abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

So there you go -- it appears that such an interview could be possible some day, but in order for it to happen Bill and Kerry would have to meet Laura halfway by first cleaning house and making an attempt to get up to speed on psychopathology. Such a thing seems unlikely at this point, but that doesn't mean its impossible. If Bill and Kerry are who they say they are, I'd like to think it could happen someday; they would have to first come to a number of painful realizations about who they have been working with most closely, and deal with cutting ties with them though I would think.

Yes, but I dont think the focus should be on PC, it should be on the 10s of thousands of people i their audience. They reach a lot of people and they are growing it would seem.

ZeropointNinja, your new post just came up as I was writing this, and I can't help but wonder who that mutual friend is that Kerry mentions. In any case, you know specifically what Laura thinks now in the event of any further correspondence you have with Bill and Kerry, although I recommend that you don't try to put yourself in middle to any extent and let them work it out between themselves.

I have not discussed who the friend is with Bill or Kerry, but my gut tells me who it is, I think it will jump out at you if you scroll down the left hand side bar of PC....

Dont worry about me getting in the middle/way of anything, I am already feeling to controlled and trapped by much of this as it is already.

I will just leave it with the final thought that there is a lot of info (mis, dis, and some truth) on PC. They are a clearing house if info, its up to the consumer of said information to use discernment, not up to Bill and Kerry to filter for the masses. That is one of the things I love about PC, they do not try to do your thinking for you, its up to you what you make of it, consequences and responsibility are your own. If they would start to filter, start to take information, process it, then spoon feed it to the masses then that is when I would have move on.

What I like about Laura's work (there are some others that do it as well) is that none of the bits and pieces of truth that you sort out at PC make much sense until you pull back, WAY WAY back to the Hyperdimensional POV. Only when you factor in control mechanisms across time, space, dimension, the spirit realm, etc... does anything begin to come into focus.

I honestly do not think anybody has it all nailed yet, nor likely ever.

I do think that Laura has a very sharp lens to use in seeing it.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
Hi ZPNinja,

I have no idea why people would call us Cointelpro... We are extremely dedicated in the search for the truth.

Best wishes,


Just a note that this doesn't make much sense. If one knows what the definition of COINTELPRO is, then it would be very easy to see why someone would call them - or anyone - COINTELPRO. COINTELPRO uses pieces of the truth to lie - to vector and to make sure that those who read it/listen to it/watch it are prevented from ever reaching the real truth, or utilizing it to do anything at all that makes an objective difference.

So - either she has no idea what COINTELPRO is, which doesn't make much sense - or she can't apply the dynamic to her own information and organization, which means she's a sitting duck, at the very least.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura said:
They are convinced that the ability to gain access to other worlds and entities should also give them power over said entities so that they can use them to influence events in this reality. That's their whole schtick. They want "power over the forces of life". They don't even realize that this idea has been dangled before them as bait to lead them into networks of STS.

I just got through reading 3 of John Keel's books and he talks about many people trough the ages trying to get access to the realm of the "gods" for the same reason.

In Disneyland of the Gods he concludes:
We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces
that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use
us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us
forever. We are caught up in a poker game being played with
marked cards. Yet, in the closing years of this century, we are
like the inveterate gambler who, when informed that the
game is crooked, shrugs and says, "I know ... but it's the only
game in town!"

Another good Keel quote from the last chapter of DOTG:
We are like ants, trying to view reality with very limited
perceptive equipment and then basing our theologies and
philosophies on what are essentially misperceptions. The real
problem is that there is a much larger reality around us that
we can not see but can only sense. While we grovel on our way
to the twenty-first century, someone or some thing is watching
with amusement. Like Columbus, we don't know where we've
been, where we've going or even where we are.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

[quote author=Laura]
Of course, I keep it open that Bill was set up too. But in that case, he's just a male Little Red Riding Hood as described above, and he was asking me to believe that he could see. Hanging out with that kind of person can get you in a lot of trouble, in my experience. It's like being on a battlefield with a deaf person who doesn't believe that there's a war going on because he can't hear the bombs exploding and the bullets whistling past his head, and he wants you to come out with him and pick flowers and hug trees in the line of fire. Yeah, right.[/quote]

IMO, this is an accurate analysis of the situation with Bill and Kerry. From our interaction with Bill over the Serpo business, it seemed to me that he really was a babe in the woods. Both his and Kerry's analysis of the alien situation is naive in the extreme. They both seem strongly invested in the idea that aliens "greys" included, can be benevolent and are perhaps guiding Bill and Kerry and others in the process of "disclosure".

