Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

I listened to this broadcast. He says (and I personally have no verification of this) that he predicted some kind of massive NWO event to occur a couple of months before 9/11, and he is now saying the same thing with regards to some event to take place before the end of October. An event that will, in his words, involve "BONE SHATTERING MEGA ATTACKS!!!"

Now, I find this quite suspicious for various reasons. For one, if he really predicted something before 9/11, what data was he extrapolating this from? Apart from the famous "Sollog" usenet posting (which the C's said was inspired by 4th density STS), I don't remember there being many rumblings in the conspiracy world about any upcoming attacks. How did he know?

Secondly, in this particular broadcast he talks about how things might be after the police state is fully engaged, and he suggests the he may be "allowed" to continue his broadcasts even in this environment, to give the illusion that there still exists the freedom for people to speak alternative opinions in the face of such obvious threats to national security etc. Is he making his excuses for when the time comes and he is conspicuously NOT rounded up? He may be letting the cat out of the bag as to his true affiliations there.

Add to all of this the prediction in the "bible code" about WWIII being ignited in Israel during september of this year after a nuclear event (and bearing in mind that Michael Drosnin has been consulted by the US govt! ), and you have a strange brew indeed.
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

See post #7 to the below link. The post has a link that leads to a video of what Jones said.
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

If you go to the post mentioned by Mike, go and listen to the alleged broadcast (and we have no proof that this broadcast was actually produced on the date claimed), notice that Jones is following the line of blaming everything on the U.S. administration.

Well, of course we know that the U.S. Administration is the REAL terrorist organization. But what Jones, Tarpley, and others fail to mention is WHY the U.S. Administration is a terrorist organization: because it is infiltrated and controlled by Israel.

Jones and Tarpley spend a lot of time pointing the finger at the U.S. ALONE, and assiduously avoid the hand pulling the strings: Israel. Tarpley pretty much blames everything on the "Bush Crime Family" and its cronies and the CIA and so on. But I have discovered that Tarpley doesn't really do his homework. He takes everything to a certain "layer" of conspiracy, and digs in his heels and goes no further.

Who does this benefit? Why, Israel, of course. Israel will soon own all of the oil assets of the Middle East (if its plans go as intended) and the U.S. will be reduced to an impoverished client state of Israel and in such a position, Israel will be the undisputed master of the world. This is Israel's goal. And, from Israel's point of view, a Revolution in the U.S. would be a good thing.

If you look at this page on the forum: where I have posted the Vanity Fair article about Loose Change, you will see in the last few paragraphs of this article that Revolution is what Israel wants in the U.S. That is what is behind the so-called 911 Truth Movement that does not acknowledge Israel as the Mastermind.

A Revolution in the U.S. will be a bloody and horrible event; millions will die and the U.S. infrastructure will be destroyed. Americans will be reduced to a savage existence, while all the major assets of the U.S., including its vast stockpile of armaments, will be transferred to Israel.

The Master Race of Ashkenazi Jews (read this thread for the evidence: ) was created during WW II by culling the herd of Jews - eliminating the real Jews and preserving the Ashkenazi who have a particular genetic history - and this race of psychopaths seeks to take over the world. And Alex Jones and most of the 911 Truth Movement are Israel's minions whether they realize it or not, whether it is conscious or not, and Jones and Tarpley are leading the pack while Rense and Micheal Rivero are fanning the flames of Revolution.

Or so it seems to me.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

"Silverstein, Zakheim, Perle, Wolfowitz ... are NOT "Israeli" they are Americans..."
these guys may very well carry an american passport but not an israeli one (what i doubt), but they are jews, neo-cons and zionists, what is what counts. in the words of a jew who i once talked, "nationality is a legal fiction". i think that pretty much settles what one is to think about carrying one passport or another one in the eyes of these people.

silverstein is reported to have been the owner of the WTC and ordered the 'pulling' of WTC7

zakheim is reported to be a rabbi and the owner/manager of a company which makes 'remote-control' gear for passenger airplanes, which technology has been suspected of having been involved in the weird flight of said 4 airplanes.

perle and wolfowitz, well, they need no introduction thinks me, after their acts were so blatant that they were forced off-scene by the disgust and suspicions directed against these two creeps..
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

Having watched that Alex Jones clip (which seems to draw a bit too much attention to the alleged date of the broadcast if you ask me), and assuming it is a genuine prediction, then you've got to wonder why Jones wasn't seriously grilled by police after 9/11. What he says is so accurate, talking about the towers being knocked down and even about Bin Laden as the mastermind/patsy of the attacks, that I find it difficult to believe he didn't have some kind of insider knowledge.
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

Yes indeedy, Q L. And insider knowledge means only one thing... insider connections...
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

Apparently Alex Jones claims to have precognitive dreams. The question, of course, is if he had one relevant to his latest prediction of WWIII in the next two months or if his claims of precognition and his refusal to discuss it gives some authenticity to his announcements. I have yet to listen to his broadcast where he makes his current claim, having been away from the computer for the past few days so I don't know what exactly he offers as evidence, besides the usual unspecified sources - or if he claims precognition. Or maybe he uses this claim to divert the listener from thinking he has inside connections.

