Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

At this point, it began to look like everybody on the list was just wanting to promote their own pages, ideas, books, etc, and the list had become just one big, captive, audience for self-promotion.

From: Gerard Holmgren
Date sent: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 22:16:30 EDT
Subject: 9/11 Debate, see:

Some no plane evidence is here

There's plenty more which I haven’t yet got collated on to that page.
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:49:51 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: jimmywynn
To: Snipped List
Subject: Patriot related communication

Please visit the following link and take a look at some of the postings. It will not be a waste of
your time.

Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Date sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:24:45 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Jon Moseley
To: Gerard Holmgren and Snipped List
Subject: Re: Jon's answer
Gerard Holmgren wrote:

[[So if I can summarize:

The basis for your belief that planes hit the tower is that you saw *one* tower get hit - live on TV.]]

Jon Moseley wrote

[[No, that is not correct.]]

OK. So of can correct the summary:

Watching the hit live yourself, did not make you believe that planes had hit the tower.

I very specifically suggested that this was the basis of your belief and you said

[[No, that is not correct.]]

So at the time of viewing it live, you had doubts as to whether the image was real.

But you subsequently satisfied yourself that it was real on the basis that

[[The basis is that tens of thousands of people watched it live, and EVERY INDEPEDNENT TELEVISION CHANNEL SEPARATELY SHOWED THE SAME THING, including photographs by newspaper journalits,e tc.

Also, dozens of PRIVATELY OWNED videocameras all showed the same thing from different angles, and hundreds of privately owned cameras took pictures of the same thing.]]

So initially, you had doubts of the reality of the image which you saw on TV, and then subsequently extinguished those doubts through research which led to the above statement.
Can you describe that research process for us please Jon? Specific links would be appreciated.
Where did you get the idea that I had doubts? As a matter of fact, as an attorney with a home office, I as at home with the television on watching the news cameras showing the first tower burning. News helicopters were already showing the scene. One of my friends is a free-lance journalist who covers stories for Russian television, and left her main job to go grab her television cameraman and rush to the Pentagon.

So, between changing channels for commercials and to skip unimportnat informatin, I flipped to many different news channels. I spent much of the day watching television news and feeding information to my journalist friend over the cell phone, while she filmed the scene at the Pentagon for broadcast to Russia. I tape recorded much of the coverage so that she would have background information for her report.

However, your focus is erroroneous. You propose the idea that no airplane hit the WTC and that dozens of tlevision cameras showing a plane hitting the towers, not to mention newspaper photojournalists, and private independent cameras, are all faked.

The focus should be on HOW exactly you imagine that ALL news channels showed faked television views of teh biggest and most prominent feature of the NYC skyline, without any journalist in the news helicopters -- assigned to go LOOK AT the twin towers -- said otherwise.

Youneed to explain how you assert (without any evidence by the way) that EVERY news channel in the WORLD based out of NYC al showed an airplane hittting the WTC twin towers, but that isn't so.

I think you are dodging a serious discussion of the truth by refusing to explain or support your central thesis, and instead talking about individual stories.

Things you do not seem to appreciate about American journalism;

o There is no government news agency in America. All are privately owned.

o NYC is the news capital of the USA (along with NJ just across the river), so there are the greatest number of independent news channels and journalists from around the world in NYC.

oThe 2nd tower was struck about 20 minutes after the first one. So the entire NYC news media -- which is the national (but privately owned) news media was already watching the WTC twin towers when teh second tower hit.

o NYC has journalists and television news cameras from news media around the world, not merely domestic media. So you have to account for how ALL journalists from around the world were in on the conspiracy.

o The greatest way to fame and fortune as a journalist is to add a politician's scalp to your belt. Ever since Watergate, journalists go into the business and they LIVE AND BREATH for the opportunity to destroy a President or any lesser government official. Yet in your theory, those very same journalists cooperated in doctoring teleivision views from dozens of news cameras?

 How do you imagine that hundreds if not thousands of journalists -- whose surest path to fame and fortune and immortality in the news business would be to expose a conspiracy and bring down a President -- instead helped doctor television scenes?

o Most government workers, civil servants, are liberal who vote against George Bush. Civil servants are always in a political battle with Republicans, who usually want to cut the Federal budget. Yet you assume that air traffic controllers and airport radar operators would all support a President they hate? Remember these liberals all believed on 9/10/11 that George Bush stole the election and was not legitimate. Yet you assume that these civil servants who hate George Bush would lie for him about a criiminal conspiracy to commit mass murder?

o America's system of government means that the NYC police and firefighters DO NOT report to the national government, nor even to the New York State government. The New York State government is elected independently from the national government. And the NYC government is elected independently from BOTH the national and State governments.

o NYC is one of the most liberal (i.e., Bush-hating, anti-Republican (the party in power) city in America. The government answers to highly liberal voters who would be delighted to bring down George Bush and even see him in jail. If there were the slightest indication of a criminal conspiracy to murder NYC firefighters and other New Yorkers, the firefighters and NYC government would be convening a grand jury to indict Bush Administration leaders... with glee. Yes, NYC has had two recent Republican mayors, but only because they are very liberal (break with Bush on most policies). And the voters, city workers, and firefighters are greatly liberal and opposed to the Bush Administration.

 So how do you imagine that all the firefighters who answer to the local voters of NYC, not the White House, and who saw their colleagues killed in large numbers, all agreed to lie about the aircraft debris all over the WTC site?

 And for all of this, your evidence is.... WHAT, exactly?

Jon Moseley

Jon Moseley
(703) 850-3733
Fax: (703) 783-0449
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:37:27 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Jon Moseley <>
To: Gerard Holmgren
Subject: Re: Jon's answer

Obviously, I meant to say that I watched the 2nd airplane hit the 2nd tower along with everyone else. There were then reports of additional threats, such as a fire or bomb on the Washington Mall or at the State Department.

THEN I called my journalist friend and told her that she should ask to leave before D.C. became a commuting zoo with people rushing home (DC. shuts down when they see a snow flake, so you can imagine), and because her building was near the Washington Mall.

Instead of going home to safety, she went to get her cameraman. She only got to cover news stories for NTV when the main, official journalists for NTV could not be everywhere at once. So a story this big would immeidately mean that she might have a chance to go get comment from the State Department or even the White House while NTV's main, full-time journalists went to New York to cover the then-burning twin towers.

About that time, Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. ONLY THEN did I mean to say that she went to the Pentagon.

Knowing who we are dealing with, no, she did not have any advance knowledge. I told her over the cell phone that an airplane had just hit the Pentagon, and in reaction to that she changed her destination and took her cameraman to the Pentagon, walking through Arlington Cemetery because of the traffic jams.

Jon Moseley

Jon Moseley
(703) 850-3733
Fax: (703) 783-0449
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: Jacob Roginsky
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:41:27 -0400
Subject: Re: [AMOJ_MAIN] The Fat Lady Sings -- 9-11 Conspiracy discussion
is over
Send reply to:

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

I see problems with each of the eight questions/points. Now that
Gerry presented his most important points in support of the theory
that government conspired to commit 911, perhaps we could have a
serious disciplined discussion of the points he raised. I am open
to doing it in a debate format, if he is willing. If not, maybe we can
at least have a disciplined discussion of the subject.

I do not believe in addressing multiple points at the same time -- focus
is too easily lost. Whether Gerry wishes to debate or just discuss
the issues, I believe he will have to address the points he raised. I,
therefore, start by asking him a question regarding his first assertion,
namely that "It has been proven that 8 of the "perpetrators" are still

Gerry, please provide your sources and evidence that in fact
"It has been proven that 8 of the "perpetrators" are still alive."

Jacob Roginsky
From: Comnlawnet
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 15:06:19 EDT
Subject: 9/11 Debate: First "crash:" Am Air Flt 11, hit North Tower WTC-2

(Just to clarify, Nth tower means North Tower, Bldg 2, which was the first
hit (and the second plane was Flt 175 which hit the South Tower Tower, Bldg 1
(WTC-1)' correct?

This first hit was not televised "live time" as it was sudden and unexpected-
but it served to focus world attention on the twin towers, so everyone could
see what would happened next, if anything - which turned out to be
spectacular - one of shock and awe; an event that literally changed the world, an
event that threw America into panic (at least in the minds of TV producers) and
caused a state of siege {imposed from Washington, not OBL) .

New discovery reveals a possibility that the itinerent footage may have been
falsified, others examine that analysis and say "no way," so their evidence
will have to be studied.

Are we to understand that Flt. 175, the spectacular fireball that struck the
South Tower, Bldg 1, WTC-1, was mere videotography too ? No airplane ? A
replay of "War of the Worlds," the 1950's radio hoax ?

Keep your cards and letters (and computer generated graphics) going, we have
a lot to see and hear on what's going on and what might happen next.

If you want off this list, just reply; "delete me.")

Goggle serach results for Flight 11"

Flight 11
The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th

American Airlines Flight 11 is the plane that hit the World Trade Center's
North Tower. It was a Boeing 767-223ER on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los
Angeles, with 81 passengers, nine flight attendants, and two pilots.
Known Course

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of
Flight 11. Note that Albany is positioned about 50 miles south of its actual

At 7:59 AM, Flight 11 took off from Boston's Logan Airport. _1 _

At 8:13, the last communication between ground control and the pilots took place. _2 _

At 8:15 Boston Air Traffic Control began unsuccessful attempts to contact the pilots after the plane failed
to respond to an order to climb. _3 _

At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controlled concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked, _4 _ _5 _

Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers
reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. _6 _

Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade
Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the _lack of public
information_ ( . According
to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs
that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of
trouble. _7 _

Flight attendant Betty Ong Phone Calls

At 8:21, phone calls from two flight attendants allegedly began. Betty Ong
called Vanessa Minter at American Airlines reservations. _8 _

Flight attendant Madeline Sweeney called American Airlines ground manager Michael Woodward at Logan and spoke calmly to him for 25 minutes until the plane crashed. Supposedly the call was not recorded and Woodward took notes. Her first comment is "Listen, and listen to me very carefully. I'm on Flight 11. The airplane has been hijacked."

