Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Ben said:
Now, however, I am left very curious as to how you guys, especially Laura, became so sure of your convictions that this character was here to manipulate. Is this something other than experience at work? Is it primarily a function of the capabilities developed by the Work? I have a general idea but I am very interested as to your thought processes and feelings, Laura, when you were reading the posts by this mk character.
You are right that it is based on more than just the "word clues." It starts first as a warning in the BS meter that is highly developed after so many years of work. But we always check, consult with a group of other observers and see if there are several who have a track record of accurately "reading" such things are also getting the BS meter alarm.

So that's the first and second step.

Next step is to use some more prosaic tools like programs that trace IP numbers and comparing those numbers with a sizeable database of IP numbers we have from which previous "attacks" (that were proven attacks) have originated.

So, that's three steps. If there is a "check" on all three, then we know that there is a high probability that the individual is a Troll.

Then, of course, it is interesting to observe the individlual after the "scratch test" has been applied. As you notice, mk failed the test.

Remember, there are two types of aggressors: overt and covert. The overt ones are easy to spot, it's the covert ones that you gotta really "tune your reading instrument" to "see."

Now, if you want further details on the science behind the BS meter, either read Secret History, or this thread:

where I have included not only the notes from my alchemy lectures where I teach people how to "grow" a BS meter (AKY a "magnetic center") but also a long passage from Secret History that relates.

Ya'll might also want to read my review of Pincknett and Prince's book The Stargate Conspiracy because there are certainly some clues there.

What is really creepy is that I wrote this article before 9/11 and in it there is this:

And that is the crucial point. We are cattle to these beings. Nothing more, nothing less. And like cattle, we are "cared for" and fed or culled when the herd gets too large. And that brings us to our next point: racism. Again, it is raising its ugly head in the teachings of The Nine, as well as many other channels, including, as P & P point out, older ones such as Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.

How does the Control System "cull the herd?" Why, war, of course. And how do they select who gets to be culled? Probably based on who has the most spirit of resistance - the ones that keep running away or who cause problems are the ones that get noticed and singled out for the slaughterhouse. In our case, it is always vast numbers of our fellow human beings.
I didn't know how prophetic those remarks were going to turn out to be, but I didn't have to wait long to find out.

Now, the point is that the "Stargate Conspiracy" suggests that a lot of people have some pretty weird beliefs, many of them veiled as "Christianity" or "Judaism" or "Enochian Magick" or "Golden Dawn" or "Masonic" or "Satanism" and a whole host of things. But what we have found is that, quite often, at the tops of these "power pyramids," all of these people somehow come under a single unitary idea: that they are the elite, the chosen, and they are going to initiate the eschaton, make sure that about 90 % of the Earth's population is culled, and that means you and me because I know I'm not in their club and you probably aren't either. What's more, most of the lackeys they send around to do their defamatory and trolling dirty work aren't in their club either, they just don't realize it.

The thing is, the whole religion thing is such a fraud from the bottom up that if you seen anybody beating that drum, and they are out there in some prominent way, you can almost guaran-damn-tee that they are part of the "Stargate Conspiracy" whether they are conscious of it or not.

And speaking of that, if you give a gun to a mentally retarded person and they don't know what it is and they just start pulling the trigger madly in a room full of people because they think the sound is cool, what do you think is going to happen? They'll think people are just dancing and playing around when they start falling. They don't know what holes in bodies with blood gushing out mean; they don't know what death means.

Are you going to argue about whether the person is or is not retarded while they are shooting everyone? And if you know for a fact that they are mentally deficient, are you going to argue about whether or not they are responsible for what they are doing while they are continuing to shoot people? Or are you going to DO something? Like take the gun away? And if you can't take the gun away, you have to shoot them whether they are innocent or not.

Well, the analogy is pretty close. These people who get taken in and taken over by the process of ponerization have no idea what is really going on. They may actually believe in what they are doing - in fact, many of them do. But it makes it no less deadly for everyone else.

And again I say, this is not a game; it is not a joke. There are madment, deviant criminals running the US of A, and they have a LOT of bombs and they actually think they can use them, wipe out 90 % of the population, and emerge from their bunkers when it's all over and enslave whoever survived, and just go on reproducing their deviant kind and have a slave race of humans who can feel forever.

It's really like the planet of the Apes, only it's the Planet of the Psychopaths.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Ben said:
I was left a little confused and so I read over the whole exchange again, and I do now see those indications of manipulation as explained in the book quoted by Laura. I also considered the context of this situation, where we see an unusual amount of new members which are diving in to discussions of COINTELPRO with distracting and often pointless posts.

