Alexander Davidis: Another "Puzzling" Psychopathy Expert?

Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

AD said:
I have not had enough time to form my own judgement on the issue. And as you noticed correctly, since it is my group, I did not want to promote an article, with which' details I was not complete familiar. I plan to catch up as soon as possible as the Sheridan issue does interest me a lot of course. After due diligence I will decide whether I will promote the sott article on him.

I think it speaks volumes that anyone who had even just glanced at what was dredged up about Sheridan would help protect him by removing the SOTT article.

Foxx said:
I'd personally like to give Alexander the chance to respond with why he did what he did and when before making any conclusions myself, however I also think it's worth noting that at one point it was mentioned that "Thomas Sheridan is wholeheartedly supporting the project", regarding the film Alexander was raising money to make. Perhaps there is a connection between the two that goes deeper than just a casual recommendation? I don't know at all for sure, just thinking out loud.

There must have been some contact between them from the get-go. Here's a post I found on Icke's forum plugging both TS and AD.


neutron flux
19-01-2012, 02:27 AM

Thomas is great, and he's also supporting my friend in getting his documentary about psychopathy made (if your facebook friends with Thomas you've probably seen him plugging it).

For those that haven't here's the Kickstarter page:

if you can support it every dollar counts!

PSYCHOPATHY is a documentary about the single most dangerous human condition - the one that is responsible for creating untold pain and suffering on this planet from the very beginning of civilization - discussed since the time of Aristotle in Ancient Greece.

But only in the last few decades the scientific research on psychopathy has literally exploded. Only today can we begin to understand it fully. And only by understanding it fully can we break the cycle of control that psychopaths have on vast areas of human life.

By investigating the most up-to-date knowledge available, our film will explore this subject thoroughly and bring to light the many ways in which psychopaths have negatively impacted millions of lives, even whole societies.

In PSYCHOPATHY - AND WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW you will learn about the "human predator", through the eyes of the most esteemed scientists in the field, as well as through the eyes of therapists, victims, authors, filmmakers and psychopaths themselves.

PSYCHOPATHY is produced and directed by Alexander Davidis (of DiscoveryHD's popular "GT Racer" series).
Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

Interesting that in both cases, Sheridan and Davidis, they used us, our group research, to gather info, and our network to promote their "approach".
Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

Laura said:
Interesting that in both cases, Sheridan and Davidis, they used us, our group research, to gather info, and our network to promote their "approach".

What I think is fascinating is how the topic of psychopathy is finding traction. Had you and Sott not been so constant in exposing it to the public the message may well have been forgotten. Instead more and more people are starting to understand how psychopathy underpins modern life.

What annoys me is that all these people have probably developed their understanding from the cass and sott sites yet fail to give you the credit you deserve.

It seems pretty obvious to me that the Sott readership must be extensive and growing. Do you have the latest viewership figures available?
Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

Kniall said:
AD said:
I have not had enough time to form my own judgement on the issue. And as you noticed correctly, since it is my group, I did not want to promote an article, with which' details I was not complete familiar. I plan to catch up as soon as possible as the Sheridan issue does interest me a lot of course. After due diligence I will decide whether I will promote the sott article on him.

I think it speaks volumes that anyone who had even just glanced at what was dredged up about Sheridan would help protect him by removing the SOTT article.

Isn't it interesting that the guy who is involved with us and in our projects for SO LONG, decides to give benefit of doubt to TS than us ?. Boggles my mind. It is always some thing MORE.
Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

seek10 said:
Isn't it interesting that the guy who is involved with us and in our projects for SO LONG, decides to give benefit of doubt to TS than us ?. Boggles my mind. It is always some thing MORE.

Re: Alexander Davidis: Another Psychopathy Expert?

Foxx said:
seek10 said:
Isn't it interesting that the guy who is involved with us and in our projects for SO LONG, decides to give benefit of doubt to TS than us ?. Boggles my mind. It is always some thing MORE.