At 8:45, just before the crash, she said "I see the water. I see the
buildings. I see buildings," then after a pregnant pause, a quiet "Oh, my God!" _9 _


At 8:46 Flight 11 collided with the _North Tower_
( . (There is no evidence for the assertions by
some people, such as proponents of the _bumble planes theory_
( , that the North Tower was hit by
something other than Flight 11.) Human remains recovered from Ground Zero _were
identified_ ( as
belonging to Flight 11 victims.



1. _Timeline in Terrorist Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Washington Post,
9/12/01_ (
_[cached]_ (

2. _Transcript American Airlines Flight 11, New York Times, 10/16/01_
( _[cached]_
3. _'We have planes. Stay quiet' - Then silence, Guardian, 10/17/01_
(,1300,575518,00.html) _[cached]_
4. , ABC News, 9/14/01
5. , New York Times, 9/15/01
6. , Christian Science Monitor, 9/13/01
7. NORAD's Response Times, NORAD, 9/18/01 _[cached]_
8. _Probe reconstructs horror, calculated attacks on planes, Boston Globe,
( _[cached]_
9. _Calm Before the Crash, ABC News, 7/18/02_

Timeline in Terrorist Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

Staff and Wire Reports

September 12, 2001; 9:04 p.m.
A timeline of the attacks in the United States on Tuesday (times EDT),
according to witnesses, authorities and media reports:

7:45-7:59 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 departed Boston for Los Angeles.

7:58-8:14 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 departed Boston for Los Angeles.

8:01-8:42 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 departed Newark for San Francisco.

8:10-8:20 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 departed Dulles for Los Angeles.

8:38 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration notified the military air
defense command of a hijacking.

8:43 a.m.: The FAA notified military authorities of a second hijacking.

8:46 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11, carrying 92 people from Boston to
Los Angeles, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center.

8:53 a.m.: The fighter jets from Otis Air Force Base took off and headed
toward New York City.

8:55 a.m.: Flight 77 began turning east, away from its intended course.

9:02 a.m: United Airlines Flight 175, carrying 65 people from Boston to Los
Angeles, crashes into south tower of the World Trade Center.

9:10 a.m.: Flight 77 was detected by radar in West Virginia, heading east.

9:25 a.m. :The FAA notified military air defense that Flight 77 was headed
toward Washington.

9:25 a.m.: Two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled at a Langley Air Force Base
in Virginia.

9:28 a.m.: President Bush in Florida calls the crashes an "apparent
terrorist attack on our country."9:35 a.m.: The jets from Langley took off.

9:37 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77, carrying 64 people from Washington
to Los Angeles, crashed into the west side of the Pentagon.

9:48 a.m.: The Capitol and West Wing of the White House were evacuated.

9:49 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration bars aircraft takesoffs
across the country. International flights in progress told to land in Canada.

9:50 a.m.: 1 World Trade Center " the south tower " collapses.

9:55 a.m.: President Bush leaves Florida for a secure location, Barksdale
AFB, Louisiana.

10:10 a.m.: Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. The military never sent
planes up to intercept the flight. A senior military official said the Pentagon
was not informed prior to the crash of any problems with the flight.

10:29 a.m.: 2 World Trade Center " the north tower " collapses.

10-11:30 a.m.: Government buildings around the country are evacuated,
including the Capitol and the White House. The United Nations closes. The
Securities and Exchange Commission closes all U.S. financial markets for the day. New
York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani calls for evacuation of lower
Manhattan.12:36 p.m.: Bush again goes on TV to express the nation's resolve to defend
against terrorism.

1:20 p.m.: Bush leaves Louisiana for secure for Offutt AFB in Nebraska,
where he again addresses the nation on TV.

2:51 p.m.: The Navy dispatches missile destroyers and other equipment to New
York and Washington.

4:30 p.m.: Bush departs Nebraska, arriving in Washington at 6:50.

5:25 p.m.: 7 World Trade Center collapses.

NOTE: Pentagon times for aircraft takeoffs differ from times cited by the
FBI for departure. Crash times differ as well
© 2001 The Washington Post Company
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "William Douglas"
Subject: FOX NEWS SUPPORTS DEATH THREATS on Scholars for 9/11 Truth Activist --
Date sent: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 17:31:56 -0500

FOX NEWS SUPPORTS DEATH THREATS on Scholars for 9/11 Truth Activist --
Rupert Murdoch
Bull-Goose Loonie & Fascist Billionaire Extraordinaire
Fox News

Dear Mr. Murdoch,

It has come to my attention that one of your announcers, Bill O'Reilly,
has stated on national television that he would like to see me murdered
and thrown into Boston Harbor.

Since I get so many email death threats I can't keep track of them
(among the 10% of my 9/11-related emails that are negative) this is a
pretty inflammatory thing to say. If anything were to happen to me, Fox
News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family
might very well end up in control of the Murdoch fortune. You may wish
to consider urging your friends in the White House to offer me Secret
Service protection. Please assign me the guy who said "we're out of
here" to Bush when the second plane hit the building at 9:04 - not the
higher-up who overruled him and kept Bush reading about pet goats while
our nation was allegedly under surprise attack. See: Secret
Service agent who said "we're out of here" before being overruled was
honest. That's the guy I want protecting my life.

Also, you might want to tell O'Reilly that HE'S the one who should
worry about ending up in Boston Harbor. 9/11 was an act of high treason
and mass murder, and media figures complicit in the cover-up will be
viewed, a few years hence, the way we now view Dr. Goebbels.

The last time a bunch of empire-builders tried to trample on our
rights, we had a little uprising called the American Revolution. It's
time for another one. Let's kick it off with another Boston Tea Party-a
little red-white-and-blue version of V-for-Vendetta-and throw the whole
Fox News crew, along with the traitors in this administration, straight
into Boston Harbor.


Kevin Barrett
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Edgewood College of Madison

******************** BACKGROUND INFO ON 9/11 BELOW***************

"LOOSE CHANGE" a 9/11 documentary viewed by 10 million Americans, which
exposes that 9/11 had to have inside complicity with people in the highest
echelons of our government.

Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "Gerard Holmgren"
To: "'Jacob Roginsky'" ,
"'Rosalee Grable'" and SNIPPED LIST
Subject: RE: Anything you want...
Date sent: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 08:20:25 +1000

Jacob Roginsky wrote to Rosalee Grable:
> Once it became obvious that my original plan was a very bad idea, I
welcome alternative arrangements as well.

You forgot to mention that you offered me a neutral forum, then allowed
Holmgren to post his bogus claims about the debate and my supposed
concession, then suspended my password so that I could not reply to
Holmgren in the same forum, and, further kept Holmgren's post at the
site unchallenged. You, ma'am are a fraud.

> Lying and snivelling and namecalling seemed out of character with the
original demeanor you projected, but that's all your "response"
consisted of.

Lying, cheating, and yapping for your master has been very much "in
character" with your demeanor throughout.

> I was terribly disappointed and hope that you will do better and
address the issues instead of projecting your character onto Holmgren.
No, the character of Holmgren can't be confused with anyone's. You
might see that too if you pull your nose out of his rectum and looked
beyond his buttocks. Fresh air would also do you wonders.

Jacob Roginsky
Jacob, can you lie straight in bed.

The password was changed *after* you stated explicitly that the debate was
over, that you would have nothing to do with it. It was changed because you
declared that there would be "war" if the posts were not taken down.

Whether correctly or not, we feared that you would prosecute the "war" by
removing the page yourself.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
Subject: Latest Smoking Gun
Date sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 04:28:42 -0500
To: Nico Haupt and SNIPPED List

From: Bonnie Faulkner (by way of s culver)

Date: July 20, 2006 4:12:37 PM EST
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Fwd: The WTC smoking gun?

Steven Jones explained to me (in an interview yet to be aired) that in
controlled demolition the columns are cut on an angle so that they slide
off of each other.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Nila Sagadevan
Date: July 20, 2006 7:50:39 PM PDT
Subject: The WTC smoking gun?

Dear friends and colleagues,

Several months ago I distributed the following photo of a fireman at
Ground Zero standing in front of a massive central-core column that has
clearly been cut at an angle.

[see fireman-jpg]

You might recall that the angled cut clearly visible on the column
(middle of photo) was the cause of vigorous discussion amongst many of us. We
generally agreed at the time that the case for Thermate was not quite
watertight based on what's visible in the photo. It was argued by some --
experienced welders included -- that the cut could have been the result
of a wrecker's cutting torch. It was argued that while the melted iron
residue along the cut-line could have been produced by a Thermate reaction, it
could just as well have been slag from an oxy-acetylene cut.

Well, I now believe we have photographic evidence that could constitute
very strong proof that that cut was caused by pre-positioned explosives.

The two photos below are screen-captures from a videotaped interview
of a professional controlled-demolition crew at work setting up a
steel-framed high-rise building for a pull. Note the carefully calculated angle of
the shaped-charge positioned on the column in the photo below.