Now, however, I am left very curious as to how you guys, especially Laura, became so sure of your convictions that this character was here to manipulate. Is this something other than experience at work? Is it primarily a function of the capabilities developed by the Work? I have a general idea but I am very interested as to your thought processes and feelings, Laura, when you were reading the posts by this mk character.
I think you do have a general idea since you were able to see what was going on upon reviewing the thread. So aside from Laura's input, a valuable reference is your own sense of recognition. What made you realize things later that were not evident before?

Obviously, the exchange revealed this mk31 character, but your very recognition is the key to gaining further insight. It is based on your own intimate sense of understanding, so you are already connected to it, and it just needs elaboration and a bit of analysis.

One useful thing is to read the exchange only through the words of mk31, and then compare it to the full discussion including the responses of others. You can note your own responses to mk31's tactics, and compare them to your responses when you see through those tactics (a kind of before and after comparison). In that way you can see just what was being manipulated in you, and find hidden assumptions that allow that manipulation.

One assumption I found in some other posts was that questioning is somehow bad, and having convictions is also bad (even though the guilt trippers themselves brazenly push their own agenda without any thought). The tactic is that of punching you and then denying it. You are left with the pain, and feeling guilty if you try to address the cause of the pain. Such a double-standard indicates a high probablitly that someone is out to confuse and manipulate.

Of course, Laura developed all the tactics in detail, but these are just a few ways I approach some of them.

One of the things I do is try to uncover the root assumptions the manipulator is trying to pass off as "rules of conduct", such as the rule the they can challenge and insult, but you have to sit and take it, denying it ever happened. Or the rule that any fact based conviction on your part is predjudice off the bat.

And at this point we have hashed and rehashed the same arguments that we can just refer them to former posts for their convenience and keep them busy reading, while not wasting energy or time on them. A simple "this has been discussed here" will do.

When someone says "I think you're all harsh, biased and predjudiced elitists" that IS name calling, whether they deny it or not. The first mistake anyone can make is fall into the trap of letting things slide. This is a forum of discussion, meaning things will be challenged. What manipulators want is for the challenge to be one-sided, and only coming from their end. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.

If a guest comes to your house and trashes it, and then claims "sorry man, I'm a guest here, you gotta be nice to me", what will you do? So from now on, I think a general piece of advice to all newbies should be: USE THE DAMN SEARCH ENGINE!

If they balk, it either means they are lazy and want information nipple-fed to them, they just want to vent, or they are out to confuse and preoccupy people with nonsense, osit.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Thanks guys, I have been quite naive in that I did not consider things like the tracing of IP numbers and using databases. I was pretty sure that you wouldn't have made these convictions on the basis of little evidence, and that is what prompted me to read the thread again and identify my own errors. It was mostly laziness, because there have been such a barrage of new posters recently (I agree with EQ - use the DAMN SEARCH ENGINE like we did) with many of them containing little useful information that I was inclined to read at a faster rate than usual and not really consider the language properly.

I have read the forum thread you linked, Laura, and Secret History and I want to make use of this information so that I won't have to ask you how it feels to identify manipulators from their first sentences - I will do it for myself!
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

the fact that you're so sure I'm some sort of double agent makes me
question the conclusions you've come to otherwise. I was sincere in my
apology and I've discovered this isn't the place for me.

good luck to all of you.

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

mk31 said:
I don't think it helps any of the parties involved if questions about the topic are responded to
with ridicule. First time poster here but from an outsider's perspective on this forum there
seems to be some elitism from some of the senior members.
I have to agree as well. The atmosphere here is basically "if you don't see it our way, you're lost" on some of the topics, especially when it comes to do with anything that has the word WING-TV, COINTELPRO, and everything that comes along with that (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense), etc.

Everything else is very interesting-- hyperdimensional physics, the C's, etc., but when you see where the rubber hits the road, there is a lot of dissonance. In one thread, I am expected to believe that Alex Jones is a bad person because he drinks beer and may smoke. And as much as I don't agree with a lot of his material, I am forced to defend someone like AJ because that kind of attack is simply ridiculous.

