Alexander Davidis: Another "Puzzling" Psychopathy Expert?

Azur said:
Not to distract from the discussion, I hope, however, I have to ask:

Who the hell are you Robin?

Seems you've got a couple of real LIVE fires going in a short time, on this forum alone.

You say this like it's a bad thing?

Azur, from my personal perspective, I've gotten more out of her 38 info packed posts than I've gotten from of your 795 chatty cathy replies.
Azur said:
I dunno, something seems off with the timing.

Robin came out of the blue, and charging.

Alexander is certainly not a big deal.

Edit: .

I'm obviously missing something subtle, maybe.

What actually happened is that you haven't been paying attention at all and are dreaming that you're awake. It's not subtle at all, but you sure are missing it. Here's how simple it is to think in this case, though it does require more effort on your part than writing "Who the hell are you Robin?":

To answer your first really rude question yourself, you go to the top bar and under the "Members" option, you go to "Search members" and you type in "Robin" on the next page. That shows that she's been registered for over a year and even shows a link to all her posts so, realistically, you could have answered your own question yourself without being rude and using others' time.

Then what you do, is you actually read the posts on this thread--with your intellectual center--and perhaps other threads relevant to this topic, to get some background perspective on the issue, so that you know what you're talking about (that would be externally considerate). Maybe you even search Fifth Way and read some of his posts.

Robin's also very active on Facebook, so you could research her there too, if you like, to continue to get a clearer picture of her character. The same could be done with Fifth Way.

Then, after all that, you would have answered your first question and either added to the conversation constructively or not derailed it to point out your total lack of thinking in this case.

It's also true that Fifth Way isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but does that mean that a topic can't be started and his pathological behavior be discussed, especially with possible connections regarding Thomas Sheridan, especially with him making vague suggestions that he might be making a movie on psychopathy from materials gotten from this forum, especially after being told by Laura that he has no clue, etc etc?

I'm all for Robin's inquires and I think she's asking very reasonable and appropriate questions to which I'd like to know the answers, and Fifth Way continues to dodge them like he did earlier this year, and most likely like he's been doing for a while.
Azur said:
Maybe it's nothing, J.

Just a feeling that I can't put in words.

Well in this case you should NOT have put your felling into words, because your words were rude to another forum member. Just because you 'feel' something doesn't mean you have to act on it. Very often your feelings can have nothing to do with objective reality and everything to do with your own subjective reality!
Foxx said:
What actually happened is that you haven't been paying attention at all and are dreaming that you're awake. It's not subtle at all, but you sure are missing it. Here's how simple it is to think in this case, though it does require more effort on your part than writing "Who the hell are you Robin?":

To answer your first really rude question yourself, you go to the top bar and under the "Members" option, you go to "Search members" and you type in "Robin" on the next page.

Exactly! It's not like she was stingy with the personal details in her introductory post. She gave a timeline for her entire life for gawd's sake.

Azur, my #1 rule is, if I "feel something" I dogpile it before I open my yap. A "feeling" can be my higher self trying to tell me something, or it could be the chicken I ate last night was in the Fridge a little too long. For me, biochemically, there's a fine line between insight and indigestion.

What I know about Robin so far is that her posts have made me think, whereas most of your posts have made me keep clicking for posts that make me think.

In this, as in all things, quantity does not equal quality.
I have to agree with what Guardian just said above Azur. I was surprised at the way you asked "who the hell Robin is" but giving you the benefit of the doubt I went back and read her introductory post and it's one of the more thorough introduction posts I've read here so far. As well as that Robin has made posts both here and on Facebook that have made me think. I haven't read your posts so I can't comment on that aspect but your post today based on a "feeling" comes across as extremely rude and from what I can see, is pretty baseless fwiw.
Don Genaro said:
I have to agree with what Guardian just said above Azur. I was surprised at the way you asked "who the hell Robin is" but giving you the benefit of the doubt I went back and read her introductory post and it's one of the more thorough introduction posts I've read here so far.

What Azur said was:

I have to ask:

Who the hell are you Robin?

That's a direct attack in my book, and I didn't like it. I think a better question is:Who are you Azur, and why do you "have" to attack someone who gave you her name and her entire life history in her first post?

Do you happen to have a problem with strong, direct women? Set your back hairs up do we?
Perceval, Kniall, anart, Guardian, Foxx, and Don Genaro -- thank you for further solidifying my confident belief in the "process" (vision/mission/method --truth, value, and trustworthiness) of this forum.

Azur said:
Not to distract from the discussion, I hope, however, I have to ask:

Who the hell are you Robin?

Seems you've got a couple of real LIVE fires going in a short time, on this forum alone.

To answer your question Azur: I am a relative newbie on this forum, but not a "newbie" when it comes to some of the "life experiences" I have encountered throughout my life and from which I have learned a great deal. As a result of these "life experiences" I have a strong desire to separate Truth from lies, even if the "subject/topic" of my questioning is a "nobody" in the larger scheme of things, for I have learned the hard way and several times over that even the "nobodies" can cause a great deal of damage as evidenced/exampled by the hospital acquired infection I contracted, during my 3 year stint in and out of the hospital, that eventually to the removal all the hard-ware in my lower back which then had to be re-inserted after the infection cleared. (Experience re-told not for sympathy, but to show an understanding) Moral of this story: "Nobodies" can cause a great deal of damage when left unchecked/un-monitored.