[see shaped-.jpg]

I am currently in possession of a segment of the interview that shows a
technician actually setting up shaped charges on several massive steel
columns. In the video, the man goes on to verbally explain that the
charges are positioned at an angle for a very specific reason: when the
explosion causes the beam to sever, gravity loads assist separation by
forcing the upper section - now cleanly severed - to laterally "walk"
away from the stationary lower portion down the angled "slope", thereby
initiating collapse of the mass above it.

A straight cut, on the other hand, would simply cause the upper
section to drop straight down onto the lower thereby arresting any further

I think it should be clear to anyone who carefully compares these two
scenarios that the beams at the WTC and those shown in the video were
setup in similar fashion for like purpose (albeit with possibly different
types of explosives).

I believe this very significant new information could well hold up in a
court of law when these criminals are tried for murder AND treason.

Please distribute this information widely.

NB: Credit for these new photos should be given to the producers of the
soon-to-be-released movie, 9/11 Mysteries ( I feel
privileged to have been invited to watch a rough-cut of this new movie.
It is simply outstanding. Look for it online line in early August.

Kind regards,


Bonnie Faulkner
Producer, Guns and Butter
Wednesdays, 1pm - KPFA 94.1FM
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Like I said, the list had become a captive audience for advertising and self-promotion...

Date sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:35:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nico Haupt
Subject: 911tvfakery.blogspot at NY HOPE6 Hacker Conference (07/21)
To: Nico Haupt and SNIPPED LIST

http://911tvfakery.blogspot.comFriday, July 21, 2006
911tvfakery.blogspot at NY HOPE6 Hacker Conference (07/21)
911tvfakery.blogspot at NY HOPE6 Hacker Conference (07/21)

On Sunday, July 23 2006, will present their findings
at the hopenumbersix in Hotel Pennsylvannia, New York City.

An overview of the presentation is also described at the HOPE 6 WIKI.

It will take place at the open forum panels on the 18th floor (Area C) on Sunday, July 23 2006
between 10AM and 12AM EST.

The host of this presentation, Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 had also presentations about 9/11 at the
last two conferences (HOPE 5, 2004 and HOPE 4, 2002).

Potential podcasts will be announced.

HOPE Number Six is this summer's hacker conference sponsored by 2600 Magazine. Presenters and
artists from all nationalities and disciplines will be participating in this forum. HOPE Number Six
covers all aspects of hacking, the community surrounding it, and its effects across the world. For
three days, The Hotel Pennsylvania will be the nexus of discussion, planning, and activity for
hacker ideas, opportunities, and understanding.

There will be three tracks running throughout - two scheduled and one for talks scheduled on the
spot (AREA C).
From: "President, USA Exile Govt."
Subject: A 9/11 Truth Feeder March
Date sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:39:34 -0500
To: Nico Haupt and SNIPPED List

Dear 9/11 Truth Colleagues,

I'm sending you my Free Voice of America (FVOA) newsfeed for today
as a way of suggesting that there be a 9/11 Truth Movement Feeder March
in DC August 12 (see bottom).

Maybe start it at the Injustice Department to demand release of
9/11 Insider Trading info, then from there "feed" into Lafayette Park.



From: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Date: July 21, 2006 9:48:59 AM EST
Subject: URGENT: A Day in the LIfe: 7/21/6

Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 21, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I urge you now to go to this link directly below and meditate all
the images there. Please trust me on this one: there's something going
down and you don't know what it is till you've seen these photos.

Innocent Children Killed: Photographic Evidence of Extensive Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon
From the Lebanese People to the So-called "Civilized West": Thank You
July 20, 2006

Okay. What's going down is so huge it starts a new period of
history wherein we must (to quote a friend) stretch ourselves to whole
new limits.

We don't stand much chance against all this unless we soon mount a
unified resistance--unified in the broad sense of having overcome the
debilitating left/right distinction and of having brought together the
various individual movements from all aspects of current US society.

This is why the first two pieces below provide us with such an
important left/right unity.

I had planned to send you much more today--including some important
input from Black Commentator. But I shall save everything else (except
for a bulletin about relevant demos August 12 in DC and elsewhere) till
tomorrow so this can stand alone to give us a basic focus for going

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

PS: I can't vouch for the accuracy of paragraphs five through nine in
David Duke's piece below. Let's hope that he has learned his lesson
about not circulating exaggerated versions of history. Let's also
recognize how valuable it is to have this from him: "What evil has
gripped these supposed Christian leaders, who are supposed to follow
Christ's teaching of love and reconciliation, yet are now screaming
with the Jewish extremists for Christian and Muslim Lebanese blood much
like the rabble led by the Pharisees at the trial of Jesus?"

The US left has done an abominable (nearly non-existent!) job of dealing with
the massive influence in US politics of these various vicious
fundagelical Christians. In any case, Right On. Take It To The Limit.
No Nos Moveran. Aux Barricades!

From: Henri the Celt
Date: July 20, 2006 2:55:12 PM EST
To: AAAHenri
Subject: Hear Dr. Duke's broadcast of this message or Download

Once Again Israel Commits Atrocities and Hurts America
Sell-Out Politicians Applaud the anti-American Invasion of Lebanon

By David Duke

Once again Israel's outrageous actions have hurt America and once again
American politicians are scrambling to betray American interests to the
Jewish extremist, fifth column in government and media.

Hear Dr. Duke's broadcast of this message or Download

Israel's terrorist attacks on the small nation of Lebanon already
proportionately far exceed the carnage of 911.
The Israeli terrorist bombing of Lebanon murdered or maimed thousands
of Lebanese civilians in a war crime of the first magnitude. In
addition to the its crimes against humanity, Israel's actions damage
every true American interest in Lebanon and in the entire Mideast.

It must be remembered that Israel has made relentless terrorist attacks
against a government and nation that America openly supported!

It is the same nation we worked hard with to secure the withdrawal of
Syrian military forces. Lebanon is a nation where 25,000 Americans live
and do business. Not only have these American lives and livelihoods
been put in danger, there will be billions lost to American business
and trade interests. And now, American-made bombs wielded by the
Israeli terrorists are maiming and killing thousands, destroying
airports, roads, bridges, power plants, and entire infrastructure of a
country once friendly to the United States, all with the sickening
obsequiousness of George Bush, puppet of Tel Aviv. Such can only
increase hatred and cause subsequent terrorism against the people of
the United States.

Perhaps even more sickening is the Christian evangelist support of the
terrorist attacks of Israel against Lebanon and their lack of sympathy
for the huge Christian population (as well as innocent Muslims) of the
country that are being slaughtered and made homeless by the Israeli
assault. What evil has gripped these supposed Christian leaders, who
are supposed to follow Christ's teaching of love and reconciliation,
yet are now screaming with the Jewish extremists for Christian and
Muslim Lebanese blood much like the rabble led by the Pharisees at the
trial of Jesus?

These evangelists give unconditional support to supremacist Jews, the
same entity that spearheads the destruction of the Christian faith and
morals in America, the same power that has driven any expression of the
Christian faith, even Christmas carols - from our public life. These
same supremacist Jews are the source of the pornographic deluge on
America, the Hollywood and media moral wasteland corrupting our people,
and they spur on the most destructive of political, moral and cultural

These evangelists support the Jewish religious state of Israel. Yet,
the Jewish religion teaches that Jewish priests properly murdered Jesus
Christ and boiled him in hot semen! God, I know that may sound so crazy
to some of those who have come to for the first time.
Some reading or hearing this will find it hard to believe that Jewish
scripture makes such claims. That's because few Gentiles know the real
nature of the Talmudic Judaism, and the Jewish-influenced media doesn't
exactly broadcast this information to you.

What kind of religion would be so hateful as to even suggest boiling
someone in Semen? I will be called extremist for simply pointing out
the vicious anti-Christian extremism in Jewish scripture, but where is
the criticism of the underlying Jewish extremism itself?

How many people know that the worldwide, powerful Jewish extremist
group, Chabad Lubavitch, teaches that non-Jews are animals, and that
the sole purpose of all non-Jews on earth is to worship and serve the
Jews. They literally believe that Jews are Gods on earth, that hitting
a Jew is the same as hitting God himself, and all other people are the
supernal refuse of creation! I am not talking about some obscure Jewish
sect in the Israeli desert who promotes such supremacism, for this
Jewish hate group was recently honored at the White House of the United
States, and it actually teaches Jewish study lessons in this material
to Jewish White House staffers! The head of White House policy is
himself a Jewish extremist who hosts Chabad Lubavitch leaders in the
White House and introduces them to the President. You can see pictures
of the disturbing spectacle elsewhere on

Corrupted so-called Christian leaders support a nation that has
financed public burnings of New Testament, that teaches arithmetic to
many Israeli school children with a T instead of a plus sign because
the plus sign is too close in appearance to the hated cross! They
support a nation where Christian priests and ministers report being
routinely spat upon by Jewish students on the streets, where recruiting
Christian ministers or priests is punishable by five years in prison!
These evangelists who support anti-Christian Judaism and Israel are
truly "Jewish" evangelists, not Christian ones. And now, in an ultimate
act of Christian betrayal and apostasy, they support the Israeli
terrorism and murder against fellow Christians and against decent
Muslim people in Lebanon.

The level of my disgust at the traitors and sell-outs in Washington,
the level of my disgust at our Jewish-extremist media, and level of my
disgust at so-called Christian leaders who support of this carnage -
knows no bounds.