There is a pall hanging here of imminent bans if people don't shut and search or something like that. If you are here to discuss issues and perhaps entertain opposite views, then I think it's a great place to be. But if we're going to sit here and start assuming personal stuff about people, about their IP addresses, and about some kind of concerted troll siege, then you could be preaching the concepts of free endless energy for all it matters and you won't have many people sticking around.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Twist, twist, twist and make a nice, neat little braid.
Funny how the minute you start discussing Alex Jones, suddenly people crawl out of lurk-mode to defend him.
A nice little protection racket. The protection racket attack dogs gravitate to any forum where real issues and questions are being raised and anything that runs counter to the group-think is scrutinized.
It was only a matter of time before they started swimming in these waters.
They caught a scent of blood. Trying to reason with the apologists is useless.
They twist and contort and bend the truth. They will find any reason they can construct to justify wrongdoing.
I guess this is what they get paid for and they do it well.
Never prove a point, just muddy the waters.
Never argue a point, go after the messenger.
Ignore the facts, facts matter not.
Ignore the perp's own words or actions. The perp is not accountable for his own words or actions, but everyone who questions him IS accountable.
The perp must not be questioned.
The questioner is obligated to be interrogated.
Everything is hunky-dory unless and until someone stirs the pot and pokes around with the spoon to see what's floating in the broth.
The thing these people seem to hate the most is not the actual wrong-doing of people like Alex Jones and Rense.
What they seem to hate more is someone like me drawing attention to the wrongdoing.
Pointing out the wrong action is worse than the actual wrong act.
Lovely headgame we live in.

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

CyberChrist said:
mk31 said:
I don't think it helps any of the parties involved if questions about the topic are responded to
with ridicule. First time poster here but from an outsider's perspective on this forum there
seems to be some elitism from some of the senior members.
I have to agree as well. The atmosphere here is basically "if you don't see it our way, you're lost" on some of the topics, especially when it comes to do with anything that has the word WING-TV, COINTELPRO, and everything that comes along with that (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense), etc.

Everything else is very interesting-- hyperdimensional physics, the C's, etc., but when you see where the rubber hits the road, there is a lot of dissonance. In one thread, I am expected to believe that Alex Jones is a bad person because he drinks beer and may smoke. And as much as I don't agree with a lot of his material, I am forced to defend someone like AJ because that kind of attack is simply ridiculous.

There is a pall hanging here of imminent bans if people don't shut and search or something like that. If you are here to discuss issues and perhaps entertain opposite views, then I think it's a great place to be. But if we're going to sit here and start assuming personal stuff about people, about their IP addresses, and about some kind of concerted troll siege, then you could be preaching the concepts of free endless energy for all it matters and you won't have many people sticking around.
What's going on with you CyberChrist? Have you really read any of the articles, because if you had, you would probably have realized that pretty much everyone here smokes and drinks - so your comment about what you are expected to believe about AJ is horse hockey.

'Jeez' - as you put it - at least try to be somewhat intelligent about your disinformation and distraction - this is just pitiful.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

CyberChrist said:
Why aren't you guys interested in backgrounds, or where someone came from, or what their convictions are, or anything like that?
We are, we're very interested in finding out where Jeff Rense came from. for example. This quote suggests to me that you are not very familiar with the approach of the researchers here.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

CC - again, I am having a really hard time understanding where you are coming from here - this isn't about people who are simply asking questions - in any way, shape or form. Where are the questions? This is about people trying to start arguments from a base of little or no knowledge. This is about distraction, lies, accusations and manipulation and the fact that your emotional buttons are apparently getting pushed here, and that you are clearly unable to see this activity for what it is leads me to believe that you have not been reading the site and related material for 'nearly 2 years' - or that if you have, you have simply not grokked a word of it.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

CyberChrist said:
I have to agree as well. The atmosphere here is basically "if you don't see it our way, you're lost" on some of the topics, especially when it comes to do with anything that has the word WING-TV, COINTELPRO, and everything that comes along with that (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense), etc.
Now, I thought all this was discussed already. What's this "back to square one" deal? Let's look at the facts. There are people here who have EVIDENCE that AJ (and JR) are NOT on the level. Now, if evidence is presented in any court of law, there is an outcome (I hesitate to use that dirty word "judgement").

You can contest the evidence, with MORE evidence. You CANNOT pass yourself off as justified to make your own JUDGEMENTS without it. And yet, you have now taken mk31's lead, and just repeat his ad hoc statements, which have no basis but self-contradiction. You deny the conclusions based on evidence on the basis that supporting those conclusions makes the forum UNFAIR.

Now think about this: If there is clear evidence about something, and you go crying UNFAIR without supplying your own evidence, what will those involved in the situation think, and how will they react? Hint: You will be wasting their time. If someone comes into your house and throws veiled insults, and then denies them acting all innocent such as this mk person, what will you do? Let them keep insulting you just so others can call you fair?

Where I come from, if I acted in a condescending manner to some deceptive hypocrite insulting me out of one end of his mouth and denying it and playing innocent out the other, they would call me nothing less than STUPID, and deserving of my fate.

The issue here, as Lisa said, is that for some reason whenever someone DARES to question AJ, among others, people pop out of the woodwork in defense of them. That's ok in and of itself. The thing that is not ok, is that no matter what is said to support the questioning, it seems like some sacred taboo has been breached, and the reacting party acts all too much as if they have taken questioning said invidual(s) in a personal manner.