[quote author=Laura]

So that's all problematical in my mind. I've survived this long simply because I attended grad school in the study of evil via my work in hypnotherapy. I can smell it.

I'll reserve final judgment and keep my eyes/ears open. At the beginning, at least as far as Bill is concerned, there is serious taint - maybe through no ill-will on his part, but certainly through naivete.

From my side, I would LIKE very much to find out there it was just naivete and lessons have been learned and we can now move forward. IF Bill and Kerry are sincere and they want to work with us, then they are gonna have to take a really intense course in understanding psychopathology at several levels. There is simply no way to navigate what this planet is experiencing without that understanding. And even if you have it, you can't navigate alone. Psychopaths - and 4 D STS energies - are dark and cunning and we have no chance without a network of observation and understanding

At first glance Bill and Kerry seem to be decent people, they do decent work in other areas, for example their interview with Jane Burgermeister on the Baxter pharmaceutical contamination in Austira. But the real test I suppose would be if they are willing and able to let go of their emotional investment in their analysis of the ET phenomenon. Btw, I based my interpretation of Bill and Jane largely on our experience with Bill on the ATS Serpo thing and this interview.

Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Perceval said:
Both his and Kerry's analysis of the alien situation is naive in the extreme. They both seem strongly invested in the idea that aliens "greys" included, can be benevolent and are perhaps guiding Bill and Kerry and others in the process of "disclosure".

There was an interesting interview Bill and Kerry did of Dr. Steven Greer from the Disclosure Project (_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzqDVOjtNhg). Kerry had an argument with Greer about the nature of aliens. Dr. Greer felt there was no polarity with the aliens as Kelly argued the STO and STS nature of aliens. I am not sure if Bill and Kelly understand this concept fully but they are, at least, aware of this polarity.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

The problem is, can anyone show strong evidence for "aliens" of a positive polarity?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
ZeropointNinja, your new post just came up as I was writing this, and I can't help but wonder who that mutual friend is that Kerry mentions. In any case, you know specifically what Laura thinks now in the event of any further correspondence you have with Bill and Kerry, although I recommend that you don't try to put yourself in middle to any extent and let them work it out between themselves.

I have not discussed who the friend is with Bill or Kerry, but my gut tells me who it is, I think it will jump out at you if you scroll down the left hand side bar of PC....

Ah, Richard Dolan, of course. Well, it will be interesting to see how that plays out if they ask him to be the messenger. We may well hear about it here!

ZeropointNinja said:
Yes, but I dont think the focus should be on PC, it should be on the 10s of thousands of people i their audience.... They reach a lot of people and they are growing it would seem.I will just leave it with the final thought that there is a lot of info (mis, dis, and some truth) on PC. They are a clearing house of info, its up to the consumer of said information to use discernment, not up to Bill and Kerry to filter for the masses. That is one of the things I love about PC, they do not try to do your thinking for you, its up to you what you make of it, consequences and responsibility are your own. If they would start to filter, start to take information, process it, then spoon feed it to the masses then that is when I would have move on.

My impression is somewhat different -- based on their interview, videos, and so forth I feel that Bill and Kerry do an awful lot of interpretation. They have more or less endorsed a nucleus of researchers and inside sources either openly or tacitly -- David Wilcock is essentially a third member at this point, and the core of their belief system seems to be centered around the testimony of Dan Burisch, George Green, Henry Deacon, Benjamin Fulford and more recently (and this is an all-time low from my point-of-view) Bill Deagle. These people really form the core of the Project Camelot worldview, and other people, both legitimate and not, are much more peripheral from what I can see.

On a side-note, another interesting part of this whole drama is the not-so-private spat between PC and Rense that occurred a couple months ago. I wonder if that is legitimate, or if it was engineered at some level to give PC more credibility, since between the two of them, Rense would be the more obvious disinfo to the average person (OSIT). Although I haven't watched it (I have to be in just the right frame of mind to watch/stomach Bill Deagle), they supposedly had Deagle take apart the Patrick Geryl information from the Rense 2012 special with Clif High, which kind of makes it look on the surface as though they are having people line up on one side or another of this turf war. There is also the other spat between PC and Stephen Greer, as Nicholas just posted. So does that make the enemy of my enemy my friend? Its all very tangled and interesting....
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Perceval said:
The problem is, can anyone show strong evidence for "aliens" of a positive polarity?

Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Ah, Richard Dolan, of course. Well, it will be interesting to see how that plays out if they ask him to be the messenger. We may well hear about it here!


My impression is somewhat different -- based on their interview, videos, and so forth I feel that Bill and Kerry do an awful lot of interpretation. They have more or less endorsed a nucleus of researchers and inside sources either openly or tacitly -- David Wilcock is essentially a third member at this point, and the core of their belief system seems to be centered around the testimony of Dan Burisch, George Green, Henry Deacon, Benjamin Fulford and more recently (and this is an all-time low from my point-of-view) Bill Deagle. These people really form the core of the Project Camelot worldview, and other people, both legitimate and not, are much more peripheral from what I can see.

I guess I kind of tune out B and K during the interviews as I am looking for bits of truth. I do think the world view of PC has changed over 09.

Burisch is not even on speaking terms with them anymore form what I gather.

Fulford, a nutter, maybe just trying to con out a living. Deagle, on the payroll for somebody, disinfo pro. Green, havent really checked him out at all.

Anyway, the list goes on. The one that spooks (pun intended) me if true is Duncan O Finnian... an army of mind controlled cyborgs being ordered around by psychos does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

On a side-note, another interesting part of this whole drama is the not-so-private spat between PC and Rense that occurred a couple months ago. I wonder if that is legitimate, or if it was engineered at some level to give PC more credibility, since between the two of them, Rense would be the more obvious disinfo to the average person (OSIT). Although I haven't watched it (I have to be in just the right frame of mind to watch/stomach Bill Deagle), they supposedly had Deagle take apart the Patrick Geryl information from the Rense 2012 special with Clif High, which kind of makes it look on the surface as though they are having people line up on one side or another of this turf war.

The only one out of that group I have studied is Clif. I have subscribed to the ALTAS for a while, kind of neat to watch how things unfold, more accurate in an kind of un-usefull way then most people realise.... something happened to Clif in the last few months.

There are theories... I dont think anything has come to light.

They might have got to him through his technology, or maybe in person, hard to tell, but there has been a change I am afraid.

But the neat thing about the ALTAS is that he pegged Deagle and Burisch as dis-info. Deagle as paid pro, Dan as "I am so cazy I believe my own bullshit." He used the data form his web bots in some way to do this, cant recall the details right now. I am sure its a saga yet to be revealed with all of this going on.

There is also the other spat between PC and Stephen Greer, as Nicholas just posted. So does that make the enemy of my enemy my friend? Its all very tangled and interesting....

The Greer thing left my ears ringing, but it was good to lay it all out there. For people that thing PC believes all ETs are STO/Positive, check out the Greer um... interview. More like battle, but hey, it was good.

Tangled and interesting, that could be the understatement of 09. :huh:

One thing to be sure, the truth will never rise to the top unless all concepts and ideas are shown the same level of scrutiny.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

ZeropointNinja said:
But the neat thing about the ALTAS is that he pegged Deagle and Burisch as dis-info. Deagle as paid pro, Dan as "I am so cazy I believe my own bullshit." He used the data form his web bots in some way to do this, cant recall the details right now. I am sure its a saga yet to be revealed with all of this going on.

Clif also pegged Dr. Pete Peterson (PC's latest and most important whistleblower according to them. This is from his last ALTA report :

In recent months the TPTB have used back channels into the ‘truth movement’, and the ‘new age movement’ to put out the idea that some 15/fifteen percent of the populace of the planet has ‘alien’ or ET genes within their DNA. The idea is further augmented with language which expresses the idea that these ‘15/fifteen percent’ people are ‘special’. The ‘special’ definition includes such things as ‘not susceptible to mind control’, and ‘have ability (for) ET contact’. This last is usually further described with words such as ‘telepathy’ involved. The language surfacing around this idea of ‘special humans’ who are ‘ET genotype’ is yet another form of separation language. It goes to the core of the idea of ‘a chosen people’ which is THE key zionist concept, and THE key point of separation that TPTB have
always used to cause human-on-human violence and repression.