From the beginning of this conflict, the Jewish-dominated media has
been expectedly biased. Israel illegally occupies the West Bank, they
illegally occupy parts of Syria, as well as parts of Lebanon. There has
been no peace treaty between Israel and their enemies in these nations.
When Palestinians and Hizbollah captured some Israeli soldiers, the
media screamed that they had been "kidnapped." Of course, the reality
is that they were captured in the long-running war against the Israeli
occupiers. As military personnel, they were legitimate targets and the
acts were not terrorism.

Now compare the headlines of the Jewish-dominated media screaming about
the "kidnapping of Israeli soldiers," to the fact that in the over
thirty years of Israeli occupations of Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian
territory, tens of thousands of civilians have been truly kidnapped.
Tens of thousands of civilians have been seized by military and Mossad
and subject to Abu Ghraib-style horrors in the torture chambers of the
only nation that has had legally sanctioned torture. And that include
thousands of women and children who have been imprisoned and tortured.
Israel has also assassinated thousands of those who resisted their
occupation, even non-violent clerics who spoke against Israel's
injustice. They have indiscriminately bombed whole cities and towns to
rubble with thousands of civilian causalities.

Could you imagine the media and government response if Lebanon was
reigning down on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem the kind of devastation being
visited upon Beirut?

The capture of a few Israeli soldiers was used as excuse to launch a
murderous terrorist attacks that have devastated both Gaza and Lebanon,
brought murder or injury to thousands of innocents as well as misery
and loss to millions. In feeble retaliation Hamas and Hizbollah have
launched some rockets at Israeli cities and inflicted a handful of
Israeli casualties, but Israeli power is so overwhelming, thanks to the
Israel hijacking of huge sums of American taxpayer's money, Arab
resistance is comparable to a fly spitting back at a fly swatter.

A perfect example of Israeli cold-blooded murder and terrorism is what
happened in Marwaheen, a little village in Southern Lebanon. The
Israelis, ordered the villagers out, all the men, women and children.
They left in a convoy of 20 cars to go to Tyre. An F-16 attacked the
convoy burned them all alive with bombs.

Contained in this article is a picture symbolizing the nature of Jewish
supremacism and its lack of respect for non-Jewish life, life which
extreme Judaism does not consider human and thus not worthy of any
regard of normal human feelings of mercy and humanity. An AP picture
shows little Jewish school girls who obviously have been instructed to
sign ad send hate messages on the explosive artillery bomb shells that
will reign down terror upon the Lebanese villages and the hapless
civilians in them.

The fact that Israel would even make artillery bombardments on Lebanese
or Gaza cities or settlements is proof in itself of the terrorist
nature of the Israeli attack, for such shells are not like laser-guided
missiles and the like they will go into a large general area and kill
everything living within them, whether it be soldiers, or shopkeepers,
men, women or children, the very oldest or babies in the arms of their
mothers. They will blow to pieces little girls not much different
looking than those shown autographing the terrorist bombs often
destined to take innocent life.

As an American, it hurts my heart that many of the bombs that fall on
innocent people in Lebanon will have been made in American cities and
towns by American citizens, that many of the instruments of death,
maiming and destruction will often be paid for by American taxpayers,
and that our government would tacitly encourage Israel to attack the
nation of Lebanon against every interest of the American people and in
every violation of international law and decency.

What is happening is Lebanon is shameful for Israel and for America.

We must hold our politicians accountable, and put the interests of
America and the principles of decency, First!
I hope all of you listening will do something to preserve the heritage
and freedom of the American people.
And, that you will act to end the slaughter that is going with
American compliance in the Middle East.

David Duke
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Date sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:23:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alex Constantine
Subject: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
To: Nico Haupt and SNIPPED List

The case detailed below needn't have failed - a
precendent exists in a lawsuit filed by two reporters
against Fox News. Fox argued in court that it is "not
illegal to lie to the public." Isn't it?

Ralph Nader took the stand for the plaintiffs and
pointed out without reservation that the authors of
the FCC charter took mass media deception very
seriously - a basic tenet of the charter forbids
betraying the trust of the media outlet's audience.
Trumped by Nader and the FCC's cornerstone document,
Fox lost the lawsuit. It is never mentioned on the

Nader's statements did not apply directly to the
reporters' situation, however, but to the rights of
consumers. Freedom of speech is not at the core of
this issue, as the court decided below inappropriately
- the issue is freedom to deceive, and there is no
such right extended under current law as applied to
the mass media.

- AC

Local woman explains conspiracy views of 9/11 Pfeif sued Herald over the issue

July 15, 2006
By Alex Ritzenberg | Herald Staff Writer

Judith Pfeif, known by many for her stance against The
Durango Herald in a June small-claims court case,
spoke of ulterior motives, high-level corruption and
government conspiracy behind the Sept. 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks in an interview this week.

The Durango woman sued the Herald for $7,500 to pay
for what she says were efforts to expose inside-job
theories about the cause of the Sept. 11 attacks. In
June, 6th Judicial District Court Magistrate Douglas
S. Walker ruled for the defendant, citing
constitutional and case law upholding freedom of
speech and freedom of the press.

Pfeif has decided against an appeal but maintains that
mainstream newspapers have shirked their
responsibility to investigate and publish information
alleging government complicity in the attacks.

"I've taken the initiative to provide information, and
as a member of the United States of America, I would
expect more balanced reporting," she said Wednesday.
"I feel like it's a unilateral perception right now,
and it's brainwashing in our community."

Pfeif was instrumental in organizing two protests in
front of the Herald this past spring. For Wednesday's
interview, she brought a stack of newspaper clips, Web
site printouts and theory-promoting DVDs - examples of
the multitude of smaller, less mainstream media
sources that she said espouse theories of federal foul

Pfeif said she strongly supports the ideas presented
on the Web at

"There are too many unanswered questions," she said.
"Why were there puffs of smoke at every level of the
(World Trade Center) building? Why did they ship the
ruins of the building off to another site?"

Pfeif has been researching Sept. 11 behind-the-scenes
theories since 2004. Before the court hearing, Pfeif
gathered 193 signatures from La Plata County citizens
in support of the inside-job theory.

Bruce Coley, a Durango resident who attended the June
trial to support Pfeif, says he has come across 50 to
75 people in the city who have expressed doubts about
"the official story." Coley said he approached Richard
Ballantine, publisher of the Herald and a defendant in
the June lawsuit, during the trial.

"I told Richard that Pfeif is not alone in this -
there are thousands of people who believe this. I have
a business, and you kind of get the feeling that
(Pfeif and I) are not alone. The official story
doesn't hold water when you look at the evidence," he

Coley said the strongest piece of evidence is the
mysterious collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade

He said he is disappointed in the lack of mainstream
media coverage. "You have to dig on the Internet to
find this out. That's what's disappointing. If
newspapers would take that responsibility on and have
a lead role, they could expose people to it and let
them decide for themselves," he said.

Ballantine said mainstream media does not give the
issue the attention Pfeif and Coley ask for because
nearly every event could be potentially interpreted as
a conspiracy. After so many false alarms, he said, the
media is skeptical.

"After all, the media is occasionally accused of
orchestrating conspiracies when in fact journalists
are too busy to have time," Ballantine said. "But that
apparently thousands of people follow some or all of
the 9/11 conspiracy theories to some degree, spending
time and money pointing out discrepancies and sharing
imaginative explanations, supporting the most
persuasive, is a story."
From: "Gerard Holmgren"
To: "'Alex Constantine'" and SNIPPED List
Subject: RE: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Date sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 09:28:25 +1000

In that case, perhaps we should sue Nader, since he lied just as much as
they did.
Date sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 19:40:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alex Constantine
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
To: Gerard Holmgren and SNIPPED List

Gerard: Nader's courtroom testimony in the Fox case
cited earlier was accurate enough, I believe - it is
illegal for broadcasters, at least, to betray the
trust of thier audience - but I don't think that's
what you meant when you mentioned a Nader lie.
Anyways, the same legal point is made in organized
legal pressure applied to stop the airing of fake

At a Washington press event today, Free Press and our
partners at the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
will release a groundbreaking report on the extent to
which corporate propaganda has infiltrated local TV
newscasts across the country.... This deception is

Local Television's Dirty Little Secret

... This deception is a breach of the trust between
local stations and their communities. By disguising
advertisements as news, stations violate both the
spirit and the letter of their broadcasting licenses,
which obligate them to serve public interest.
Tell the FCC to Crack Down on Local News
Deception?Read the Center for Media and Democracy's
Full Report?Uncover Fake News in Your Community
New Report: Fake TV News Widespread and Undisclosed

WASHINGTON The Center for Media Democracy and Free
Press today exposed an epidemic of fake news
infiltrating local television broadcasts across
country. At a press conference in Washington with FCC
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein, the groups called
for a crackdown on stations that present
corporate-sponsored videos as genuine news to an
unsuspecting audience....

State propaganda is fake news, too, and "betrays the
trust of the community." Legal grounds exist to put a
stop to it.

- AC
Alex Jones predicts WWIII in the next two months

alex jones prediction was put on by fox news the news reader coughs just after certain points (trying to imply its ridiculous) to me this news piece means two things that they are trying to jump ship or they are setting him up for a fall as he said they might do. i am undecided on where this is heading at the moment

to see it click on the link below:
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "Gerard Holmgren"
To: "'Alex Constantine'" and SNIPPED List
Subject: RE: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Date sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 09:28:25 +1000

I haven't read the details of the case, but I'm just putting things in a
wider context.

The wider point is that Nader himself lied about the subject, and was more
than happy to have the media convey his lies back when that was convenient.