The Precognitive Visions of ParaPolitical Researcher Alex Jones

Austin, Texas - Today marks only the second time this author has heard local radioshow host, parapolitical researcher and documentary filmmaker Alex Jones admit to his life-long history of prophetic, or precognitive, dreams.

On July 25th, 2001, I and countless other Central Texas cable subscribers watched Alex warn of the impending false-flag "terror attacks" against New York City to be blamed on former CIA assett Osama bin Laden. [1]

Though Alex routinely avoids discussion of topics he considers "new age" or "unprovable", preferring to stick to the "facts" reported in mainstream news sources, he did in fact state in his June 2003 interview with former Marine sniper Colonel Craig Roberts [2] that not only has he (Alex) had premonitory visions in dreams but that he specifically had a vision in the months before 911 that, combined with the mainstream news and behind-the-scenes intel he was receiving from insider sources, led him to make that dramatic July 25th broadcast that would soon thereafter prove prophetic. This admission came during a singularly anomalous interview with Colonel Craig Roberts that focused on Roberts' "extraordinary near-death experience and voyage to heaven".

Alex Jones has continued to remain silent about his personal experiences with precognitive visions for the obvious reason that it would be used as just another piece of ammunition by his destractors to undermine his credibility. Alex routinely states, "I am not a psychic" without referencing his own personal experiences that have proven to him that prophetic dreams are in fact a reality.

Today he broke his own rules again and, after fully discussing the main topic he had planned for his two guests [3] began engaging one of those guests on the subject of the military's psychic remote viewing programs. During this discussion with the military RV program's founder, Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III, Alex again admited to his own personal experience with dream based psychic functioning.

Because the dialogue on the remote viewing subject began so late in the show there was not enough time for Alex to adequitely interview and investigate the claims of his guest. However, it was a great pleasure to once again have the protective layers Alex has built-up around his own personal ESP experiences slip aside long enough to verify what we first learned back in 2003.


[1] July 2001, Alex Jones Warned of Globalist Plan to Use Bin Laden to Attack America

[2] Colonel Craig Roberts June 11 2003: Alex interviews Colonel Craig Roberts, former Marine sniper and now best-selling author. In change to the usual format, Roberts discusses his extraordinary near-death experience and voyage to heaven.

Download / Listen to MP3 Audio

Colonel Craig Roberts 08_03_audio_archive

[3] Alex welcomes Rima E. Laibow, M.D., a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years and will be discussing her fight against the UN's horrible Codex Alimentarius.

Later Alex talks to the former Commanding General of the U.S. Army's Intelligence School and Center who founded the Army's remote viewing program.
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

Hmmm... an interesting selection of people to be hanging out with. Rima Laibow is Stubblebine's wife. And it says he is the head of the founder of the RV program...

Stubblebine is, of course, on record as asserting that it is impossible for a 757 to have hit the Pentagon.

Ya'll need to check out Johnno's "Star of Sorcerers" article... I wonder how many of those organizations Laibow and Stubblebine belong to?

On the other hand, Stubblebine and Laibow could be perfectly legit. But something about them is niggling at the back of my mind and I can't remember what it is.
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

the like below will have an audio video of alex jones actual perdiction he made

Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

There have been people claiming alex jones is being set up for a fall which would take most of the 9/11 truth movement down with him.
But i say what if he has been guided into position (directly or indirectly) for a fall but not of him but of the U.S goverment and the U.S economy.
I have been considering that he is in place to succeed in exposing 9/11 but in doing so exposing "accidently" (cough cough) that not only the the U.S goverment is corrupt to the bone.
But also expose the fact (in turn) the U.S is broke to the public and to the world causing Foreign investering to lost confidence in the U.S dollar and investing in the U.S and a result the U.S will no longer be able to stay afloat.
And the Sh?t will really hit the fan and hit everyone

i would like to hear comments and opions on this please

P.S- for proof of this is a possiablity (America's going bankrupt) see link below
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Yes, the circumstantial evidence of Israeli involvment in 911 is mountainous. However, there is also this a June 2002, purported top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal German intelligence agency, the BfV.

Among the startling claims this report makes is that German intelligence agents "disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

"That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks."

"On August 6,2001, the German ambassador Ischinger informed George W. Bush of the exact time and place of the attack. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning."
This, of course, will become more interesting as I continue posting the "views" of the various 911 research types.