Yeah. I wasn't actually shocked, but it just answered a LOT of questions we still had in our mind about Fith Way/Alexander Davidis and his "John Galt Films" nonsense.
seek10 said:
Kniall said:
AD said:
I have not had enough time to form my own judgement on the issue. And as you noticed correctly, since it is my group, I did not want to promote an article, with which' details I was not complete familiar. I plan to catch up as soon as possible as the Sheridan issue does interest me a lot of course. After due diligence I will decide whether I will promote the sott article on him.

I think it speaks volumes that anyone who had even just glanced at what was dredged up about Sheridan would help protect him by removing the SOTT article.

Isn't it interesting that the guy who is involved with us and in our projects for SO LONG, decides to give benefit of doubt to TS than us ?. Boggles my mind. It is always some thing MORE.

seek10 ... IMHO, I do not think Davidis is giving the "benefit of the doubt" to Sheridan, rather I think Davidis changed the status of the group from closed to secret and removed the article "From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan" so Sheridan would not "happen upon" the group page and also to not offend Sheridan in case he did ... I think this was done in order to keep Sheridan "in the wings" as a potential "backer" for the project Davidis has "on hold" or for some future project. Based on what I have read about Davidis here on the forum, he strikes me as a corporate (ponerized) minded, "charming" person who isn't going to "offend" anyone who can potentially further his "cause" or line his pockets in order to maintain his "meager" standard of living. Furthermore, IMHO Davidis does not give 'credit where credit is due' because the information he has gleaned from Laura, SOTT, and the forum has now become part of his "charm" modus operandi so he can woo and court potential backers with his knowledge/"stolen goods".
This was just posted by Auranimal just a short while ago on the -Re: "Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person- thread (Reply #254),26312.240.html :

Thomas Sheridan: I am very serious about the MRI scan - would be a great subject for a documentary. It is something I am very interesting in getting done anyways on myself just for my own research into the subject. I would be VERY keen.

If Davidis has his "ear to the ground", this may be the "opportunity" he has been waiting to "swoop down" upon!!!
Robin said:
seek10 ... IMHO, I do not think Davidis is giving the "benefit of the doubt" to Sheridan, rather I think Davidis changed the status of the group from closed to secret and removed the article "From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan" so Sheridan would not "happen upon" the group page and also to not offend Sheridan in case he did ... I think this was done in order to keep Sheridan "in the wings" as a potential "backer" for the project Davidis has "on hold" or for some future project. Based on what I have read about Davidis here on the forum, he strikes me as a corporate (ponerized) minded, "charming" person who isn't going to "offend" anyone who can potentially further his "cause" or line his pockets in order to maintain his "meager" standard of living. Furthermore, IMHO Davidis does not give 'credit where credit is due' because the information he has gleaned from Laura, SOTT, and the forum has now become part of his "charm" modus operandi so he can woo and court potential backers with his knowledge/"stolen goods".

And the bolded parts was exactly my thoughts also from the start ,right to the end, " ..maintain in any way his meagre standard of living."

Sickening is it not , egocentric parasites. They have understood /understand nothing of the knowledge that has been freely given to them. These parasites have one thing in common, and that is to look after number one.
Robin said:
seek10 ... IMHO, I do not think Davidis is giving the "benefit of the doubt" to Sheridan, rather I think Davidis changed the status of the group from closed to secret and removed the article "From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan" so Sheridan would not "happen upon" the group page and also to not offend Sheridan in case he did ... I think this was done in order to keep Sheridan "in the wings" as a potential "backer" for the project Davidis has "on hold" or for some future project. Based on what I have read about Davidis here on the forum, he strikes me as a corporate (ponerized) minded, "charming" person who isn't going to "offend" anyone who can potentially further his "cause" or line his pockets in order to maintain his "meager" standard of living. Furthermore, IMHO Davidis does not give 'credit where credit is due' because the information he has gleaned from Laura, SOTT, and the forum has now become part of his "charm" modus operandi so he can woo and court potential backers with his knowledge/"stolen goods".

so Sheridan would not "happen upon" the group page and also to not offend Sheridan in case he did ... I think this was done in order to keep Sheridan "in the wings" as a potential "backer" for the project Davidis has "on hold" or for some future project. Based on what I have read about Davidis here on the forum, he strikes me as a corporate (ponerized) minded, "charming" person who isn't going to "offend" anyone who can potentially further his "cause" or line his pockets in order to maintain his "meager" standard of living. Furthermore, IMHO Davidis does not give 'credit where credit is due' because the information he has gleaned from Laura, SOTT, and the forum has now become part of his "charm" modus operandi so he can woo and court potential backers with his knowledge/"stolen goods".
If it is his project, fine , but it has the groups sweat and knowledge in it. then why worrying of offending TS with out motive. This not usual business group.