Now that's its become convenient for him to adjust his own shade of lying,
he wants them to be culpable for conveying his old lies, thus forcing them
to tell his new lies.

Until he changes his mind with the tide once more, and then decides that his
truth version number 2 also turned out to be a lie, in which case, perhaps
they can be again be sued for conveying his second set of lies, thus forcing
then to fall into line with his third set of lies.

Once again, the perps control both sides of the argument and are always
there to come to each other's rescue, ironically by hanging each other out
when it becomes necessary from time to time.

If FOX goes for lying, then Nader should go treason and complicity after the
fact to mass murder and war crimes. And also for complicity in the aiding
the media lies - if there is such a charge.

The reason why this is a sore point with me, goes back to the very first
months after Sept 11.

For a start, common sense dictates that Nader himself could not possibly
have believed the full official story from day 1. Someone in his position
would have known straight away that it was a stinker.

By Nov/Dec 2001, when I had become confident enough with the arguments that
it was an inside job - just LIHOP at that time, as I saw it - I naively
thought that simply spreading the news to "alternative groups" would help
get the ball get rolling with a momentum which would snowball across the
world in unstoppable fashion.

So I took the TENC articles, which were most of the best of what was around
at the time, and spent dozens of hours at my computer searching the net for
suitable organizations and people to send them to.

As part of this, I spent a lot of time systematically finding every possible
branch of the Green party in every Englsih speaking country I could think of
and mailing to them.

So hundreds of branches of the green party across the US and Canada got an
email from me detailing the TENC research and linking to it.

The responses were mixed. Some simply didn't respond. A few individuals sent
me cautious notes of thanks and interest, but they were outweighed by tides
of vitriol and threats to make a complaint against my ISP.

But it should be noted that ironically, I myself first became alerted to the
TENC work through an email sent by someone from a Green Party branch in the
US somewhere. It went through a big chain of forwards before getting to me.

So the picture appeared to be that there was a certain amount of grass roots
level interest amongst some Green party people but resistance from the
higher levels.

It was pretty much the same with the Australian Greens. Some cautious
interest from rank and file individuals and a torrent of abuse and ridicule,
or quiet looking the other way from higher up.

Now - what did Nader know and when did he know it ?

If its fair to ask this question of Bush, (in relation to before the event)
then its fair to ask it (in relation to immediately after the event) of
someone who was also a presidential candidate - thus deceiving the people
into believing that "choice" in the political process was acting as a check
and balance mechanism against extreme levels of corruption - something which
I naively believed in prior to Sept 11.

I can't imagine that I was the only person doing this kind of emailing.
Given the bombarding which the rank and file Greens would have received -
given that it was a rank and file Green Party member who first got me
started, and given what someone has to know a fair bit anyway to even stand
for President at that level of profile...

Nader of course deserves a fair trial. We can't assume with too much
certainty on the basis of what I've written here.

But "what did he know and when did he know it?" is an entirely fair
question, which Nader now belatedly wants to be asked of other people - but
not of himself.

And somehow this is the person who ends up as a key figure in busting the
media for lying.

Suing the media for "lying" is merely a cover for trying to force them to
change their brand of lies because the old brand is no longer useful.

That's my wider point.

Perhaps an even wider view is that we're just about past the point where
Sept 11 is a current issue any more. It's almost into the realm of an
historical debate now.

And given that, the subsequent cover up is now as big an issue as the
attacks themselves. Because that is still a currently unfolding issue. When
the events of the day itself issue was still "current" so to speak, it
seemed reasonable to describe the "perps" - generically as one group - they
orchestrated it and then understandably covered up their own crime. But as
time has gone on, its become increasingly obvious that the orchestration
perps actually didn't need to do much covering up.

There were plenty of people, who presumably had no foreknowledge but were
more than happy to join the cover up team after the event.

Nader is a prime suspect as a major player in this. Someone who was ideally
situated to blow the lid early, chose to cover up instead, and now wants to
rewrite his role, while *still* covering up.

The Aladdin's lie movement.

"New lies for old ! New lies for old ! "
Date sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:51:42 +0200
From: Jimmy Walter
To: Gerard Holmgren
Copies to: "'Alex Constantine'" and SNIPPED List
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11

The prosecutors have the absolute control of whether they prosecute or not!
They hold all the judgeships and prosecutor positions.
They control the supreme kangaroo court.
The only question is when and where the next 911 will happen.
I now have upgraded the middle east to number one. The mass murders
going on in Lebanon will escalate into an attack on Syria and then Iran.
A nuclear weapon going off against Israel troops on the border or
anywhere else will be the excuse.
The news is already preparing people for the attack on Syria.
Date sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:27:52 +0100
From: Veronica Chapman
To: Jimmy Walter
Copies to: Gerard Holmgren and SNIPPED List
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11

Hi Jimmy,

You are, of course, absolutely right.

But there are still some very brave people in the world, like these:

(Read down, past the BS, to the protesters)


At this point, I thought that maybe this line of discussion might lead to something fruitful since I DO consider the media to be the FIRST thing that must be dealt with if anything is ever to be accomplished. We either have to take back control of it or find a way around it. So, after so long just being a lurker on the list, I wrote another short post:

From: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
To: Jimmy Walter
Date sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 14:53:06 +0200
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Copies to: Bonnie Faulkner and SNIPPED List

On 24 Jul 2006, at 12:51, Jimmy Walter wrote:

> The prosecutors have the absolute control of whether they prosecute or not!
> They hold all the judgeships and prosecutor positions. They control the
> supreme kangaroo court.

You are SO right. The U.S. is largely following the template of Nazi
Germany. Ingo Muller's book, "Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third
Reich", provides analysis of the evidence suggesting that most German judges
were ultraconservative nationalists who were sympathetic to Nazi goals. In
other words, the "Nazification" of German law occurred with the willful
cooperation of judges.

The same thing is happening in the U.S. right now. They own the media, the
judiciary, the voting machines. It's a dictatorship in all but name...

Jimmy Walter wrote:
>The only question is when and where the next 911 will
> happen. I now have upgraded the middle east to number one. The mass murders
> going on in Lebanon will escalate into an attack on Syria and then Iran. A
> nuclear weapon going off against Israel troops on the border or anywhere else
> will be the excuse. The news is already preparing people for the attack on
> Syria.

Sounds logical to me. They might even take out a major Israeli city (false
flag). After all, to the Zionists, their own people are just fodder for
their expansionist plans.

But what to do about the fact that the average U.S. citizen has really had
enough? Do you think that they will support a war just because there's a
nuke involved? Based on the emails I'm getting from readers, a lot of U.S.
citizens (the quiet majority, not the fundie fanatics pushing for the
rapture) are heartily sick of Israel and wish it would go away.

So, do you think this is a reasonable assessment? That they will also have
to stage something in the U.S. to drive America to war?

Date sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 14:36:09 +0100
From: Veronica Chapman
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Copies to: Jimmy Walter and SNIPPED List
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11


LKJ: They might even take out a major Israeli city (false

You are SO right.

LKJ: But what to do about the fact that the average U.S. citizen has really had

Recent editions of British newspapers have been showing flags of all the European Countries calling for a ceasefire on one side of the page ... and the flag of the 3 supporters (US, UK, Israel) on the other.

Last Saturday there were demos in London, Birmingham and Manchester. In fact there have been demos worldwide.

In London even the police were 'subdued' (i.e. they created none of their normal provocation). They just cleared the road and let the thing happen. It was much bigger than the news reports.


Meanwhile, many were still using the list to advertise their own websites and doings:

Date sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 06:40:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nico Haupt
Subject: Report: 911tvfakery.blogspot at NY HOPE6 Hacker Conference (07/23)
Report coming up soon.

As announced last week, had a 2 hour presentation including visuals at
HOP6, Hacker Conference in NY, Hotel Pennsylvannia.

Furthermore it was pointed out that the leadership of the most popular 9/11 truth groups deny and
disagree with the findings.

Furthermore in front of 2000 people at the seperate Key Notes of ex-CIA Robert Steele and Jello
Biafra (ex-Dead Kennedys) both had been confronted with the intense evidence on 9/11 Inside Job, the
popularity of Loose Change and the findings of 911TVFakery. Both repeated, as also in the last 2
years, that they believed in the offcial story of 9/11.

(Jiaffra later was interested in a leaflet of 911tvfakery.blogspot)

Both Biaffra and Steele claimed, they didn't see Loose Change.

....The seperate presentation of was in the open panel area of HOPE 6 and
attracted possibly 20-30 people.
The response was very positive and discrepancies within the footage understood.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
To: Bonnie Faulkner and SNIPPED List
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:50:21 +0200
Subject: Precursor to next 911?

On 24 Jul 2006, at 12:51, Jimmy Walter wrote:

> The only question is when and where the next 911 will
> happen. I now have upgraded the middle east to number one. The mass murders
> going on in Lebanon will escalate into an attack on Syria and then Iran. A
> nuclear weapon going off against Israel troops on the border or anywhere else
> will be the excuse. The news is already preparing people for the attack on
> Syria. jimmy

The following may be the propaganda preceding a false flag OP in the U.S.:

Israeli targets in U.S. on heightened alert

Fear of attacks by Hezbollah sleeper agents
as military campaign in Lebanon continues
Posted: July 24, 2006
9:19 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein
(c) 2006

JERUSALEM - Israel has raised the level of alert for its embassies and
consulates worldwide, including in the U.S., for fear Hezbollah sleeper
agents are seeking to attack Israeli targets oversees, WND has learned.