So, to get to the next post in this series:

Date sent: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:47:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Treis <>
Subject: Re: 9/11 & The "veiled" sarcasm was not lost on me.
To: T Lee Buyea Fla News Service, Jacob Roginsky

Better look at

T Lee Buyea Fla News Service <> wrote: If the Republicans wanted to force a
horse to drink they would force a
hose in his mouth and duck tape his mouth closed around it !
Until the Democrats are willing to fight back just as hard there is No
Hope !
From: "Gerard Holmgren"
To: "'Jacob Roginsky'"
Subject: RE: Sept 11 debate. Holmgren vs Rogisnsky - organizing.
Date sent: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:07:34 +1000

I'll reply to this once we get the forum up. I won't go on here, because
IMO, the debate has already started at this point.

Once one asserts "x is open for challenge, y is not", then one has already
begun the debate.


From: Jacob Roginsky
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2006 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: Sept 11 debate. Holmgren vs Rogisnsky - organizing.

Jacob: It seems then that the focus of the debate ought to be the merits of
those 9/11 conspiracy theories and claims which you consider to be most

Gerard: Given the above, the onus is equally upon you to provide evidence
for your conspiracy theory (Arabs hijacking planes etc)

Jacob: There is some misunderstanding here. The debate has to be about
something in dispute between the debating parties. Albeit Gerard is
apparently disputing the government account of 911, including that of 19
Arab hijackers, he is not disputing any of my contentions, because I have
made none in this regard. What is in dispute between me and and the
proponents of theories that government actually committed the 911 acts is
whether the existing theories make sense. Based on my exposure to many of
such theories, including those of the "Scholars for 911 Truth," I developed
rather negative views of the theories and their authors. (I do not claim
to know all the theories, and am certainly not familiar at this time with
those of Gerard.) Accordingly, I enter this debate wishing to convince
myself and others that either the camp of the proponents of the government
conspiracy to commit 911 will not furnish a single worthwhile theory, or to
the contrary. Therefore, a logical posture for me in this debate would be
to wait for Gerard to furnish and defend whatever theories/evidence/claims
of government 911 conspiracy he wishes, and for me to ask questions,
analyze, and honestly critique the theories, evidence, data, and Gerard's

I do not represent the government and its positions in this debate -- I'm
neither authorized, nor qualified, not interested in doing that -- but come
to it as a reformer who perceives great harm to the image and cause of the
constitutionally-minded grassroots organizations from the multitude of
silly, ill-informed, irresponsible, crazy, and fraudulent theories that are
floating on the Internet in the name of patriots and constitutionalists.

Jacob Roginsky
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

This next poster, unknown to me, pretty much described my own view of how the debate might go down if some knowledge and information about the psychology of deviants was not taken into account. It was at this point that I began to debate whether or not I ought to contribute that information to the group so that such behavior could be recognized for what it was.

Date sent: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 21:22:41 -0700
To: "Gerard Holmgren"
From: Michael
Subject: Here's how the debate will go down...

First, Holmgren will attempt to question something like, "where is
the evidence of any Boeing 757 seats, engines, wings, tail, or other
identifiable part of said aircraft?"

Then, Roginsky will reply with, "since you have no witnesses saying
that there was a missile fired, it proves that the impact MUST have
been done by Flight 77 as the government claimed. Any other
hypothesis is ridiculous."

Without any rationale at all, a question such as "if the government
has nothing to hide, they should release the video tapes from the
businesses surrounding the Pentagon" will result in something like,
"there are no videos to release, or the government would already have
done so."

How do I know this?

A half dozen email interchanges show the methodology used by Jacob,
Jon, and their cohorts. Debating logically with them is an effort in
futility. Re-direction is their key weapon. Watch for it, and record
the number of times it happens. The final tally will astonish you.

Remember, you read it here first!

In truth, (as detailed in "Loose Change")
MediaMike, Phoenix

No law repugnant to the Constitution has any valid force or effect.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Date sent: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:11:08 -0400
From: Jacob Roginsky
Copies to: This List of Recipients was curiously short, as though Roginsky wanted to address only "selected" people, myself included.
Subject: Doraemi -- Isn't His BS Cute?

It does not surprise me that Doraemi so lacks in common sense as to
believe that a million people could have a meaningful simultaneous
debate; lack of common sense is all too common. It does not surprise me
that Doraemi lacks logic and fairness, charging me with some perceived
transgressions of another, i.e. Jon Moseley; fairness and logic are
scarce commodities. It does surprise me that Doraemi thinks his
emotional drivel is an appropriate invitation to a debate; folks do it
all the time. Neither does it surprise me that a person like Doraemi
strains himself to sound cute. This reached a high point on Sunday,
when he called my rejection of his vulgarities a ""virgin ears" gambit."
Meaningless BS -- Doraemi probably had no idea what the word "gambit"
means -- but it sure sounded cute. (Will he now look up the word and
provide us with a "cute" justification of why he used it? Stay tuned.)