I do not think Davidis is giving the "benefit of the doubt" to Sheridan,
Now ask your self. is this correct ?.
seek10 said:
If it is his project, fine , but it has the groups sweat and knowledge in it. then why worrying of offending TS with out motive. This not usual business group.

I understood that the group's "sweat and knowledge" were in Davidis' project, as exampled by the statement where I referred to the information he has gleaned from Laura, SOTT, and the forum as "stolen goods". Furthermore, I believe Davidis does have a motive for not wanting to offend Sheridan regardless of who's "sweat and knowledge" are in the project. As I stated before, IMHO his motive is ... to keep Sheridan "in the wings" as a potential "backer" for the project Davidis has "on hold" or for some future project.

[Robin:] I do not think Davidis is giving the "benefit of the doubt" to Sheridan,

seek10 said:
Now ask your self. is this correct ?.

This is not a matter of correct vs. incorrect, it's a matter of asking: "What is really going on here?" In other words, what is the truth of the matter? The cogitation I was trying to bring to the table is -- on the surface it may LOOK like Davidis is giving Sheridan the "benefit of the doubt" (which is awfully nice of him if it's true, however that does not seem to fit what I have read, especially the writings of Davidis himself, here on the forum), but the truth may be more insidious and selfish on Davidis' behalf (which does seem to fit what I have read).
Robin said:
This is not a matter of correct vs. incorrect, it's a matter of asking: "What is really going on here?" In other words, what is the truth of the matter?

If I had to guess, I'd say he hasn't found a Father figure yet, despite all of the knowledge he has acquired. And is still looking for one.

The thing is about Father figures (or needing them), is that they set boundaries that can be broken where the "son" acquires the ability to do so.

As simple as it sounds, this could be his issue.

Sure, he knows better, but maybe he just can't get over it. He's had a long time to resolve this, but may not have been exposed enough to see it from others in his supposed "field".
Azur said:
Robin said:
This is not a matter of correct vs. incorrect, it's a matter of asking: "What is really going on here?" In other words, what is the truth of the matter?

If I had to guess, I'd say he hasn't found a Father figure yet, despite all of the knowledge he has acquired. And is still looking for one.

I won't get surprised , if some main stream big network pickup his video tomorrow and program it with its twists and TS being sitting and acting expert for the matter. Networking and connections are every thing in his business and he has enough experience in the field.
seek10 said:
Azur said:
Robin said:
This is not a matter of correct vs. incorrect, it's a matter of asking: "What is really going on here?" In other words, what is the truth of the matter?

If I had to guess, I'd say he hasn't found a Father figure yet, despite all of the knowledge he has acquired. And is still looking for one.

I won't get surprised , if some main stream big network pickup his video tomorrow and program it with its twists and TS being sitting and acting expert for the matter. Networking and connections are every thing in his business and he has enough experience in the field.

Not too worried about that, to be honest. He can't sell it, even if he were the best shister out there.

All he wants is a good pat on the head: "You did good, boy!", and he's not gonna get it on this topic.

He tried to get it with altruistic motives, but didn't quite understand his own motives. Which is the issue.

Not doing it for the right reasons.
Re: "From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan"

Laura said:
So, Alexander Davidis, who has serious problems with narcissism, has gone ahead and set himself up as a psychopathy expert too! Why am I not surprised? Perhaps it is time for an expose on him...
How do you arrive at the conclusion that I set myself up as a psychopathy expert? Since I canceled the psychopathy documentary project last winter I have not been active in that field at all.
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