Israeli security officials also recommended some Jewish institutions in the
U.S. and abroad heighten their alert level as Israel's military campaign in
Lebanon enters its third week following a Hezbollah raid in which two
Israeli soldiers were kidnapped.

The information comes after FBI officials told reporters last week they were
searching for possible Hezbollah agents operating inside the U.S. amid
concerns escalating tensions with Iran could trigger attacks on American
soil. [...]
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Next, I received a private email from Jimmy Walter, the well-known millionaire who funded some activities that didn't accomplish much which suggested to me that he had good intentions, but wasn't, perhaps, well enough informed.

Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:18:47 +0200
From: Jimmy Walter <>
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
52% support military action in Iran now!!!!
Since the message was to me alone, I responded to Walter privately and the following exchange occurred:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Jimmy Walter
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:41:47 +0200

On 25 Jul 2006, at 12:18, Jimmy Walter wrote:

> 52% support military action in Iran now!!!!

Okay, that's a mainstream poll propagated by the mainstream media. My guess is that such are rigged. However, they do have a psychological influence. People tend to shut up and go along with the crowd if they think that this is the way the "crowd" is going.

That means we have to really step up the effort to overcome the media. I see that as our biggest problem.

Second biggest problem is the fact that most of the alternative media is probably also controlled by the "lobby" and is set up as a "straw man" or as tar babies or vacuum cleaner operations. Witness Alex Jones and Rense... both of them obviously co-opted.

A real, serious, strategy is needed... a "war council," so to say. Because, in the end, this IS a war - an information war.

As I have said to others, our chateau here in the South of France is open for such a meeting whenever it can be arranged.

Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:18:17 +0200
From: Jimmy Walter
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11

I live in Vienna and I am available
And so, a glimmer of hope that the idea I had long nurtured might actually come to fruition: to gather the best of the 911 Researchers together to meet and discuss a REAL strategy to overcome the suppression of the Media so that the masses of people all around the world could be awakened to the lies of the Bush and Israeli Neocons and could then, en masse, join together in driving these deviants out of power. I responded:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Jimmy Walter
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:36:53 +0200

On 25 Jul 2006, at 16:18, Jimmy Walter wrote:

> I live in Vienna and I am available

Week of the 18th thru 25th of August? Train or plane? (To Toulouse) Need
pickup or rent car?

Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:47:54 +0200
From: Jimmy Walter
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11

I take the train and I have a small dog.
Having dogs as guests is not unusual in France, a very dog-friendly place. It also seemed only fair in the interests of full disclosure to mention to Walter the fact that this is a smoking house:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Jimmy Walter
Subject: Re: Suing the Media for Lying about 9/11
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:57:09 +0200

On 25 Jul 2006, at 16:47, Jimmy Walter wrote:

>I take the train and I have a small dog.

Dog is fine. We have dog and cat.

We are also 85 % smokers. If that's a problem, we can set you up in hotel or B&B.

And I never heard another word from Walter.

Yup, that was it. End of discussion.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

From: "Mark R. Elsis |"
To: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
Subject: Re: Precursor to next 911?
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:54:02 -0400

September 9, 2006.
This next message to the list was puzzling to me for a lot of reasons. I had always respected the work of Alex Constantine, but there was a strange flavor to this one. It was very much like asking the Bush Administration to investigate 911 when said administration was, in fact, the prime suspect:

Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:20:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alex Constantine
Subject: Re: Dealing with Left Opportunism
To: Nico Haupt and SNIPPED List

This statement attributed to Ariel Sharon - that "Jews control America" - is an anti-Semitic hoax of the sort usually found in National Alliance literature. "According to the IAP press release, the statement was reported on Kol Yisrael. However, CAMERA's calls to Kol Yisrael confirmed that no such broadcast exists. ...":

> > And why would Ariel "Fat Bastard" Sharon say this
> less than ONE MONTH after the 9/11 Mass Murders ???

> ... We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. " - Israeli > Prime Minister, Ariel
> Sharon, October 3, 2001. ---

IAP Manufactures the News, October 3, 2001 See also: IAP Manufactures the News, January 2002
----- Original IAP Story -----
From: Islamic Association For Palestine - <iapinfo@y...>
Date: Wed Oct 3, 2001 7:17 am
Subject: Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure; we control America


Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure; we control America

Occupied Jerusalem: 3 October, 2001 (IAP News)

An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we control America."

According the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col Yisrael Wednesday, Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us.

At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me American will do this and will do that...I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

The radio said Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public because "it would cause us a public relations disaster."
]===== Proudly Serving Palestine and AlQuds

Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
10661 South Roberts Rd, Suite 202
Palos Hills, IL 60465
Tel: 708 974 3380 / Fax: 708 974 3389 /Pager: 1 800 916 8286
Sharon Quote Fabricated by Pro-Hamas Group
by MyJoy18 -

Sharon Quote Fabricated by Pro-Hama -
Sunday November 02, 2003 at 06:55 AM 1701792 / 10350413

The hoax originated from an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, the Islamic Association for Palestine.

May 20, 2002

In a recent column ("Now Isn't the Time for Bush League Moves"), nationally-syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer included bogus and inflammatory allegations against Prime Minister Sharon and Israel's supporters in America.

First, she writes, "In fact, it [American support for Israel's actions] led Prime Minister Sharon to tell his Cabinet recently, "I control America.'" CAMERA conducted extensive Nexis and Internet searches, and found that no mainstream news organization reported as true the fabricated quotation.

The hoax originated from an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, the Islamic Association for Palestine. It said, "An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we control America.'" Notably, in the same press release, a direct quotation changed from "we control America" to "we the Jewish people control America."

IAP writes, "According [to] the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col [sic] Yisrael Wednesday, Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us. At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "...I want to tell you something clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.'"

According to the IAP press release, the statement was reported on Kol Yisrael. However, CAMERA's calls to Kol Yisrael confirmed that no such broadcast exists.

Geyer's second problematic claim is: "Look at U.S. television: One minute, you see pro-Israeli ads saying the Arabs are all dogs..." We could find no evidence that any such ad ever appeared on U.S. television.

Since the Sharon "quotation" and the "Arabs are dogs ad" are preposterous on their face, one would have expected Geyer (and editors who publish her column) to verify their accuracy before including such inflammatory statements in her column.

Geyer's column, which is syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate, is known to have appeared in the Chicago Tribune and the San Diego Union Tribune.

CAMERA P.O. Box 35040
Boston, MA 02135-0001

Phone (617) 789-3672 Fax (617) 787-7853

IAP Manufactures the News #3
by MyJoy18 -

IAP Manufactures the News #3 -
Monday December 15, 2003 at 02:47 AM

[#2 is above. #1 is another story]

Look how one of Islamic Association for Palestine's own **manufactured** news item has become an Anti-Zionist / antisemitic Truth. You read it at IAP first:

Ariel Sharon: "...we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

All references to this quote reported as a news item are attributed to the IAP. No other news source has documented it, not even Israel Radio which IAP claims to be reporting. It is a lie. Now that you you know, will you stop repeating it?

Georgie Anne Geyer Expresses "Regrets" Over False Sharon Quote

June 15, 2002

As noted in a previous posting syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer falsely alleged in her May 10th column that Israeli leader Ariel Sharon had told his Cabinet he controlled the United States:

In fact, it [American support for Israel's actions] led Prime Minister Sharon to tell his Cabinet recently, "I control America."

In the same column Geyer also falsely claimed that pro-Israel televison ads say "the Arabs are all dogs":

Look at U.S. television: One minute, you see pro-Israeli ads saying the Arabs are all dogs...

CAMERA pointed out to Geyer's editors that the Sharon "quote" originated on a pro- Hamas website (the Islamic Association for Palestine), and that it had not been corroborated by any reputable media organization. CAMERA also pointed out that IAP's alleged source, a report on Israel radio, is apparently fictional - Kol Yisrael denied to CAMERA that it had ever broadcast any such report.

When CAMERA requested substantiation from Geyer, the columnist first asserted that she was abroad and would
have to check her notes when she got back home in June. After CAMERA contacted editor Bruce Dold of the Chicago Tribune (which ran the Geyer column), he replied:

Ms. Geyer does indeed cite the same sources you note [an Islamic Association for Palestine press release that claimed Kol Yisrael radio reported the Sharon statement] on the Sharon quote. If you have a statement or confirmation from Kol Yisrael, I'd like to see it. As for the second point [concerning the alleged ads], that is not a direct quote from an ad, but Geyer's own interpretation of the nature of the content.
When we informed Dold that the Kol Yisrael reporter assigned to cover the Israeli Cabinet [where the Sharon statement was alleged to have been made] stated that Sharon had made no such statement, Dold got back to us
with a different story from Geyer, who now claimed that her sources were two anonymous Israelis.

Finally, Geyer's syndicate disseminated the following Editor's Note. It was published June 14 in the Chicago Tribune and Sarasota Herald Tribune and will likely be published by other papers that ran Geyer's May 10 column.

Editor's note: Georgie Anne Geyer's May 10 column included a quote from Ariel Sharon, 'I control America.' This quote was widely reported in the Palestinian press but cannot be confirmed in independent sources. Geyer and Universal Press Syndicate regret not having attributed the quote more specifically.
While the syndicate thus admits that "This quote...cannot be confirmed in independent sources," it obscured the fact that Sharon never uttered the words and that the alleged quotation first appeared in a press release from the pro-Hamas IAP. Since IAP said that Kol Yisrael was their source and Kol Yisrael denies broadcasting any such report, there should be no question that IAP was attempting to perpetrate a hoax. The syndicate also should have written "alleged quote" whenever referring to the supposed statement by Sharon.