Jacob Roginsky

FYI. Professors Jones and Fetzer of the "Scholars for 911 Truth" are
aware of at least some of my specific criticisms of their positions. In
response to my challenge to a debate of their theories, Fetzer agreed
on a condition that I defend the government theories of the 911 events,
which had little to do with my challenge.

APFN wrote:

> Doraemi
> Roginsky's cardboard pedestal
> Mon Jul 10, 2006 18:31
> Well, you've got to admire Roginsky for walking in and causing
> a 'look at me' ruckus.
> I don't see why limiting the "debate" about September 11th
> should be limited to two people, however. The world was
> affectd, and numerous people (who have never heard of apfn)
> have done incredbile works in this ongoing debate which is far
> outside the control of Mr. Roginsky.
> Further, it seems a little obvious, but every thread on every
> message board is a potential "debate" which has been ongoing.
> Roginsky says:
> "All of us must commit to establishing and maintaining an
> atmosphere of civility and good will"
> His compatriot Jonathan Moseley (listed on the AMOJ website)
> started this ruckus with the absurd claim: "Re: 9/11 -
> Everything discredited by our discussion on AMOJ". In addition
> to being a meaningless headline, it falls far short of the
> "atmosphere of civility and good will."
> Looking further into this first "AMOJ" provocation, we see
> Moseley beginning with the phrase: "Anti-American French
> lunatic..." This sort of dialogue, unproven and irrelvant as
> it is, also falls far short of the "atmosphere of civility and
> good will."
> See, I can write like a pretentious twit too, Rog.
> I'm not at all against discrediting untenable theories, so
> that people will stop spreading them. I do it all the time. A
> website called does a pretty good job of this.
> However, some of their criticism overreaches and is not
> supportable given the known evidence.
> Roginsky says:
> "Based on my exposure to many of such theories, including
> those of the "Scholars for 911 Truth," I developed rather
> negative views of the theories and their authors."
> so, the debate has already begun! With an ad hominem attack on
> Scholars for 9-11 Truth, although the members of that group
> are certainly not here to defend themselves. Seems a bit
> dishonest and vapid, since you don't cite a single point of
> fact you find problematic.
> So, the shot across the bow is that SF911truth aren't up to
> scrutiny. Well, Rog, why don't you write an academic paper
> which calls into question what you say does not pass muster?
> That would be a far more honest debate on the issue than what
> you are currently proposing.
> Or aren't you capable of such work?
> You can debate me right here, right now. I'll mop the floor
> with you.
> -JD
> John Doraemi Publishes Crimes of the State at:

[SNIPPED repeat footers and such]
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

I don't even know who this "Alex" is...

From: "Message ." <>
To: "9/11 Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
Date sent: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:28:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [apfn-1] 9/11 - "THE NATIONAL DEBATE IS ON"....LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!


I am confused. Is Mr. Roginsky going to participate in the The National
9/11 Debate, to be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel Airport-Convention
Center 5055 International Blvd, N. Charleston, South Carolina on 9/16/06? Or is
he going to debate Mr. Holgrem, who -- as far as I know -- is not
participating in the above-described debate -- in a one-on-one debate?

Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

The following was an interesting revelation... more or less confirmed my suspicions that we were dealing with deviants of the Pathocratic variety:

From: Comnlawnet@***
Date sent: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 13:50:57 EDT
Subject: Re: Here's how the debate will go down...

You are Indubitably correct - but not by keen analytical perception, Mr.
rocket surgeon (we say affectionately); their website gives it away; it's
essentially two pals behind a begiling frontpage, and both have a stake in the Al
Qaeda theory - Jon is a close friend of the Olsens, and Jacob works for the
- they have explained those relationships in detail and made them part of
this national debate; goggle it yourself.:

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On 7/11/06 Media Mike said:

First, Holmgren will attempt to question something like, "where is
the evidence of any Boeing 757 seats, engines, wings, tail, or other
identifiable part of said aircraft?"

Then, Roginsky will reply with, "since you have no witnesses saying
that there was a missile fired, it proves that the impact MUST have
been done by Flight 77 as the government claimed. Any other
hypothesis is ridiculous."
The connections of Roginsky et al to the Pathocracy made the subject all the more interesting to me. I could see that Holmgren was being set up and this tended to make me think that I really ought to contribute some information to the list so that when Roginsky et al cranked up the paramoralisms and conversive thinking tactics, it would be easily noted and countered.
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