend credibility to his own research.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth does not endorse "No Plane Theories" or any other type of theory. Our mission statement is clear on this point and has been since our inception in Aug 2006: "We do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time." Our purpose is to investigate 9/11 and present factual information regarding our findings. We are proud to have men like John Lear in our core membership.

Feel free to link/quote this thread for those who need an education on the matter.[/quote]
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