Furthermore, the Editor's Note implies that the problem was one merely of mistaken attribution - that it would have been acceptable for Geyer to use the bogus quotation had she cited "Palestinian sources." However, since these sources have been proven false, by what conceivable logic would it be appropriate to publish the quote at all?

Additionally, the Editor's Note fails entirely to address the other major falsehood in Geyer's May 10 column, her outrageous claim that "Look at U.S. television: One minute, you see pro-Israeli ads saying the Arabs are all dogs..."

Repeated CAMERA requests for Geyer to identify the specific ad that led to her "interpretation" have gone
unanswered. Clearly there is no way that her readers could have understood that she was "interpreting" rather than paraphrasing or quoting from a supposed ad. Since it is extremely unlikely that any "U.S. television" station would have broadcast any such ad, Geyer and her syndicate owe her readers another "Editor's Note" or apology.

See also: IAP Manufactures the News, January 2002
Now, if you read the articles above, posted by Alex Constantine, you never actually find that the quote was NOT true, just that the alleged source, Kol Yisrael says it never happened. Do we know that for a fact? Since we know that a lot of things have been scrubbed from the web following 911, and that the perpetrators of that tragedy have made quite a few slips of the tongue at various times and then, later, damage control went into action and managed to efface such traces, how do we know that this is not a similar case?

If the journalist received a report from Israelis who were listening to a broadcast in Hebrew (which I assume is the alleged source of the statement by Sharon), how many people in the West would be aware of it and able to archive it as they have many of the "misstatements" of the Bush Administration.

The fact is that we can't know that this statementy by Sharon never was made. What we see is the same type of damage control in action which is highly suggestive of just that: damage control.

So, it struck me as extremely odd that Alex Constantine - who quite often wrote highly inflammatory articles based on less substantiated hearsay evidence - was promoting this. After all, on the Konformist site, where there is an interview with Constantine, you read such interesting things as the following:

Interview With Alex Constantine

Twenty-Two Questions Answered . . .

Alex Constantine, author, answers email questions posed by CTRL editor Kris Millegan. His books, Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America; Florida/Hollywood Mob Connection, the CIA and O. J. ; Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A and The Covert War Against Rock are available at and other places on-line or at your local bookstore.

CTRL: The Conspiracy Theory Research List

1. What got you interested in conspiracies?

My interest in fascist conspiracies, to be specific, began about 12 years ago. I was the proverbial academic nabob engaged in writing plays and short stories, also book, film and television reviews for publications in southern California. I frowned at any claims of political conspiracies. But back in Ohio I had run an alternative newspaper in a blighted urban area, where I had written hard news stories about police abuse, urban renewal and gentrification, redlining by the insurance companies and such, and craved an opportunity to cover a story with some substance as news. So I flew up to San Francisco and covered the John Doe 60 trial. This was not exactly your workaday murder case. It involved the kidnap and cannibalizing of a homeless man by a couple of SF satanists. One of them had a swastika tattoo on his face. The other, Cliff St. Joseph, was a waiter. Together, they had abducted "John Doe 60," took him to St. Joseph's apartment, strapped him down, pumped him full of narcotics and proceeded to carve on him all night long. They cut a pentagram into his chest, ate one of his testicles, and tortured him with knives until he bled to death. The body was left under a truck parked south of Market. All of this, of course, was repulsive, led me to ponder how anyone could sink so low as to commit this atrocity. I interviewed the lead witness; a 20-year-old kid named Eddy, over the course of three days. Eddy informed me that there were some 22 members of this satanic cult, including police officers and some very wealthy people living across the Bay. One of the cultists involved with St. Joseph worked for the Bechtel Corp. There were ties to SDI and the Reagan White House. How could this be? What did these killers have to do with Republican politicians? Moreover, Eddy told me that he'd been whisked off the street one day by a CIA agent, and held for three days of questioning. I returned to Los Angeles, shaped my trial notes into a story. It appeared in the LA Weekly. But I was not done with this atrocity and its attendant leads. CIA? Reagan? Star Wars? Mind Control? What the Hell was going on? I was obsessed and had to have some answers. I began buying newspapers from around the world, calling reporters and investigators, searching for relevant information and to my surprise it existed. My nagging curiosity regarding satanism led me to mind control and fascism. I had quite a catalogue of information assembled when I turned on the radio one evening and heard Mae Brussell for the first time. She was then on Michael Aquino's case, which dovetailed neatly with my own work. I phoned parents of children involved in the Presidio child molestation case that I'd interviewed a few weeks before, told them about Mae Brussell's program, and they phoned her. Mae set up an interview with them and attended the parents' meetings. I had arranged this as a way of establishing trust, but before I could lay the groundwork toward a meeting with her, she was dead. This hit me very hard. I drove to Monterey and explained my own work and interest in Mae Brussell to Al Kunzer at KAZU. Kunzer produced the radio program that aired her work. He put me on the air for four hours over a two-day period. The response was very favorable. Kunzer asked me to make it a weekly conspiracy show, so I tried to pick up where Mae had left off, as a way, I think, of keeping her alive. I refused to let a voice so important be stilled by mere human mortality, and still feel this way.

2. Can you give us some of your background?

I grew up in northwest Ohio. Went to college and graduate school there, studied English literature, primarily. My father was ruined by the Mafia, so perhaps I should have caught on early, but my interest was then in writing, particularly the books of Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Roth, Mailer, and other American writers. I was a high school student in the 1960s, and remained a liberal, but generally steered clear of politics. The move to Los Angeles and discovery of domestic fascism was formative. I haven't read a novel since, and went ten years without seeing a single movie. My interest in political conspiracies consumed every waking moment, and I did nothing but research in this period. I still have little time for anything else, though I'm learning how to relax and enjoy life a little. I have also been, for 12 years, a victim of electronic harassment, and this only feeds my obsessions. Torture has a way of inspiring resistance, and I will not give it up until the day I expire.

3. Where we you when Kennedy was shot?

In a grade school classroom. We were allowed to go home early that day. I remember the national remorse, the sad images on television, but comprehended little about the significance of this event. As a researcher, however, I have "gotten off the grassy knoll," and as a rule study fascist conspiracies that have not been widely written about, as has the Kennedy assassination. The new book on the music business is a case in point.

4. Was being a writer a career choice?

Yes. I wanted, at an early age, to be a novelist and writer of short stories and plays, so my path is not as I envisioned it. It is, in many ways; more satisfying as the one I set out to follow. But the political situation is so critical; I don't feel there is time for other pursuits.

5. What conspiracy research has had the most lasting affect on you?

I'd say it was not any single bit of research, but the EM assaults on my mind and body, and the attempts to kill me. I have endured years of intense physical pain, been knifed, shot at, beaten, nearly killed by the LAPD, almost burned out by a serial killer (Glenn Rogers), etc. All of this has a way of feeding one's taste for revenge, and mine is acute. I don't mind admitting this, because revenge is my primary motivation. Hunger for knowledge and justice comes in a close second.

6. You have publicly feuded with other researchers, care to comment?

A few. But "feud" is not the word from my own standpoint. Any adversity you perceive is defensive, and I can recall no exceptions. I suppose you are referring to Dave Emory, who went haywire after Mae's death and badmouthed some dozen researchers on the air, especially John Judge and Barbara Honegger, and attempted to destroy their reputations with unfounded smears. Do I have to point out that Judge was not "with the Manson Family?" That Honegger is not a "murderer?" These are claims that Emory made in a public forum. The attacks were not directed at me at first, but the others gave me their written responses, and I put them together, made copies and got them around. Emory interpreted this as an attack by ME, when in fact I was trying to provide balance and sanity to the discussion and give his victims a forum to speak against his fabrications. This is not a feud, but peer review; though I suppose some observers will interpret it otherwise. I don't really care. Any personal enmity directed at me, and there is some, is wrong-headed. Some researchers find the fact that I was mercilessly tortured for years -- but not broken -- to be amusing. Fine. Some are prone to putting words in my mouth and arguing with them. But such nonsense is irrelevant, and I have no interest in anyone's mistaken impressions. My books are well researched and on target. My work can be found on some 350 web sites. I've done scores of radio programs. The key from my own perspective is that I have saved lives, e.g., my one article on aspartame history, first published by Hustler and subsequently the most widely distributed approach on the topic, accomplished this much. THAT is what I care about ... not whether some idiot who believes in "lizard aliens" or craves the limelight approves of me. There was a verbal to-do with Martin Cannon, author of the Controllers, that some subscribers to the list may recall. It began when I arranged for the publication of his book. Cannon took a $3,000 advance from Adam Parfrey at Feral House, signed a contract, then reneged, kept the money, and made vague excuses regarding his default on the publishing agreement. When I began to talk and write about Cannon's contractual lapse and general ingratitude, he claimed I'd been "in a mental institution," and "take LSD." Well, neither claim is remotely true. Cannon sought to deflect attention from his theft and dishonesty by smearing me. My only mistake in this affair was recommending the book to Parfrey. Cannon is beneath contempt. I have seen him drive mind control victims to despair, and one nearly to suicide. I have been cleaning up his messes for years. I've collected a fat file from his former associates and mind control victims who have made the error of trusting him. So Cannon's "feud" is with me and a dozen others he has abused.

7. Would you recommend the Conspiracy genre to aspiring writers?

No. I recommend years of reading about corporate fascism and Nazi history. Fascism is inherently conspiratorial, and the study of it is often maligned as "conspiracy theory." The conspiracy genre per se is a largely a ghetto that any good researcher should avoid at all costs. For every book I write, 30 are published that are intended to discredit legitimate researchers. The field is so polluted with disinformation that I recommend students of fascism depend upon their own work and steer clear of spoon-fed "theories."