As far as i can tell this is a reference to the latest important whistleblower Pete Peterson's statements. I think Clif has never been a PC guy, they only made a phone interview with him. I am not defending Clif, i agree with you that something happened to him in the last few months.

The main philosophy (or problem so to say) of PC is not having a philosophy of conveying only the truth (which they believe or seek), OSIT. And they are not necessarily hiding this :

[quote author=Project Camelot]
We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

There is an interesting new development in the flame-war that has recently surrounded Project Camelot (including so far Jeff Rense and Steven Greer), this time involving Clif High:


This letter is a response to Bill Ryan, whom Clif claims has maligned him by spreading false information about him in regards to his own investigation of Bill Deagle (Deagle had his own piece on the PC site recently, where he critiqued the Patrick Geryl cataclysm model touted by Clif on the special Rense show last month). Between the three of them, the only person I am absolutely convinced is consciously and maliciously full of it is Deagle himself, but it is interesting to see these open letters in a larger context of infighting in the paranormal/conspiracy community. I wonder if there is some real damage control going on, including a good amount of good-cop/bad-cop that is meant to corral not only some of the people involved but their supporters as well.
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura wrote
I'll just repeat what I wrote above: I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up...

That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.

This scenario sounded just too familiar and then, I remembered a scene from the original Battlestar Galactica Pilot. Its the scene at the end of the first hour when Baltar the traitor is dragged by two Centurions before the Imperious Leader of the Cylon empire.

I will paste below a transcript from http://www.battlestargalactica.com. Its linked off the home page in the Classic site under heading, "Must Read Battlestar Information", "The Different Versions of the Battlestar Galactica Pilot Episode", starting at M6. Baltar Escapes Execution (8s2s). This version is the one that was aired in September 1978

All versions
Leader: Welcome, Baltar. I have grave news. A handful of Colonials prevail, but we will soon find them.
Baltar: What of our bargain? My colony was to be spared!
Leader: I now alter the bargain.
Baltar: How can you change one side of a bargain?
Leader: When there is no other side. You have missed the entire point of the war.
Baltar: But I have no ambitions against you?
Leader: Could you think me so foolish as to trust a man who would see his own race destroyed?
Baltar: Not destroyed, subjugated, under me.
Leader: There can be no survivors. So long as one human remains alive, the Alliance is threatened.
Baltar: Surely you don't mean me?
Leader: We thank you for your help, Baltar. Your time is at an end.

Do you suppose a similar scene awaits those in 3D who sold humanity out and have been assured that their bargain will honoured? Those who bargain without honour should not expect that their bargains will be honoured.

I also find it interesting that its stated further down the text that the original idea for the Cylons was
"downgraded from humanoid lizards in armor, to cyborgs, to finally the genocidal robots as presented in the series."
Hitting too close to home perhaps? Was it being put out there even in 1978 for "those who have ears to hear and eyes to see?" I did not have either one at that time.

Very Interesting!!?
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Now Project Camelot made a reference (a positive one) and gave a link to Sott article - The Underwear Bomber - Crushing Freedom With Phony Arab Terrorism. FWIW.

[quote author=PC]1 January 2010

• Fake terrorist... go to sott.net for the best coverage on this.[/quote]
Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

It really seems that Project Camelot have started to get interested in C's and Laura's work. They put a quote from a C session on their homepage.

[quote author=Project Camelot 7 January 2010]

• Re bluebeam, earth changes, comet cluster...

Quoted from material from Laura Knight-Jadczyk:

Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that they will accept total control and domination?
A: Open. But if so, will "flop".
Q: (T) Why?
A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events may intercede.
Q: (T) Such as what?
A: Earth changes.
Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot, big-wig guys in the government who have plans for taking over the whole world and making everything all happy and hunky-dory with them in charge, are just simply not in synch with the fact that there are some definite earth changes on the agenda? Are they missing something
A: Close. They are aware but in denial.
Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival of the cometary cluster?
A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.

*note: comet cluster = nibiru according to her source

Copyright 1994-2002, *Laura Knight*, *Laura Knight-Jadczyk* and *Arkadiusz Jadczyk*


Re: abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO and Project Camelot Discussion

Laura goes to Camelot ! ( or should I say camelot came to her ? )

It appears that Laura has all ready done an interview with camelot and
it will soon be posted. Check front page at _http://projectcamelot.org
That ought to be interesting, Thank you Laura .....

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