That's where the tires hit the road here. The responses are of those who act like hurt children, and these are NOT the forum members. The latter often act like insulted adults, and I cannot blame them for it.

Now we discussed the hows and why's of AJ. The passion behind the convictions of members of this forum is based on the realization that when someone claiming to be a journalist is a self-centered, manipulative, greedy fanatic THEN not only is the truth movement sabotaged, but the very consciousness of the citizens seeking some guidance in this manner is undermined.

People wonder what the "truth" movement would be like without its paragons? I'll tell you what: THERE WOULD BE ONE.

Don't you know that people that may have otherwise been active and courageous citizens may have been paralyzed into fear and confusion because of these people? And I am not even taking into consideration the possibility that they may actually BE employed by the PTB, even though there is evidence to be presented that will drive that point so far home, the protectors of sacred shills will have to travel far and wide for their lost arguments.

So just consider, that there IS evidence. Consider that much of it is in this forum and can be accessed through the almighty SEARCH ENGINE. Consider, finally, the implications upon the state of mind of the populous that has two neurons to slap together and a few heart cells to care, IF these people in question are con artists at best and government saboteurs at worst.

This is TOO SERIOUS to leave alone. Not unless the last shadow of a vestige of a stain of doubt has been removed can one give these people once again the benefit of the doubt. NO, if you were objective you have to realize that a reputation must be honestly earned. All the reputation of Rense and AJ seems to be self-asserted heresay. Again, USE THE SEARCH ENGINE AND LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE. Questions have come up, and they are serious. These individuals influence people more than the government does.

Sometimes I wonder how people can leave the forum with some relatively balanced conclusions, and come back the next day "rebooted".
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Cyber said:
Of course you wouldn't know any of this because no one is taking the time to meet the new people and people are just seeing IP addresses and sharks in the water and so on and so on. So do me a favor and please do not assume that just because my first real foray into these boards is an emotional issue that has to do with AJ that I am somehow naive and haven't "grokked" any of the material. I have taken in far more than you might be aware of, so please don't make any assumptions about me because I am not doing the same to you.
Actually, the entire first part of this paragraph is an enormous, and entirely erroneous, assumption about me - which makes the last sentence laughable. You are greatly mistaken in your conclusions about what is going on here.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

anart said:
Cyber said:
Of course you wouldn't know any of this because no one is taking the time to meet the new people and people are just seeing IP addresses and sharks in the water and so on and so on. So do me a favor and please do not assume that just because my first real foray into these boards is an emotional issue that has to do with AJ that I am somehow naive and haven't "grokked" any of the material. I have taken in far more than you might be aware of, so please don't make any assumptions about me because I am not doing the same to you.
Actually, the entire first part of this paragraph is an enormous, and entirely erroneous, assumption about me - which makes the last sentence laughable. You are greatly mistaken in your conclusions about what is going on here.
Anart, I don't want to fight with you. Seriously. I had a nasty reply but somehow it didn't get posted and I am thankful for it. You seem like a good person and your picture reminds me of someone that I care about in my life, and I simply don't want to argue about this anymore.

I believe that there is a side to all of this that I am not seeing and I want to take the time to see it before I comment any further. I am perhaps mistaken in what I am seeing here and it is not my intent to be anyone's enemy on these boards. I apologize if I have disturbed the peace here.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Just type "Alex Jones". Read at your leisure, no rush. Then tomorrow or thereabouts, if I'm not mistaken, is the podcast.

Now we all know polls are never perfect. But they do show SOMETHING, and that is that some people have doubts about AJ, Rense etc. Like I said, personally I have no evidence but what I read, and what I read FROM AJ's site is not objectively presented, but emotionally charged.

Given that alone this person is doing damage. Anyway, lack of sleep and alternative news topics make for a very toxic combination, and this from personal experience. This stuff requires a bit of focus because suspension of prior beliefs is not an easy thing to do. Personally, that's why I am adamant about my views here. Because I had the opposite views at some point, and suspended belief and ended up changing them.

So I can suspend my beliefs again, and the results are the same. Once you see that something smells here in the more affluent zones of the alternative news racket, things start falling into place. Anyway, there's no reason why we should be posting like our lives depended on it.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

EsoQuest said:
Jand what I read FROM AJ's site is not objectively presented, but emotionally charged.
I get a lot of that as well from some of his material. Remember the whole ordeal about Schwarzenegger being "the next President"? It was so laughable that it really detracted from some of the other material which seemed to be a lot more along the lines of what we knew to be true as well.
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