8. Do you make a living from your books? How many copies are sold?

I make a partial living from my books. I also live on an inheritance from my late grandfather, freelancing, and investments. My books are not best-sellers, but over the years they continue to sell and sell. Psychic Dictatorship is still on the shelves five years after it appeared. The new one is outpacing the others.

9. Do your friends and family accept your research or are you considered a "kook?"

My family considers me a good egg and heap love upon me.

10. What is your opinion of the Colliers brother's book Votescam?

Much of it concentrates on local, small-scale acts of electoral sabotage. The Fascist Right has been determining elections for decades via political assassination, libel, sex traps, "negative" campaigning, innuendo, and so on. The actual fixing of the ballot occurs, naturally, but it's risky for the perpetrators because there are too many factors to control, and exposure is common. Some politicians on the Right have fertilized their sour grapes with the book, most notably Robert Dornan of California, but even in this case the fraud amounted to a relative small number of votes. And what of better-known cases say the Mafia's Chicago fix in the Nixon-Kennedy race? I looked into it years ago, and learned that some allegations concerning Kennedy and the mob were exaggerated, and that Nixon's mob pals also pulled strings in Chicago, and this, it seems to me, is a better subject for a book than the examples cited in the Collier book. This is my personal opinion, however, and have no argument with those who find the book informative or even revelatory

11. Any thoughts on the upcoming elections?

If you are asking how it will turn out, sorry, but I don't make predictions. Any researcher who does is engaging in a conceit, placing him above the arduous task of comprehending the present, as if one's political "wisdom" qualifies one to play the role of seer. Some prominent researchers fall into this game, and have had to wipe away a quantity of facial egg. Even a researcher of Mae Brussell's stature can make the mistake of trying to predict the future. Brussell once opined that Pete Wilson, the former governor of California, was being groomed for the White House. As it developed, this was not the fait accompli she perceived it to be. Will the spawn of Prescott Bush rise again? Appears to be so, but only a fool would stake his reputation by suggesting that GWB's political prominence is certain. Too many x-factors at play. Dick Cheney COULD have a coronary. The DEA agents who have been trying to expose the cocaine-distribution network allegedly headed up GW and Jeb Bush, discussed on Michael Levine's radio program a few months back, MAY find a wider public forum. Gore's seedier pursuits, including the mind control connections that were the subject of Harlan Girard's Congressional testimony a couple of years ago, COULD be exposed. Either candidate COULD go out in a plane crash. I demur on the predictions, but widespread corruption and the drift to open fascist rule is and will be the rule until the voting public drops its interest in Kathy Lee and body worship and "Millionaire" and the WWF and pop music and the cinematic classic of the week, etc., and addresses the hard realities.

12. What do you think of Trance Formation of America and the story that Cathy O'Brien tells?

Whatever I think, it is unsubstantiated. That makes it grist for debate, and little else. My own approach is to drop personal experiences - and my own beat anything you know - and stick with information that I can document.

13. What are your thoughts on Brice Taylor's book Thanks for the Memories?

About the same.

14. Any thoughts on Bohemian Grove?

Only facts,

15. What are your thoughts on HAARP?

Anything HAARP can allegedly do have been done by other means perfected long ago. HAARP is a small cloud in a big sky.

16. Have you been subjected to "Mind Control?"

Never. I am a victim of electromagnetic harassment. Head pains. Sleep deprivation. Not mind control. I was told years ago that this was not the point. "Punishment" is the point.

17. What about the underlying thread of pedophilia in conspiracy literature?

I've addressed this elsewhere, in books and countless radio programs, at length.

18. Have you received much mainstream coverage about your books? And why or why not?

No. I'm anti-establishment in the extreme, so the establishment does its best to ignore me.

19. What has been the reception to your latest book, The Covert War against Rock?

Without exception, good reviews from the rock press, and loads of flattering comments. VH1 is basing a series largely on the book, and I will appear in some segments. BBC has sent three crews over for interviews. All in all, I couldn't be more pleased.

20. What will your next book be about?

Don't know yet. I'm thinking of doing a Psychic Dictatorship II.

21. How do you find about "secret stuff?"

Research - long hours of it.

22. What do you see for the future?

The war of every man against every other man.
Of course, I wondered what was up with Constantine's alleged revelation that the alleged remarks of Sharon were just disinformation...

I was soon to find out... So many allegations and so little time to investigate them all.
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Things next took a sudden turn with the following post:

Date sent: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:13:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nico Haupt
Subject: Questions to Prof.Jones military research regarding his 'Dod background'
Copies to: SNIPPED List


i'm pretty sure you are aware of our expertise on your background on military research, which is
meanwhile also mirrored on the website of Veronica Chapman (9/11scholars) and on which you
apparently reacted within hours at via your correspondent "GeorgeWash Blog".

Therefore to potentially re-establish a credibility on that matter, can you please provide us with
answer us the following questions:

Can you explain to us, why the DOD is not removing your clearance on that matter, since you turned
into a "9/11 conspiracy theorist" or explain to us, why there isn't any negative press against you
coming out of these circles.

Why dont they declare you as a national risk of potentially revealing your research to an
opposition group (9/11 truth movement)

What was your role and content regarding the TRIUMF laboratory and TRIUMF experiment in Vancouver?
(TRIUMF is partnering with 30 international nuclear laboratories worldwide.)

Can you rule out that the results of TRIUMF could have been used for the controlled demolition of
Twin Towers 1, 2 (with or without your knowledge)?

Are you connected with Russ George, one of the best friends of director David Kubiak
who both worked on Cold Fusion in Japan?
Was there any meeting where Russ George, Martin Fleischmann and Prof. Jones attended in one room?
Are you in any form connected with D2Fusion, Inc. of Foster City, Calif?

Can you rule out that any specific elements of Cold Fusion could have been used for the controlled
demolition of Twin Towers 1, 2 (with or without your knowledge)?

Can you explain to us why are you still backed by Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Sandia and the
high elite science society "Sigma Xi"?

Can you explain a little bit more about your role regarding the research on Sonoluminescence?

Can you rule out that any specific elements of Sonoluminescence, which can produce temperatures "as
high as 10^8 K", could have been used for the controlled demolition of Twin Towers 1, 2 (with or
without your knowledge)?

Do you still rule out other exotic weaponry (scalar weapons, upgraded thermo-nuclear devices,
thermobarics, any specific Molecular Nano Weapons, etc...) for the controlled demolition of Twin
Towers 1, 2?

Can you confirm if your former partner Terry Bollinger
is now Analyst with MITRE Corporation or if not tell us anything about his current background?

What was your role at The National High Energy Laboratory, KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), and the
Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory at Oxford University?

Can you rule out that any specific elements and results of the research of e National High Energy
Laboratory, KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), and the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory at Oxford could have been
used for the controlled demolition of Twin Towers 1, 2 (with or without your knowledge)?

Are you in connection or in clearance with the following insitutes:

# Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica(Argentina)
# International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
# Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia (Bulgaria)
# Institute of Nuclear Physics(Kazakhstan)
# Institute of Nuclear Physics(Uzbekistan).....

# Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (USA)
# Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (USA)
# Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
# Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (USA)
# CERN, Geneva (Switzerland)
# INER (Taiwan)

Are you in connection with the following institutes?

U. S. Secretary of the Navy (see description)
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute)
MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan)
The Canadian Institute of Energy
NASA Space Power Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The Naval Research Laboratory
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Motorola Corporation
SRI (Stanford Research International)
Texas A&M University
Stanford University
Portland State University
University of Osaka
MIT Research Laboratory for Electronics
General Atomics

Are you still member of SIGMA XI or explain to us why they didn't abandon you yet?

Can you provide to an indepedent scientist team the samples of Janet McKinley?
Can you sumup the story how McKinley provided you with these samples

Can you explain why you allow that your results on weaponry on any matter regarding the Twin Tower
controlled demolition cannot be linked to potential spins of US Government:

a) al-quaeda pre-planted the explosives with help of their official 'hijackers'
b) insurance scam took place in foreknowledge of pending attacks
c) cheney 'screwed up' to halt wargames in time with 'hot weaponry' in the Towers
any other absurde spin which could turn evidence on CD into a red herring and/or limited hangout

Finally i repeat my personal call for a public debate with Steven E. Jones on the findings and
evidence on 9/11 TV Fakery.


nico haupt aka ewing2001
Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Laura said:
On 25 Jul 2006, at 16:47, Jimmy Walter wrote:

>I take the train and I have a small dog.

Dog is fine. We have dog and cat.

We are also 85 % smokers. If that's a problem, we can set you up in hotel or B&B.

And I never heard another word from Walter.

Yup, that was it. End of discussion.
It probably wasn't the email, more likely somebody (in the background) 'pulling strings' and Mr Walter not being aware of it. Its very difficult going against somebody's opinion, especially if you don't know anything about the person they are discussing, putting down, critisising or have an agenda about. You see this kind of manipulation going on all the time - even amongst the 'herd' that some of us have to put up with. Public opinion gets manipulated by the media, individual opinion gets manipulated by individuals on an individual level (one to one).

Mr Walter probably made the mistake of asking someone's opinion about you or the group you belong to, not realising that people have been put in place to divert him from involvement (usually the first step in manipulation). They may not even conciously know they are doing it. He probably got a response deliberately designed to manipulate him away from meeting you.
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