(See my forum intro for an outline of this experience. Also, I purposefully posted a lengthy intro to be as transparent as I can possibly be and so that other forum members would have an good/general idea of "who the hell" I am and why I post/write the way I do.)

Azur, now that you have an idea of "who the hell" I am, I would like to re-post the post that was derailed by you so as to put this topic back on track:


Quote from: Fifth Way on Yesterday at 11:44:12 AM
How do you arrive at the conclusion that I set myself up as a psychopathy expert? Since I canceled the psychopathy documentary project last winter I have not been active in that field at all.

Concerning whether or not you set yourself up as a psychopathy expert: If you do not know anything about the topic of psychopathy or you know very little, and you are not an expert in the topic as you have implied in this thread, then your FB group name and the name of you documentary are very misleading, because your FB group name and the name of your documentary imply that you are an expert in psychopathy or at least knowledgeable in the topic. So if you are not knowledgeable in the topic of psychopathy or an "expert", are you just "playing" as one?

Canceled your documentary??? Then what did you mean by this statement posted on your "Psychopathy - And Why you Need To Know" FB group page on August 22, 2012???

Alexander Davidis: I think I am about to close it. But haven't complete decided yet. Looks like I cannot give it the attention I wanted and the documentary is still on hold. Pondering about what to do with it.....

So which statement is true, the documentary is on hold or completely canceled??? One thing I have noticed in your writings here on the forum is that you carefully structure your words in such a way that they tend to misdirect and confuse the reader. Also, when asked a direct question, you rarely give a direct answer.

Quote from: Fifth Way on Yesterday at 11:54:41 AM
Thank you Foxx, I appreciate that you are being reasonable.
Sheridan supported my project back last winter, at a time when we all thought of him highly. There is not deeper connection.
From glancing over it, the Sott article shocked me and I wanted to read up on it before passing judgment, hence I removed it at the time. Who would have thought that using discernment and background checking on my own group-wall would earn me a headline on the net's most respected COINTELPRO-agent uncovering sites, implying that I am just that.
Never a dull moment...

I posted the SOTT article about Sheridan on your FB group wall to inform/warn others and for no other reason, as evidenced by the omission of any personal thoughts or feelings. Your action of removing the SOTT article was seen by me as a removal of a threat (to you and/or any future support), and a possible cause for doubt or distrust of SOTT in the minds of the other members of your FB group. In other words, in my view you neutralized SOTT by removing the article. In the process, you may have discredited SOTT in the minds of the other members of your FB group who are under the impression or who are led to believe via implication that you do know something about the topic of psychopathy based on your FB group name and the fact that you were/are(?) working on a documentary about psychopathy. Looks to me that if anybody is doing any "implying" in this thread or elsewhere, it's you. Furthermore, your words and actions, for me, only serve to disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and neutralize the topic of psychopathy specifically and the Truth signal on the whole. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck ... no implication needed.

Guardian said:
Do you happen to have a problem with strong, direct women? Set your back hairs up do we?

Guardian, your post must have been posted while I was finishing up my most recent one. :)

To add to Guardian's questions, and to the questions put forth by the other members of the forum, I would also like to ask: Is Azur, based on their (do not know if they are male or female because I have not earned access to the forum members list w/ descriptions as of yet) back-handed defense of Alexander Davidis, someone who is connected to AD/Fifth Way in some way? :huh: If not, then why the "attack", Azur???
Since I am unable to add/edit as of yet, I would like to add to my response to Azur here...

Azur, if you would like a bit more of a glimpse of who I am and how I think/write, you are free to stop by my FB page and read some of the notes I have written and posted. See: _

"My Timeline in a Nutshell" is an abridged version of my intro here on the forum and "Friendof BlueDeer and Her 'Band of Disheveled Barren Witches'" is my most current note/writing.
What I'm wondering is if Azur is pals with Sheridan.
Robin said:
Azur, if you would like a bit more of a glimpse of who I am and how I think/write, you are free to stop by my FB page and read some of the notes I have written and posted. See: _

Ahhhh, now I get the picture, you're smart, you write good and you're not anonymous. No wonder Azur is suspicious :rolleyes:
Laura said:
What I'm wondering is if Azur is pals with Sheridan.

Good question! :D

Guardian said:
Ahhhh, now I get the picture, you're smart, you write good and you're not anonymous. No wonder Azur is suspicious :rolleyes:

Thanks Guardian! *blushes* ... Nope, I am not anonymous by any means, besides to be "anonymous" in a forum such as this, and with "sleuths" on board such as yourself, would be "online suicide" and a trip into the wrong bar! ;)
Guardian said:
Laura said:
What I'm wondering is if Azur is pals with Sheridan.

I'm wondering where Azur's introduction is? I looked and didn't find one, did I miss it?

Writing introductions came up later on, eventually since late 2008/early 2009 it is recommended for newbies.
Laura said:
What I'm wondering is if Azur is pals with Sheridan.

What I have been wondering for a while is if Azur has suppressive personality traits. I do not think it has anything to do with Sheridan, but I could be wrong of course.
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